Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 7 - Out of the mountain

“Do you really want to go out with them?”

Once you decide to go out, naturally there is nothing to be arrogant, and you can just clean up and go.

In the room, Qin Yi was packing things, mace leaned against the wall, tassel looked at Qin Yi’s busy appearance, and asked questions.

Qin Yi casually said: “Is it right? You have been saying that this medicine is not enough, that furnace is not working, flicker me out?”

“Hehe.” Tassel sneered: “I think you go out for a wider world and resources, not for fighting, especially for high-ranking masters. You do n’t know how to do this now. dead.”

“So?” Qin Yi stopped to clean up and said coldly: “Donghuazi sends someone to bury the so-called enchanting monster again, what should I do? There is a second time when there is a first time, and the source is not removed, so why? Anning? I did n’t want to be close to the National Teacher before. This time, just by taking advantage of the brothers and sisters of the Li family, maybe it ’s the best way to get things done once and for all. ”

Tassel indifferently said, “You are all gone, what are you doing here? To be honest, you might as well ruin the village, and you never care about it.”

Qin Yi squinted at the mace, thinking about it and shoved it into the smelly ditch behind the house.

Ring Su immediately felt his bad intentions, and hurriedly said, “Okay, okay, even if you want revenge for your original owner, you need to get rid of the enemies, otherwise you may have a demon.”

“Enemies? Then I think he might even want to kill you.” Qin Yi glanced at it.

Liu Sugan laughed twice: “He was going to die at that time, but it wasn’t me who killed. But you broke my good deeds, so why are you glaring at me?”

So you still want to eat me? Qin Yi was too lazy to turn it around and turned to continue to pack.

There are many miscellaneous medicines that have been refined for the sake of increasing experience these days. Most of them will not be remedied in the future. They seem to be useless and have to be taken away. Maybe they sometimes work …

Turned his head to open the dark grid on the bedside, there were some silver two lying quietly, and a blue leather secret book. Secret has no name, it is the body’s original owner, Qin Yi called it “Unknown Secret”.

Qin originally thought that the original owner of this body had also practiced to his teens, but he didn’t see any famous practice. Should he be a low-end secret? But he found that the book was very strange in texture, just like many martial arts novels, which are invincible and can’t be cut. This material should not be recorded as a low-level method, it can only be judged by tassel. The original master can’t practice it, or the foundation of this method is difficult.

This martial arts thing is also promising in this life. Seeing that Li Qinglin is afraid of being an ordinary cultivator, he may not have done it, let alone the organic fate can have another development path. Now that Qin Yi is afraid to learn tassel with tassel for the time being, Xi Wu is the best way to protect himself. Anyway, he is holding a mace, but he has some CP feeling …

The tassel tassel did not form a chain of cult defiance to persuade him not to practice, but taught him to configure the medicinal materials needed for forging, and taught him the stick method, perhaps the same idea.

I’ve been alone for a while. I’ve been in the same room for more than two months. Their secrets can’t be known to outsiders. No matter what reservations and guards they have for each other, they can be regarded as the closest people in this world, although this kind of intimacy is a bit different.

Uh …

When Li left, the brothers of the Li family took a horse and walked, but Qin Yi was without a horse and walked beside him.

“Buy a horse for Brother Qin as soon as possible after going out.” Li Qinglin apologized, “I didn’t think about it before I came.”

Qin Yi asked a little strangely: “I think you must be rich and wealthy, and it is not ordinary people to be able to fight against the state teacher. So the two brothers went out without even having a guard and were not afraid of something wrong?”

青 Li Qinglin smiled: “My family is a little different. I always encourage my children to experience and face the storm.”

Qin Yi glanced at Li Qingjun: “What if my brother got in trouble with me last night? What happened to my trap?”

青 Li Qingjun was furious and wanted to refute, but remembered yesterday that if Qin Yi really wanted to kill someone, he was probably dead. I want to do something else, I’m afraid it’s even worse … So I couldn’t say anything, my face turned red.

青 Li Qinglin looked a little surprised at her sister’s expression. She had taken it for granted that Qin Yi had been taught by her sister. Now looking at this appearance, it turned out that the sister really suffered a loss last night? This Qin Yi seems to practice but not forging, how to do it?

Maybe Alchemist really has some way.

Thoughts turned in his heart, Li Qinglin just laughed: “Even if Qing Jun was killed by Brother Qin last night, he can only blame himself for his poor academic skills. Of course, I will kill Brother Qin in the future and avenge my sister.” He paused, He also said, “In addition, Qingjun is a woman. Naturally, you don’t need to conceal Brother Qin until now … Maybe Brother Qin has already seen it.”

青 Li Qingjun snorted, don’t go over his head.

Qin Yi shook his head: “Your family is … weird.”

During the conversation, when some villagers saw Qin Yi travelling, they said hello: “Is Xiao Qin going out to play? When will you come back?”

Qin Yi pointed at the bag on the horse’s back: “I plan to go outside.”

As soon as this word came out, a group of villagers put down what they had at hand and surrounded them.

“Really want to leave the village?”

“It’s a pity, I also plan to match you with my little peach blossom …”

“What’s so good outside …”

“Good to go out of the village, good to go out of the village, don’t you need to repay the Siwen medicine money owed to you?”

Qin Yi cold sweat.

“Everything goes! Everyone goes away!” An old man squeezed into the crowd, and the cigarette rod knocked around. “What are you talking about?”

He said the old eyes turned around the brothers and sisters of the Li family, with a look of distrust: “You think about it? People in the city are bad, don’t be sold by them and help count the money.”

Li Qinglin smiled and did not refute. Qin Yi can only say: “Xu Bo rest assured, I have a sense of proportion.”

The old man took a few puffs of cigarettes and exhaled: “Just think about it. You are so young and learned, at home … well, there is no one in the family to take care of. What kind of bird thing is it to shrink into the mountains all day long? Get out. “

I was so talkative: “It’s a mile, I already said Xiao Qin shouldn’t be in a ravine …”

“It’s boring to go out, come back anytime, 俺家 小 桃花 waits for you for a few years …”

“Your yard 俺 guys help you keep it, who dare to take it, break his leg!”

青 Li Qinglin’s smile became somewhat meaningful. All the things I have seen and heard along the way, almost everyone intends to bring clues to Qin Yi, UU reading books www. uukanshu.com is obviously a little deliberate in order to let outsiders discover the extraordinaryness of Qin Yi, and thus take him out of the mountain.

This place is very interesting. Qin Yi, who deliberately attracts outsiders to find immortals, and villagers who deliberately attract outsiders to pay attention to Qin Yi, have different thinking angles, but each has their own calculations.

Is Qin Yi’s poor popularity in the village, causing people to want to drive him away? Li Qinglin didn’t feel like it, maybe for another reason.

In fact, Qin Yi also felt very strange. The original owner and himself were obviously not in a style, but the villagers almost did not see the difference. Is it too simple?

He didn’t think much about it either. “Thank you for taking care of it for a long time. Xianji Village is my home. If Qin Yi is free, he will come back to visit everyone. Xiaotaohua is married and will keep it for me in the future.” … “

Qi Qun’s emotions were furious: “Get out! Shameless?”

In the turmoil, the old man with the surname Xu said, “Why are you still here? Don’t come back if you mix well. If you don’t mix well, you will always have a bite to come back.”

He said to turn around and lead an old horse from the side: “This horse hasn’t lived long enough. I’ll ride it out for you, hoping not to ride it back again. Roll!”

I did n’t have a long time to live and it was a horse. Usually, Xu Bo’s baby got nothing.

Qin Yi took a deep breath, without any further words, grew up on the ground and turned over.

Li Qinglin meaningfully looked at the village for the last time, and also got on the horse with his sister. The three horses came out of the village to meet the sunrise.

“I haven’t asked Brother Li, where is our destination?”

“Leaving the country from the south, leaving the city of fire.”

A person who has a fairy edge but refuses to immortal, a person who wants to find a fairy with a heart, a person who does not believe in a fairy at all, and left the mountain village where there may be a fairy in the company, and step into the red dust.

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