Ex Rank Supporting Role’s Replay in a Prestigious School

Chapter 765: O-ryong-jaeng-ju (8)

Chapter 765: O-ryong-jaeng-ju (8)

A different landscape emerged when the clouds dispersed and the view became clear.

Kim Shinrok, who was underground just now, was transported outdoors.

Hwangryong seemed to try to separate the floor on where they stood from the shamans as much as possible.

The sulfur-colored floor was connected to a path mixed with green and blue.

The Dragon Palace changed significantly, moving from the deep underground of the Yellow Dragon Palace to the Blue Dragon Palace.

Kim Shinrok couldnt help but admire it.

I cant believe the palace has changed like this. If I didnt know Hwangryongs ability in advance, I wouldve thought I was teleported.

Kim Shinrok felt Hwangryong become heavier as he supported him.

Hwangryong used so much energy that it was now difficult for him to stand alone.

However, soon enough, Kim Shinroks hands became lighter.

Hwangryong staggered and forced himself to stand on his own, saying,

Im worried about Cheongryong. Go and join your father. Look after Cheongryong.

It sounds like you want me to go alone, sir.

You heard it right.

Kim Shinrok doubted his ears, but Hwangryong spoke to him softly.

To put it flat out, Hwangryong wouldnt be helpful because he used such great power in a situation where Yoohwang was taking over the Yellow Dragon Palace.

Even so, he had no intention of leaving Hwangryong behind.

Kim Shinrok pressed his frustrations away and spoke in a business-like tone.

The Dragon Clan would not forgive me if I leave you behind.

If something happens to you, the Tiger Clan wont forgive me.

I dont think so.

Do you really think that way?

Some of the people of the Tiger Clan popped up in Kim Shinroks mind.

From his father, whose love and care for him could heat up the day like the sun.

Hwangho, who smiles mischievously as he watches Jeokho and himself.

The silent Baekho.

Eunhos descendants who follow him well.

And Ahn Dain, who recently became a member of the Tiger Clan.

Maybe some of them do care about him, but it was obvious what it would be like for the rest of the Tiger Clan.

Kim Shinrok tried to hide his complicated feelings, but the bitter expression on Hwangryongs face tells him he didnt do a good job.

He turned his head and looked at the Blue Dragon Palace.

What I think doesnt matter. I am coming with you.

You are a good child. I understand Jeguns desire to ascend in such a hurry.

Kim Shinrok almost dropped the throwing knife at the mention of ascension.

Is Hwangryong bringing up Yong Jegun to scratch his insides and make him leave on purpose?

Even so, Kim Shinrok didnt have any negative feelings for Hwangryong.

It just made him want to throw a tack at the absent Yong Jegun, thinking that the damned dragon was to be blamed.

Kim Shinrok held back his anger as he tried to maintain a calm voice.

What does that dragons ascension have to do with this situation?

Youll know if you just think about it. Why are you turning your eyes away?

Kim Shinrok slowly turned his head and saw Hwangryong smiling affectionately.

Talking to you and observing you these days, I became convinced.

What do you mean?

That you would have made the same choice as Yong Jegun.

Kim Shinrok couldnt understand.

Is Hwangryongs mind going over the edge because he used too much power?

He thought there was no way he would make the same choice as the unpredictable mischievous dragon.

The only thing that the two different people have in common is choosing the same path of being a teacher.

Hwangryong spoke to Kim Shinrok as if he was a clueless child.

Put yourself in Yong Jeguns shoes. Say that you have the option of being a superior being. You wouldve made the same choice as Yong Jegun.

Yong Jegun and him, exchanging positions.

It has never crossed Kim Shinroks mind.

The situation between the Dragon Clan and the Tiger Clan is different, and even if the treasured Cintamani was a royal lineage as well, he couldnt imagine it.

But also because he hated just the thought that his only close friend would go through the same things as him.

With Hwangryong explicitly telling him to think about it, he arbitrarily created a story of what-ifs in his head.

If that dragon was born as a descendant of the Tiger and Bear clans, if he were being targeted by a royal lineage

For a moment, it slipped Kim Shinroks mind that he and Hwangryong were in a dangerous situation.

He focused on a distant idea.

Hwangryongs words came to mind after a dark imagination.

Hwangryong spoke as if this what-if was connected to Yong Jeguns ascension.

Other than him, the words of his old student Sung Gukeon and current student Ahn Dain came to mind.

Dont tell me that dragon is

Hwangryong waited for Kim Shinroks next words, but they never came.

Kim Shinrok has yet to organize his thoughts into words.

After waiting a few more seconds, Hwangryong said,

The shamans arent moving.

He looked in the direction of the Yellow Dragon Palace.

Hwangryong remained alert of the shamans position while digging into Kim Shinroks head.

He couldnt afford to exert much power, and part of the Yellow Dragon Palace was taken over by Yoohwang, making it impossible to figure out exactly what the shamans were doing.

Still, he could vaguely detect their presence in the Yellow Dragon Palace. Read the most updated version of this and other amazing translated s from the original source at Novel Multiverse NovelMultiverse dot com

And it was the same for the shamans.

The shamans dont have full control of the Dragon Palace, but they got half of it. Even if theyre lost, theyll know roughly in which direction we are in. Something is strange.

Are the shamans not keeping track of you?

Yes. Theyre not moving at all.

A shade was cast on Hwangryongs face as he looked down at the basement where the shamans would be.

They must be up to something.


After the Dragon Palace changed, some of the shamans almost panicked at the unfamiliar landscape.

But when the Dragon Kings shamans, who turned half-dragon, showed their power, most of them calmed down.

Hwangryong-nim used a lot of power. Thats a good thing. Now hes like a scarecrow, isnt he? Its a hassle that God Imoogis scales didnt stay in him.

The shamans regained their confidence at Yoohwangs words.

The Dragon Clan was weakened while they were strengthened.

The Dragon Palace shamans didnt turn into dragons, but much power coursed through their bodies.

A power much stronger than when they were serving the Dragon King.

The confidence-ridden shamans used their power to examine the Dragon Palace.

I think it will take time to figure out the changed structure of the Dragon Palace.

We mustnt move hastily. We might get lost and isolated. Lets hear another report.

The Dragon Palace isnt completely changed into our colors.

Seeing that the color isnt changing anymore, Cheongryong-nim didnt take as much as Hwangryong-nim.

Yoohwang sighed as she was briefed.

Shaman Byeok and Shaman Ja, who wept with joy after becoming dragons, spoke as they looked at Yoohwangs face.

They didnt eat the scales. I think they knew our plan beforehand.

Maybe they knew it since we were back on the ground.

Yeah I guess it wasnt an illusion that things felt out of place up there.

Although Yoohwang was disappointed that things didnt go as she planned, she still looked at ease.

Shaman Nok recognized it and smiled.

Youve prepared in advance.

Of course. Ive already spoken to that person.

Yoohwang looked up at the ceiling.

She felt a dragon spirit from far away, but there was a deep smile on Yoohwangs face.

That person said they would send a trap, some Bear Clan minions to catch the Tiger Clan. Weve been down at sea for a week, so we can bring him in without much difficulty.

Youre prepared to transfer him.

Thats right. We have Jin scattered all over the place.

The shamans exchanged questions and answers and prepared to carry out a remote transfer.

If, as Yoohwang said, the things that that person sent would come down to the Dragon Palace, they wouldnt have to use as much power as when they transferred themselves.

But the structure of the Dragon Palace has changed. Is that okay?

Even so, this palace is like a single painting. I can transfer them to where they are headed.

Where they are headed

That childs father is in the Blue Dragon Palace, so hell likely go there. We can transfer them on the eastern ground.

Yoohwangs confident tone made the shamans more lively.

When the preparation for the transfer was complete, Shaman Hong, who hadnt said a word so far, opened her mouth.

Will the Dragon Clan on the ground be okay?

It sounded like she was worried about the other dragons, but also afraid that they would come after them.

The shamans decided to take the latter.

The Dragon Clan is with Chokryong-nim and the Red Lion back on the ground.

Isnt the Red King Yeom Bangyeol considered one of the strongest players among humans?

On top of that, the Players Association

Unrest was about to wash over the shamans again, so Yoohwang spoke up.

Didnt I say that they have a weakness?

Unlike the other shamans, the still-covered Shaman Hong trembled at Yoohwangs words.

Yoohwang spoke again, half-appeasing and half-threatening Shaman Hong.

You dont have to worry. Theres already something being done to catch that weakness on the ground.


Red Lion Team Building.

The exterior lights that illuminate the perimeter of the building began to go out one by one amid the otherworld spawning.

Shadows gathered under the switched-off lights.

Is the boundary lifted?

The 12-point alliance boundary is protecting the Dragon Clan, is that okay?

If you move a big tree that is deeply planted with roots, it will weaken. The Dragon Clan moved once for prosperity. Their boundary is weaker than that of other places.

The one in front spoke calmly.

The dragons had supplemented their weakened boundaries with the shamans power and the Red Lions. And now, the Red Lion is gone, busy attacking the otherworld. The shamans are on the same side as that person.

The people flinched at the last word.

They were recently forced under a contract with that person.

They were in no position to be honored as equals anymore.

The only one I ever have to serve is Iranus-nim

The priest of Iranus of Wrath spoke through gritted teeth.

It was the demon whose otherworld simulator garden was taken over by Yeom Junyeol back on Christmas Eve.

There was an eerie murderous intent in his eyes.

The time has come to pay back that disgrace. If we succeed in just one out of the two, the Dragon Clan will be over.

In his hands shone the Gram, the dragon-slayer weapon.

(T/N: Interesting detail, the Old Norse word Gramr also means wrath) Read the most updated version of this and other amazing translated s from the original source at Novel Multiverse NovelMultiverse dot com

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