Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 251: Reunion

The two police officer rushed across the street. Brax backed away from the windows and glass door. He could see everything from inside, but the outside was heavily tinted since the sun poured straight into these windows every evening. Retreated to behind the receptionist counter and bent down to access the surveillance system under the counter that monitored the gym.

He knew that there were no cameras outside or even on this block. His lawyer had already picked up every available security camera shot of the roads on the day of Brax's incident. That was why he was sure there were no cameras on this street. Because if he could prove that these two officers had followed him from the club, then his case would be even more rock solid. Unfortunately, the nearest surveillance camera was two miles away.

He deleted the files from the past three days and shut the system down and then unplugged it.

The two officers pulled out their guns as they approached the club in pursuit of the armed men that had fled earlier. One reached out while the other covered him. The first officer jerked on the door, but it didn't budge since it was locked.

Brax was finding it hard to contain his smile as he dialed 911 (The police emergency line).

"911, what is your emergency."

Brax started to breath heavily and get himself worked up before he spoke in a panicked whisper. "Please help, two armed men are trying to break into my store." After that, he moved from around the desk, loudly bumping into it and slowly walking towards the doors of the gym.

Brax was a little unsure of his plan but then he saw something that both frightened him and made him knew that he would succeed. Both of the cops reached towards their chests and turned off their body cameras.

"We know you are in there! Come out or we will break down the door! This doesn't have to get bloody, you know what we want!" The officers shouted while thinking it was the two men from earlier who made the noise inside.

"Sir, where are you at right now? Sir? Sir?" The operator was trying to get more information from Brax after she heard the angry shouts.

"Please help, I am at XXXX XXXXXXX. Please hurry I fear for my life." Brax nervously said before retreating to the gym and locking the door that separated the training area from the reception.

"Fine, we are coming in!"


Brax hung up the phone and stomped on it after they shattered the door. Breaking the screen and maybe the phone.

One of the police officers took out his baton and smashed it into the glass door, bringing the whole thing down with a couple of strikes.

The two officers searched the reception area. They checked the meeting room on a door to the left and then went into the bathrooms that were on the right. They were thorough, as they didn't want to let the two from earlier escape.

When the two officers left the bathroom, they moved towards the doors to the gym. One of the officers stopped and grabbed the other.

"What are you stopping me for, we can't let those two get away with what they have."

The officer who stopped the other pointed towards the tiny window on the door. The other officer then looked through the window to see Brax staring back at them with a faint smile.

He was the last person the two police officers expected to see. They really didn't know what to do.

*Wee* *Woo* *Wee* *Woo*

When the two police officers heard the other squad cars coming their direction, they regained their confidence.

"Come out with your hands up!"

Brax pulled back from the window. There was no way he would go out there until several other police officers showed up.

Taking a deep breath, Brax steadied himself while staring at the padded wall in front of him.

*Wham* *Wham* *Wham*

The two police officers weren't sure what Brax was doing after he moved away from the window. They could hear a faint slamming noise from inside the gym. The only thing they were sure of was that Brax wasn't planning to come out.

"Come out now and surrender yourselves!" The other officer shouted this time.

*Wham* *Wham* *Wham*

Brax cursed in his mind. The padded walls were softer bet they definitely weren't a pillow, they only prevented major injuries. Not minor ones.

He winced as he used his arm to wipe away the blood that was dripping from his nose and gums. He touched the area around his left eye. He was certain that it would turn into a black eye soon enough.

*Wee* *Woo* *Wee* *Woo*

The sirens grew louder before they stopped. Three squad cars stopped in front of the club. A report of a person being attacked by armed men was enough to mobilize any nearby officer.

Two people got out of each car. Four entered through the broken door while two others ran around towards the back of the building.

"What's the situation?" A grizzled grey-haired man said after entering the reception room.

"Sergeant, we chased two armed men into this building, but we saw a third person through the window. He is probably working with them." One of the two original officers said.

The sergeant stepped forward with his gun drawn. "Everyone inside needs to come out with their hands or we will be forced to come in and use force!"


"Stay alert." The sergeant said.

After unlocking the door, Brax slowly walked out with his hands raised. His intense workout had left him extremely tired, and after the number he did to his own face he was now in a good deal of pain. His arms trembled as he held them up, and there was no need to fake that.

"Move!" The sergeant said.

Two police officers tackled Brax to the ground while the sergeant and the two original officers went into the gym.

"Get off of me!" Brax yelled. "I am the victim!" Although he yelled and screamed, he didn't dare to resist in the slightest.

A minute later the sergeant and the two others returned. One of the original officers turned to the sergeant and spoke. "Sir, I believe this man helped aid the two-armed men in escaping and purposely hindered us from catching them."

"Bullshit, that's all bullshit!" Brax yelled while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

The sergeant turned towards Brax and stared at him until he quieted down. "If you weren't purposely hindering the two first responders, then why did you lock yourself in the gym and not let them in? If you wouldn't have stopped them, we might have caught the two-armed men."

"That's bullshit! Those are the two-armed men." Brax said while nodding at the two officers. "They beat me up and threatened to kill my family. I was the one who called, my cell number is 513-555-1234."


"He is framing us."

"Hmpf. Do you think I will believe your word over two officers? What reason would they have to threaten you?"

The officer who arrived with the sergeant went up to him and said. "Sir, I think that is Brax Tomlin."

"I don't care who he is. I may have only joined this department yesterday but you all will find out that in my book, no one is above the law. I don't care whose son he is or who his grandfather may be. IF you break the law, you will be held responsible. Besides we can easily check their body cameras to see what happened."

The sergeant didn't noticed the panicked face of the two officers but a few others did.

The police officer moved closer to the sergeant and began to whisper. "Sir, I didn't mean it like that. These two officers have a history with this guy." The officer began to explain what had happened last week.

The sergeant narrowed his eyes at he looked towards the two who had been here when he arrived.

"How the hell are you two even allowed to be working right now? Give me your guns and your badges immediately! You both should have been on suspension until your previous mess was resolved." The sergeant barked.

"But the chief-."

"I am your direct superior! Are you questioning my commands? Hobbs, go collect their equipment and body cameras, we have to find out exactly what happened here." The sergeant then turned to Brax and unlocked his handcuffs. "You will need to come back to the police station with us."

"I am not going anywhere with you. I will drive myself to the police station later. I can't just leave after these two destroyed my door."

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