Evolution: A Warlock's Rise To Power

Chapter 241: Entering The Prison

The group slowly wandered into the dungeon.  They were still underground while walking through a large tunnel that had been lined with polished stones.

DivineDiva led the way with a shield and sword in her hands.  She was followed by Super who had both of his scimitars drawn.  Lucan was in the third position, carrying his scepter while Silent was behind him with her bow in hand.  Tracker92 brought up the rear while keeping his rifle ready.

They encountered several more traps while walking through the tunnel, but Lucan had been able to disarm them all so far.  But they had yet to meet a single enemy.

They began to descend down a flight of stairs.  When the stairs ended, they caught a glimps of their first enemies.

Up ahead was a room with several prison cells on its walls.  In the center of the room five level 160 elites were sitting at a table in the center of the room eating a meal.

Taking a closer look, the enemies were some sort of demons.  They were bipedal creatures three meters tall with with curved horns on their heads like a bull.  The bare-chested demons had hooves for feet.  They looked like some sort of demon minitour.

Everyone nodded to each other to signal that they were ready, then the group looked towards DivineDiva.

Divine pulled down the face shield on her helmet and charged into the room.

"Taste a smite from the heavens!"  She yelled as she slashed out her sword.

An arc of golden light shot from her sword, burning the flesh of the three demons who got hit by the attack.


Tracker92 landed a head shot on one of the demons who hadn't been hit.  But the powerful sniper rifle was only able to take away 5% of the demon's health even though it was a head shot.

Super was right behind Divine.  He blurred into a shadow and appeared behind the last uninjured demon and brought both his scimitars down across the beasts back.

Lucan ran towards the demon that Tracker92 had shot and unleashed several telekinetic slashes while he closed the distance.  Arrows flew over his shoulder and into his target.  As he grew closer, he leapt into the air, his scepter changing into the short sword 'Blade of Corruption'. And hacked down at his target.

The demon roared and bent his head, trying to impale him on its horns.  Lucan used ethereal step to pass through the creature then followed up with a backstab, stunning blow and then struck several more times before he used lacerate.

The demon didn't just let him attack as he wanted.  A large fist came swing back towards the warlock.

Lucan used evasion to roll under the fist and slashed again before jumping back and raising his stump of an arm.  A purple beam of mana locked onto the demon and began to drain its life and vitality.  The demon kept attack but Lucan was able to parry most of the blow with his sword while slowly building the corruption counter on the demon.

DivineDiva was outnumbered but her holy power was the bane of demons, devils and undead.  She locked one down with holy chains and kept her shield between her and a second demon, all the while using her sword to continuously smite the third demon.

Lucan was impressed while he watched through Adrestia's eyes.  He was prepared to have the shadow drake help her, but she really knew how to play a paladin well.  She fully controlled the three demons she faced.

Silent kept firing arrows at the demon that Super was tangled with.  She didn't stop until she was five feet away.  Stowing her bow she pulled out two daggers and leapt towards the creatures back, sinking both blades deep into its flesh before unleashing a flurry of blows.

Super was keeping the demons attention even though Silent was dealing a large amount of damage to the creatures back.  Suppers Scimitars sliced and split flesh.  He used ethereal step and shadow form to dodge the creature's attacks.  Super was a rich man when it came to banked experience points and he had never hesitated to buy abilities.  He bobbed and weaved while continuously drawing blood.

Tracker92 kept the high ground from the stairs and fired his rifle once it was reloaded.  It was another head shot, but that was normal for him, even if his target was tangle with a friendly.  He reloaded the rifle and fired again.  The two demons that weren't being controlled by the paladin were almost dead.  After reloading his rifle again, he stored his weapon and drew two pistols while running down the steps.

After another slash with his sword, Lucan trigger the corruption that had accumulated inside the demon.  It exploded with a bang and then the demon began to whiter as the last of its vitality was drained by the purple beam.  The demon crumbled into dust and its soul was crystalized.

Silent and Super coordinated their attacks.  Silent triggered two hamstring attacks from behind and the demon fell to its knees.  Super crossed his scimitars and separated the creatures head from its shoulders.

*Bang* *Bang*

Super, Silent, and Lucan turned to help Divine.  The demon who was chained had just managed to escape when two bullets hit its forehead.

Divine put all her strength into her shield and slammed it into a demon, knocking him off his feet and sending him flying towards the wall.  She then used her sword to finish off the demon she had been fighting the whole time.

Lucan and Super took turned their blades toward the demon who had just been shot.


Lucan used his stump the cast flashbang and blind the demon, allowing the both of them to bleed out the demon quickly.

Silent fired her arrows toward the demon on the far side of the room who had just struggled to its feet.

When the demon saw that three of its compatriots were dead and the fourth would soon be joining the others, it quickly reached out towards a lever on the wall.

"Stop him!"  DivineDIva yelled out when she saw what was happening.

But it was too late.  The lever was pulled down and the prison cells on the edges of the room swung open.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Three bullets hit the demon just a second too late and took his life only after the lever had been pulled.

Over fifty creatures that came up to the waist of the players scampered out of the prison cells.  The group hesitated.  Maybe the creatures who had been freed would run away and enjoy their new freedom.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

The creatures resembled hyenas but their fron teeth were oversized like tusks and their fur was rotting as if they were diseased.

With a snarl the creatures charged.


Tracker92 fired his sniper and a bullet went through four, killing the first three.

"They aren't that tough!"  He shouted.  "Use area attacks."

DivineDiva swung her sword and let out arc after arc of divine light.  Silent fired arrows that were accompanied by multiple shadow arrows that flew at the real arrows side.

Super waited till the hyenas were almost on him.  Shadows spread out from his feet all around.  He then stabbed his scimitars down into the shadows.  Twenty shadow scimitars then stabbed upward from the shadows that he created, piercing straight through the creatures.

Lucan rapid fired telekinetic slash, destroying six wands in only five seconds because they were overload by having too much mana fly through them.

After only a minute, the last hyena died.

The group then feel to their butts and began to catch their breath.  After a minute Silent went to look for any arrows that could be recovered while Tracker92 began to reload his rifle and the various pistols he had used.

They had cleared the first room.

"Crap!"  DivineDiva said.  "I managed to contract a disease from those creatures."

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