Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 58 - Rising snake

I can’t live this day …

I was hurried to be forced by the little girl, and that was harmless.

I was in a place where I was forced by a stick … This load was really shocking.

The most important thing is that this is really just a piece of equipment. It has no practical use … even if the Rift Valley is made of tassel, what has been changed and entangled with it for tens of thousands of years, of course, it is completely unknown. It’s also a completely new map. What’s the use of it?

Qin Yi burst into tears.

“That year …” Tassel’s voice was somewhat distant: “My hit, many guys died here. Their immortals, bones, treasures … could all have their own space. The scattered exercises are countless … … It is indeed possible to become a very powerful secret place, some of which may become Jedi, whoever enters is dead; and some places will be entangled by latecomers and become their cave. “

Qin Yi sniffed his nose: “What’s so good about saying that, you can’t go anywhere now.”

“At least I can crack a lot of things, some of which are incomprehensible to Minghe and others, but they are defeated by me.” Rusu Dandan said: “It’s good here … Qin Yi, you should see each other, what is it? What a cultivator should see. “

“Qin Yi …” Ye Yan looked at him carefully, “Why do you look at a stick?”

“Ah? Oh, nothing, nothing. Get lost.”

Yehan flinched aside: “I think you … ambiguous with this great stick, do you have any mental illness …”

The unspoken words of Qin Yi, Qin Yi eyes exposed fierce, raised his stick to fight.

Night 翎 hold his head squatting defense.

Tassel is dying in anger: “There are indeed snake snake bones underneath, which is of great benefit to her. Her thin bloodline may have been formed by the influence of that breath! Now old … now I won’t tell her, I love to die!”

“Let’s go.” Qin Yi angrily pulled up the night owl and walked towards the direction marked on the map.

I walked horizontally along the edge of the cliff and trekked for several more days. When the area marked by the map was relatively safe, it was actually a barren land in the Western Wasteland.

Donghuazi is undoubtedly a little wizard from the Western Wasteland. He strayed into this place to get some fur of ancient witchcraft and Taoism, and no one gave pointers to explain it and practiced it.

“The” size of rice grains “on the map is not too small in actual places. Visually, there are several miles in the past. Just walking around can only see the cliffs of absolute significance, there is no path to go down.

“I don’t know how Donghuazi got there. It doesn’t look like it can be mistakenly entered …” Qin Yi wandered back and forth several miles along the area, very strange: “It doesn’t look like he can come up ! “

“The energy tremor at that time caused space disturbances to be very normal.” Tassel said affirmatively: “So it can stand out somewhere under the cliff, Donghuazi must have stumbled down, accidentally up, and hit big. Shipped. “

“But I can’t jump off the cliff to try where can I go directly to the end! Even if I go on, I don’t know how to get on, what to do if I get stuck below?”

“Floating symbols, go slowly. At the bottom, I can naturally determine where I can come up.” Tassel said confidently: “Donghuazi can come up, indicating that there is definitely a way, although rest assured.”

“What if you’re wrong?”

“Then you can practice safely for ten years and eight years, what’s the big deal?”

“…” Qin Yi didn’t know how to answer. It seemed that there was no big deal from the angle of tassel.

I say that with floating characters, my mana can’t sustain it all the way, there is a little bit of imagination …

Night 翎 quietly took a step back.

Imagine a person standing on the edge of a cliff, looking endlessly at a stick, and not talking … this scene is indeed a bit scary …

I saw Qin Yi turn her head and show a bright smile.

Ye Ye stammered: “What, what …”

“Snake, can you fly?”

Yan Ye’s face turned green: “Fly, fly down? Don’t you say there are very powerful monsters below, what should I do if they are eaten in the air?”

“Can you be a little confident, aren’t you a very powerful monster?”

“I don’t think … the monsters are big.”

Qin Yi pulled out a charm.

“what is this?”

“Giant charm, makes you look big.”

Liu Su remembered that Qin Yi was very energetic when making this amulet, and did not know where he originally wanted to use it …

Laoshan hunting, a huge python, like a river. Spread wings on the back, like wings. Qin Yi sat cross-legged on top, driving the Royal Wind Rune to disperse the heavy mist, and drove the viper down the mist.

Even though it is already a relatively safe area in the sign, the dense mist in the Rift Valley still has a strong sense of erosion, which can always make Qin Yi feel that if he is in the fog for a long time, his vitality will be lost … like Li Qinglin’s. The curse is the same.

Kasama thought of the poem, the snake rising in the mist, and finally the dust, which seemed to herald the ominousness of the trip.

Alas, poetry from different worlds should not be so tied together. Qin Yi dispelled the wild thoughts in his head ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ and raised his mace.

“Bang!” A vulture that was approaching quickly was knocked into mud by him.

Eating rotten vultures are still demonized.

The tadpoles are only a little closer, and they can sense the death and carrion on them.

This is the real source of ominousness.

Countless vultures emerged from the dense fog in all directions. There were still numerous green lights in the fog, and the ten thousand eagles rang through the eardrums, like the roar of a demon.

There was a little black flame around the viper body.

“Boom!” Countless vultures were on fire at the same time, hissing fiercely, and the black feathers flew scattered, like flying arrows piercing the cliffs, and disappearing like tofu.

The nightmare of Snake’s eyes glowed fiercely, and the mouth of the snake suddenly opened with a roar. As if a sound wave spiraled out of its mouth, all the nearby flying feathers rolled back, stabbed into the nearby vulture group again.

Thousands of corpses of vultures fell, with many burning and scorching smells.

“Great.” Qin Yi secretly whispered, this stupid snake is only timid, probably because she is being beaten since she is sensible … but her actual demon power is really great.

After all, it is a transformational monster …

Qin Yi’s hand held the seal, and he reached out and said, “Sick!”

There are thin thunder rays intertwining around, weaving into a thunder net, and the vultures that pass through are ashes as gray.

The technique of 引 雷 引 引, the elementary wind thunder application method, tassel on the spot teaching. Just like this, he almost drained Qin Yi’s mana.

Suddenly there was a white light in front of his eyes, and a sudden halt at night, he did not dare to go down.

“Go!” Tassel quickly said, “That is the end of the space crack!”

Night owl did not know where this inexplicable sound came from, subconsciously dived down and disappeared instantly.

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