Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 19 - monkey

I went back to Li Qinglin’s palace-in fact, it is not a palace, because Li Qinglin has no title, this is just a prince’s palace. Qin Yi did not know why Li Qingjun had a title, but Li Qinglin did not.

Of course, I am afraid that this place will soon become the Prince’s House, and it is not important whether there is a title. Qin Yi stood at the door and took out Li Qinglin’s waist card, which was about to be passed on, but when the middle door opened, Li Qingjun stood in front of him.

“Why are you back?” Qin Yi was very surprised. How long did it take you to return to the palace when the prince died?

“Father Wang and brother … are discussing with Brother Wang, I sit and sit, simply come out and look at you.” Li Qingjun said blankly: “I was worried that you wouldn’t be used to living, because you didn’t enter the house at all. . “

“Go out for a walk and buy something.”

Li Qingjun’s eyes fell on his rucksack.

The rucksack’s rucksack was originally exposed with a mace stick, and it looked very out of harmony. Now it has an unknown wooden handle, and it looks like a bun into the city. Li Qingjun said badly: “What do you want, tell the Fuzhong supervisor to buy it, they will try to satisfy you, why bother to walk around?”

“so good?”

当然 “Of course.” Li Qingjun turned and led him into the door. “You are a guest invited by Brother Wang himself, who dares to neglect?”

He and Fu immediately nodded and said, “Princess, Mr. Qin’s residence is ready.”

Li Qingjun said lightly: “Lead the way.”

Qin Yi looked at Li Qingjun with interest, and found it very interesting.

Before she was in the rivers and lakes, Li Qingjun was completely a reckless but courageous heroine. Now when she returns to the capital and arrives at the Prince’s Mansion, she is a calm and elegant princess.

Qin Yi is convinced that Li Qingjun in the rivers and lakes is her real side, but I do n’t know if Li Qingjun in the capital is doing it or is it another side of her character?

The Fuzhong supervisor prepared an independent courtyard for Qin Yi. The layout is similar to Qin Yi’s own courtyard, but the carved beams and paintings are much richer. The courtyard is no longer a herb, but is full of flowers and green grass. Elegant and beautiful.

The deputy salutes: “His Highness has just sent someone back to report, saying that it is Mr. Qin Xijing and Shang Ya, so he made this arrangement. If Mr. is not satisfied, we can change another room.”

Qi Qin Yi shook his head and said, “It’s fine here. It’s best to have a sunny slab, sometimes I have some use.”

管 The manager immediately turned his head and said, “Go and level the grass behind …”

下 Someone is going to work immediately, Qin Yi busy: “Wait, wait, don’t need it.”

His Majesty immediately stopped and ordered to ban. It seems that Li Qinglin used the style of governing the army at home?

Qin Yi looked at Li Qingjun with a headache, and Li Qingjun was still expressionless. He said helplessly: “Just like this, I have something to say with the princess.”

The supervisor was very accommodating and evacuated. Li Qingjun stood quietly for a while, and the corner of his eyes watched the man walk away. He soon lost the lady’s nobility and sat on the lawn beside his hips: “I’m tired. “

Qi Qin Yi laughed absurdly, and also sat with her on the lawn and asked, “When fighting with the demon, when the corners of his mouth are bleeding, I won’t see you tired, how long will this come back …”

青 Li Qingjun was silent for a moment, and sighed: “If you die, brother, I’m afraid it will be as tired.”

He said that his eyes were red, apparently he had been sad before, but now he couldn’t hold it anymore.

“唔 ……” Qin Yi apologized: “Sorry.”

妹 This girl was bullied by her own earlier, and her tears fell down. Her face was hard. This was the first time Qin Yi saw her with a sad feeling of weakness. It can be seen that no matter how chivalrous a woman is, she still has the softest places in her heart, such as affection.

She has a very good relationship with Li Qinglin, and she obviously has a good relationship with the prince who she has never met. Qin Yi believes that such a sister is difficult to contradict any brother. It should be the kind that everyone hurts.

“Nothing.” Li Qingjun blew his nose, his expression turned fiercely: “It must have been done by the barrens in the West, just to have trouble!”

Qin Yi is not good at talking. Li Qingjun didn’t expect him to solve the case, but just looked for a place to speak, and continued on his own words: “Someday, I will settle the wild west and take revenge on my eldest brother!”

Qin Yi nodded, and followed her, “There is brother Qinglin who plans, sooner or later this day.”

“Yes.” Li Qingjun trusted Li Qinglin very much: “It must be.”

After I said this, the two were a little bit cold. Qin Yi didn’t know what to say to comfort her, and she also looked at the sky with her own eyes. The two sat quietly on the lawn, silent.

After a while, Li Qingjun suddenly said: “I remember seeing your words for the first time, saying that eating, sleeping, and worry-free, aren’t you just gods? Now? You are gods, we are mortals More common? “

Wu Qinyi sighed: “There are always things that must be done, even the gods have something to ask for.”

“What you want is only those who seek the fairy road. How can a real **** ask?” Li Qingjun looked at the sky and whispered, “You teach the widower to sing” Good Song “, saying that all sentient beings will obsess. If it is, then it is a fairy, and there is no more to ask for. “

Qin Yi knew that her brother’s assassination had hit Li Qingjun a little bit, and the idea of ​​seeking immortality that had always taken root in her heart was once again provoked. He advised: “I know that there is a monkey who travels thousands of miles and thousands of mountains and mountains, and after ten years of searching for the immortal, he finally found the true immortal and learned the law of longevity. Do you think it can be regarded as immortal without desire? ? “

“Of course, how is it not immortal when you are born?” Li Qingjun came to interest: “What later?”

“Later … Anyway, I know that he was really carefree before he found the immortal, but after he got the Tao, it was a chicken flying dog that couldn’t make a living. In the end, he put on a yoke and became a Buddha. Knowing how far this Tao Dao Xianxian is from his original intention, in the end it doesn’t regret it? “

Li Qingjun stared at Qin Yi, and she felt that the monkey was compiled by Qin Yi to insinuate herself: “You are … advise me?”

Qin Yi shook his head and said, “No, everyone has their own fate, but I think people still have to know what they are asking for.”

“What I want …” Li Qingjun stared at the sky whisperingly and whispered to himself: “What I ask is to raise my two silver guns, cross the world, go in and out of Qingming, and wipe out the world’s injustices … instead of being in Beijing Noble girl, finally recruits an uninteresting horse to hold on to this life. “

Qin Yi couldn’t help but said, “You really miscarried.”

青 Li Qingjun smiled and shifted: “Can you tell me the story of that monkey in detail?”

“That’s a long story …”

青 Li Qinglin is busy at this time, Qin Yi arrived at the beginning and did not know what he should do for the time being. There happened to be Li Qingjun sitting here chatting, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was the only person he was familiar with in Beijing. Qin Yi didn’t think it was long and really started talking to her about the journey to the west.

He said this directly to the troubled Tiangong Temple. The unheard story heard Li Qingjun fascinated and said with a sneer: “Well, a wild monkey who can hardly be taunted and overbearing.”

Li Qinglin’s voice came from outside the courtyard: “This is a monkey who dares to fight and fight, even if what it does may be sin. Very interesting story, look forward to Brother Qin’s follow-up.”

Both stood up, Li Qingjun looked solemn again: “What happened?”

“No clues.” Li Qinglin said in a deep voice: “The killer is very fast. According to the elder brother’s guard, when he saw the black shadow flashing, the elder brother … I personally suspected that Xihuang was doing it.”

Li Qingjun tightened his lips.

青 Li Qinglin added: “You and I were not present at the time of the incident, and you can’t do anything for the time being. The father and king are doing their best to investigate, and eventually there will be results.”

青 Li Qingjun sighed, “Are you going to be a prince?”

“Huh …” Li Qinglin couldn’t see the joy on his face either, but shook his head: “This is really … grilling on the fire.”

青 Li Qingjun asked: “Someone thinks you are suspect?”

“Well, although there are only a few, it is inevitable that there are, but this kind of questioning is meaningless.”

He is really meaningless, because the king has only two sons, and it is impossible to use the remaining son as a suspect because of a little unfounded question.

青 Li Qinglin didn’t continue this topic, and instead told Qin Yi: “Brother Qin, I’m really sorry, but suddenly, things are neglected.”

“The princess accompany me for a whole day. Where is the neglect?” Qin Yi pointed at the sky: “The sun is going down. You do n’t invite me to dinner to be neglect.”

Li Qinglin laughed.

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