Eye System

Chapter 58: Mysterious Robes


"You pervert" she screams in shock as her large breast jingle while she jumps up in surprise.

"Calm down, please, it was an accident," he says calmly, unlike the flustered self in his past life.

Her face burnt red, but seeing the calm youth in front of her, she also calmed down.

"Angela this favour and all the favours you have given me that have saved my life many times will be repaid," declares Lex as he gets up off the bed.

He gives her a warm smile then walks out of the infirmary and finds his way out of the academy the same way he did after the awakening ceremony.

Leaving Angela in a daze surprised by the poor orphan who she used to help out and give scraps to out of pity, gave such a bold claim and was calm throughout.

{Ding, Sub-Mission completed - Reward: 1000 points}

[System where is the closest Voltiac branch] he asks, ignoring the notification.

{Ding, from what I have analysed the Voltiac guild has a branch every 50 miles and there is one 5 miles away from you, the host should head south west} tells him the system.

5 miles could be covered by him in half an hour like every average person could, as his body hasn't been levelled and he has begun as a power leveller.

Without time to waste and feeling rejuvenated he charges off towards the direction he was told and it was the middle of the night so the streets were mostly empty and Lex relied on his vision to navigate in such a dimly lit outer country.

After half an hour of running at a high-speed, Lex finally reaches his destination, The Voltiac Guild.

Panting to catch his breath, as his body was average for a non-leveller and still considered weak, Lex realised that he had forgotten the thing that was most important, a mask.

A mask would protect his identity, it also stops people from keeping tabs on him and also allows him to keep a low profile and create a whole new identity.

[Hmmm, what should I call myself] he thinks to himself.

[I can't think of anything cool; I might just call myself Ashura] he decides as he thought it was a cool name and also couldn't think of any other names he liked.

[System is there any masks in the system] he asks as the last hope before he enters one of the Voltiac Guild bases.

{Ding, from what I have analysed from the white robes that you stole from the blacksmith, it seems to have an identity concealing function, which is extremely mysterious and profound}.

As he heard this, he almost screamed in joy.

"Luck must be on my side in this life," he exclaims in joy.

Looking around to see that there was nobody nearby, he withdraws the white robes, but as he touched them, he couldn't seem to put them on and they seemed to be trying to slip out of his hands.

Grabbing the robes as tightly as he could Lex was worried that they would slip away.

[System are the robes alive] he exclaims within his mind.

{Ding, the robes are connected by a weak blood connection with the blacksmith and you need to break the connection and take them as your own} tells him the system.

[How the hell do I do that] he screams in his mind as he is dragged by the robes towards the area that the blacksmith is in.

{Ding, dripping your blood, with your stronger bloodline onto it will be enough to suppress it, break its previous links and take it as your own}.

As he heard this, he bites his thumb and smothers the dripping blood onto the white robes which freeze in mid-air.

Meanwhile, Max Ford was charging towards that direction that he could feel the robes were trying to get to him.

Max Ford was once a poor trash who was kicked out of his family in the inner country and sent to the outer country.

He was extremely depressed and left the country as he didn't want to stay in this country. After leaving he was forced to join a group that was exploring a ruin and he was a cannon fodder and would be used as a meat shield.

After they entered the ruin the pushed Max forwards who stumbled over and after he fell, he disappeared. The rest of the group ran away seeing this.

As Max fell his blood fell onto the robes and he became the owner of the unused robes. The robes seemed to be alive and smart and were wondrous, they helped Max LVL UP his body and produced all the weapons for him and when he returned to Aria country, he shocked the world.

He became one of the greatest blacksmiths alive and even destroyed his own family the Ford family which kicked him out. But he would always stay in the outer country and was always watching his back and would never leave the robes alone.

However, Max knew that he wasn't strong enough to suppress the robes which were coveted by all the countries nearby which is why he had such strong security on his store, but the one day he has to leave his store which he normally wouldn't they were stolen.

Nobody knew the origins of the robes or what it is, but Max knew better than to flaunt its miraculous abilities and only showed it as an armour.

Charging with all his speed towards the area he felt the robes in, Max knew that the only reason he had gotten this far was due to the mysterious white robes and if he loses them, he won't be able to pay for his arrogance and won't be able to produce weapons anymore.

Suddenly he felt a shock in his heart and he felt that his weak connection with the robe was shattered.

"Noooooooo" he screams feeling his treasure slip through his hands as he continues charging towards the area that he last sensed them.

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