Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 1136 - His Majesty the Emperor

Yao Guang was sad and indignant.

I thought everyone would be familiar with the group chat, and they would turn over if they didn’t say that they would turn their heads. Fengfeng and Xiyueminghe were also counted as their own.

It turned out that it was myself who was naturally confused, and they naturally had no worries about them.

If it weren’t for the overall contrast in this mentality, she wouldn’t be so undefended! Driven by the energy of Tiangong, no one can touch her!

The result was such a contrast of mentality, that he became attacked by a group and **** like a dumpling. Was captured the king in his own site…

Feeling the surprised eyes of the little fairies nearby, Yaoguang wanted to die.

Li Wuxian, the dog-headed military teacher, mistaken me! Without her bullshit, how could you make such a low-level mistake, treat them as an ally, but they all want to make me, woo woo…

The most annoying thing is that she was too late in the late Qing Dynasty, and the beauty of time is unparalleled in the world. There is nothing to restrict her, and any bundling cannot be effective!

But the rope made of this strange golden ring didn’t know what material it was, but it really could limit her ability. She couldn’t mention any practice, and her physical strength disappeared without a trace. Also, there is a little aphrodisiac, and when caught by the tassel, there is a bit of unexpected reaction…

What is this!

“Your Majesty, don’t be surprised, this is my magic weapon of life.” Cheng Cheng leisurely poured himself a glass of wine: “Our fairies always have some very special characteristics. Although the practice can’t suppress His Majesty the Emperor, some targets Restraint is still possible. According to this rule of heaven, all things in the world have weaknesses.”

Ye Ling tweeted: “Master, what is this characteristic?”

“Specially for females, soft heart aphrodisiac. Although His Majesty the Emperor is strong, after all it is female…”

Yao Guang was anxious and scolded: “Meng Qingying! You also shot me with them?”

Meng Qingying supported her cheek: “I still want to fight for the maid of the palace, who asked you to be so high-keyed, treat me like a little maid waiting for you to share a cup of soup, who loves to be a supporting role… Guangguang, you always make this kind of mistake, which has not changed from ancient times to the present.”

After Yao Guang was stunned, he heard Meng Qingying continue: “Anla, it’s all from his own family. It’s a matter of tearing who is bigger and who is smaller. I was still tearing that stinky river yesterday…”

Minghe dry cough.

“As for the tassels, we just saw him accompany Qin Yijiu and give her a little face. I really thought we recognized her talking, so she wanted to eat fart.”

The tassel jumped up: “Silly bird, your courage is fat again, didn’t beat you the day before yesterday?”

In Yao Guang’s stunned state, tassels and Meng Qingying fought together, and soon others joined the battle, and the whole Pantao banquet hall burst into chaos.

Yaoguang Mudi turned to look at Qin Yi, and Qin Yi also looked at her with wood.

“You… made an appointment with them? Have you been cheating me?” Yao Guang whispered, his eyes could not see sadness and joy: “Then congratulations, you succeeded.”

Qin Yi shook his head: “After the tokens were taken away by me, I didn’t communicate with them at all…”

Yao Guang said: “So is it that you have a tacit understanding with them? Or am I looking for my own way?”

“No…” Qin Yi hugged her: “You see that they are fighting each other, it’s all the same. As long as you don’t treat yourself as special, it’s just the normal way of noisy everyone…Where did it come from? What a dead end…”

As if to corroborate his claim, a little snake screamed and was hung on the peach tree, shaking it.

Qin Yi: “It’s you again…”

Ye Ling: “Woo woo…”

Yaoguang: “…”

She also wanted to laugh a little, and the indifferent and indifferent indifference was almost gone, and she turned her head and said: “Why didn’t you let me go?”

“Yao Guang…” Qin Yi caressed her cheek and whispered: “This kind of noisy and noisy is nothing. Everyone has a sense of fairness and does not hurt. Only you are different…”

He paused and continued: “Apologies to Bangbang for what happened then?”

Yao Guang said angrily: “You are towards her!”

“That’s really your fault.”

“What if I don’t apologize?”

Qin Yi sighed: “Then I won’t let go.”

Yao Guang said negatively: “I’m not convinced of this kind of planting, and I won’t apologize. She killed me when she was capable!”

Qin Yi was about to say something, and suddenly there was a voice in the battle group: “Why are we fighting here, she shrinks tenderly in Qin Yi’s arms? Is there a wrong order?”

Yaoguang: “…”

Soon I saw that the tassel thumped out of the battle group, picked up Yaoguang, and grinned: “You play, I play with my light.”

He rushed into Yaochi all the way.

Yao Guang’s anger came from the wind: “Tassel, I will not succumb!”

“I don’t need you to succumb, as long as I can get you, haha.”

The undisciplined dialogue heard Qin Yi covering his face and could not look directly. He could close his eyes and think of the scene where Yu Shang was tragically tuned. This scene corresponds to the words emmmm on Yaoguang…

His eyes fell on the field, and Yu Shang seemed to remember the same scene, looking at him with a smile: “Fujun, don’t you, don’t you personally participate? Are you afraid that Miss Tiandi’s sister was damaged by a stick?” “

“It’s up to them to solve their own problems. In fact, their feelings are really complicated, that is to let Bang Bang kill Yaoguang, she will certainly not be able to kill.”

“Why do I doubt that Hu Jun wants Bangbang to teach Yaoguang to you.”

“…That’s what I did to you back then, right!”

“Is it really good to use such a tone of contention when saying this?”

“When you say this, you still pinch An An’s chest, is it really okay?”

An An: “You finally found out.”

The chaos is over.

In fact, everyone is acting in tacit agreement, but it just makes Yao Guang feel that “being attacked by a group is not a big deal. Everyone often fights, don’t take this as a hostile meaning”, so it is psychologically acceptable.

This family has been with each other for a long time. They are really all concentric. They all have a certain degree of assimilation in their temperaments. Each one can know what the other is thinking. This kind of tacit understanding, Yaoguang planted alone, there is a little inner ghost in the personality, how on earth is she playing…

“I have some sympathy for this unknown master.” Xiyue sighed and drank: “Although she knows that she deserves a lot of things, she still feels so pitiful…”

Minghe also said: “Same feelings.”

Cheng Chengdao: “This is your kindness. Why don’t you think about how we will live in the future if you don’t suppress her arrogance? I really thought she came to look at the sentient beings who lead all living beings… Nothing is as arrogant as she is.”

Ju Yunxiu said: “And I hate her in my heart, I always have to get rid of it. Otherwise, everyone will not be in harmony after all.”

“Everything is understood…” Meng Qingying still said: “Qin Yi, you will still stare at it for a while, Guangguang is my friend after all… She is stubborn again, don’t let each other give up again, and finally it’s great It’s not impossible to beat people up with anger.”

“I know.” Qin Yi scratched her head: “I also feel that she is a little pitiful, not now, I felt this way a few days ago… and then I became more unbearable…”

Meng Qingying said: “You, maybe the heart of love for her is derived from this kind of pitiful heart~www.mtlnovel.com~ You were kind to me… also a bit.”

Cheng Cheng smiled: “So, in fact, it was a bit to me then.”

An An raised his hand: “Are you sure this is not because you look pretty?”


Then everyone smiled and stooped: “This seems to be the real reason.”

Qin Yi became angry and angrily took An An over and pressed it on his lap: “You talk too much.”

An An was not embarrassed in public, but instead took the jug from the case and whispered: “I like beauty, what’s wrong… After all, these thousands of miles of peach blossoms and flowers are all in one place. …Would it be better than the bitter cold of Xianlu, walking alone, bitterness and hatred, all enemies?”

Qin Yi was startled, and said with a smile: “An An said something interesting.”

“So…” An An poured a cup and leaned over to his mouth: “You can drink this cup, Your Majesty the Emperor.”

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