Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 50 - You're making trouble!

Chapter 50: You’re making trouble!

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

The charity is arranged in the most luxurious banquet hall on the sixth floor of the hotel. From the elevator to the door, there are many security guards tonight. Entering the banquet hall, the guiding girl leads us to table 6. Jimmy Chou and Yumi are greeted to the table 1 in the first row.

I think these are probably arranged by the identities.

When Nanny comes to this public occasion, there is no longer anything unusual can be seen on her face. She completely returns to normal, just like in the company, with a calm expression and attitude.

I’ve seen a lot of famous people tonight. There are a few guys on the financial and business headlines of the newspaper, and some often appears on the covers of professional magazines.

It seems that the charity party is of a very high level, not only the rich people in this city, but also some famous people from all over the country have been invited to attend. Besides, I have also seen two famous stars who are quite popular.

Nanny’s popularity seems quite good, at least one third of the people greet her, and some would sit down to chat with her. But I notice that all the people who see me sitting beside her can’t help showing a trace of surprise.

I sit still and speak very little. Only when Nanny introduces me is her assistant, I just occasionally stand up and shake hands with the other side. In fact, I have very few chances to shake hands. More often those people just nod to me with a hint of pride.

I certainly wouldn’t be as dissatisfied as an angry young man – I’ve worked hard in this society for a few years and clearly realize that the world is hierarchical!

Before the party starts, the well-dressed men and women in the banquet hall are still looking for their own circle of conversation. It’s a perfect place to socialize.

I see Jimmy Chou and Yumi are talking in a low voice on the table in the first row. Then Yumi nods and leaves immediately. She seems to do what Jimmy Chou orders.

Then Jimmy Chou is standing up and walking slowly to our table.

There are four people sitting at each table. It’s a funny rule that those people with special identities have their own tables alone. Does people who has more money and higher identity need to keep more distance from the crowd?

There should have been two other guests at the table 6, where Nanny and I are sitting in. But they probably haven’t come yet. Jimmy Chou comes over and sits down at random beside Nanny. Then he takes a glass of champagne casually from a waiter’s tray near him. He takes a sip and looks at her with an elegant and peaceful look.

Although I have no good impression with this guy, I have to admit that he has very good manners. This man seems to have been higher educated, and there is a sense of calmness in his words and deeds, with a hint of noble grace.

He is the successor to Juan, and I instinctively place him in a hostile position, but compare with Juan, his eyes are not as deep and sharp as Juan, but more things hidden. He is also not that wild and handsome than Juan, but he is with pretty elegant manners.

“Miss Fang.” He smiles and says, ” I seem to have forgotten something very important just now.”

“Oh? What?” Nanny smiles. Her smile is fascinating, but I can see that her fascinating smile is a completely professional one. Her real smile is not like that.

“I forgot to praise your beauty.” Makes a frivolous remark, but from his mouth out, couple with his warm jade-like eyes, it seems so sincere! I realize at once that this man is a woman killer. “Please forgive my presumption, because I have to say that you are the most attractive woman I have ever seen.” He takes a drink from the glass.

Nanny smiles and says: “Thank you! But I think your compliments should be left to your companion tonight, shouldn’t you?”

“Hah… hah… Miss Yumi is my assistant at work. To tell you the truth, I just came to this city and was invited to this occasion tonight. I am still in a quandary about where to find a woman companion… Fortunately, Miss Yumi relieves me of this embarrassment.”

This is also very ingenious. Very subtle ingenious!

On the one hand, his words point out that he is single at present, on the other hand, it is very skillful to explain that Yumi has nothing to do with him, just a simple presence on this occasion.

Nanny’s expression remains unchanged, just turns to me and asks: “Chen Yang, what’s the time now?”

“Half past eight.” I look at my watch and reply in a steady tone.

“Well, it seems the party is about to start.” There is a soft smile on her face, “Don’t you need to return to your seat, Mr. Chou?”

He doesn’t care at all about Nanny’s intention to end the conversation. Instead, he says with softly smile: “Well, I’ve asked Yumi to change the seat for me. My seat has been changed to here tonight.” After a pause, he laughs again, “It’s my honor to be sitting next to a beautiful lady like you, Miss Fang!”

Nanny does have some surprises, and me too.

This occasion can sit in the first row, which is a status symbol! He takes the initiative to move to the back. This guy looks really interested with Nanny.

This Mr. Jimmy Chou is obviously very good at talk to people. He speaks politely and always looks a little sincere. No matter whether he pretends or not, at least this gesture is sincere. He speaks in a no fast no slow tone, and the voice is a mild and pleasant baritone. And more importantly, he is very good at finding topics. They two has been talking for more than ten minutes without any awkward silence. He fully displays his wit and humor. Nanny smiles at times, as if flower trembling in the wind. Facing with such charming scenery, Jimmy Chou’s eyes do not reveal any color squint, at most with a little light appreciation.

An amazing guy!

Yumi has returned, probably to arrnage changing seats matter, but she does not sit next to Jimmy Chou, but next to me.

“Yumi,” Jimmy Chou suddenly says, “It seems you know Miss Fang’s assistant Mr. Chen Yang?”

Yumi’s face remains silent and smiling faintly: “Well, yes, I once met Mr. Chen in Miss Fang’s company.”

My heart is beating.

Yumi hides the truth about the connection with me and her.

“I really envy you, Mr. Chen Yang, you can work around with such a beautiful woman like Miss Fang.” Jimmy Chou is smiling with eyes staring at me.

I just reply him lightly: “Miss Fang is a very good boss.”

His eyes are a little gentle. He summons a waiter to pick up a glass of champagne for Nanny. She hesitates for a moment. I immediately understand her meaning, call the waiter and whisper something to him.

A moment later, the waiter brings a cup of warm water, I hand it to Nanny, whisper: “Are you still feeling headache?”

This move is undoubtedly very considerate.

Women in the period of time, need to keep warm carefully. Usually in the first day and the second day, they will be very painful! At such times, they must not drink cold water or eat cold things. Let them drink warm water will be helpful to relieve discomfort.

Such a thing, a man without a bit of life experience does not understand.

Nanny takes the cup, eyes are flashing a hint of shyness, but also with a bit of gratitude. Her face appears a hint of a flush-that shadows in the gentleness let me in such a moment trance.

Just at that time, I hear Yumi, who’s sitting beside me utters a low sigh, then she quickly glances me and Nanny. There is a hint of hidden strange in her eyes.

Jimmy Chou’s face is slightly darker, eyes are narrowing and staring at me with an imperceptible judgment.

Then the party begins, and we end the conversation.

The party is just a few words of gratitude from the starting of a charity, then follows by a dance. The side doors are opened, and decent waiters are launching the long dining cars with all kinds of fine food.

It is originally a similar occasion to a buffet. In the middle of the banquet hall, there is a dance floor, where a group of musicians are sitting on the sidelines playing soft dance music.

Jimmy Chou’s eyes are flashing a trace of light, standing up, goes to Nanny, hands out elegantly: “May I?”

Nanny smiles gently, apologetic says: “Sorry, I want to take a rest.”

There isn’t anything improper on his face, just shrugs his shoulders, then smiles and goes to Yumi side. He reaches out the hand and says: “Yumi, you won’t refuse me, will you?”

Yumi smiles and stands up, and the two of them are walking into the dance floor hand in hand.

“That Jimmy Chou seems to be interesting to you.” I can’t help saying.

“Well, I know.” She nods lightly, and then she glances at me. “What’s wrong with it? Is there a problem? ”

I’m speechless.

She sighs, “I’ve experienced too many times like this.”

Her tone is full of helplessness. I say cautiously, “That’s because you’re so beautiful.”

She shakes her head, her eyes showing a trace of weakness: “Beautiful… I am no longer young, Chen Yang. I’m over thirty. Women’s youth is very short, even if I spend more money, with more ways, my beauty won’t stay too long. If a man is only interested in my beauty, this is not what I want. I just want a normal and long life. You… Do you understand what I mean?”

Her eyes give me a meaningful look. My heart is beating hard suddenly.

Is she hinting me?

Looking at me, her eyes are flashing a trace of loss, but she immediately returns to normal: “By the way, why did Yumi just cover up that she had already known you… Is it because of Mr. Chou?”

I sigh.

I certainly know the reason.

This Jimmy must be Juan’s opponent in the organization, and now he has replaced Juan’s position, Juan left here. For protection of me, he cut off the contact with me. Yumi obviously did this to protect me to.

Just how can I explain these things to Nanny?

Look at me not speaking, her eyes are flashing a little disappointment, says lightly: “OK, the things between you and Yumi, you do not have to tell me.”

Well? There seems to be some sour taste…

She’s… Is she jealous?

At the end of the music, I see Yumi and Jimmy Chou are dancing in the distance. They have separated. Jimmy goes to another side to talk with the other two men. Yumi walks from the side door to the bathroom.

Two minutes later, I receive a message from my mobile phone.

“Come out. I’ll wait for you at the bathroom door – Yumi.”

I immediately stand up, signal Nanny to go to the bathroom and walk out from the corridor.

At the corner of the bathroom, I see Yumi. Her face is a little gloomy. When she sees I’m coming, without saying anything, I am pulled by a hand and quickly walk into the women’s toilet.

I am scared, but fortunately there is no one inside. We open a small door and two people go in.

In the narrow space, the two of us are forced to close together, but Yumi’s face is not good-looking. There is a slight reproach in her eyes and she say, “Chen Yang, do you know what you are doing?”


Her tone is even more displeased: “Don’t play the fool! I’m talking about Nanny! The two of you… Is there anything wrong?”

I’m speechless, just to deny. Yumi suddenly sighs, staring into my eyes, and murmuring: “Chen Yang, you are making trouble, do you know? You are causing yourself a big trouble!”

I just want to explain, the door is pushed open. We two are stunned.

Then I see from the door gap that a man and a woman come in.

I know both of them. It’s Minister Kim and his ex-star girlfriend!

They are already entangled, seemingly excited, tugging at each other’s clothes, and then go into a small partition behind the door, with the sound of the door plugged in, there are two people’s heavy breathing and entangled collision sounds…

I am stunned. The calm on Yumi’s face also disappears, her face is suddenly turning red.

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