Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 1149 - Outsiders

The so-called sixth sense is just a casual way of talking with Meng Qingying and his sisters.

In fact, at the level of Kaifeng Fenghuang’s practice, once he has this “sixth sense”, it is a warning sign and a revelation of heaven and earth. Almost already can be used as evidence to prove that something must happen.

Qin Yiliu and Su Yaoguang all paid great attention to it, and soon entered a group chat, and everyone began to discuss.

At this time, within the quiet room of Yuzhenren, Yuzhenren still stood by the coffin to watch his wife, motionless.

This is basically his normal practice, which has been unknown for thousands of years.

He knew that Meng Qingying was worried about his condition, and knew that Meng Qingying still believed him.

He also knew that Meng Qingying believed not his mentorship, but that he had a minimum IQ.

At least for the moment, he hasn’t lost his mind. Everyone is still actively trying to find a way. Just now the Gouzi and Feng clan have brought a group of ghost-like treasures for them to use first. Qin Yi is obviously still thinking about a solution once and for all.

There is hope, and what Yuzhen seeks is nothing more than hope.

Once the mountains and rivers are exhausted, Yuzhen will go crazy. He knows it himself, and Meng Qingying knows it.

Even Qin Yi knows it, so Qin Yi has treated this as the most important issue he needs to overcome in the past few years, but he does not want to have an accident.

The so-called passionate practice is extremely typical when it is extremely extreme, because in their eyes everything but the people they value is everything. In a sense, it is compatible with Qin Yi. In many of the works that Qin Yi has seen, this kind of person is sometimes even the protagonist… Qin Yi himself actually has this taste, the difference is nothing but the degree.

Everything is spent, and deeds are evil. If you really treat everyone else as a must, then of course it is the devil.

Both sides admire each other’s affection, and in this cosmopolitan cognition of the immortality of the world, there is a sense of mutual sympathy, and they are all “fools”.

But the two sides have different degrees, so there can be no deep friendship.

Such attitudes are very tacit.

Yu Zhenren didn’t think anything would change, and he also believed that Qin Yi would help find a way.

Suddenly came from the sea of ​​knowledge: “You sacrifice the ghost, it is useless.”

Suddenly, Yuzhen wrinkled his eyebrows and couldn’t tell where the other party was.

He didn’t change his look, just said lightly: “Go away.”

“…You know it’s useless.” The voice sighed: “Sacrifice to the Nether, maybe it can be successful… Or, with the presence of Su Su Yaoguang, this kind of thing is not too difficult at all, as long as you have time to prepare, A plan will be found and it will almost certainly succeed.”

Yuzhen coldly said: “You know you can succeed, and you still want to lure me?”

The man said: “But there is still some distance between the sacrifice of the ghost and the wife you need to resurrect. Could you really not know?”

Yu Zhenren’s hands clenched subconsciously.

The man smiled: “No, you know, so you are willing to listen to me a few words instead of directly greeting Feng Huang with me.”

Yuzhen coldly said: “I will not leave you one by one because you don’t exist at all.”

The man laughed more joyfully: “Is the essence similar to your wife’s soul? It has long been scattered and exists in every corner of the entire ghost. Maybe every part of the aura you absorb has a part of your wife. .”

Yu Zhenren’s eyes flashed with anger.

But this is very correct.

The soul has long dispersed…it is like the water in the basin. After it is spilled, if it can be collected in time, it may return to its original state.

With their practice, water can be collected. The dead soul may be recovered and resurrected, which is similar to this.

But if it has been a long time, the splashed water has turned into steam and melted into the air, and it is very difficult to separate it at this time.

But it may not be impossible, there may be a chance. For example, all air and water are listened to by you, so you can slowly analyze the stripping, and there may be a chance to restore the original pot of water. At this time, An’an may be able to do it. After all, after repairing to this state, it has evolved from the spirit of water. To the level of the **** of water, it’s not a joke.

If you correspond to the soul, you must sacrifice the netherworld and make the emperor, for this reason, the principle is basically the same.

At this step, the theory is reasonable.

But in fact… if the water vapor has been convectively circulated in the sky, some will stay in the air, and some will turn into raindrops falling back to the ground, falling into the rivers and lakes… and then evaporating again, so tens of millions of times…

Who can restore the original pot of water?

The pot of water has long melted into every air in this world, and there is no more.

If you find the God of Creation, then at most you will recreate a person who is the same as the original one. It is impossible to resurrect the original one.

Meng Qingying’s group chat also said that Li Qinglin’s resurrection is impossible, the reason is the same. Reincarnation is also possible. When you die, you will have better luck and wander. You will vote for it. Of course, the probability is very small. At that time, the chaotic state of the nether world was broken, and the soul that had not been overrun was born into the world. It was just a good expectation.

But Yuzhen’s wife doesn’t have to look forward to it.

Feng Huang’s judgment was originally the only correct answer. He had said this to Qin Yi before the decisive battle with Jiu Ying.

But how could Yuzhen really give up?

I can only keep telling myself that as long as I sacrifice the ghost, it is possible.

Sacrifice to the nether world has become his hope of deceiving and deceiving others. Seizing this hope, it seems like there is still a chance.

Meng Qingying didn’t dare to imagine, if after the sacrifice of the netherworld, he found that the hope was broken, what would the master then become… But the netherworld always has to be sacrificed, and the three realms are broken for tens of thousands of years, it is always time to recover It’s good for resisting the outsiders. There is no reason to stop it. Really stopped, let alone say, Yu Zhenren will desperately want to work with you, OK…

So I can only see the walking steps.

This outsider’s voice ruthlessly spoke the words that Yu Zhenren was least willing to hear. He squeezed his palm, and squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: “If you are here to provoke me, you succeeded.”

“No no no, how could I provoke you?” The man said sharply: “If I said, I have a way to resurrect your wife, what do you think?”

Suddenly, Yuzhen’s breath became heavy.

He took a few deep breaths before slowly saying: “Do you think I’m fooled?”

“No, no, it’s not deception.” The man laughed: “I think they should have thought of a way to seek the spirit of the ghost-this world has all the worlds, overlapping in parallel, and there are ghosts and gluttons in other worlds, saying There may be you and me, who knows?”

Yu Zhenren said lightly: “Even if there is me in another world, then it is not me.”

The implication is that if you find a wife from another world, it may not be the person I want.

The man smiled and said: “But if… overlap the past time and space, let you see her once?”

Yuzhen was stunned, and the fist he had been holding was finally shaking slightly.

Going directly back to the past, even tassels and Yaoguang can’t do it, and they must do it through special turbulent nodes. And there can’t be two identical people at the same time… so Yu Zhenren can’t do it if he wants to wear it back.

However, it is possible to stretch the dimension of space and time from an extraterrestrial perspective and raise the dimensions, especially the level above Taiqing… Qin Yi and Liu Su Yaoguang have already experienced this level It’s like looking at the earth in the stars in the distance, it is possible to see yourself on the earth.

If the supernatural powers are overlapped, can they meet?

Not sure, but it is possible. Although Yuzhenren does not practice this direction, it is not difficult to understand at the level of spiritual practice. Knowing this is feasible.

Hope is greater than his original kind of deadly straw.

The man said leisurely: “The real person is right, I’m so non-existent, and it’s always impolite to talk across the air. I wonder if the real person can open the door to welcome guests and let them talk under the door?”

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