Evolution From the Willow Tree

Chapter 498 - ; Penglai Fairy Island ends! 4th more

Liu Ziyu stared at the fat face of the **** cat like a torch.

Looking at the appearance of this beast, it didn’t seem to be lying.

On Tianwai Island, Liu Ziyu was born with the ambition of creating the heavenly Taoism based on the manor of the Great Emperor on Tianwai Island!

There will be great horror and great cause and effect when the heavenly Taoism is established.

Liu Ziyu knows this very well.

But Tianting Taoism represents the dominance of the heavens, and I alone dominate!

The path that Liu Tzuyu walked is precisely to be arbitrarily arrogant for eternity, and to dominate myself!

Whether it was the collapse of the Heavenly Order in the Primordial Era or the establishment of the Heavenly Order, there will be great horror and great cause and effect. These will not scare Liu Ziyu.

But it is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Liu Ziyu hasn’t grown up to the point where he can sweep the world in a short while and become a world-dominant.

This is a long-term plan.

Therefore, on Tianwai Island, Liu Ziyu gave the **** cat a task, which was to ask the other party to recruit soldiers and buy horses, and first erect the banner of the heavenly orthodoxy. On the bright side, the **** cat was honored.

Now the **** cat doesn’t want to do it anymore, and complains that it can’t pull people out, and no one wants to be related to the heavenly order.

It can be seen that the monks in the heavens and the earth have great fear and fear for the heavenly Taoism.

“It’s because you didn’t do your best. If you do your best, I don’t believe that no one is willing to take refuge.”

With a fierce expression, Liu Ziyu shouted: “Let’s do it, you don’t have to think about things you don’t want to do. Heavenly Court, I must open it. I will give you a period of time, and you will bring me a group of teams. .

The strength of cultivation is not important, what is important is talent and potential, as well as loyalty. Never want a treacherous, shameless creature like you.

Others, my heavenly court will not refuse to come, whether human monk or monster race monk, as long as he is willing to come and be loyal to the heavenly order, you will send him to Tianwai Island.

The cultivation environment in the Great Emperor’s Manor is still the Star Waterfall, the Great Emperor’s Dojo, which has a multiplier effect on cultivation. “

To win the team, it can’t do without the foundation and resources.

The Great Manor is the base where Liu Ziyu established the Heavenly Orthodoxy.

“Damn boy! He’s determined to find death. He doesn’t listen to the emperor’s advice, and he has to pull the emperor…”

The **** cat grinned and looked up to the sky with tears.

It has Liu Ziyu’s “willow seed” brand in its body, which is tantamount to selling itself as a slave.

After a few years, Big Black Cat tried everything but failed to dissolve this “willow seed”.

“Did you hear what I said?”

Liu Ziyu slapped the **** cat on the shoulder and said, “A few days ago, I met this fairy on Penglai Fairy Island in the Penglai Xian Pagoda. The woman said that this life is likely to be unprecedented. Turbulent years!

There will be chaos in the world, and ten thousand races will fight for hegemony.

At that time, the world was in chaos, all souls were sad, all living beings were lost, and the power of one person could not stand firm in this troubled world. I want to establish the heaven and earth, and one is to rule the heavens and the world in the name of heaven. Domineering.

Secondly, it is necessary to use the heavenly morality to win the inferior position in this world of great controversy. When you help me, you are helping yourself. “

The **** cat was dubious: “The female fairy on Penglai Fairy Island? You kid is deceived? Before the emperor dominates the North Sea, this Penglai Fairy Island has continued on the North Sea, and the emperor has come more than once. Didn’t you meet a fairy?”

“It may be that your face is too dark.” Liu Ziyu didn’t say much. It was enough for this beast to know his determination, no doubt and no change. Said: “We have already studied the issue of establishing the Heavenly Orthodoxy.

Next, let me pay my respects to you Lord Black Emperor. After arriving at Penglai Fairy Island, I have all got those good things! “

The strength of the **** cat is not weak!

The **** cat whose cultivation was cut off by the Great Emperor Yuantian still has an innate avenue of emptiness, coupled with that indestructible, domineering physical body, even a sage giant will be blacked out. The cat is playing in the palm of his hand.

Under the chase of the Great Sage of Lingtian Temple, the **** cat was not obliterated either.

Moreover, the **** cat nowadays, leaving the cage where it was imprisoned, has already begun to recover its cultivation base, and there is a majestic and turbulent demon energy reverberating in its body, which shows that this beast is better than it was before the Tianwaidao. But also fierce and ferocious.

Coupled with the greed and cunning of the **** cat, Liu Ziyu believes that within a few years of this beast’s arrival on the Penglai fairy island, it must have found a lot of good things. Maybe there is something unexpected. Great opportunity, great luck.

“No! This kid is worried about the resources of the emperor.”

The **** cat thief was aware of Liu Ziyu’s intentions, without saying anything, disappeared into the imaginary space with a long scream: “The matter of recruiting soldiers and buying horses, let the emperor do it, you kid don’t worry…”

“It runs very fast.” Liu Ziyu sneered.

Half a year passed without knowing it was an episode of a **** cat.

Liu Ziyu began to hear what the **** cat did on the Penglai Celestial Pagoda.

“This beast is really bold! After escaping from the chase of the Great Sage of Lingtian Temple, he actually ran to this Penglai Immortal Island!”

“Who says no, it’s coming, this beast dared to yell without shame, to establish a heavenly tradition! Any talented person can vote for it! This is going to heaven.”

“Heavenly Orthodoxy, ancient and modern taboos! There are records in history. Every era has great figures who have reached the pinnacle and invincible. They want to establish heavenly Orthodoxy and order all beings in the universe, but in the end no one succeeded.

Even the Primordial Heavenly Court in the Primordial Era was transformed into the secret realm of the seabed heavenly palace buried deep under the sea. Now this beast is walking against the sky, recruiting soldiers and buying horses, and establishing the heavenly Taoism. It shouldn’t be going. Fight against Lingtian Temple, right? “

This day.

Liu Tzuyu’s cultivation base ~www.mtlnovel.com~ has ample background, and he has risen to the eightfold level of Nirvana.

The cultivation base has been improved, and the combat power has also been improved.

After a few months, a thick fog rose on the boundless Penglai Fairy Island.

This mist is pervasive, like a vast ocean, to swallow all the mountains, waters, flowers, and grasses on Penglai Fairy Island.

The monks who were still scattered on Penglai Fairy Island all knew each other.

This is a sign that Penglai Fairy Island is about to disappear. If you can’t exit Penglai Fairy Island in advance, you will have to disappear into the world with Penglai Fairy Island.

“Three thousand ancient immortal words, a piece of immortal source artifact.”

“If you come to Penglai Fairy Island this time, no one can get the most from me.

Liu Ziyu flew to the outside of Penglai Fairy Island contentedly.

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