Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World

Chapter 67 (Self Edited) – The Jet Black Dragon

Chapter 67 (Self Edited) – The Jet Black Dragon

The moment Kraus noticed that jet black dragon, what passed in his mind was the words of Evil Dragon.

It had been several hundred years since then. It was a dragon that was assumed to worship the Evil God.

After the Evil God was destroyed, it became angry, went on rampage, and was sealed by the hands of heroes and the Elves… that was the myth handed down.

However, Kraus knew that it wasn’t a myth.

He was taught that it happened a long time ago.

It was also said that there were twelve seals existed in this country.

However, it was supposed to be something that could never be released at the same time.

That was because the method to do it should have been lost.

As he became neglected due to the fact that it was a dubious matter, the seals were left as it was without anybody monitoring it, but–…

“It is a mere resemblance… No, isn’t just a coincidence?” (Kraus)

Originally, dragon is an illusion-type species shaped by human thought.

Since that thought gave a shape, its physical shape would differ with other thoughts.

In particular, same kind of dragon with same color didn’t exist.

Although the reason was unknown, it would be natural to think that the seals were unraveled.

Well, in any case–…

“There is no difference in doing things.” (Kraus)

Of course, he felt uneasy.

Kraus was once fought a dragon together with his colleagues, but it was possible because they combined the strength of four Seven Heavens which more than half of the number.

He understood what would happen if he challenged it alone since it was too much.


“Haaa—-!” (Kraus)

As he shouted to falsify fear, he released the strength of the whole body.

He wasn’t going for wait-and-see approach, and he also didn’t think what would happen afterward.

However, he was merely filled with the thought of killing it. He mustered his whole body and jumped with an arrow-like momentum.

The distance to that huge body was shrunk in an instant—

— Special Rank Swordsmanship – Single Sword, Divine Protection of Country Guardian – All Martial Arts – Unrivaled Strength – Eternal Solidity – War Cry – All Out: Dead End. (TLN: The name in raw is 剣術特級?一の剣?護国の加護?武芸百般?怪力無双?比翼連理?ウォークライ?捨て身:デッドエンド.)

The only thing he could notice at that moment was his beloved sword was shattered at the end of his protruding arms.

He didn’t understand what happened.

If it was within the range that he could understand, nothing should have happened.

It was just that the moment the tip of the sword touched the dragon, it shattered–…

“…Tsk.” (Kraus)

However, during that moment, he dismissed the thought as he clicked the tongue.

At any rate, even if he understood something, he couldn’t do anything since he lost his sword.

He threw a kick at its torso that was approaching his immediate while twisting his body.

— Advanced Rank Body Technique – Divine Protection of Country Guardian – Unrivaled Strength – Eternal Solidity – War Cry – All Out: Roundhouse Kick. (TLN: The name in raw is 体術上級?護国の加護?怪力無双?比翼連理?ウォークライ?捨て身:回し蹴り)

“…Uh.” (Kraus)

Using that momentum, he fell down while muttering that.

It was because he understood what had happened before.

Nonetheless, it wasn’t hard to understand anyway.

His attack was simply reflected.

Moreover, when he sensed it, the reflection was amplified.

Kraus concluded so while looking at his own foot which was broken similar to his sword.

The blow earlier was the best possible blow he could do. There were some spare swords, but he had nothing more than that.

In addition, one of his feet was in this condition.

It was fortunate that he didn’t kick the dragon by using the dominant feet. It was for caution’s sake, but it couldn’t be considered as consolation.

Even if he called a magician, he couldn’t afford to wait until it was fully healed.

To put it simply, it was a hopeless endeavor.

“But, to give up hope… Tsk. Well, ‘that’ will come.” (Kraus)

The body of the dragon was slightly deviating in a place where he looked up.

It was something didn’t happened earlier.

Or rather, it was unclear whether the dragon noticed that in the first place.

Then, the scene that reflected in the eyes was the answer.

There was a slight overflowing flame in its mouth.

It was a breath attack.

“Breath attack is coming! Everyone, run away! Listen, don’t even try to defend against it! It’s useless to do so! Spread out, and focus on running away!” (Kraus)

As he shouted from the sky, everyone was taking action according to what was told.

Those people were brought up by Kraus’ hands.

It was natural to do this much–…

“!?” (Kraus)

However, it was still too late.

The exhaled flames burned those people when he uttered the word ‘Useless’.

Nevertheless, the current action was definitely the best one.

They couldn’t avoid because the range of the breath was too wide.

Kraus didn’t get hit because he was coincidentally in the midair. If the angle of the breath was slightly off, it might have hit him.

Although he didn’t get a direct hit, he didn’t come out unharmed.

He had flame resistance skill and armor, but even with those, he still got hit with the aftermath of the breath, and that seemed to enough to hurt him.

While feeling the heat of the flame on the face even though he blocked it with both hands, he finally reached the ground surface.

However, he couldn’t land as one of his feet was broken and since the flame continued to burn it felt like as if he was in hell.

“Guh!” (Kraus)

Immediately after, he felt a shock on the whole body, and the ground slightly caved in.

Of course, it was painful, but it was merely because of the burning.

He somehow managed to stand up with just one foot–…

“Kraus-sama! I’m glad that you’re safe.” (??)

The one who came to Kraus was the commander.

Furthermore, behind that man, there were dozens… No, there were hundreds of soldiers.

Of course, they were his army.

“You guys… why are you still here? Haven’t you run away?” (Kraus)

“We were at the front line. At the moment when we saw the breath, we concluded that there was high chance those who escape to this side would survive. Well, the magicians protected us with full power while escaping. We were half lucky.” (Commander)

“…I see.” (Kraus)

Indeed, it was certainly reasonable.

The breath was usually unleashed to the place where most people gathered.

When Kraus made appearance, most soldiers waited behind him.

It was planned on what to do depending on the information obtained…

“…Have you found out the extent of the damage?” (Kraus)

“While we desperately running away, we somehow manage to arrive where you are…” (Commander)

“Well, that would be so.” (Kraus)

“This is my personal opinion, but I think most of us have been killed.” (Commander)

Kraus nodded to indicate agreement.

Although he was almost near to the ground, the view from the sky was visible enough to affirm it.

“Anyway, let’s have you treated first. Is there anything else you need?” (Commander)

His mouth loosened since it was clear that they hadn’t given up even in this situation.

Of course, they were his proud subordinates. Still, there were no mistakes about it.

“Yeah, whatever is fine, and bring me a sword. Otherwise, I can’t fight against that.” (Kraus)

It would be another story whether the battle would occur if he had a sword, but it was a fact that he couldn’t do anything without a sword.

When he thought about what would happen afterward… there was a voice came out.

“Afterward, is it…? Yeah, I wonder if you need an excellent magician. I have confidence that I can handle things in general, like protection against attack, and of course, giving treatment.” (??)

“Wha… Sophia…!? Why are you here!?” (Kraus)

When Kraus turned toward the voice that he remembered, it was his wife, Sophia, who stood there.

He opened eye wide as he was in surprised because that person should never appear here.

“I had received a lot of information, so I came here. I guess I was right… No, I wonder if I was a bit late.” (Sophia)

“…No. For argument’s sake, even if you know about the situation here, we probably can’t do anything much. More importantly, how did you come here? Is it through ‘that’? That was excessive, you know.” (Kraus)

“It’s not a big deal. As expected, I was coming here at the same time with that thing. I went out of the fort because I thought of seeing the state of this place… so, that was a correct judgment.” (Sophia)

“Even if it includes that, it’s still unreasonable.” (Kraus)

The place where that woman was actually in another Duchy, and… in this country, the distance between that place and this place here was the farthest.

Basically, this wasn’t a place that she could come overnight. To begin with, that woman was acting on behalf of the head of the family. It wasn’t a position where she could leave the territory in haste.

Basically, the place could be reach in half a day, but this country also wasn’t small either.

In other words, it was possible to come here without spending extra time.

And the mean to make it possible existed in this world.

That was a space transition.

But, it was–…

“I will report!” (??)

“What!? I’m still in the middle of reporting to Kraus-sama, you know!?” (Commander)

“Yes, please forgive me! But, there is a situation that needed to be informed as soon as possible!” (??)

“…No, it’s fine. Anyhow, I can’t afford to talk to you for a long time. Sophia, can you help me?” (Kraus)

“Sure.” (Sophia)

“Sorry, but please. It is enough if I know the rough idea… I don’t think I can come out on how to deal with that thing in this situation, so… what’s going on?” (Kraus)

“Yes! That is… the Kingdom of Veritas army has resumed their march to this place!” (??)

“Wha!?” (Kraus)

That was impossible.

It was a matter of course.

There was a dragon.

Why would they resuming the march under such a circumstance?

It was insane, and it was a mere suicide–….

“…No, could it be, there is some kind of relationship?” (Kraus)

When Kraus thought about it, he noticed a lot of weird things.

For them to suddenly attacking and the timing of the appearance of the dragon…

If it was simply about the number, the enemies had more but the breath was unleashed to his direction.

From these facts, the conclusion that came out was…

“…Damn! Can I have more time to think!?” (Kraus)

When he looked up, the dragon was about to unleash the second breath.

If he was going to relax here, he would be burned and killed this time.

“Sorry. Sophia, come with me. Treat my foot first. After that, retreat with full power!” (Kraus)

“I got it. I still can’t grasp the situation yet, but I will soon.” (Sophia)

“How about the Kingdom of Veritas army!?” (Commander)

“There is only a chance of escaping at best! I’m going to fend off, so you guys run away!” (Kraus)

“You are saying unreasonably again… But, yes, it seems nothing else can be done. Understood. Everyone, listen! Forward retreat!” (Commander)

At the shout of the commander, all of them shouted and rushed forward.

After all, he was proud of his men.

“Well then, we also should be going but I’ll treat you first.” (Sophia)

“Let’s do that while moving away. I will lend you a shoulder.” (Commander)

“…It’s fine if you go ahead, you know?” (Kraus)

“Sorry but I wasn’t taught to ignore and run away without my superior.” (Commander)

“I see. It can’t be helped then. Please.” (Sophia)

“…From now on, I should teach you to give more attention to this kind of situation.” (Kraus)

While he was saying such a thing, the one in the sky was gradually preparing to unleash the breath.

As Kraus noticed that scene in the edge of his sight, he escaped from that place.

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