Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 26 - The evil good man

Chapter 26: The evil good man

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

After a long time, probably awaring that I have no next move, the girl slowly opens her eyes and looks at me in amazement. But she sees me staring at her with a playful look. She is so frightened that she immediately closes her eyes. Then she slowly opens them again.

“Well, stop playing. You’re scared of me, aren’t you?” I’m laughing, help her to stand up, and then tapping on her crooked buttocks, “I don’t care who sent you here, but now I feel tired and want to take a bath, and I don’t want to do anything else for the moment. Are you really so afraid of me?”

This time she seems to be learning well, and does not dare to nod or shake her head again.

“Go and help me bathe.” I sigh. I suddenly feel no any interesting.

She is stunned, and I frown.

“What’s wrong? You even don’t know how to prepare the bathe water, do you?”

The girl is rushing out of my arms and running into the bathroom. But I notice that her eyes look into the bedroom with some apprehension, and then she slips into the bathroom.

I walk to the bedroom and open the door.

The bedroom is big, with a total of nearly 100 square meters. I have never lived in such a big bedroom.

First of all, what I see is a big bed. It’s really big! It seems that at least four or five people can lie down side by side in such a big bed.

Such a big bed is undoubtedly suitable for a place of “do crazy things”.

But what really makes me heartbeating is a body is lying there.

A girl in a snow-white shirt is lying quietly across the bed. A rag of hair spreads out, covering most of the snow-white face. Her body is covered with a soft silk quilt, but one corner of the quilt has been lifted. Her two long legs are completely exposed to the air, one of which is curled up and forms a beautiful radiance that quickens my breathing.

She is still sleeping sweetly, breathing smoothly, with a small hand clinging to the corner of the sheet, and her face seems to be filled with some anxiety, as if she has dreamed of something unhappy.

I walk slowly to the bedside, sit down gently, bent over and look at her for a few seconds to make sure it is the other one of the twins with a smile on her face.

Her sleeping position is very attractive, the shirt’s hem is somewhat rolled up, even the white cotton underwear below is not covered, the girl’s breath is very sweet, I can’t help putting my fingers on her calf, and then gently sliding upward.

I notice that every place where my fingers touched, there was a slight flush on the skin. In her sleep, the girl seems to twist her legs subconsciously, then suddenly leans over me for a few minutes, her hands clasped unconsciously around my legs and her nose sounds a whisper. Then she continues sweet sleeping.

I enjoy her long legs, and then my fingers go up and touch the inner edge of her thighs. Then I stop there.

Her underwear is white, cotton, slightly earthy, but with this age of girls, highlights a special charm. Especially the tiny bellybutton, and the smooth belly. And, under the underwear, slightly raises a little. Under the outline of the underwear, hiding and exposes a little bit of the outline of the secret hill.

I feel my heart is beating faster.

Just as my hand can not help slightly inserting along the edge of underwear a little bit, suddenly, her body trembled violently. Her eyes suddenly open, and stare at me in horror round eyes, one of her hands covering her mouth, as if trying to suppress his voice.

I retract my hand subconsciously, looking at her, and I have an awkward smile on my face.

“You…” Girl wipes her lips, rubs her eyes vigorously, blushes her face, then the little bit of fear disappears from her eyes. Finally, she opens her mouth in a voice so low that it sounds like a mosquito song: “Sir, you are back?”

Looking at her eyes as frighten as a fawn, and the seductive shape of the jade-like body, I feel something called desire is growing up like a wild weed! Under the belly, a group of fire plants is burning up.

The girl in front of me is like the most delicious meal. And her identity also reminds me of myself I don’t need any scruple!

I reach out and unkindly pull her into my arms. Then one of my hands has stretched out from behind, wraps around the girl’s buttocks, kneads her gently, feeling the elasticity of her skin, and gently explores between her legs.

The girl almost utters a groan, looks at me with some pleading eyes and some deep resentment. But all these become the motivation to stimulate my desire! I push her down on the bed, roll over and press her down. First I quickly remove her shirt, then I reach behind her and gently pinch to unbuttoned.

Everything that happened to me tonight is now playing back and forth in my mind like a slide. It seems that there is something in my heart that has been suppressed for a whole night. At last, it is boiling with impunity.

This kind of thing is called desire!

It’s not just the sexuality of this girl under me, it’s also something others else.

I am like a hungry wolf, as if eager to devour something, perhaps not just the beauty in front of me… What else is there?

The others!

The girl wriggles more and more under me. I feel my fingers are touching a soft place. I know that the girl’s last position has been captured by me. I’m gasping like a bull. There is a groan from the girl. Suddenly her body stops twisting, and even when I’m tring to take off her white underwear, she just raises her hips slightly to match my movements.

I wrap my arms around her as if her fragrant body is the source of all that attract me. I knead her as if to crush her body into one with myself. The girl seems to be impatient with my rudeness, shortness of breath, unconscious, slightly painful murmurs are coming from her mouth. She’s frowning slightly, eyes are blurring. I already feel that something in my heart is lighting and exploding. Quickly strip of her clothes, lift her slender, strong legs with one hand, press her body into a subtle arc, and then press down with force.

At that moment when I’m stabbing her, she suddenly opens her eyes. Her eyes is filled with pain, and her lovely blossoming face is covered with pain, and cold sweat is coming down from her forehead.

Suddenly she clutches me so hard that I can’t move at all. Then she inhales, as if in pain, and her voice is trembling. Then I hear her pleading voice in my ear.

“Please, please, after you have me, let my sister go. Please!”

Her voice is mixing with the infinite pain, pleading, like a poor cat, like a fish struggling on a desk. I can’t help looking at her up close. Her face is deformed with pain. Tears are running out from her big eyes. I do not know the tears are for humiliation or for the pain of be virgin taken?

I only feel myself is pinched so tightly that I can’t even move at all. With a little movement, she is crying with pain.

How could this happen?!

I suddenly let go of her, and stand away from her body and looking at the girl from the height. The pain on her face is definitely not a camouflage. I understand what the pain on her face represents!

“Please, please let go my sister… I, I will make you satisfied. I will…” After that, the feeble hands are reaching out again, and the jade-like arms seem to try to put them around me again, but I step back.

If the inexplicable complexity of my heart stirred my madness, then the tears of the maiden’s pleading made my heart cool down.

Just then, I suddenly hear a splash.

Looking back, at the door of the bedroom, another girl is standing there and staring at naked me is entangling with her sister. Looking at the crying girl on the bed, her face is suddenly turning pale, and then she sits down on the ground.

Her shirt is slightly damp, apparently just helping me putting in the bath water, but her eyes are so sad now.

I feel a little stuck up. I sit up, pick up my pants and put them on. Then I pull the sheet and cover on the naked girl. Then I take a deep breath.

“What’s the matter?” I am a little confused.

From their performance of in sauna room tonight, they are supposed to be professional, but now they seem amateur.

“Well, don’t cry.” I sigh, and then pull the girl at the door over to me, and let her sits down beside me, trying to be as peaceful as possible, saying, “I ask you, are you forced to stay in my room?”

She shakes her head.

Okay, I’m relieved. Otherwise, am I not a rapist?!

“You don’t want to accompany me, do you?”

I’m not surprised. I have encountered many things like this.

Nowadays, even when a girl comes out to sell herself, she has the right to choose not to go to bed with the guests. I have met in a nightclub, some guests, no matter how much money they throw, because the girl is not satisfied with them, would rather make less money than accompany the guests.

There is always a two-way choice. So, it is no exception for clients and girls.

The two girls hear me asking questions, they are all freezing, neither nodding nor shaking their heads. But I am not in the mood to tangle with this question, and look at the one on bed: “Just now… Is this your first time?”

The girl doesn’t speak, but I have the answer from the desolation in her eyes.

“Well, I never will others into submission. I don’t need you to accompany me now. You can go out.”

Who knows once these words are said, the two girls are pale with fear and don’t dare to cry even. Their small bodies are shaking like a sieve. I just know that they do not dare to go out. They must have been told something, or the rules here are strict. I am afraid they would be punished if they go out of my room in the middle of the night.

With all my heart, I think this kind of thing is pretty silly. These two little girls are really water-tight, delicate and attractive, pure and lovely. They are exmobileent virgin twins! Such two beauties, no matter any reason, are definitely valuable! If in outside, even if need to pay a huge amount, there will be a big boss willing to bid for! Juan just leaves them to my lip.

“Well, don’t panic.” I have taken my coat and put it on, pointing to the two girls, “You don’t need to go, just stay here. I go out for a walk myself.”

Leaving two little girls, I walk out of the door.

I don’t want to ask them why they cry, and why they are so unprofessional. It’s obvious that these two girls are too young. Maybe they’re not totally depraved, maybe they’re shameful, maybe they just don’t like me and don’t want to have sex with me.

Anyway, the reasons may be varied, but it doesn’t matter much to me.

I walk in the nearest elevator in front of the corridor, and when I get in, it suddenly occurred to me that I should have entered the little girl’s body on the bed. Is that means that I still have already robbed her virginity?

I smile without a word.

It’s not that I’m unkind to the tears of the two girls. It’s just that I’ve seen too many stories of degeneration.

Blame no one. Just blame it on fate.

Fallen, sometimes this is the case, since this step, Thinking too much make ourselves uncomfortable. Sometimes, there is the kind of “jump a river shut eyes” strength. There’s no room for much lingering sadness.

I try to force myself to think in the direction of malice and cold-blooded. Unfortunately, thinking for a while, I suddenly find that I am far less cold-blooded than I thought. I still have compassion for the two girls! Otherwise, why do I go out of the room?

Perhaps, I am really “a good man”.

The elevator stops on the first floor, and I walk out of the lobby. There is no big difference with the general hotel, except behind the front desk, there stands some very beautiful women don’t wear the uniforms. Such a scenery pleasing to the eyes

I walk out of the hall.

Like many hotels, there is a large fountain outside. I go to the fountain and sit down. I look up at the stars for a while. Here is far from the city. The stars in the sky look much clearer. I look at the sky, sigh. I tap my pockets, but it’s empty.

Sigh! Really hope to have a cigarette on hand at this moment.

Just as I am sighing, I hear a sudden roar of motors. Then I see a red whirlwind is sweeping out the exit of the underground parking lot next to the hotel! A styled sports car, like a monster, is coming out with a roar. I couldn’t open my eyes because the headlights are so bright that I subconsciously raise my hand to block my face.

The superior engine of the sports car makes a pleasant roar. The car is whizzing past me with a gust of wind. After a sudden sound of sharp brakes, the car turns around the fountain, flies to my side again and stops suddenly. The tires are making the striking marks on the ground!

I am disturbed by the enjoyment of watching starry sky alone. I’m slightly unhappy, but suddenly I see the door of the sports car slowly opening, revealing a beautiful and touching, but with unlimited indifference and self-confidence face.

It’s Vivi Young!

She takes out the lighter, lights a slender lady’s cigarette for herself, sits in the sports car and looking at me. With the light of the lighter, her eyes are terribly bright at night.

After looking at her for a few seconds, I suddenly smile and say, “Do you have cigarettes?”

Vivi Young iraises her eyebrows, looking at me seriously, and then quickly throws a silver cigarette box. I get from her and look at her again. There are something complicated in her eyes. Suddenly, her sexy cold lips lightly open: “Get on the car!”

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