Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 21 - wing

Qin Yi hasn’t been bored for a long time, Li Qinglin came to the door early the next morning.

Qin Yi hasn’t slept well in the past few days, and this night he slept three times a day. He was still sleeping, Li Qinglin stood outside the door and waited without interruption.

Qin Yi woke up and didn’t know he was outside the door. He washed slowly and neatly, opened the door and tried to practice the stick method. At a glance, he saw Li Qinglin standing in the yard and watching the flowers. The twelve-year-old little maid in black stood quietly behind.

Qin Yi froze for a moment, and soon he heard the sound of tassel in the sea: “He has been standing for most of the hour, and has stopped others from calling you.”

怎么 Why don’t you say when I wash? Qin Yi couldn’t say it, so he had to put on a smile and greeted him: “How can Prince His Royal Highness stand outside the door and wait?”

青 Li Qinglin retracted his eyes from the flowerbed and looked at Qin Yi with a smile: “Don’t talk nonsense, it’s not a prince yet.”

“It’s almost …” Qin Yi said, “Who shouldn’t you be?”

青 Li Qinglin didn’t use this tone, and looked at the mace in his hand with a strange look: “I went out with my mace early in the morning … Is it practice?”

Qi Qin Yi panicked on his face and had to say, “You will often see it later. Come in and sit down?”

青 Li Qinglin laughed and walked side by side with him into the room, and the little maid followed behind.

Qin Yi didn’t put her mind on others’ maids. It is not unusual to think of a little maid of ancient age. He was really comfortable with Li Qinglin’s attitude. Presumably, after Zhuge Liang’s Thatched Cottage spring sleep, Liu Bei, who was outside the door, probably felt similar to himself. You can imagine the feeling of “being grateful, and then allowing the emperor to drive”, no matter how much it is a show.

I just sold Zhuge Liang for a lifetime, and Qin Yi was not willing to do so.

I was walking away, and a corner of the parcel was suddenly lit with a rainbow.

Qin Yi reacted violently, peach sword!

I didn’t have time to think about anything at all. The Hongguang was so shocked that in a blink of an eye, I passed Qin Yi’s side and pierced the maid behind him.

Suddenly, even Li Qinglin’s martial arts was too late to react. He just subconsciously made a blocking action. The sword had roared past, and the maid behind him quickly turned into a black man and quickly retreated to avoid the rainbow. Taomu Jian turned around indifferently, and continued to fly away.

Heimang is extremely fast, Qin Yi’s eyesight can only see the black shadow shuttle back and forth. I didn’t pay attention to the appearance of the maid just now, but at this moment I could see that she seemed to have opened a pair of black wings under the rainbow light chasing, moving up and down, like black lightning.

Qin Yi immediately remembered Li Qinglin’s recount of the assassination process of the prince: “I only saw the shadow flashing, my brother …”

He didn’t say anything, just turned to look at Li Qinglin.

Strangely, Li Qinglin didn’t say anything, but watched with interest the shadow and sword entangled.

“This is a demon.” Qin Yi finally spoke.

“Yes.” Li Qinglin answered very naturally, but Qin Yi stunned.

During the conversation, the rainbow of the peach-wood sword had been wiped to the black awn. You can see that the blade of the sword wiped a trace of blood, and a black feather fell on the ground.

The little maidservant whimpered and fell to the ground, a pair of wings subconsciously wrapped her head, her eyes closed to death.

Hold a loli … squatting his head to defend … Qin Yi didn’t know what he was thinking at that moment, almost completely instinctively waved a mace: “Stop!”

The seemingly unrelated act, but suddenly the rainbow of that peach sword hung behind the girl’s head, and never moved again.

Xun Hongguang dissipated, showing the appearance of a peach-wood sword. He fell to the ground with a “snap” and bounced. The tragedy seemed to be asking Qin Yi, “You are doing hair …”

Li Qinglin was still laughing: “The way Qin Xiong received surgery was a bit special.”

Qin Yi asked ranly, “This is yours.”

Li Qinglin said: “Yes.”

“But you are going to die, don’t you stop it?”

“I know Brother Qin will look at me, and he will take care of himself.”

Qin Yi pursed his lips and sighed. It doesn’t seem to be like that … you don’t say anything, if I pretend to be a maid as an assassin, isn’t it normal to kill?

没 He didn’t say that, and turned to look at the maid, which was indeed a twelve-year-old girl with a very immature face. At this moment, he was half-knelt on the ground, his left hand was covered with a wound in his right arm, and he looked at the peach sword on the ground in fear, as if he was afraid it would move.

She has a pair of black wings on her back, like a cloak. At the moment, the beams are not spread on the sides of her body. Black feather flashes in the sun with a bright color, and the feather tip is like an arrow, so handsome.

什么 No monster features on her face can be seen, she is a pretty girl. If she didn’t know it was a demon, she usually puts her wings down, and there is nothing wrong with treating it as a special cloak style. It’s not unusual to see people in rivers and lakes on the road in strange costumes. Qin Yi didn’t notice it at first sight.

According to the theory of tassel, this is already a well-formed monster. It is actually the same thing as Minghe ’s Qin state of mind. There is a big gap between the small realms. After all, Minghe is almost complete. soon?

No matter how long she transformed, it was also equivalent to building a human foundation. Without the abnormal control of the Minghe River, I’m afraid it can really run south. No wonder Li Qinglin dared to run into the mountains with ease, leaving her alone … 唔 ……

“Brother Li …” Qin Yi’s eyes stayed on the girl’s face for a long time, and then he pondered and asked, “Not to introduce?”

Li Qinglin turned his mind to a telegram, and suddenly laughed: “It was the first time I saw Brother Qin staring at a girl intently. It seems that she really likes this age … let her follow Brother Qin? Anyway, there is no personal guard around Brother Qin . “

Tassel also pierced his teeth: “Qin Yi, you are such a person …”

Qin Yi was expressionless.

“Don’t dare to worry about the transformation of the big demon guard.” Qin Yi said: “How long has it been since Zhangjiazhuang, Brother Li has forgotten so?”

青 Li Qinglin smiled: “Yes, she is a demon, or a demon who has been transformed into a demon. The appearance nowadays is naturally generated by her, and her age also appears naturally. It is by no means Mrs. Zhang’s wearing a painted skin.”

Qin Yi turned to look at Li Qinglin, Li Qinglin looked as usual.

“I remember I told you that in many cases, the demon is not in trouble. People can use it, why can’t the demon be?” Li Qinglin said: “Ye Xi has vowed blood, and has always been loyal. Just as I suddenly felt you and her I can make it together … but the fool brother still advises, UU reading www.uukanshu.com The lesson of Zhangjiazhuang is in front of you. If you are good, do n’t touch it … ”

Qin Yi couldn’t help crying or laughing, and didn’t know how to answer these strange words.

The degree of frankness of Li Qinglin makes it really a very ordinary thing for him to hide a monster. It is not worth mentioning at all, and it can be passed on as a gift … Yes, the average person really does not raise him as a monster. It is related to the assassination of the Prince, which on the surface is not related.

Even if it is related, it is theoretically not related to his Qin Yi.

Li Qinglin patted Qin Yi’s shoulder, and smiled, “Let’s say it in the advanced house. Will there never be another sword?”

Qi Qin Yi shook her head, and finally led the two into the room. He sat opposite Li Qinglin, and the girl in black, known as the “night owl”, stood behind Li Qinglin silently, staring curiously at Qin Yi, as if to see if there was any flower on his face.

Qi Qin Yi was dull, and his heart was playing drums. Don’t look at this loli … a transformation of a demon, a human foundation! Only slightly weaker than the Minghe who is full of tassel, Minghe! Li Qinglin’s family hid such a cow, and went out to find a hair fairy!

He thought for a while, and said: “This … Yeah girl, please sit down.”

Ji Yeyan seemed to be shocked by his invitation to sit. His eyes moved slightly, but he stood still quietly, neither answering nor sitting.

“Oh, San Wulioli?” Qin Yi reached out and poured tea from the teapot, ignored her, and turned to Li Qinglin: “You came to me early in the morning, was there anything else?”

Li Qinglin always looked at Qin Yi with a funny smile. Qin Yi didn’t bother about raising monsters. He even invited the monsters to his seat. His attitude was very natural and made him feel very interesting.

Maybe I really could communicate more with him?

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