Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 6 - The taste of pain and happiness

Chapter 6: The taste of pain and happiness

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

We finally arrive. Both of us are all very tired. She hold a big guy climb to the 3rd floor. I am injured and… hold myself too long time.

Why? As a young & healthy man, I drank pretty some wine tonight and been held by such a beauty for so long time. If you were me, do you need to hold yourself?

Didi saw two big suitcases in the hall. I smile to her.

“I’m about to leave next week. These are packed luggage.”

She holds me to the bedroom and let me lie down. She goes to the bathroom. No sooner, she takes a hot towel to me. After I clean my face. She gives me a glass of hot water and pass me a pill.

Look at the sweats on her forehead, I am just aware of she hold me to three floors. Such a little girl almost took all my weight.

“I’m fine now. Just sit and take some rests.” I’m touched. I take the glass, swallow the pill with the whole glass of water.

She is smiling. I find that she has a left dimpled chin when smile. Looks lovely.

“Brother 5, are you feeling hungry? H smells the wine taste from you. You must have drunk quite a lot. My mum says that man always feels hungry after drink.” She asks me.

I laugh.

“You do know many things. I’m fine. You may go back now. Here is not so much safe, just take a taxi. Nightclub pays.”

I do feel a bit dizzy. Didi sees I am not in good mood, come to help me take the suit off and lie me down again. I see stains on the suit and remember it’s one of the three men puked on when I had kicked him in the stomach. Really sick!

She pulls the cover over me, cleans my face with the towel, sneaks out of the bedroom and closes the door for me.

Don’t know why, I sleep very well. It is likely I dreamed something about the teenage time. We were practicing kongfu with master. These days are pretty tough, master always hit ass by bamboo piece. But he always cooks the spareribs soup for us after hit. It’s so delicious so that we always made some troubles to gain the hits. Because we know that only be through the pain, we may drink the tasty spareribs soup. From then on, I knew a special feeling. It contains both pain and happiness at the same time.

After a whole night good dream, I wake up in the morning. My face is full of the smiles, and my head is no longer that pain.

I walk out of the bedroom. I see a suit is hung in the bathroom. It’s the one I wore last night. Not only this one, but also another some underwear I throw there are all been washed. Thermos bottle is full. The ground is cleaned either. Even the cabinets in the kitchen are cleaned.

I feel very touched when I see all of this. I even dare not to touch these things just like my touch will make them dirty again.

My phone rings suddenly. It’s Juan. He is my boss, one of the owner of the Golden Paradise.

He is a legend. It is said that went to south 20 years ago just take 1000 money. Smuggled electronics, smuggled gold, opened seafood restaurants. He took quite some money back 8 years ago, and then grows very well. Except Golden Paradise, he owns two western-style restaurants and a seafood hot pot restaurant. He invested a taxi company 3 years ago so that one third of the taxi in our city belong to him. He is a man with very big power. That’s the reason we may pass all the official examinations.

Guests just know Golden Paradise is based in a five star hotel. But the he just rent the place and there is nothing else related with the hotel.

Juan treats the staffs very kind and nice, to me either. He says often that, “You are working in my company, taking the salary, and you are a part of the company. So company takes care of you!”

I speak it often too now.

It’s really cool to work for such a boss. As my opinion, he is much more admirable than the well-educated managers.

Juan once told me to quit the nightclub business after two or three years and follow him to take other business. He trusts me very much. That’s the reason why I can be the chief manager in such a young age. Especially I started from very junior and have kept working hard for 5 years, it makes him very appreciate. So he takes good care of me. No one knows that my salary is the highest of the 4 chief managers. When he is not there, I am almost the general manager of the nightclub.

“5, I heard that someone made trouble and you were hurt last night? ” Juan’s voice comes from the phone. His voice is mild and euphonious, always sounds like everything is control.

“I’m fine! Some drunk guests made some small troubles.”

“Young man, take it easy. You know I do expect on you. Don’t to be rush. You don’t have to do anything yourself, just leave them to the staffs. Guys like William, we pay them money is for problem-solving like that. If you need to do it yourself, then they need to go. ” Juan says peaceful, “Just take a one day rest and don’t come to nightclub tonight. Do remember go to the hospital to make a double check. If you head is broken, where can I find another good fighter to play boxing with me?”

William he mentions is the head of the security in nightclub. Don’t think that we have any relationship with the gangs. People like Juan, his is nothing to do with the gang, but there is no any gangster dares to piss him. They just dare to bully on the ordinary people only. And our nightclub is the high level place. Most of our clients are high level too. If there are some rude gangsters there, clients must be scared away.

I know he is joking on me. I laughs, “I’m all right, Juan. Thank you!”

“Good!” He stops for a while and ask, “How’s John doing these days?”

I am in a trance and start thinking the meaning of his word. “He is still the same and seems nothing special.”

“5, you know, John is not the family from the start. I trust you the most of the 4 chief managers. Do keep an eye on and take good care of our place.”

“I see! I will!” I am a bit moved.

“OK! You are smart and I won’t speak more.” He laughs there, “in my plan, I wanna to ask you come to fight with me today. But you are hurt, let’s make it next time!”

He hangs the phone.

Everyone in nightclub knows that I am the younger chief manager. As a 23 years old chief manager of such a high level nightclub, they guess I have some background. But I know that it all thanks for Juan. I was born in this city. Then I was sent to another city to go to school, apprenticed my master to learn kongfu for couple of years. But I was too young that made some big troubles. When I back here 5 years ago, I’m alone with nothing.

My parents were gone. They left me a small apartment. But I fought for a brother when I was back. The result was I have to sell the apartment for the compensation. I have to find a job for living, so that I went to Golden Paradise.

By a small chance, Juan acknowledged me. After one year plate boy, one year reception and one year waiter, I was promoted to be a manager, then the chief manager. I become a so call one of the family.

Juan is hardly to be seen in nightclub now. I know that he is almost giving the whole nightclub business to me. I can handle most of the things except of the finance.

Actually I don’t understand why he value me so much all the time. But I do know that people need to know appreciation. Everything I got now, which include job, salary and the respects, are all from Juan. He is worth working for.

Maybe because of he likes fighting? He is really a tough guy with good fight skill. I like to fight boxing with me because I have learned kongfu. I see lots of the scars on his body. Once I asked him about this. He replied me with a thoughtful eyesight.

“5, in this world, how much you want to get, how much you need to pay!”

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