Evolution From the Willow Tree

Chapter 72 - ; Suppression!

Chaos Xuan Huang Zhong is still in Liu Ziyu’s body.


   Therefore, where are the super geniuses such as the Suyi Girl, the Saint Child of the True Dragon Temple, and the White Clothes Youth, after walking up to the stone steps of the altar one after another, they did not endure the oppression of Xuanhuang Mother Qi.


   This is no good.


   Liu Ziyu quietly communicated with the chaotic mysterious yellow clock in his body.


   Not surprisingly, the instrument spirit of the Chaos Xuanhuang Bell has independently revived this extremely imperial instrument!


   The fully revived Jidao imperial weapon is equivalent to the presence of the living ancient emperor!


   The chaotic mysterious yellow clock that was revived by the will of the chaotic mysterious yellow clock has limited power, but with the majestic and majestic sound of Hong Zhong, which shook the Three Realms, it burst open in this bronze palace.


   One time.


   Nine heavens and ten earths are sinking, and the eight wildernesses are shattered!


   The boundless Xuanhuang Mother Qi surged beyond Liu Tzuyu’s tree.


   There are more than 15,000 monks standing in front of the altar.


   The sound of this brilliant and supreme bronze bell seemed to sound like the heavenly battle drum of the mythical age was struck, as if three thousand gods and demons in the depths of the chaos were roaring. Under the influence, the great magicians would also fall into fear and tremor.




   Some monks with weak strength and weak will, their bodies exploded into a cloud of blood mist when they heard the sound of Hong Zhong’s big Lu.


   As long as the monks with some means of cultivation are present, they scrambled to sacrifice magical abilities and open the Taoist magic weapons.


   Even though it was the super geniuses such as the plain-clothed girl, the son of the true dragon temple, and the white-clothed boy who walked to the stone steps of the altar, their complexion was pale at this time.


   Liu Tzuyu’s body has a strong Xuanhuang mother’s breath.


   These are not Liu Ziyu’s own Xuanhuang Mother Qi, but the chaotic Xuanhuang Bell after the initial recovery, sprayed out.


   The strands are heavy, crushing the universe.


   The Xuanhuang mother qi bred at the end of the chaos is the primitive qi of heaven and earth. To capture this primordial qi, you not only need the majestic power of the heavens and the earth, but also have the luck that ordinary people can’t match.


   If you have strength without luck, then the universe is vast, and you will never find a trace of Xuanhuang Maternal Qi in your entire life.


   The Chaos Xuan Huang Bell was an extremely imperial artifact made by the Qing Emperor, and these Xuan Huang mother qi was also collected by the Qing Emperor.


   When Liu Ziyu walked up to the stone steps of the altar, he had suffered from the oppression of the Xuanhuang mother’s energy. When that strand was pressed down, a prehistoric mountain would be broken, and an ancient beast would surrender.


The reason why Liu Ziyu didn’t let the Xuanhuang mother pressure down, he also absorbed the Xuanhuang mother Qi, and the bloodline was advanced to the innate divine willow. It was Liu Ziyu’s coincidence that combined the thirteen green lotus leaves left by the Qing emperor. .


   These thirteen green lotuses growing in the lotus pond were transformed from the lotus seeds bred by the Qing Emperor’s body. The spirit of the chaotic yellow bell also said that they are equivalent to the children bred by the Qing Emperor with the essence of blood.


   With the attachment of these thirteen green lotuses, Liu Ziyu didn’t target the Xuanhuang Mother Qi that originated from the Chaos Xuanhuang Bell, but also derived the blood of the innate **** Liu, which is comparable to the spiritual roots of heaven and earth.


   At this moment, the chaotic mysterious yellow bell is revived strongly, the sound of the bronze bell sweeps across the three realms and six realms, and the eruption of the mysterious yellow mother energy, like the sea like the ocean, gathers endlessly outside of Liu Ziyu’s huge tree.


  In the eyes of outsiders, Liu Ziyu, standing in this vast Xuanhuang mother, is shining brightly, illuminating the sky, the weather and the prestige are as great and immortal as the world tree in ancient times, and the highest and most holy.


Liu Tzuyu’s three thousand willow branches swayed, but it was a bit embarrassing. The Xuanhuang Mother Qi gathered outside his body looked insignificant, soft and empty, but it was as heavy as an ancient imperfect mountain. Propelled by Liu Tzuyu’s three thousand willow branches, there was nothing at all. Move forward.


   “Boy, you want to suppress the little guys on the stone steps with the Xuanhuang Mother Qi.”


   The instrument spirit of the Chaos Xuanhuang Bell made an inquiring sound.


“Right on my mind!”


   Liu Ziyu pressed.


   “Then let me come.” Chaos Xuanhuang Zhong’s tool spirit said: “You are still a shallow cultivation base, where can you promote this Xuanhuang Mother Qi?”


   After finishing speaking, the spirit of the Chaos Xuanhuang Bell secretly mobilized the vast and magnificent Xuanhuang Mother Qi, rumbling, robbing the world of light and pressing on the plain-clothed girl, the Saint Child of the True Dragon Palace and others.


   “You are merciful.” Liu Ziyu hurriedly shouted: “These people have outstanding talents and potential. They are all manufacturable materials. I want to subdue them and use them for my use. As long as the seniors suppress them, don’t hurt their lives.”


Chaos Xuanhuang Zhongxin understood that the Xuanhuang mother energy that struck those figures was less than one ten thousandth of Liu Ziyu’s body foreign exchange, but the strands descended on the plain-clothed girl, the white-clothed young man, and the true dragon palace. In front of this super genius, these super geniuses with visions and horns suddenly showed unprecedented solemnity.


“Be careful!”


   “This is Xuanhuang mother spirit!”


“Unbelievable, the Xuanhuang mother energy surrounding the willow tree can reach this level. This is the true Xuanhuang mother energy, and a strand of blessing can be forged into the magical artifact. Coming to the secret treasure of the Great Avenue, this strand of pressure on the body can also crush the spine of a top powerhouse.”


   It was difficult to hide the panic and sigh.


   Behind the scenes, the young man in white continued to explode.


   He shouted, in the vision world behind him, nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine sharp heavenly swords flew out resolutely.


   All these sharp heavenly swords are invincible and unbreakable.




   A few strands of the Xuanhuang Mother’s air pressure was forced down, regardless of his monstrous vision, allowing him to shine, and suddenly it was reduced to a flying ash bubble.


   The vision of the white-clothed boy collapsed, and the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand and nine hundred and ninety nine hundred and ninety nine hundred and ninety-nine, all-in-one, indestructible sharp swords no longer existed and fell apart.


   At this critical moment, there was a magic seal flying from the center of the eyebrows of the young man in white!


   This ancient seal with the pattern of the **** of swordsmanship, guided by the curse of the white-clothed boy, spreads and reflects the round of sheltered fields, like an indestructible, indestructible world.


   At the same time, the super geniuses such as the plain-clothed girl who walked up to the stone steps of the altar with the white-clothed boy, the Saint Son of the True Dragon Temple, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com one after another offered secret treasures.


   This world is chaotic!


   There are big bronze cauldrons shining out of the world, sprinkling out the blue dragon, divine phoenix, basalt and white tiger and other divine beasts!


   There are arrays of flags hunting and hunting, rolling the earth, water, wind and fire, confining the sky!


   There is a big seal in the world, illuminating the ten directions, and oppressing the universe!


  The magical tools sacrificed from the hands of these super geniuses, none of them are of ordinary sequence, they are all intertwined with “Dao” and “Dharma”.


   “hu 哧哧”


   Xuan Huang mother gas is tumbling.


   In an instant, the big seal fell, the cauldron was dull, and the array flag wailed.


  The Taoist magical instruments offered by several super geniuses, let the Xuanhuang Mother Qi that is constantly pouring on their heads suppress!



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