F-Class Destiny Hunter

Chapter 41:

Chapter 41

In other stages, the trainees could return to the educational facilities for breaks, but not this time. No one knew how many days or weeks they would spend in the stage.

'And Team Leader Gong Joo sent a message. He thinks something dangerous might happen in this stage.'

After observing the reaction of Father Yohan, Seo Gangrim realized that he was the only one who received this message. A message he never received in his previous life. The Destiny Protection Bureau seemed to have its eyes on him. Moreover, if they were sending a message like this, there might be hidden dangers beyond those three conditions he knew about. Yet, danger was always present in his previous life. Undaunted, Seo Gangrim turned to Father Yohan and said, "We've been thorough with our preparations, so we should be fine. Let's start by moving inward on the island."

Father Yohan nodded and followed him, shivering. As they entered, amidst numerous trees, noticeable decorations stood tall. These decorations had a primitive and rustic appearance, as if they held mystical significance.

Father Yohan seemed intrigued and asked, "Do people live here?"

"Perhaps," Seo Gangrim replied casually. There were no people here, but he agreed anyway. As they continued onward, Seo Gangrim used his sword to cut through nearby bushes. They needed to set up a shelter first. Considering that one of them couldn't participate in battles this time, their preparations had to be even more meticulous.

"For the time being, let's use this place as our base camp."

Seo Gangrim designated an area far from the territory where the demons gathered. In his previous life, they used to sleep in makeshift tents outdoors, but there was no need for that this time. He took out an item from his inventory and soon a large tent was set up.

Father Yohan exclaimed in surprise, "You even brought something like this?"

"Yes, I bought it from a store."

Although it was a bit expensive and bulky, it wasn't a problem as long as he had his inventory. With their sleeping arrangements settled, the next step was food.

"This is impressive, Brother. You're quite resourceful."

【Wow, Gangrim's flexing.】

【What's flexing?】

【Showing off about money.】

【Aren't we all living off the eggs here?】

【The Survival of Gangrim in the Realm.】

"I brought some food for myself. Various rations..."

Father Yohan began taking rations out of a large bag. It was good that he was taking care of his own food, but he didn't need to eat the rations.

"It's alright, Father Yohan. I'll go check the surroundings and be back soon. Please stay here safely."

Seo Gangrim left Father Yohan in the tent and ventured into the forest. He didn't dislike rations, but there was specific food he had to eat in this place. With his sword in hand, he headed out to find tonight's dinner.

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【Are they from the early teams? How long has it been since they arrived?】

【Hmm, about a week?】

【Wow, it's only been that short?】

【Looking at their faces, they seem like people who've been here for a month.】

Above his head, Choe Sangwon could hear the gods chatting noisily. Some members from Zone Two were leaning over the river, drinking water. Their throats were parched, and they had been drinking from the river for quite a while, but what tormented them wasn't thirst, it was hunger.

【Look at them, filling their water jugs.】

【They're like water-drinking hippos.】

【What if our top member, Choe Sangwon, starves! Get some energy!】

Choe Sangwon was looking up at the sky with exhaustion, his stomach rumbling.

"Ugh, I'm hungry."

"Damn it! If only our rations weren't stolen a few days ago..."

On the first day that Choe Sangwon's team entered the stage, the atmosphere wasn't this gloomy. They had meticulously prepared as advised by Annaby, and battles hadn't been that challenging either. However, after their rations were stolen, survival had taken precedence over conquering the stage.

Someone quietly approached Choe Sangwon and spoke, "Choe Sangwon-ssi, I found something like this... Would you want to eat it?"

The person offered an unidentified root vegetable.

"Are you insane? You want me to eat grass?"

"It's not grass, it's an edible wild plant. I used to eat it frequently when I lived in the countryside..."

"Forget it. You eat that kind of stuff."

The person closed their mouth silently and stepped back. Choe Sangwon clutched his hungry stomach and cursed inwardly. 'Damn it, do I have to eat this kind of root vegetable? If I were outside, I wouldn't even imagine such a thing...!'

Choe Sangwon had been all over the place fighting, but the clothes and shoes he was wearing were all high-end luxury items. His wrist was even adorned with an expensive luxury watch. He glared at the people resting. 'It seems like I've hired the wrong people.'

Choe Sangwon had persuaded individuals who appeared to be reasonably strong with money. This made it smooth sailing up to the Fourth stage, but they had hit a crisis upon reaching the Fifth stage.

'Perhaps I should've hired even stronger people...'

He had his eye on Dokgo Jun, Seo Gangrim, and Shin Sooah. However, none of them agreed with him. Dokgo Jun claimed he wouldn't listen to an extra's words. And asking Seo Gangrim and Shin Sooah for help would have hurt his pride.

'Damn it, I will end up hiring a guy who used to work at a fortune-telling café...'

Choe Sangwon was the man who had gone on a blind date with Shin Sooah. He couldn't bother Shin Sooah, and he couldn't ask Seo Gangrim for protection, having already embarrassed himself in front of both.

'So, the guys who seemed somewhat okay were hired, but they're all weak and collapsing...'

Choe Sangwon gave his hired crew a brief glance. Oblivious to Sangwon's insults, they were munching on the wild plants and chatting.

"We won't starve to death like this, right?"

"We can't go back to the lobby... Plus, we don't even know what the mission is."

"What if we joined Shin Sooah's group?"

At those words, Choe Sangwon furrowed his brow. He knew that Shin Sooah had set up a camp somewhere in this area but he didn't want to lower his head and enter. While the group was engrossed in their conversation, a scout hurriedly returned to them.

"I, I found it!"

"What did you find?"

"There are fruit trees on the island!"

At the mention of fruit trees, the people who had been slouched in exhaustion suddenly stood up. Freshness returned to their faces.

Choe Sangwon rushed over to the scout.

"Where? Where was it?"

"It's close by here. But something seems a bit suspicious..."

"Guide us anyway!"

They were driven to the point of desperation by their hunger so there was no more room for hesitation. Choe Sangwon's group followed the scout hurriedly toward the place with the fruit trees. Just as the scout had said, the fruit-bearing trees weren't far away. The air was filled with the enticing aroma of ripe fruit as they got closer to the field. However, the issue lay elsewhere.

"Is this... an orchard?"

No matter how they looked at it, it seemed artificially created, as if someone intentionally set up an orchard. Nearby, demons resembling a hunting dog was prowling around. Although something felt off, hunger overwhelmed their fear. Choe Sangwon gave orders to the group.

"Defeat the beasts and gather the fruit. We should do it while we still have some energy left."

If they starved any longer, they wouldn't even have the strength to fight against the demon beasts. The rest of the group seemed to agree and exchanged glances.

While Choe Sangwon observed, the other members positioned themselves and started encircling the beasts. The ground around this area was so soft that walking on it barely made a sound.

【Oh, so everyone's getting excited now that we're here?】

【They look quite well-built.】

【Are they gathering fruit because they're a bit too well-fed?】

【If they do well this time, we should reward them.】

The demons in the shape of dogs that were gnawing on the fallen fruits suddenly noticed something and raised their heads. At the same time, three people dashed towards the beasts.


Sensing the attack, the beasts puffed up their fur and stepped back. Judging by their exposed teeth and aggressiveness, they seemed rather powerful, but their movements weren't that agile.

Choe Sangwon felt that something was strange. 'Why are these demons so thin?' He hadn't noticed at first, but these beasts' ribs were protruding prominently, indicating their emaciated state. Nevertheless, though strange, it was actually fortunate for the group. The beasts were weaker than they appeared. The demons hesitated for a moment, then turned and bolted as if on cue.

【Huh? They're running away already?】

【Hurry and eat. Before the owner comes.】

The people who had managed to chase off the beasts more easily than expected were baffled yet pleased. Their hunger had grown to the point where their stomachs were practically jutting out. Choe Sangwon urged them, "Now, quickly go gather the fruit."

"Yes! Just wait a moment."

Hungry after days without proper food, the people quickly climbed up the trees. The trees were quite high, so it took them a while to get up. While watching their movements, Choe Sangwon suddenly had a strange thought. 'Didn't the gods say something strange earlier? Hurry and eat before the owner arrives.'

If this really was an orchard, there logically should be an owner. 'Then who the heck is the owner?'

A sense of unease crept over him for no apparent reason. At that moment, from not too far away, the cry of the demons echoed.


Choe Sangwon jerked his head up, looking towards where the sound came from. The scout who was climbing the tree also turned in that direction. The scout spoke with a puzzled tone, "Why is there a monkey? Wait, what is it holding in its hand?"

The expressions of the people below became ones of confusion. After a while, the scout, lost in thought, urgently jumped down from the tree.

"Run! We need to escape from here quickly!"

"What? What did you see to make you say that...?"

As Choe Sangwon was about to snap back, the voice of the gods came through the telepathic link, defeating him. The gods were also shouting for them to run.

【Hey, the owner is coming!】

【Choe Sangwon, if you don't want to die, run away!】

【Look at that coward, it's hilarious.】

【Hey, they're already approaching!】

Sensing urgency, Choe Sangwon turned around in surprise. The demons that had been fleeing them just a moment ago was now lying motionless on the ground. Beside it stood something else. It was a monkey. It looked similar to an ordinary monkey, but it was holding a large pair of pincers in its hand.

Choe Sangwon, puzzled by the sight, soon realized the purpose of the tool when the monkey opened the beast's mouth wide and then, using the pincers, it pulled out the tongue and dropped it on the ground. Now Choe Sangwon understood what this orchard's offering was: the tongue-pulling ritual, offering the pulled-out tongues as sacrifices.

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