Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 244: Freedom

With the guard's quarters now under their control, it was time to make a move on the enemies in the cavern.

Lucan dismissed the illusions and telekinetic walls that covered the windows.  In their place he creature a single illusion that was a copy of one of the guards.  He had that illusion stand at the window and peer down below, like the guard had been doing before Lucan and the others barged in.

"I think we should try to pick off a few of the guards quietly."  Silent said.  "Even if we got caught, as long as we can take out a few it is worth it."

Lucan nodded; it was a good idea.

Divine and Lucan, left the room and began to head through the tunnel towards the lower entrance to the cavern.

Silent and Super looked out for any opportunities to take out an enemy quietly.  Tracker92, with his noisy guns, had to wait until the real fight started before he would be able to snipe.

"What about that one?"  Super whispered as he pointed to a guard below the window.

"We might be able to."  Silent agreed.  "But what about the prisoners?"

The guard was walking on the highest level platform that circled the outer wall of the cavern.  The platform was at least a hundred meters above the floor where most of the enemies were located, but the wall it circled was filled with prisoners in their cells.  It was possible that cells inhabitants would alert the guards.

Super shrugged.  "We just have to risk it."

"Lucan and Divine will be in position soon but I don't know if this guard will come back our way.  Let's try it while we have the chance."  Silent said.

The two then looked towards tracker who was at a window further down.  He could see the guard without having to lean out and expose himself.

Hey, held up his hand, telling them to wait and then whispered.  "3… 2… 1… go."

Super toppled out of the window and began falling down while Silent drew her bow while leaning out.  She fired an arrows that was accompanied by eight shadow arrows.  Super drew one of his scimitars.  He landed on top of the guard plunging the saber through the guard's shoulder and into his torso while he covered the man's mouth with his other hand.

Then nine arrows came from above and plunged straight into the man's head.

Super felt the guard go limp and quickly pulled him back so he wouldn't fall off of the platform and alert the others below.

After Super set down the body, it turned gray and disappeared.  After the guard died, super created an illusionary copy of the guard and had him lean against the wall between the cells while looking around.  That was when he heard a noise from the cell behind him.  He turned to see a dwarven prisoner staring at him with wide eyes.

Super used a single finger to cover his mouth, indicating that the dwarf should stay quiet.  The dwarf nodded quietly and moved closer towards the bars to get a better view of what was happening below.  Super could see the longing and expectation in his eyes.  The dwarf desperately wanted to be free.

SuperSleuth then peered around looking for his next target.  When he received a message from Lucan, he melted into the shadows and disappeared.

'Super, there is another guard about fifty meters to your left on the platform below you.'

The shadows stirred fifty meters away.  Super took form.  He reached into his bag and pulled out a small vial.  It was an expensive poison.  He didn't have much of it and its effect would greatly diminish after being exposed to air.  He only had less than a minute if he wanted the strongest effect.

The poison may sound like a hassle with its ridicules effect and tiny life span but it was one of the strongest paralyzers on the market.  After pulling the cap off the vial he dipped the tip of a crossbow bolt into it before quickly putting it in his hand crossbow.

Laying on his stomach he leaned his head and arms out over the platform and took aim.


The bolt silently fired straight down into the guard.  The poison took effect instantly.  The guard was frozen stiff, unable to move a muscle or even blink an eye.  He then began to totter.  It looked as if he may fall forward off of the platform.

Super reached into his bag to pull out a knew weapon and then struck.  His whip swung down and coiled around the guard's neck at the same moment when the guard fell forward.

Super let out a quiet grunt as he lifted with all his might, but a body is truly a heavy thing.  He began to slip forward and was about to slide off the platform when he felt someone grab his ankles.

Letting out a sigh of relief, he looked back.  But it wasn't one of his teammates helping him, it was a lunar elf reaching through the bars to keep him from falling.  The elf held tight and nodded.

Silent heard what was happening from Lucan, since she couldn't see from her spot in the window. She nocked an arrow and drew back her bow.  When she first grabbed the string, she did so with her hand upside down, her thumb was facing the bottom.  As she pulled further back she twisted her wrist until her thumb was up.

When the arrow launched it began to rapidly rotate and started to curve through the air like a boomerang.  The arrow dove and curved around, striking the hanging guard in the chest.  Following the air was a horde of blue carnivorous butterflies that silently glided down towards their meal.

They covered the body and within ten seconds the corpse turned gray and disappeared.

Super stood up after the elf let go.  The lunar elf didn't say anything but passed over a note on a torn piece of paper that was addressed to Marama, the Lunar goddess.  Super pocket the note and nodded towards the elf.

Lucan and DivineDiva were peering thorough the entrance into the carven trying to locate the next target.  Out of the corner of his eye, Lucan noticed something moving across the ceiling.  He instantly recognized the mana signature.

The demon prince's arm was slowly crawling across the ceiling while gripping the jagged surface.

Before he could say or do anything, the hand let go and the arm began to fall.  It feel straight down towards the center of the room.

"Yesss."  A deep voice let out a groan.

The guards that were chanting on the circular alter were immediately alerted.  Before they could do anything, the hand plummeted past them and dove through the cracks in the bars.  It fell down into the cage below.

"Yes, the blood and flesh of demon royalty.  I feel my strength returning."

"Emergency!"  The guard in the center of the circle yelled.  "We have intruders in his Eminence's prison.  Quickly, active the-."

Before he could say anymore, a large, pitch black hand burst through the bars from below and grasped the guard.  The hand squeezed and the guard turned to mush.

"So noisy."  Said a deep gravely voice that came from below.

Then a second hand burst through the bars and ripped apart the top of the cage.

"Ah, freedom at last."

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