Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 19 - Mary throws herself to me

Chapter 19: Mary throws herself to me

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

I sit in the finance office for a long time, my mind full of all kind of ideas.

I admit that I am very heartbeat!

At least from the current facts, the ring is really useful. People’s luck can really improve! No doubt, this is a great temptation to me.

I think anyone else will be attracted.

The problem is, the ring in my hand is a time bomb. It can bring me good luck, but it can also bring me bad luck. Just like today’s business.

If I had money, I would really like to buy a “formal product”.

The problem is that I can only shake my head and sigh when look at the near astronomical pricing on the product catalog. Although my income is not low to normal people, but the amount of money I can deposit is too far from buying a formal product of the lowest grade…

Although the price is too high to look up to, but I also understand that even more expensive, it is worth it!

But no money is still no money.

I then came up with another way: in fact, the thing in my hand is a trial product, but it is enough for me to use. The only thing missing is a “measure device”!

Without a measure device, I have no idea whether I am going to take the fortune or the peach blossom luck. This is no joke! I only made two hundred thousand of my fortune, and my home burned to ashes. If I win millions today… What kind of bad luck would I have?

Just thinking makes me feel numb already.

After thinking about it for a long time, my head aches. A sudden evil fire is breaking out in my heart. I want to throw the ring into the garbage box. But after all, I couldn’t bear it. After thinking about it, I take the ring off my finger.

I have my own lounge in the company. Nobody dares to go into my room except me on weekdays. I lock my ring in the small cabinet in the lounge.

I didn’t dare to take this thing with me before I got the measure device.

Because I have these things in my mind, until I go to work, I am still in a bad mood. With a heavy face, staffs below are obviously afraid of me. On the one hand, I’m in a bad mood. On the other hand, I guess they’ve heard something about how I fixed John that day.

But the only one who is not afraid of me is Mary. The coquettish woman wears a small black dress tonight, still low-breasted, wrapped in a short, narrow skirt below, revealing a half-rolling round and plump thigh. When she takes steps, the scenery of the skirt is seen indistinctly.

People are respectful to me and do not dare to say a word. But as soon as Mary sees me, she just snuggled up to me. I’m still wrapping my head in gauze, this image is not in the field of walking around. After all, this is a high-level place, the impact is not good. So I basically sit in the lounge and don’t show up. Mary doesn’t busy greeting the guests in the next compartment tonight. Instead, she walks into the lounge with me and sits down on my lap with her hands around my neck before I speak. She laughs and whispers in my ear, “Brothers 5. You are so cool last night!”

“Cool shit!” I reply with great interest.

“Ouch ~~” Mary smile at me. Her eyes are charming. She suddenly comes to my ear, as if gently biting my earlobes: “Brothers 5, you’re with so much anger today.”

The woman looks like a ripe peach. I squint at her, and look at her plump red lips, and instantly I see the pink encounter in the room that night, which was interrupted in a hurry. But the feeling of ecstasy feels like a flame burning from my body.

Mary has been rolling around in the nightclubs for years. She is best at observing men. As soon as she looks at my eyes, she immediately guessed the thought in my mind and giggled. Her burning body clings to my bosom, and there’s a twinkle of color in her eyes. I feel tight under my crotch and my penis in her hands. This little slut! I catch a fiery look at her, grab her round shoulder, and throw her down on the bed.

Mary’s eyes are silky and she has all kinds of manners. But suddenly she smiles and says, “Brothers 5, wait a minute.”

HMM, I knew that this woman was crafty. It seems that there must be something!

I stop, look at her with a mocking look on my face. “Mary, tell me what the hell is going on?”

“No,” Mary smiles and says, “You didn’t put it in my heart the last time I told you.” Phoenix’s two girls want to shift to my hands, but you know, she certainly won’t let go. So I hope you may help to convince her. She will give you face.”

I frown, sit up straight, and look at Marie silently. “Which two?”

“Sophie and Nancy.” Mary quickly announces two names.

Good heavens! In my heart, I thumb my thumbs up to Mary.

I laugh, “Mary, I respect you! They are best girls of Phoenix. They are also the treasures of the town in our yard, unexpectedly you dug it up? No wonder she won’t! If it was me, I also refuse to watch my golden eggs run away in vain. ”

Mary is still a signboard smile: “Brother 5, please don’t play with me.” Although she is smiling, her eyes hesitate for a moment. Then she comes to my ear and says in a low voice, “I know very well in my heart that she can’t do long here! After John’s accident, although you haven’t done anything with Phoenix yet, but everyone can see that she is not in a position now. Sooner or later she will leave here for a change. And, even if she changes the place, can she go on or not, I’m afraid it will depend on Juan’s willingness.”

My face folds up and laugh, “Mary, where did you hear that?”

“Oh, please don’t cover me up. The news about John has been released. Juan has promised to get rid of him, and no one in this city will accept him in the future. He wants to live and he has to leave here.” Mary shakes her head and keeps saying, “Phoenix will leave sooner or later anyway. Water and fat don’t flow out of people’s fields. These two girls are so good that we can’t let Phoenix take them away. So just let me take care of them. If they follow me, they can also continue to stay here to make money for company.”

I think for a while and say, “Company will not do anything with Phoenix. This is the principle. When you come out to do business, you should also obey the rules.” Then I speak a little more sternly, “About John, I don’t care what’s going on outside, you are not allowed to talk too much!”

She sees my face is sinking, also tight her face. Then I continue, “Well, I’ll keep this in mind. These two girls are going to be with you if they really want. If Phoenix has any idea, you can ask her to talk to me! ”

I have to say that Mary is astute! Phoenix is hardly to stay in our nightclub any more. She might be leave very soon. But Mary is right of the saying “water and fat don’t flow out of people’s fields.” The two Top-tier girls could make a lot of money for the company if they stayed behind. If they leave, several familiar customers may even be taken away. Mary is very good at picking opportunities, and she knows that I will stand up for her at this time.

I have never liked such woman who are good are plan. So after these few words, The desire vanished. I shake my head as Mary approaches me again. “Mary, I’ll help you with this. You don’t have to do this again.”

Mary looks embarrassed, but after all she is a weathered woman on the windmill, and the embarrassment disappears immediately. Instead, a little disappointment appears in her eyes. She smiles and give me a hard kiss on the face. Before she goes out, she suddenly looks back at me, with a strange tone of voice saying, “Brother 5, there is another thing… about Jolin, she asked me to say thank you. She wanted to come herself. But I told her no need. You’re not that kind of person.”

I am stunned for a moment before I remember that Jolin is the waitress who had been forced by John with a mysterious drug. John was swept out, she is following Mary now.

As for Mary’s statement that she wanted to “come to me by herself,” It is clear that she probably wants to repay me by her body or something. But Mary stopped her for me is good either. I get rid of John not only to help her, mainly for the company.

Looking at my face, Mary sighs and whispers, “Brother 5, I know you’re a good man.”

Then she goes out and shut the door.

Good man? Another “good man”? It seems that everyone has recently regarded me as a good man.

I smile, and I feel something I could not say.

After a while, suddenly the mobile phone is ringing. I pick up and look at it. It is Juan’s number.

“5, be ready, I will send someone to pick you up in ten minutes. You go to a place with me tonight.” The voice of Juan is a little tired.

I stare: “so late?”

“Don’t ask, after ten minutes you come out, I let Jim drive to pick you up.” When he finish talking, he hangs up the phone.

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