Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 34 - I have lost my job

Chapter 34: I have lost my job

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I am puzzled by her requirement.

“Eh… The thing is,” The girl is somewhat embarrassed. Her cheeks are somewhat flushing. She says, “Well… It’s not easy to make a living now. With my job, there’s only a small amount of money to be paid every month, and the rest depends on how well we serve, so the guests will pay extra, and company will pay us more bonus… As for you, it’s the easiest thing I’ve ever met. Ah no, you are the kindest customer. It’s easy to take care of you. You don’t need to take a lot of efforts. Besides, you’re so nice and don’t do anything bad to me. Of course, the most important thing is that your friend hired me with a good price! In addition to get the basic salary, I have an extra income of two hundred per day. And if you’re satisfied with my work after you’ve fully recovered, I’ll get a good reward. Where can I find such a good job?”

Seeing no responding from me, Amy is worrying: “As soon as you leave the hospital, my work is over. I don’t know what kind of patient will be arranged to me by company. If still the kind of perverted old porn again… Ah…” She purposely sighs pitifully, “Poor Amy is only nineteen years old, young, simple, and not sensible. What a pity… is it her fate to let such kind of abnormal guest bully? Who lets her born as a beauty? Ah, all say that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates.”

After that, she rubs her eyes deliberately, as if she wants to squeeze some tears to make me feel sympathy.

This girl is really a bit of a good performer. The fast changing expressions of happiness and sadness are barely seen in my life! Compares with her, the top-tier girls in our nightclub, who claim to be able to hold all kinds of men, simply like the kindergarten kids!

I feel a little funny, Amy sees my expression seems to be a little looser, hastens to work harder: “Hey, Chen Yang, you’re so compassionate! Don’t you forget who took care of you these days? I thought you were a good man! Hum! Who went out to buy food for you in the midnight? Who helped you to scold the doctor and let you smoke? Who helped you to go to the toilet? Who put the toilet paper through the door plank? Who helped you wash your underwear? You…”

“OK! OK! OK, OK!” I quickly let her stop, “I’ll take it! I’ll take it, OK?”

Amy’s eyes are smiling proudly. For three days we were together, the shrewd girl seems to have eaten my temper and dare to speak to me in such a joking tone.

She laughs, “OK, OK, I know you must be very rich. The clothes you wear and the people come to visit you are all wearing high-end brands and driving the luxury cars! This amount should be nothing to you.”

I shake my head: “I have no money. Company spends money to invite you.”

“The company’s budget?” This girl’s eyes are suddenly lighting up, “Wow, the consumption of public funds! That’s better. Now, everybody knows the public money spends much easier!”

I feel I’m completely defeated by this girl.

Amy seems to be such kind of girl who has a special charm that always makes people feel very happy. She just likes a pleasant little fairy.

“Well, you promise!” Amy begins to erect three fingers and swears, “I will serve you well! It is absolutely more thoughtful than the ancient servant girl who serves the landlord.” After thinking about it, she adds a chip, “At most, I will massage your legs for one hour every day.”

To be honest, this girl’s professional level is quite good. Her massage skill is absolutely superb!

I look at her and say: “Amy, I really appreciate you, but I really have something to do and I can’t stay here anymore.” Looking at the unveiled disappointment and frustration on her face, I soften up and say, “But even if I leave the hospital, you… In fact, you can continue to take care of me. You are a professional nurse, not a hospital nurse. My injury has not fully recovered. Even if I am discharged, you can follow me and take care of me.”

“Yes!” Amy smiles and says, “I can go to your home and take care of you, because I used to take care of the riches in the past, and sometimes the place where I work was at their home.”

She is smiling again and helping me to lean down immediately: “Come on, Mr. Chen Yang! Just lie down. If you want anything, just let me know. If you want to drink, I’ll pour water for you! If you want to smoke, I’ll go outside and watch the doctor for you!”

Looking at she performs like this, I deliberately tease her, make a lewd look on her face, grin and say: “That… If I want a women… What should you do?”

“Hum!” Amy changes her face immediately, and says roughly, “Then… Anyway, I’ll buy you some pornographic magazines, and then I’ll watch the door for you. You just do it yourself in the room.” Then she’s smiling again, looking at me, and saying earnestly, “Remember that the happiness must be held in your own hands!”

I @#$%^&*!~


So I discharge from the hospital with only my personal clothes and, of course, and a little extra tail: Amy.

In fact, I am very clear about this girl’s calculates.

She thought I don’t understand, but I know all about it. In general, this kind of professional nursing company’s operation process is like this: when the customer hires the professional nurse, will advance a fee to the company, then deducts from this advance payment to the nursing staff’s remuneration every day. And Yumi’s payment to her company should at least make her taking care of me for a month.

It’s only four days now, and if I let her go now, her company will have to withdraw the unused advance. Amy, a small financial enthusiast, naturally refuses to give up such an easy job, so pleading me to let her stay with me.

Frankly speaking, I discharge so soon, just for one reason.

Juan didn’t contact me before he had left, but I understand what he meant. It seems that he doesn’t want me to touch the circle for the time being. I want to discharge immediately to break the relationship with the casino as soon as possible.

As for Amy, if she’s willing to follow me, just let her follow. I don’t care. Her pay can be deducted from the advance.

Otherwise, where do I have the money to hire such an expensive private care?

Just do her a favor. Anyway, there is such a small servant girl around me, I feel quite refreshing. Meals to the mouth and cloths to stretch out the hands all the day, no one will object!

I put on my own clothes (the expensive suit Juan gave me in the casino that night had been torn after I fell down the hill). As for other things I left in the casino, like my mobile phone, wallet, keys and so on, they have been delivered by the time I entered the hospital.

Out of the hospital gate, I take a long breath. The smell of disinfectant in hospitals has suffused me these days. Standing at the main entrance of the hospital and bathing the sunshine, it gives me a sense of freedom.

When I discharge from the hospital, the little miser is carrying my bag, trying to curry favor to me. I walk ahead empty-handed. It’s not that I’m not gentlemanly. My right arm fracture hasn’t recovered and there are still the bandages on it.

I stop a taxi. My first destination is to go to the nightclub.

I don’t ask Amy to join me to enter the nightclub too. A good girl should not come into such a place. So she just waits in the lobby.

When I walk into the nightclub, it is far from time to work, but there are already some waiters doing the cleaning work, and the two foremen who have just changed their work uniforms. Watching me walk into the door, they are both shocked and showing the strange expressions on their faces. Both of them seem to take a few seconds to react, and then the reflex respectfully shouting: ” Brother 5, how are you!”

I wave and greet them, then walk all the way to my rest room.

The atmosphere is strange… When I walk through the corridor, almost all the attendants look at me with the strange looks. It’s a little unnatural. Seeing this, I do have some doubts in my heart.

To go to my rest room, I need to go through the girl’s rest room. It is still early, but Mary has already come. It’s her habit to come earlier to spend time in making up and to examine carefully the attire of her girls. In her words, it’s called professionalism.

Just by such a habit, I need to say that she is really the top-tier of this industry.

By the time I pass the door, Mary has just changed into the black suit, and, as usual, opens her front very low to reveal a half-cut lace breast. The two peaks have deliberately squeezed out a white cleavage.

In fact, her chest is not the kind of busty woman. But she knows how to show them.

To sum up, the secret is just one word: squeeze!

As the saying goes: Time is like the water in sponge: if you squeeze, you can always get some. The same for women’s breasts.

But today, when she sees me, she doesn’t smile and closes up as usual. She looks at me with a strange look on her face. Then she hesitates for a moment and lowers her voice: “Brother 5… You… How do you come back?!”

“Well?” I port my mouth, “I haven’t been here for a few days. I come back to work today. These days, I’m not here. Have these little monkeys not been too noisy?”

Mary’s complexion is somewhat complicated, but more surprises: “You? How do you… You don’t know yet?”

I frown: “Don’t know what?”

Mary is sighing, with the worry expression approaching, and is just about to say something when she is looking to my back and coughing hard suddenly.

I look around, and Ken, the treasurer, and William, the security chief, are standing at the end of the corridor, and Ken stares at me, with a little gloomy. William, who is behind Ken, seems a little helpless.

“Chen Yang.” Ken says..

My face sinks.

This guy used to call me Brother 5 before.

To be honest, though I don’t put on airs in normal days, but nobody here would dare to call my formal name.

Just as you are working in a company, do you dare to call your general manager formal name?

“You come to my office.” After Ken finishes the word, he turns away in a cold face. William, with a little ugly face, walking up to me and patting me on the shoulder. His voice is a little awkward: “Brother 5… You… Just see through it.”

In my heart, I have a vague sense of what is going on. It must have something happened in those days.

I nod to William, who used to be rude but has a good connection with me, and go to the financial management room.

Ken sits solemnly behind his desk and watching me come in, nods faintly, then put a piece of paper on the table.

His voice is cold and stiff: “Chen Yang, you probably don’t know… You are no longer our company’s person.”


His expression remained the same, but with a slight look of arrogance in his eyes. He pushes the paper in front of me. “Juan came in the other day, and he announced something, and you’re no longer in charge of the nightclub… That is to say, you have been fired. This is a letter of dismissal, which has Juan’s signature. Everyone were there when the announcement was made.”

I am stunned.

Ken doesn’t look at my expression and continues to be cold and says: “According to Juan’s instructions, the company will compensate you for a sum of money. It is the half-year salary. I have already wired to your account, and… In the rest room, there are some your personal staffs. I originally intended to send them to you. But I heard that you don’t have a place to live now, so just keeping them here temporary. Since you are here today, please take your things away.”

After that, the guy pushes the glasses on his nose and says coldly: “OK, things are finished, please go out now, I have to work… Please close the door when you go out.”

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