Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 27 - Facing Donghua

On the way to the palace, Qin Yiman’s mind was still circling that hexagram.

Li Qingjun is by his side. He couldn’t open up in detail and ask how tassel is explained in detail. According to his brain, almost all of his attention will be attracted by the word “bereavement”. It would be useless to listen to it.

什么 Where are his friends in this world?

青 Li Qinglin said “He is my friend” just now? He called his friend, everyone knows that this may not be a count. In Qin Yi’s own heart, this is also a collaborator, so it should have nothing to do with him.

Tassel? Now it seems as if you can say anything intimate. In fact, both sides know that there is still a gap and it is difficult to say that they are not friends. Of course, now there are fewer and fewer gaps. It must be said that Qin Yi has a friend, it can only be tassel, but I don’t know if tassel thinks so too.

Night 翎 relationship is still shallow.

Li Qingjun? Qin Yi knows that he likes Li Qingjun a bit. Is this kind of friend relationship? Maybe now?

I am bereavement …… Whether it is bereavement tassel or bereavement Li Qingjun, Qin Yi shuddered after thinking about it, knowing that no matter which one is unacceptable.

喂 “Hey, what are you thinking?” Li Qingjun couldn’t help but ask.

“Oh, nothing.” Qin Yi smiled reluctantly: “Is it a bit embarrassing for me to appear there during the state dinner?”

“What’s embarrassing, you are an elder brother and my friend, you can’t get in? You are not worthy of fighting.”

I was a friend again … Qin Yi pursed his lips and always felt that he didn’t want to hear the word at this time.

I turned my mind and still felt that Li Qinglin’s call to go to the banquet was a bit weird, and he couldn’t help asking the rumors of the palace: “Do you know what the prince called me?”

The people in the palace want to say that they are still off.

Li Qingjun finally found something wrong, grabbed him and said, “What is it?”

The Jaina people hesitated for a while, and whispered, “Prince Xihuang proposed to the king and said that the two countries will always form an alliance …”

青 Li Qingjun changed suddenly.

Qin Yi also narrowed his eyes, unconsciously, there was coldness.

“Stop.” Two court guards stood in front of the door, pointing at the mace in Qin Yi’s hand: “Unleash the sword.”

“Go away!” Li Qingjun also had a gun in his hand. A sweep of the gun swept the two men far away, striding in, and Qin Yi took the opportunity to follow him in and smoke in.

What’s the joke? Is the mace the main body? Okay, let’s get rid of the sword and go in to dry the bird …

Near the banquet hall, I heard Li Qinglin’s violent scolding: “A thousand years away from the south, the royal family’s younger brother Shang Wu self-reliance, the princesses of all ages choose their relatives freely, without restraint. This day’s family style has its own style. Even if you marry outside, It is to marry a middle-earth country with great honor. I have never heard of and hated the enemy, and I have been humiliated by the enemy! As a master, you pretend to be a god, make friends, and insult the country, and humiliate the country? “

“The Prince speaks heavily.” There was an old voice inside: “The south is far from the west, and the war has been a hundred years. How many souls have you seen? You only care about the face of the Tianjia family? Besides, the poor Taoists take a divination. Leaving is a bad thing, a trivial matter. This is the harmony of the couple. Where does the so-called insult come from? “

The king repeatedly bowed his head, very convinced by the so-called “hexagram”.

青 Li Qinglin was cold and stubborn. That’s it. Regardless of whether it is rational or irrational, a father can be regarded as a concubine by making a blind statement. However, to find a person who really understands hexagrams to refute, it is not significant, because those people will not “fairy law”, father Wang Xin who needless to say.

A discordant voice came from outside the door: “Princess, who’s the gossip inside? Isn’t this nonsense? Go up and down. This is called Zehuoge. It is poured into the water and it rises. This is to fight every day. Is it good to fight? If you change, you will change your family. If your husband and wife are in trouble, your family will change, and if your husband and you are in trouble, you will become a hero.

There was an uproar in the hall, all turned to look out the door.

青 Li Qinglin showed a smile, originally standing angry, and now slowly sat back.

There was a man and a woman standing outside the yamen, and the hall knew at a glance that it was Li Qingjun, but who was the man? A young man who looked rather fair and fair, dressed in ordinary cloth, was clean and tidy. The figure is pretty, slightly thin, with clear and bright eyes, with a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth, but he looks even more handsome.

He was only weird. He was obviously a handsome young man, but he was holding a mace. Fortunately, Li Qingjun also held a silver gun at this moment, anyway, dilute the sense of disobedience a little.

He was about half as tall as Li Qingjun, and the two stood side by side, and they looked perfectly matched at first glance.

Of course, Li Qingjun’s body is Bai Shengxue’s body. As long as he compares with the five big and three rough as a wild man, Qin Yijun’s refreshing look also matches Li Qingjun better …

There were actually several people in the temple hall who subconsciously floated the idea of ​​”really a pair of crickets”, and then looked at the luminous battle staring at Li Qingjun’s eyes, all shaking their heads secretly: “Geek.”

青 Li Qingjun said, “Father! I will not marry!”

“Zhaoyang.” On the dragon chair, the king temporarily avoided the question of whether her daughter would marry or not, but asked in surprise: “Who is this boy?”

Li Qingjun said: “This is Qin Yi, my friend.”

The ministers whispered.

Taonan left the country for a thousand years, and it has been for hundreds of years. For centuries, the royal family has been so incognito. The princesses have been anonymously mixed with rivers and lakes. In the past, people who ran with rivers and lakes have run away like bulls, and it is not that Huanglian ’s wife went home to cry. There is no royal style that Li Qinglin blows, but It can indeed be said that it is customary to choose a relative independently. In this atmosphere, the princess suddenly brought a young man of the same age, and announced that he was a friend in front of his father and his ministers … Is this almost the same as the public announcement that I want to recruit him to be a horse?

Since it’s okay to run away with guys in the rivers and lakes, Qin Yi is not a big problem even though he’s clothed. The problem is that it happened a little coincidentally … People all went to watch the battle quietly, and they saw a dark face, holding the wine glass with their hands, and the green tendons were almost squeezed out.

Wu Qin Yi sighed. He knew what Li Qinglin had asked him to do, and it was when the gun came to do bad battles. It is only him who can make Li Qingjun talk about his friends, and only him who can refute Donghuazi nonsense. Afterwards, whether or not he was able to marry a princess was still under control, much better than finding an official son or daughter.

I’m afraid now the whole hall is just a silly girl like Li Qingjun who doesn’t know what everyone is thinking about … don’t you just introduce a friend?

I know Li Qinglin’s thoughts, UU reads www.uukanshu. Qin Yi has no objection, because he is happy to be a gun this time.

The only problem is that … Qin Yi turned her head slightly, and her eyes fell on the chair under the king.

There was an old man in a robe, He Fatong Yanxian Feng said, and he was staring at him at this time, with a smile and a cold look.

Tong Donghuazi.

Qin Yi took a deep breath, he could feel the restlessness of his mind.

It has nothing to do with others. It is not obsession or demon. It is because this is the first BOSS that has been the target in the heart since I crossed it. To be honest, Qin Yi did not think that it was the first time to face Donghuazi on such an occasion. He thought he was not fully prepared.

知道 He knows that Li Qinglin’s original idea was not the same, but the situation changed, and it was temporary.

He said eloquently, and everyone’s thoughts were just a matter of thought. The king on the dragon’s chair was saying, “Being Zhaoyang’s friend … first give the seat.”

青 Li Qingjun took Qin Yi to the direction of Li Qinglin, and someone added a seat there. As he walked into the hall, Donghuazi lingered, “This Qin Xiaoyou also practiced?”

Many people reacted to this, and they almost forgot to eat the relationship between men and women. The first problem was that the boy had previously refuted the Gua ’s gossip!

This is a serious offense to the National Teacher!

Qin Yi jumped in his heart, but did not flinch. He stood still in the hall and yelled, “Yes, I just didn’t know who said what he said, it’s just funny. I heard that Donghuazi’s mastery of Taoism is so deep, why should he let him come? Instead of listening to a beginner’s word, speak this hexagram. “

Qi Qunchen’s face became very wonderful. This is in front of the state teacher, saying that he is a beginner, but also scolded him as a beautician!

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