Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 247: A New Warden

Adrestia, in her larger form, clung to Lucan's back and activated levitate so she could hold his weight and then flew him down towards the ground.  Lucan gave her a rub on the head.

"You did a good job of picking enhanced jump and levitate.  I didn't think that would be enough for you to fly while holding on to me."

"Squeak, squeak."

"You did a good job too.  You really helped out a lot during this dungeon."  Lucan said while bending down and rubbing Little Brown's back."

"Squeak, squeak."

"Chirp, chirp."

"Here you go."  Lucan said as he set out two dabs of honey on a plate.  Both of his familiars happily licked up the honey.

A moment later, Divine, Silent, and tracker returned to the large carvern.

"What happened?"  Silent asked.

She knew that there had been a new development since they were released from the dungeon and it wasn't until later that the dungeon was considered cleared.

By the time Lucan finished explaining what went down, Super had made it back.

"Ha, ha, that was awesome."  Lucan said to Super while giving him a fist bump.

Super rubbed the back of his head and grinned.  "Come on, let's divide up the loot."  He said.

'Champion, the portal that connects this dungeon to the abyssal realm is putting stress on the ethereal realm.  You must shut the portal to ensure that it doesn't not continue to do damage.'

The ethereal guardian who had transformed Lucan into a planeshifter contacted him.

"You guys gather it up.  I need to check something out."  He said, and then went towards the hallway where General Mantigar came from.

Taking a closer look at the mana crystal covered in runes he could see faint traces of ethereal mana inside.  Lucan was a bit excited.  These runes could provide a key on how to create a permanent portal between realms.

'Champion, this is the source.  You must destroy it.'

'Can't I just remove it?  I would like to study it.  I think it would be good to know how to create a permanent portal.'  Lucan asked.

'NO! This must be destroyed.'


'You don't understand champion.  This thing creates a permanent portal but it is not stable.  It rips through the ethereal realm.  The are it rips through becomes torn and ragged the more it is used, until eventually the ethereal realm will not be able to support itself and it will collapse in this location. '

'If this is such a big deal, then why didn't you let me know about it before.  Shouldn't you be aware that there is a tear in the ethereal realm under my fortress?'  Lucan asked.  He was annoyed because he wanted to study it, but he could understand the guardians point.

'This place is protected, and I was unable to see into it.  It is only once you grew close that I was able to feel the disturbance.  If you destroy this crystal, I will provide you with the knowledge on how to create a proper stable portal.  As my champion, you will be rewarded for you contributions.'

'Why didn't you say so earlier?'  Lucan said before he began to slice at the crystal with the blade of corruption.  After several hits, the runes on the crystal became illegible, and the mana contained inside became unstable.  The mana cracked and shattered the crystal before it escaped.

Once his task was completed knew knowledge bean to appear into his mind.  It was similar to a spell formula but made from runes.  Lucan recognized it as an advanced formation.  He would need time to study it but once he learned what each of the runes did and how they interacted with each other it shouldn't be too hard for him to create his own stable portals.

Lucan returned to see that the team had placed a pile off loot between them.

"Anything good?"  Lucan asked, while walking over to them.

Super held up a couple of vials.  "We found a bottled portion of the disease that Divine was inflicted with.  If it can be converted to a poison, I think it will be quite potent, especially since it can affect a paladin.  Does anyone mind if I take it?"

No one seemed to want it, so Lucan answered.  "It is all yours."

DivineDiva spoke next.  She picked up a bone that belonged to the demon emperor.  "If I turn this into the church, I can get a good reward."

Since no one else wanted it, she kept it.

"You might like this."  Silent said while handing over a book.

Lucan checked it out briefly.  The book contained detailed instructions on how to create a formation for trapping a target.  Presumably, it was what was used to contain the demon emperor before he regained his power from the arm.

Everyone was fine with Lucan taking it.

The rest of the items were decent, but nothing fit the interests or classes of those present so it was divided almost evenly.  It was 'almost' because Tracker92 and Silent got a larger portion since they didn't take anything.

"Now that that is settled, what are you going to do with this place?"  Super asked.

Lucan looked around.  Pretty much every prisoner was looking at them from their cells and listening closely to what he would say next.

"It will take time, but I plan to check out the prisoners and see if they belong here.  Chances are I will set most of them free and then turn this place into my own ultra-max security prison.  I think it will work well.  Did you guys notice that we can't contact other players while we are in here.  And not only that, but it can't be entered as a raid dungeon.  Mean forty players can come in at once, or I can imprison thirty-nine players and come in and visit them."

"Speaking of letting them go, there was a lunar elf who helped me out."  Super said.  "She passed me a note for Marama.  Since you have spoken to her before, I will pass the note to you."

Lucan took the note and stuffed it into his pocket.  Chances are that Marama would want that prisoner released.  It would be a good chance to extort her.  He then looked around at the other cells and wondered if there were mighty figures who would pay for their release.  He never imagined that taking over a prison would be so profitable.

"If there is nothing else, I need to head to a church to get this disease cured."  Said DivineDiva.

"We are done here, thanks for the help."  Lucan said.

Super and Tracker92 left with the paladin.  Silent went through the loot she got while Lucan looked through the options for this dungeon in the dungeon master tab.

He was a little surprised to see that the people in these cells were not part of the dungeon.  That meant if they died, they wouldn't respawn.

Lucan looked at the dungeon points his other dungeon had accumulated and decided to make a purchase.  If he wanted to make this his super prison, the first thing he need was a warden.

Looking through the options, if he spent all his points he could buy a single level 190 Elite.  But if he wanted a named elite, he could only buy a level 180.  Lucan decided to go with the level 190 because he could always add a name later.  It would be more expensive but it was still cheaper than selling a level 180 named elite and buying a level 190 named elite.

After making a purchase a shadow elf materialized in front of him.  The shadow elf was lean but looked grizzled and experienced.  He had a whip on one hip and a sword on the other.

"Greatings dungeon master."  The shadow elf said.

"You will be the warden of the prison.  Preform your duties well and I will reward you with a name, for now you will simply be called warden."

"Yes sir.  What is my first task?"  Asked the shadow elf.  The name above his head changed from Shadow Elf to Warden.

"I want you to interview each prisoner and find out their names, where they come from and why they are here.  While they are prisoners now, I don't know if any of them deserve to be here so treat them accordingly.  Later I will have a new supply of food and water sent down and I will work on getting you some subordinates to help you properly run my prison."

"Yes sir.  I will start right away."  The warden said before leaving.

"All done?"  Silent asked.

"Yep, let's go see Raze.  I might be able to get a new arm."

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