Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 23 - Dire

青 Li Qinglin left, but Ye Di didn’t keep up, still standing upright, neither talking nor sitting. Li Qingjun sat aside and saw the egg hurt. She had something to say to Qin Yi. Someone was so embarrassed that it was hard to say, and said, “You avoid it.”

Ye Yan disappeared without giving a gift.

Li Qingjun shook his head: “I don’t know where my brother found this little guard. The effort is okay, but the person is a little weird. He doesn’t know what to do in a strange cloak every day. Hey, do you really want her to be a guard? … “

Qin Yi heard soreness: “In front of her, you’re bragging for quiet. What does it mean when people leave?”

青 Li Qingjun snorted twice, she did not know why she said this. I paused for a while and said, “I was rushed by the elder brother’s affairs. The elder brother recently estimated that he would not plan other things at 1:30. If you are bored here, you can go to the princess house to find me. The princess house is here. … “

Qin Yidao said: “I’m not bored. I’m also a person at home. I can’t go out for a month. Look at the book refining and refining medicine and pass, yes, help me find some books and medicinal herbs. You should Pass me … “

青 Li Qingjun froze for a moment, becoming angry and angry: “Let the people in Wangfu find you!”

I finished and walked away.

Qin Yi stayed for a while, you asked people to avoid it and say that?

Did you answer something wrong yourself? Qin Yi was very awake, as if he could already hear the tassel’s ridicule. He started off by pushing the mace into the bottom of the bed.

Tassel ca n’t laugh or cry. It is also the first time that Qin Yi, who has always been cautious and calm, looks so stupid, including the behavior of plugging it under the bed to steal the bell, which is not Qin Yi.

I put it in the usual place, and it really laughed at it, but this time I don’t know why, there is no sound quietly, and I don’t know if I have thought of something long time ago.

It didn’t take long before the night owl appeared again.

She looked at Qin Yi a little strangely this time, she seemed unable to think of his relationship with the princess.

Qin Yi also recovered her mind from her shame, and looked at the night owl in front of her silently.

She actually stayed naturally, as if she really regarded herself as his guard?

“If I remember correctly, what I said was not to be stingy, you are not my guard.” Qin Yi sighed, “I said you are a metamorphic monster with high mana, why don’t you lose face? Say to be a man The guards are human guards. I almost hurt you just now, and you have no temper? “

“Face?” Ye Xuan said indifferently: “I am enlightened in my ignorance, ignorantly called by the soul, and directly into Donghuazi’s refining demon array. I saw a demon bone in a place, and I knew me The mission of birth. Where’s the face? “

This serious and indifferent little adult’s words, accompanied by her immature image, are really a bit strange and contradictory. Qin Yi is interested: “What’s going on?”

“I was an ordinary little snake, which was spawned by Donghuazi’s enchanting enchantment, and Kai Ling became a demon, but I don’t know why he has wings. He set up enchanting enchantments to give birth to an elf, just to obtain the elixir and refine Take it to practice and increase longevity. This is what we were born for. “

Wu Zhinen’s face has some hatred, but it is more indifferent to others. Qin Yi pursed his lips and thought that the birth of this baby was a tragedy.

At this age, it was supposed to be carrying a schoolbag to school, rather than talking about killing and bones like a little adult here.

He sighed softly.

Wu Donghuazi’s purpose of disguising the demon was originally here, not to scourge the world or to cultivate the forces, but to kill the demon to get the dan for his own practice. This is the same as Minghe said. Minghe thinks that Donghuazi has no mercy for killing demons, which is of course unforgiving.

Ye Di continued, “I do n’t know why I broke through very quickly. The refining demon array didn’t trap me. I ran out, but there was only one breath left. His Highness saved me. Even my name was It was from His Highness at the time, saying that it was a tender feather, showing a scary blood in the night. “

Qin Yiqi said: “I did not expect Li Qinglin to be quite wenqing.”

“What is Wen Qing?”

“Oh, I mean he actually has a secretive feeling for monsters.”

“It wasn’t a secretive heart, but I took the initiative to ask him to save me at the cost of blood oath of surrender. His Highness found that I had escaped from Donghuazi, and felt that I was useful to him …” Ye Di was a little sad, “just now … your peach-wood sword is going to kill me, he’s all watching, maybe now I’m dead is better for him … “

Qin Yiyin also knows why Li Qinglin didn’t stop, because it is likely that it is indeed better to die at night than to live.

The romance between the snake-saver and the grace snake is gone. Qin Yi felt something broken to the ground, shook his head slightly: “You were born by Donghuazi, what must be restrained by him to deal with him?”

“Yes, and my means are to awaken spontaneously in my ignorance. I don’t know much about spiritual practice, and I don’t know the principles of many things, so His Highness is very disappointed.”

Qin Yi feels that this little sister is not just a lot of practitioners who do n’t understand the principles of spiritual practice. She may not know a lot of common sense in life, but may have learned it slowly in the palace … including words and intonations like talking to little adults. Know how many are shaped by Li Qinglin’s style-not adorable at all.

But he thinks the night owl is useful this time.

At least now he has a deeper understanding of Donghuazi.

She also knows Li Qinglin … and she has no loyalty or awe to Li Qinglin at all, saying that his mind is so casual.

This is really an assistant who is very helpful to you, so that you won’t be blind in your eyes … Unfortunately, there is a big trouble.

Qin Yi finally asked: “Do you know why I don’t want you to be a guard?”

Yehan with a sneer: “I am ugly. Compared to Princess Zhaoyang, it is like a monster with wings has met a real phoenix.”

“You know how to be a little boy at a young age. What do you compare with others?”

Yan 翎 spanned and did not answer.

Wu Qinyi said: “It has nothing to do with it. I think your wings are very bright. I want to have such a pair of wings.”

“…” Ye Di looked slightly.

He listened to Qin Yi continued: “The real reason is that a strong monk is following you, and really mingles with you, even I will finish. I suggest you run better …”

Night 翎 finally discolored: “So you know.”

“So you know it!” Qin Yi laughed aloud: “It seems you were looking for me today, you had a different purpose.”

Yehan stopped talking and looked at the tip of her shoe with her head down, and she looked a little embarrassed. Qin Yi is a bit funny, this little sister looks cold, but is much thinner than Li Qinglin.

No wonder, it’s not human aphrodisiac, why is a powerful monster relying on itself? Dare to save lives, mistakenly think that you are awesome …

Qin Yi sighed lowly: “Li Qinglin asked you to follow me, just for this?”

“Not all …” Ye Wan whispered, “I think Your Highness really values ​​you.”

Her feelings are too obvious, Li Qinglin’s attitude towards Qin Yi and her is really one world at a time.

“He is so attached to Donghuazi?” Qin Yiqi said: “You are such a powerful monster, can I give it to you just to win? Www.uukanshu.com?”

“He must be willing, Mo said a monster with scales and horns in his eyes, you can have more. What’s more, I also take Donghuazi as my enemy. No matter who I follow, I’m here to deal with Donghuazi. Said there was no difference at all. “Ye Xie sternly said,” Hiding Donghuazi off the altar is His Highness’s biggest obsession, more important than the throne. “

Qin Yi is even more curious: “So exaggerated? Don’t Donghuazi explode him … uh, it’s okay.”

Night 翎 can’t understand, expressionless.

Qi Qin Yi thought for a while and finally said, “I said, the guards are not necessary, and it is very inconvenient for lone men and widows. We can make friends, and we need to consult you about Donghuazi.”

Yan 翎 didn’t know Qin Yi’s own secrets, so how dare she let her follow? In short, after hearing this, his eyes became a little softer, and he nodded: “I’m not your Highness’s guard, this is a stronger sense of cooperation …” Then he gestured with a small hand: “I have a small yard, You can come to me. “

I saw that she used her little hand to compare the size of the yard, and finally became childish, as if she was showing something she was very satisfied with. Qin Yi couldn’t help laughing: “You can also come to me. When talking about Journey to the West, I think you listened very carefully, and you like it?”

Night 翎 was a little embarrassed and suddenly disappeared.

Ji Qinyi felt that this “Journey to the West” was really awesome. Li Qinglin, Li Qingjun, and the three men seemed to have found a different sense of substitution, and they all saw their own shadow in it.

There was only one Qin Yi left in the squatter room. A mace slowly rolled out of the bed. Qin Yi looked at it and didn’t know what to say. His stomach was full of words, but he was speechless.

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