Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 15 - Human heart

夫人 When Mrs. Zhang knocked on Li Qinglin’s door, Li Qinglin was sitting cross-legged on the bed to practice. There was no expression when she heard the knock, and she said directly, “Please come in.”

The door was open and the room was full of incense. Mrs. Zhang came in with a pot of wine and asked softly, “Don’t hesitate to neglect the boy in the cold country house.”

Li Qinglin opened his eyes and said, “Mrs.’s room is clean and exquisite, and there is no neglect. I thank her for her acceptance.”

Madam Jaina put down the wine tray, took the jug and poured the wine, and said softly, “There is nothing to entertain the VIPs in the country. It’s so cold this night, why not drink a glass of warm wine?”

Li Qinglin looked at her and said nothing.

As long as it is not a wooden person, you can see that the meaning of this collusion cannot be more obvious, let alone Li Qinglin was originally waiting for her?

When Mrs. Zhang saw that Li Qinglin didn’t talk, she raised her glass and sipped herself, chuckling, “The temperature of the wine is just right.” As she said, she moved the money to the bed, and handed her the wine glass before Li Qinglin: “Can the boy drink?”

青 Li Qinglin took the wine and showed a smile: “The wine is fragrant, and the wife is also fragrant. How can you not drink it?”

Mrs. Zhang’s expression was more charming, and her eyes seemed to drip water: “Do you want to be more fragrant?”

青 Li Qinglin looked at her filial piety, and sighed: “It’s just Madam now … it makes me stubborn.”

“What’s the matter then? The deceased is dead, and people always look at the future.” Madam Zhang whispered: “Not to mention this filial piety, isn’t it more interesting?”

“It’s more interesting, indeed.” Li Qinglin smiled, “unintentionally, there is such a charm in this farm.”

Mrs. Zhang said sweetly: “It seems that the son is rich or expensive.

Li Qinglin laughed: “Mrs. is so interesting, but it is better than being mediocre in the next house. How about returning to Beijing with me? Mrs. Bao Bao enjoys endless enjoyment, as if she is in a mountain farm, not even a decent ornament. . “

Mrs. Wu sighed softly: “From the city of fire … The slave family is thin, afraid that they will not be able to enjoy wealth. If the son intends, he will accompany the slave family for one night and leave some memories …”

青 Li Qinglin didn’t know that his sister and Qin Yi had overheard valuable things, and actually got the desired answer from his perspective.

设定 A country farm widow set up with water-based poppies is not a filial piety. This kind of person can really climb the high branches of Beijing to enjoy the glory, 80% can’t wait, even if there is no reason, he will hesitate to respond again, but the woman refused without thinking.

If it is not coveting the farm to have what she manages, or she is afraid that her unspeakable things cannot be concealed from the “political review” of Beijing’s high gate.

Even if she did not do something in Jaina Village, it must be related.

“This is the case, of course, I can’t bear the goodwill of my wife.” Li Qinglin finally drank his glass of wine.

When I saw him drinking, there was a smile in his eyes.

At this moment, the outside aunt has reached the room and is still standing on the opposite roof. Seeing this, Dao shook her head secretly.

“Such a strong death gas, which can’t be concealed with any spice, this woman is either a monster or a monster. Li Qinglin looked at the city government but dared to drink the wine she passed.”

She can’t see that Li Qinglin is trying out, she always feels that this person hasn’t been rescued, and the typical color gives soul.

“It’s really strange …” She looked at the tortoiseshell in her hand, which was a divination that began when Li Qinglin was seen: “Dragons fight in the wild, and their blood is yellow. Why is Li Qinglin such a hexagram? He is no longer out Is the battlefield? “

In the squatter room, Li Qinglin’s eyes began to be confused, revealing Semy’s expression, and reaching out to grab the lady’s waist. Dao sighed, and didn’t have any thoughts to figure it out again. No matter what the prince did, the monster could not ignore it.

I was waiting for help, and the house suddenly changed.

Mrs. Zan was sitting in Li Qinglin’s arms with a grinning smile, stretching her arms to untie his belt. He stretched his hand across Yupei’s waist, and suddenly Yupei emitted a strong colorful glow, which seemed to have a terrible burning meaning, and went straight through her body with her hand.

“Ah!” Madam bounced off like an electric shock, hugged her head in pain, and slammed into the seat in the room, the jug and glass hit the ground, holding her head in sorrow.

This is what Qin Yi heard.

“This jade pendant …” Tao aunt stunned, and did not take another shot, watching indifferently.

The rumblings of Zhongzhuang in Xinzhuang were chaotic, and the owner of Zhuang Xiao rushed over with a group of Zhuang Ding. Qin Yi and Li Qingjun also got rid of the other Zhuang Ding and rushed into the door.

The first glance at the door almost made Li Qingjun spit out.

Mrs. Jaina’s beautiful face has begun to fester, it seems that a layer of human skin has started to fall off, and the dense maggots drilled from her face are extremely disgusting.

The glow of Li Qinglin’s body also began to converge and subsided under the eyes of everyone.

A huge corpse worm slowly broke away from the entire human skin and sprang out of the window, and disappeared instantly.

The young owner and a group of Zhuang Ding looked stunned behind him.

I thought of the tenderness and honey before, and I didn’t know how many times I had rained with this monster Yun, everyone at the scene bent over and vomited at the same time.

Corpse monster, this is Mrs. Zhang’s body, nothing more than a delicate human skin.

“Zombie Demon.” Tassel said in Qin Yi’s knowledge of the sea: “It’s just a piece of human skin, not even the shape, but relying on the energy and vitality of the tonic to grow up. So this little owner is overly winey. What it looks like is actually that the spirit has been hollowed out. “

Afterwards, Qin Yi combined with the experience of Lingtang, he can also reach the same judgment. This young owner wanted to monopolize the monsters, but fortunately he didn’t. The so-called “disappeared” Zhuang Ding was about tortured to death. He was also placed in a cave to make a formation. I am afraid that he can use the formation to gather spirits and completely turn into a human form. Then … and less The owner “shuangshou shuang fei”?

The reason why Li Qinglin has attracted her is because she believes that Li Qinglin’s innate practice has helped her to transform, not because Li Qinglin is so handsome.

I thought that Qin Yi was suddenly more comfortable here …

I glanced at the owner of Shao Zhuang, but after seeing him vomit, his expression began to sting.

“She’s true to me …” he murmured: “She didn’t have to work so hard, and she walked slowly and carefully over the years, only in these months …”

Li Qingjun heard it, and she sighed for a while, then sighed.

I may be true.

“You lose me … you lose …” The young owner’s look slowly turned sloppy.

Li Qingjun shook his head and said, “You are crazy. She is a demon. The people on Zhuang are killed by her.”

Wu Qinyi pulled her sleeves: “He knows that the arrangement under the cave, and he also helped lie is the ancestor. The so-called harm is collusion.”

青 Li Qingjun stunned and stopped silent.

“Where is the demon? Did you see it?” Shao Zhuangzhu turned his head and looked at Zhuang Ding: “Who saw it?”

The Xinzhuangding people stepped back, “No … we didn’t see anything.”

The owner of Wu Shao looked at Li Qinglin on the bed again. At this moment, Li Qinglin seemed to be in a lost state, his face was red and his eyes narrowed. He suddenly laughed and said sharply, “Three murderers of my stepmother, do you still have the king law?”

Li Qingjun didn’t feel good: “Also stepmother! Such a big worm …”

“No one sees the demon.” Xiao Zhuangzhu laughed. “We only know that as soon as you come, my stepmother is dead! Isn’t it you who kills your money?”

Li Qingjun did not argue, sighing: “Are you going to avenge her?”

Wu Qinyi added: “This maggot warrior, are you sure you want to use force on Zhuang? I suggest you be a good officer.”

The owner of Wu Shao looked at Li Qingjun’s gun, and his eyes were a little daunting. What Qin Yi said reminded him that, no matter if he could not fight, he would die with a warrior and beat a piece of wall, what would it mean to himself?

After all, the monster is a monster, even if she moves sincerely, it is a monster. Think of such a disgusting corpse, what’s gone, why are you fighting for revenge for her?

Is it better to be private?

The owner of Shao Zhuang moved slowly and said, “The word of the newspaper officer, the three suspects of murdering my stepmother would be very troublesome. UU reading www.uukanshu.com. There is something to do with this in the county. The dragon may not be able to run rampant here. “

Wu Qin Yi said: “This will not be bothersome, I still trust the government.”

青 Li Qingjun laughed suddenly.

The owner of Wu Shao didn’t know their confidence. When they saw their stubbornness, they pointed to Li Qinglin on the bed and said, “Your brother is the only one who is my stepmother, and I have some antidote.”

“Oh?” Qin Yi laughed. “What do you want us to exchange?”

只要 “As long as the jade pendant is left, we will provide antidote to it, and nothing has happened here.”

I see the poor figure.

I think of the jade pendant that I just saw, which obviously has the effect of exorcising evil spirits. The owner of Shao Zhuang calmed down and avenged his vengeance, and immediately became greedy, and wanted to own it.

Liu Su quietly said to Qin Yi: “This jade may be a very powerful magic weapon. I’m also interested …”

Qin Yi shook his head silently.

李 Li Qingjun was so angry with the owner that he was cursed, “You’re not as good as that monster. Although she has hurt many people, she is kind of sincere to you. It is not as good as a piece of jade to you.”

Dare to love If he really wanted revenge, Li Qingjun might even boast about him, but at this time he was furious.

的 The aunt on the roof outside also sighed. At her feet, a corpse worm turned into two, it was the escaping corpse worm that couldn’t even avoid her with a sword. She looked down at the corpse and whispered, “Why?”

A sigh came suddenly from the bed inside the squatter house. The crowd turned around, but saw that Li Qinglin, who had fallen into disorientation, sat up quietly with clear eyes, where was there a little bit confused?

He smiled at Qin Yi: “Brother Qin, I already said that sometimes people are more troublesome than demons.”

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