Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 150 - Training (3)

Chapter 150: Training (3)

Translator: Lionwwang  Editor: Lionwwang

For the next two days, in addition to boiling water and chopping firewood, cleaning and doing a good job as an orderly, I spend almost all the rest of my time to study that wooden figure like a madman. I watch it from feet to the head, from head to the feet, and I recite them one by one.

 “Be sure to mark them in your heart!”

 This is an order that I keep in mind.

 In fact, it’s not difficult to recite a thing, but it’s not that easy to recite it into your heart. His requirement is that when you are fighting with others, you don’t need to deliberately think. These things have to come out of your mind like conditioned reflexes.

 Make these things and skills become a part of my mind! It’s like opening your mouth to eat. It’s like the natural habit of breathing.

 To achieve this level, it is really not easy!

 I’ve memorized it for two days and thought I have remembered them all, but when he is examining, I’m immediately miserable.

 His examination process is very simple. I stand beside the wooden figure. He holds a dagger and playing with it, saying any part at will at the same time. Then I have to find it in a second and tell all the information about this part!

 I only insist on seven or eight parts, and my speed obviously fails to keep up.

 Like conditional reflexes!

 But how difficult it is to achieve such a level!

 Just as he speaks of the eighth part, I think about it for a few more seconds, and immediately I hear a snap!

 A white light is shinning over! Bang! The dagger is sticking on the wooden figure. It is the part he just asked me! Exactly correct!

 “I know you’ve memorized it, but you can’t turn it into your conditioned reflexes yet! Let me ask you, can you stop and think when you are fighting? Will your opponent give you time?! What I’m asking is that you eliminate the process of ‘thinking’! When can you do this, you are qualified!”


 I spend two more days, this time with wooden figure almost day and night. I put it near my bed even when I’m sleeping. I’m even dreaming of watching a wooden figure with words on his body moving around me.

 Moreover, even when I look at them during the day, when my eyes are falling on them, the first reaction in my mind is to wonder where the part is, what the weaknesses are, what the key is and what the effects would be after be attacked.

 These two days, my eyes are like a bloodthirsty wolf!

 Two days later, I finally pass the examination.

 “Now I can teach you something new.”

 I finally know the names of these two weirdos. This sneering man is nicknamed Old Cat. And that cold fellow is called Konny, which is a nickname too.

 “There are many tools for killing people.” After I have passed the examination, Old Cat’s expression is a little more satisfied, “There are so many kinds of tools for human killing. War is the best stage to show all of this, from cold weapons to hot weapons. In fact, is the improvement of human killing skills. Of course, if conditions permit, give you enough weapon, you can kill a man with a knife. Give you a knife, you can kill an empty hand man. But the problem is that the situation is always changeable. We can’t always get the tools to kill people when we need them. And sometimes, some places, some situations, the traditional killing tools, simply can not be carried.”

 I understand what he meant. He means there are many places where you can’t enter with the gun or even a knife.

 “For example, the target you want to kill is in a place with strict security. It is impossible for you to bring a gun close to him. At this time, you need to find the best tools quickly, with the most effective way to kill the target!”

 His tone is very cold. It is a kind of totally marblehearted cold!

 It’s like the word “killing” to him, just like “eating” or “sleeping”.

 Over the next few days, Old Cat has showed me a myriad of killing techniques! I can hardly catch sight of all kinds of these things! As if anything could quickly become a killing tool in his hands!

 Ropes, chopsticks, a book, a chair, a spoon, a toothbrush, and even a toothpick are enough to kill a man!

 “these things I teach you, in a short period of time, you can’t learn them all. I can only teach you a general. The specifics need you to take the opportunity to explore yourself in the future. You can learn all these things I show you first, but this kind of thing is not memorized by rote, but of live learning and live using! When you arrive at a strange occasion, you can immediately find at least three to five killing tools from all kinds of things around you, then you are qualified, barely qualified.”

 “Old Cat… My last question.” I can’t help asking, “You… How many people have you killed?”

 “…” He takes a look at me and says coldly, “I don’t remember.”

 The next morning, not Old Cat to get me up. It’s Konny this time!

 This is a very depressing thing for me. They always wake me up every morning! No matter how alert I am, they can just quietly standing by me and let me wake up in a cold sweat.

 No matter how do I prepare, they always have a way to quietly come by me and not to let me notice. Unless I stay awake all night with my eyes open! But I’ve been used to it. In the words of Old Cat, if I want to be able to detect their quiet approach, I at least need to learn for a few more years. Obviously, they are all latent masters!

 Watching Konny wake me up instead of Old Cat, I know in my heart that Old Cat’s lesson is over!

 Konny is a speechless person. He always has a cold face and often only jumps out a short sentence during half a day.

 Fortunately, I’m not the first time meet a person with such a personality. When I was at home, I was trained to be strong enough by Wood.

 Konny takes me to the back of the farm. I see the wooden figure I have been studying for the past two days standing in the distance. Then he comes over with a traveling bag, which he has brought when he came.


 He throws the bag on the ground and then unzips. I’m stunned at once!


 All kind of the guns!

 Long gun, short gun, large-caliber, minor-caliber, there are full of the guns in this big bag.

 There is nothing to say about the process of learning how to shoot the guns. This is a very boring process, very boring!

 But I understand at least one truth. The difference between a person who can or can’t use a gun is very huge.

 Don’t think what’s on TV is true. It is impossible for a man who has never used a gun to shoot someone suddenly.

 First of all, the gun has recoil when shooting!

 Secondly, people who have the experience understand that If you give a gun to a person who has never used a gun and let him shoot a cow five meters away. I tell you, in ten people, at least half of them will be biased!

 It takes me a month to learn shooting!

 For the first week, Konny only asked me to hold an empty gun without press the trigger. He asked me to practice the position of holding a gun and aiming. Then he allowed me to shoot with live ammunition.

 His face is always kind of toothache. I can clearly feel that he is not satisfied with me.

 Totally not satisfied.

 He’s a perverted gunman! Once I saw him was betting with Old Cat, he threw a dozen of the empty cans into the sky at one breath! Before they fell to the ground, he shot them all!

 Shooting skills can not be practiced in a short time, this month, I can only be regarded as familiar with some guns, at the same time…

 According to Konny: “At least you know how to use a gun. It’s much better than ordinary people. It’s much worse than a professional soldier. But you won’t lose shooting with the normal police.”

 That’s what he said.

 Papa 8’s man comes every few weeks. Fortunately, he comes regularly and gives us some food so that we do not need to eat canned fish all the time. Moreover, he would bring some bullets, because when I practice the guns, it consumes a lot!

 Two months.

 I live with them on the farm for two whole months!

 One day, Papa 8’s man comes down without sending any more supplies. I understand, it’s about the time to break up!

 Sure enough, there are two cars coming this time. I don’t know the driver of the other car, but it seems that also the people in the garage.

 Konny and Old Cat will break up with me right here. They seem to take a ride to the dock to board a ship and then leave Canada.

 I hear Old Cat inadvertently says that it seems that they are going to retire. This time they will not come back after leaving.

 They have done too much. Now they decide to wash their hands in a golden basin and find a quiet place to retire.

 Before leaving, Old Cat pats me on the shoulder and whispers to me. His tone of voice is unprecedent solemnity!

 “Little 5, live longer! Don’t die too soon!”

 His tone is serious, not joking!

 Then he pulls out a dagger and hands it to me. It’s a military dagger with serrated teeth and a blood slot on it, very delicate!

 I know, this dagger is Konny’s. He likes to play with it when he’s having time.

 “This is from Konny. Although he is always cold, in fact he likes you very much.” Old Cat is smiling.

 I’m very touched, but reluctantly smiling at him and say: “That… What do you give me?”

 There’s a sly smile appearing on his face: “I… Well, OK! let’s do that. Didn’t you always ask us about that? I promise you, if in the future, one day, the three of us can meet again, and all three of us are still alive… I will allow you to do that!”

 My heart is trembling! I can’t help but take a deep look at him.

 Then they get on the car first and leave. They don’t turn back or wave, but I stand there and watching their car go away until I can’t see them anymore.

 The thing he promised me was that I had been asking them so that I could call them Masters!

 They are two good old guys!


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