Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 37 - You never know how coincidence the world is

Chapter 37: You never know how coincidence the world is

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

After Amy goes out, I sit in the room for a while and take out all my things. I throw the clothes and stuff over. Anyway, Amy would pack them up.

I take the ring in my hand and look at it.

The more I think about these days, the more I feel weird. Good lucks and bad lucks come and go, even without a steady day. That’s really weird!

Is it true that the ring is still working even if I don’t wear it?

Suddenly I remember the so-called customer survey form that the man had given me. I take it out and look at it carefully for a while. It is nothing more than a simple customer survey.

For example, are you satisfied with the product?

Are you satisfied with the price?

After wearing, does your body have any discomfort?

To my surprise, the questionnaire also lists some subtle items, such as how much raise of the fortune, whether the attractiveness of the opposite sex has improved, whether there are any opportunities for career development, and so on.

However, the measurer device, which I am the most concerning about, still does not mention.

There is also an e-mail address below, because the survey form needs to be sent by e-mail.

I think for a while, and I go to the nearest computer market to buy a laptop immediately while the time is still early. And I use their scanner to scan the questionnaire into a file and save it in my new laptop.

After running back home, I connect to the Internet immediately, fill the form, and add a question of how to purchase the formal products. Then I send the mail out.

To tell the truth, I can’t afford the price of their formal products yet. I just want to find a way to get in touch with them.

After sending the email, I stare at the computer screen. Apparently I’m expecting an immediate response. But unfortunately there isn’t. I have stared until my eyes are feeling sour, and there is still no any response. I have to get up and go to the kitchen to find food.

I look around and suddenly find a cockroach in the corner of the kitchen. Then I pick up a slipper and fight with it for a long time. I chase it all the way from the kitchen to the bathroom, and it was finally killed, but I am also tired, gasping, and feel a little lost.

I am sitting on the toilet, handing a slipper, and considering.

What am I doing?

The question is a little too profound, so I pass it, and the next question is, what should I do next?

I have to face a reality: I have lost my job.

No matter Juan was by heart or not, I have lost my job.

Of course, I still have quite a lot of money on hand. My savings account has thirty to forty thousand. And there is a cheque left by Juan. I have checked it, there are eight hundred thousands. These money is not too much, but it is enough to buy a house in our city. Just make a stable living, eating and waiting for death every day. Such an amount can keep me living like this for at least ten years.

Oh, by the way, company has paid me half a year’s salary for the compensation to fire me. Ken said it’s already in my account, so there should be more than twenty thousands more.

Also, the lottery prize is still on my hand, that’s two hundred thousand.

Well, I seem to be quite rich.

But the eight hundred thousand which Juan gave me. I don’t want to use it at all. I respect him is one thing, but let me take his money to eat and be waiting for death every day, I’m not able to afford it!

I Little 5 is not such a person.

As for the lottery prize, that two hundred thousand, I said all for Didi, no matter she wants or no. I’m a man, and if I have said, it must be given to her.

So I have fifty to sixty thousand on hand. These are my personal savings.

“Not bad, fifty to sixty thousand, it’s enough for me to happy for a whole year!” I loll on the toilet, but in a bit of a vacant mind.

The feeling is empty, but it is hard to describe either.

I Little 5, I have hands and feet, will I starve to death?

Thinking here, I suddenly feel the truth dawns on me in a flash, and take out a cigarette to light it. I’m just sitting on the toilet and smoking.

After a rest, a mind is suddenly flashing in my mind. Should I call Didi?

I’ve been in the hospital these days, and the phone has been shut down. So I haven’t been in touch with her for a few days. I don’t know whether this simple and lovely girl would be thinking of me.

I didn’t contact anyone previously, even wood, Azle and Jojo. I noticed none of them.

When people are in bad luck, they would always be thinking of their good friends. This is probably human universality.

I take out my phone to call Azle: “I am in a bad mood and come out to drink with me.”

There is a gasping voice on the other end of the phone. Azle says: “I’m dating with someone. No time!”

Then I call Jojo. Phone has been hanged up when it is just connected. Half a minute later, there is a text message comes: “I’m dating with someone. No time!”

Looking at the sky outside, it’s evening but not dark yet. These two beasts are busy with this kind of thing in the daytime…

Then I call Wood, but when the phone is connecting, I realized: Come on, this is wood! It’s better to talk to myself than to chat with him.

At that time, the telephone is connected, and I hang it up before speak.

I sigh and finally decide to call Didi.

To tell the truth, I really don’t want to see her at the moment.

Maybe this is men’s common fault. When in the bad time, they do not want to let their favorite women see.

Didi’s phone is quickly connected.

“Hello… Brother Little 5?” Didi’s voice on the other end of the phone is still so soft and pleasant, but there are some noises around, and it seems to be a very noisy environment.

“Well.” I respond with a sudden unexplained nervousness, as if not knowing what to say, hesitating for a moment, “What are you doing?”

“I am working.” The voice is very low, “You just wait a minute. I’ll talk to you later.”

Then the phone is hung up, I am stunned for a minute, then my phone is ringing again, the other end of the phone is quiet, and her voice is clear: “Brother Little 5, I’m sorry, I am at work. Company forbade us to call when we are working. I just find an excuse and running out to make this call now.”

“Well.” I haven’t said anything yet, the voice on the other side seems a little different: “Brother 5, are you… Do you no longer want to see me? I called you several times in the past few days, all of which were turned off. I went to the nightclub to look for you. They said you were not there too.”

“It’s not what you think.” I try to use the warmest tone, “I just have a few things these days and my phone was off. As for the nightclub, I am no longer working there now.”

Didi seems surprised. I don’t want to talk about this, ask her: “Where are you working now?”

She tells me that she is promoting some cosmetics brand in a shopping mall in downtown business district. I laugh, and then ask her what time she will leave work.

Her tone suddenly becomes lively, and even through the phone, I can feel the sunshine from her. Her laughter on the phone is like a silver bell: “Brother Little 5, do you want to ask me out for dinner? I’ll off work in an hour!”

I check the place, look at my watch and count the time. Then I tell her that I would go to her now and hang up.

I wear a coat, and though my broken arm is still hanging from my chest, I am so refreshed. I write and leave a note to Amy and go out.

Half an hour later, I have arrived the shopping mall. Because it isn’t the weekend and there aren’t many people. I easily see Didi in front of the cosmetics counter in the first floor.

Having not seen her for several days, she seems to have cut a slightly shorter hair. The horse’s tail, which used to be behind her, has disappeared. She has straight hair and a cheerful smile on her pink face now. She is wearing a make-up brand uniform with a light yellow long-sleeved shirt and a short skirt underneath. A pair of slender legs wear the white high heels.

Probably for work, she makes a light makeup on her face, a little red on her snow-white cheeks. Her original cherry lips are much more attractive because of her slight lip gloss.

She is holding a small perfume bottle on hand, originally trying to sell this brand’s perfumes to the pedestrians. Obviously, she is so beautiful that she can easily attract eyeballs everywhere. I see many men deliberately close to her, and she picks up the perfume bottle enthusiastically and sprays a little on her wrist to let the customers smell it.

Although I know that most cosmetic sales sell perfume in this way. But I see some men rubbing their hands on her hand by sniffing perfume, and I can’t help feeling very upset. In particular, some men smell the perfume and showing the flirting expressions to her.

Damn! How do they incredibly dare to put upon Didi?

I quickly walk over to her back, and then pat her shoulder. She is startled. But when she turns to see it’s me, there is a pleasant smile on her face. But then her eyes stays on my arm and shows something makes my heart ache.

“Brother Little 5… What’s wrong with your arm?” She is almost subconsciously about to touch my arm. But when she reaches halfway, she retracts, and looking at me with a trembling voice: “You… Does it hurt?”

“It’s okay. I accidentally broke it.” I immediately wave my arm together and make a look of nothing. But she won’t be fooled by me so easily. She turns around and put the perfume bottle back the shelf. Then she takes me to the side. Her small hand has already stuck in my palm. Looking at her appearance, it seems that she will be crying at any moment. She asks: “What’s the matter with you? Where else have you hurt?” Holding my arm, she begins to cry finally.

I am panicking and looking around. Fortunately, nobody notices. Only a few other promotional ladies look here. I turn back and stand side by side in front of her, block the eyes behind us, grinning bitterly and say: “I’m really okay. I just fell down and had my arm is broken. It’s much better after plaster, it will be healed very soon, just in a few days.”

Didi lifts up her little face and looks at me. She sighs softly, and whispers: “You… Why didn’t you tell me?

I jostle some words and excuse myself for these days. She is just stabilized by me. She sighs and looks at me with a puzzled look on her face: “Brother Little 5, you wait for me. I’m still on working. I’m going to ask the manager for a leave.”

“No need!” I immediately pull her: “You just start this work, it would be no good to apply for leave! I’ll wait for you here until you get off work.”

“It doesn’t matter!” Her face finally reveals a smugly smile, “The perfume I have sold today has already finished the target! I don’t know why, although I’m a newcomer, my daily sales performance is better than others.”

Looking at this lovely girl, I sigh.

She is so beautiful, it is estimated that many men would like to buy perfume from her, but most of them might be having mind to take advantage of her.

I’m not happy to think of it. So I shake my head and put those thoughts away.

Didi has skipped to ask for leave. Her so-called manager, in fact, is just a group leader of the brand counter, also the head of the promotion ladies. Didi says a few words to her, and she looks at me twice, with an ambiguous smile on her face, as if she has asked Didi something in a low voice. Didi’s face is flushed. There are some shyness in her eyes and keeps nodding.

Well? It seems a bit interesting. There are some joy in my heart.

When Didi comes back, she is in a hurry, pulling me out of the shopping mall as if to dodge something. She feels relieved when we have walked out of the door. But the blush on the face has not subsided.

I am deliberately teasing her: “Does that easy your manager allow you to leave early just now?”

“Um…” She nods.

“I saw she was asking you something?”

“Ah… No!” Didi seems to be frightened, but her face turns red as if about to drop blood. She shakes her head in a hurry, but with a twisted look she says, “No, she just asked nothing!”

Then she hastens to ask: “Brother Little 5, let’s go to dinner. What do you want to eat?”

Hey, well, this simple girl, who has been missing for several days, has learnt to change the topic already.

I think for a moment, while I am just about to speak, I suddenly hear a pleasant ringing sound from her pocket. She glances at me and quickly pulls out a compact, cartoon-pasted mobile phone – apparently cheap.

“Hello? Well? Ah… So…But I… Oh… All right… Um, um…” When she is answering the phone, the expression on her face is gradually growing dim, and there is some frustration in her eyes.

A few minutes later, she hangs up and looks at me with a twisted look, helpless and guilty: “Brother Little 5… I’m sorry…” Her tone is somewhat appealing, “I’m afraid I can’t have dinner with you anymore. A friend of mine calls and she asks me to do her a favor.”

I frown slightly, though vulgar, but I can’t help pretending to be casual and ask: “Oh, what kind of friend.”

Fortunately, she answers: “It is one of my former classmates at the nursing school. We are as good as sisters. She encountered some troubles today and asking me for help. She usually very good to me, also often helps me. I am embarrassed to refuse her… Brother Little 5, I’m so sorry… ”

I breathe a sigh of relief.

Well, it’s good of not a man.

I know I’m a little cautious about this idea, but probably most men are like this.

But then my mind is on her concern: “Oh… What does she want you to do? Is it troublesome? Do you need me to help you?”

Didi seems relieved to see that I am not angry, but then in a bitter tone she says: “Nothing… My friend, who was studying in a nursing school together with me, is now a private nurse. She says she is taking care of a client who just moved into a new house today. The guy is lazy and bad. He leaves everything to her and ran out to play. She’s a little girl and has to clean the room, pack things, and I heard that even underwear should be washed by her! She is really too busy to ask me for help.”

After a pause, she is becoming a little angry: “Really, what kind of person is it? Let a girl do these things! What’s wrong with him? She is a little girl, and she is a private nurse, not a maid. How can he let her do so many things on her own? What a terrible man! All his faults make me can’t have dinner with you tonight.”


My heart suddenly beats and I am terrified.

How do I hear this feeling so familiar?

No… Don’t be so coinsdence!

I ask with care: “Well… Didi, is this friend of yours a little girl names Amy who is not tall, has a sharp voice and is very shrewd?”

Didi looks at me with surprise: “Brother Little 5, how do you know?!”

I am a little embarrassed: “This…Well… It’s a long story.”

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