Fairy, Please Take Care of Yourself

Chapter 1 - Seeking immortals

After two months, the autumn was refreshing.

At dusk.

In the small village at the foot of the mountain, a few wisp of cooking smoke wafted. The three young children were running around in the village. Farmers were cutting rice on the roadside field. The big yellow dog lay lazily outside the house and sniffed the food in the house behind the sunset Fragrant.

The sound of the horse’s hoof from near to far broke the tranquility of the village. The big yellow dog rose in shock, arched up and watched the smoke and dust in the distance with vigilance.

Two horses, one black and one white, came galloping, and at the entrance of the village, they all slowed down their hoofs and looked up at the mountains not far away.

Evening sunset is reflected in the mountains, the clouds are faint, and it is contrasted with crimson. There are chaotic stones towering in the sky, and it seems like a fairyland is flying among the red clouds.

At the foot of Laoshan there is a herd boy riding a cow, and the pastoral flute makes the country picture more peaceful.

“That’s what they said. This place looks a little fairy.” Bai was a fourteen-year-old boy with red lips and white teeth, and his long black hair rigorously tied the samurai with a silver ribbon, and the end was covered with black satin. , Looking at the chic. Bright eyes gazed at the mountains, and there was a lot of hope in their eyes.

Heihei was a young man in brocade immediately. Looking at him four or five years older than him, the faces of the two were similar. It was easy to think of this as a pair of brothers. The only difference is that the young man’s facial features are sharper and sharper, looking cold and serious.

匹 Both of them immediately hung a long tarpaulin bag, and Sen Leng’s gun tip appeared from the mouth of the bag.

I heard the young man’s words, but the young man didn’t respond, but just looked at the shepherd boy in the distance quietly, and said nothing.

“What’s wrong?” The boy turned his head and asked.

“Nothing.” The young man looked back and smiled. “It just feels like the tune has never been heard before, fresh and distant, making people feel refreshed.”

The juvenile’s head agreed that if the environment was only five or six cents in size, coupled with this leisurely pastoral flute, there would be seven or eight cents in vain.

He didn’t think too much, and laughed: “How many good songs in the world are not all we know. Could my brother suddenly start to like the sound of silk and bamboo?”

The young man laughed, shook his head, and the two slowly rushed into the village.

There is a paddy field by the side of the road. The farmers in the field are sweating and mowing the rice. The young man passes by slowly, but his eyes are staring at the paddy field, his expression is getting more and more serious.

The young boy looked around for a while, some rice in the paddy field had been cut, and some were still growing. At first glance, it was messy and nothing to look at. Seeing his brother’s solemn look, he couldn’t help wondering, “What are you looking at …”

“Look away and look carefully.”

The juvenile looked carefully, zoomed out, and looked at the paddy field. It seemed that the cut-off part of the paddy field formed the shape of a tai chi yin and yang fish. Although not too standard, the shape was really tai chi!

Is he an illusion?

The young man pressed his heart in surprise, Lema arched, “This old man …”

The farmer looked up, only to see the obvious pride of the two, and their faces were smiling as chrysanthemums: “Are the two going to the mountains to look for the immortals? It’s late, how about staying in my house for one night? It’s cheap … “

“…” The image of Supreme was instantly broken, and the young man’s eyes moved, but he introduced himself politely: “Li Qinglin, this is the younger brother Qingjun … dare to ask Lao Zhang, this rice is cut into such a shape … but there is What doorway? “

“Doorway?” The farmer scratched his head in wonder, the mud was scratching his hair. “This is the abbreviated number six and nine of Xiao Qin’s teachings. What does it mean when they are combined? He doesn’t understand, Keeping the numbers written, I cut it like this … “

Is that so? The two brothers looked at each other, and both sighed a little funny. Although the number of sixty-nine numbers is unheard of, it’s better than the rural farmers who created Taiji yin and yang fish in the fields.

The farmer also said, “The home stay in the home is the most comfortable, hot and hot milk, as long as the three texts …”

“No need.” The two smiled and ran away.

“诶 诶 诶 …” the farmer shouted behind him, “Don’t you go into the mountain so late. There are poisonous magpies and strange tigers in the mountains. It’s dangerous!”

The young man Li Qingjun patted his gun pouch, turned his head and smiled: “Only when you know the difficulties, can you show sincerity. Is it better for us to help you but the tigers?”

The farmer looked at their guns, hesitated for a moment, and just said, “Be careful.”

I was near the end of the village and had reached the foot of the mountain. The meaning of the clouds was stronger. The courtyards at the end of the village were not clear. A coward came casually, as if shuttled from a cloud of mist, singing a ballad in his mouth at will:

“Everyone knows that gods are good, but they can’t forget their fame. Where will the ancients and the moderns go? A pile of grass in the barren graves is gone.

Everyone knows that gods are good, only gold and silver can’t forget. In the end, I only hated gathering together, and my eyes closed … “

Brothers 听 watched and listened, the horseshoes became slower and slower, and finally stopped completely.

When I came to this place, I felt different from everywhere. Even the music sung by a widower was of the same level. No wonder people said that there is a fairy in this mountain.

“Dare to ask Laozu …” Li Qinglin stopped the coward, “Who made this song?”

The woodman laughed: “The song sung by the Qin family, is it interesting?”

More than just a bit interesting? This is where? This is the immortal mountain, and there has been an endless stream of immortal seekers of all ages. Hearing such a song in such a place is even more meaningful.

“Dare to ask where this Mr. Qin lives?”

The woodcutter pointed to the depths of the clouds: “The last yard in the village where sunbathing was done was recognized in the past.”

The courtyard is really easy to recognize. The small courtyard is densely packed with supports, and several layers of dustpans are on it, covered with various herbs. The scent of the herb is lingering and very comfortable.

少年 A teenager is sitting in the middle of the courtyard, holding a stick and pounding medicine in the stone mortar, with a relaxed attitude, and he is unaware of the approaching guests.

The two of them watched for a while, and the original feeling of meeting the senior was gone. Because the young man is too young, he looks like 16 or 7 when he looks at him. He is nowhere near Li Qingjun. There is really no way to be associated with an expert or a hermit. Not to mention the juvenile vision of the two men, this boy is just a martial art, cultivation is not as good as himself.

But it’s fun to be young. He was in a rough coat and a little skinny, and looked very quiet and quiet, not like a rural villager, but a scholar. When the medicine was pounded, it was leisurely, humming the incomprehensible tunes, and the sound of “悾 悾” ‘s pounding sound wandered in this quiet evening, with a relaxing rhythm and rhythm, and the feeling of leisure and tranquility in the country sprang up.

Looking at this, most of his songs and numbers are read some miscellaneous books, or some family studies? In terms of family learning, the farmer and coward only said “Little Qin” and “Qin Family Kid”, I’m afraid the elders are no longer there.

Interestingly, UU reads www.uukanshu.com. His “medicine pestle” is a mace, which looks thicker than his thighs, and his wolf’s teeth sparkle in the sunset, forming an outrageous appearance with his handsome appearance. Contrast.

This is his weapon for Xiu Wu?

“Hey!” Li Qingjun looked at it for a long time, and couldn’t help laughing: “Can mace be used for medicine, isn’t the front teeth sharp?”

The teenager stopped and turned to look at them, focusing on the gun pouches of the two, and answered the question: “There are too many inconveniences to enter the mountain at night, but the two should be careful. There are strange tigers on the top of the mountain. , Run immediately, it won’t chase. “

青 Li Qinglin asked: “Little brother’s last name is Qin?”

The juvenile replied, “Qin Yi.”

青 Li Qinglin introduced himself again, and continued: “My brother went into the mountains to find immortals and listened to the woodman’s singing. It is very meaningful. It is said that Brother Qin made it?”

“Oh, I heard You Fang Taoist sing in the early years, it has nothing to do with me.”

“…” Li Qingjun thought that this young man about the same as himself could not be a master, and when he heard the words “disturbed”, he wanted to go up the mountain.

青 Li Qinglin suddenly said: “It looks like brother Qin is a pharmacist? Are there all kinds of antidote? We want to buy a few.”

青 Li Qingjun looked at his elder brother strangely. They had all kinds of preparations. What medicine did they buy temporarily?

“There are no types, just one pill.” Qin Yi threw away a cloth bag. “Two pills inside, twelve silver.”

青 Li Qingjun took the cloth bag, looked at the two red dates-like pills, and chuckled with a laugh: “How can there be pills for antihypertoxicity, what kind of pills are you?”

His voice was crisp, and he smiled so loudly, the kind of flamboyant spirit of the horizontal gun dilutes a lot, but it has a bit of coquettishness.

Xi Qinyi stared at him for a while, then grinned suddenly: “This is called eating jujube pills.”

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