Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 66

Chapter 64: (First Update)

Old Zhang glanced at him and knocked on the headset.

The chief immediately waved to the police officers beside him, “Has Liu Xiangyang’s relationship been found out?”

“I’m checking, I’ll ask again.”

The little policeman left, and the questioning in the monitoring room continued.

The loud voice is full of oppression.

“You’re afraid we’ll keep investigating, why?”

Liu Xiangyang quickly lowered his head to deny.


Zhang Yang looked at the information in his hand.

“Your household registration file shows that you were divorced and had a daughter and a son. Why did both children leave your wife?”

Liu Xiangyang refused to answer, saying that it was a private matter.

He lowered his head, he could not see his expression clearly, but he could see his clasped hands.

“If I’m not mistaken, one of your two children just entered college this year, and the other is already in college, right?”

“Your hometown is Shanshi, and the ten donkey friends are all from Shanshi, which means that your children may know them?”

Liu Xiangyang’s body stiffened, his eyes were flushed when he looked up, the blue veins on his forehead jumped everywhere, his face was full of pain, “I said, don’t check!!”

The policeman pushed in the door and brought a stack of documents.

“It is clear that this Liu Xiangyang divorced his wife ten years ago. We asked the old policeman in his place of residence to ask. It is said that this Liu Xiangyang’s divorce was quite a big deal.”

“Liu Xiangyang worked in the Forestry Bureau when he was young, and was exposed to the protection of wild animals. Since then, he has frequently rescued various wild animals, and his wages are often in and out.”

“Ten years ago, his wife couldn’t take it anymore and filed for divorce. Because of Liu Xiangyang’s unstable work and his own willingness, one son and one daughter were awarded to Liu Xiangyang’s ex-wife.”

The police officer handed over a document.

“This is the profile of Liu Xiangyang’s ex-wife Bai Huijun, the local Bai family is considered a wealthy family, and it is more than enough to raise two children, so after the divorce Liu Xiangyang devoted himself to wildlife protection again, and entered the Wolong Reserve.”

“Only five years ago, Bai Huijun died of illness, and the two children were raised separately by the Bai and Liu families.”

The police officer took out two more documents.

“The girl’s name is Bai Ning, and the specific information is still being investigated.”

“The boy…is the point, the boy’s name is Liu Xi.”

The director and Shen Qiu looked over at the same time.

“Liu Xi?”

“Yes, that is the survivor Liu Xi.”

The director opened the information and compared it with the monitoring in the lower left corner. It was exactly the same, only the difference between maturity and immaturity.

Opening Bai Ning’s information again, unlike Liu Xi, Bai Ning’s face has a dark red birthmark that almost covers the entire left half of his face.

Perhaps because of this, Bai Ning’s ID photo looks a little inferior.

“Liu Xi is here, what about Bai Ning? The two dead women…”

The policeman shook his head, “Bai Ning is not in the ten-member ALICE group, we are investigating their communication now.”

“What is certain is that Liu Xi has just been admitted to Shan City Engineering University and is a freshman. This is the first time he has participated in this travel itinerary.”

And several other people, including the deceased Liang Peng, participated in a trip last year, and the address… is also in the Wolong Reserve.

The time is…Last March, before and after the earthquake!

The director’s pupils tightened, “I immediately went to investigate the relationship between the ten ALICE groups, when did they meet, and how did they meet! Are they from the same place and the same school!”


The director pointed at Bai Ning’s information.

“Give me Bai Ning’s information as soon as possible, and then focus on checking the detailed itinerary of all the people involved in the case in March last year!”


The police officer left quickly, the chief glanced at the interrogation room, hugged his head and shouted not to investigate, Liu Xiangyang, who lost his life.

He felt that in this case, everyone in the interrogation room must have a story.

The director said a few words on the intercom, Zhang Yang glanced at Liu Xiangyang and got up.

Liu Xiangyang seemed to guess something, glanced at the position of the camera in a panic, and then his head suddenly hit the board in front of the regret chair.

The force he used was extremely ruthless.

Before Zhang Yang walked out the door, when he heard the movement, he rushed back immediately, covering the blood-stained corner with his hands.

The next second, Liu Xiangyang hit the back of his hand again, and a hole was knocked out in the palm of his hand.

Zhang Yang frowned, “Why are you still standing there! Hold down the person! Bring the medicine box!”

Fortunately, Liu Xiangyang only bumped once, except for the blood, there was nothing serious.

But he seemed to be dedicated to death, and even tried to knock the handcuffs in the back.

The police can only clasp his hands behind him and replace the regret chair with a full leather one.

Zhang Yang returned to the monitoring room after dealing with the injury on his hand.

Frowed after reading all the materials that the director gave him.

“If Liu Xi is Liu Xiangyang’s son, did Liu Xi survive on purpose? Did Liu Xi recognize Liu Xiangyang as his father?”

“In the final analysis of this case, we still have to figure out why Liu Xiangyang, a middle-aged man in his forties, must kill these ten young donkey friends in his twenties.”

As soon as Zhang Yang’s question came out, the monitoring room fell silent.

Shen Qiu narrowed her round eyes and looked at the information on the table, her eyes stopped on Bai Ning’s information sheet.

He felt that the crux of the case might lie in this girl named Bai Ning.

“Leave Liu Xiangyang first and ask Liu Xi.”

Director and Zhang Yang obviously have the same idea.

“Okay, I’ll go.”

Zhang Yang shook his injured hand and left.

Shen Qiu threw away the apple core in his hand and looked at the monitor in the lower left corner.

Liu Xi has been in a daze since he came in, looking like he was frightened.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked over and saw Zhang Yang shrank and lowered his head.

Zhang Yang and his colleagues looked at each other.

“Liu Xi, 18 years old, a freshman who has just been admitted to Shan City Engineering University, right? He entered in September last year.”

Liu Xi nodded and let out a humming like a mosquito.

“Do you know the person who wanted to kill you?”

Everyone thought he was going to say he didn’t know each other, but unexpectedly, he nodded, “Yes, it’s my dad.”

Playing cards so unreasonably made everyone stunned.

Zhang Yang frowned, “It’s your father, then why did he kill you?”

Liu Xi lowered his head again, “Maybe because I didn’t take good care of my sister, he hates me.”

Shen Qiu and the director were startled at the same time, the director pressed the intercom, “Old Zhang, continue to ask, follow his words.”

Zhang Yang pressed the headset, “Your sister? You mean Bai Ning?”

“Yes, since you have already found out our relationship, you should know that my sister passed away last year. My dad hates me because of this, so he wants to kill me.”


Shen Qiu glanced at Bai Ning’s information on the desk case, and there was no sign of death and cancellation of the account on the other party’s information.

While thinking about it, the policeman opened the door again and came in.

“Director, I found out that Bai Ning died in the earthquake in March last year. At that time, Bai Ning and a group of ten travel friends were in the Wolong Reserve. When they came, there were ten people, but they went back. There were only nine others at the time.”

“According to the people who went back, Bai Ning was thrown into the valley by a large rock during the earthquake. They were trapped in the cave for 25 days before they were rescued by firefighters.”

“The news came back to the Bai family. Because the old man of the Bai family did not allow it, the account was never cancelled, but the funeral was already held.”

The director narrowed his eyes, “In other words, there is no dead body.”

“Yes, at the beginning, it was handled as missing, but there was no news, so…”

Shen Qiu bit the bear claw and began to think.

At the end of April last year, it was the time when Bai Ning confirmed his death and when Liu Xiangyang returned to his hometown, so he went back to attend Bai Ning’s funeral.

The data from the mountain city clearly shows that Bai Ning died in the earthquake. If it was a natural death, why did Liu Xiangyang quit his job and choose to go back to kill?

There must be something else in there.

The director asked Zhang Yang to ask about Bai Ning’s death.

Zhang Yang received the order, “Bai Ning died in the earthquake, what does it have to do with you?”

, and personally sent her to the car, and sent her to death by himself!”

Liu Xi’s emotions suddenly became agitated, and she burst into tears and screamed, saying that he killed his sister.

Shen Qiu frowned, something was wrong.

Whether it’s Liu Xi or Liu Xiangyang’s behavior, it doesn’t make sense at all.

The director called someone to come, “The other three people also started the trial, focusing on asking them about Bai Ning.”

The rest of the interrogation room also entered.

Compared to Liu Xi, these three were much less timid, and looked at the police with erratic eyes, showing more fear.

Slanted bangs and baby faces are the most obvious reactions, and they will shake if the police are a little louder.

“Do you know Bai Ning?”

The three were stunned at the same time, and the bangs looked left and right, “I know, an old friend, but when we first came to Wolong to travel, she died of an earthquake.”

Baby-faced and said, “Knowing is knowing, but police officer, Bai Ning has nothing to do with this matter, why do you ask her.” He laughed dryly.

“Then do you know who is going to kill you?”

The three nodded at the same time, “Bai Ning’s father.”

Then began to cry out, “Bai Ning’s death is a natural disaster, it has nothing to do with us! But that person has to think that we did the harm! Police officer, you come to judge, how can it be calculated like this!”

“We almost died!”

“If you want me to say, Bai Ning’s father looks like he has that mental illness, otherwise why is he staring at us?”


The police dug up Liu Xi’s information.

“What about Liu Xi, do you know that he is Bai Ning’s younger brother?”

The three of them widened their eyes in shock, and the man who spoke less almost stood up from the regret chair.

“What are you doing! Sit down!” The police patted the table.

The man stared, “You said… Liu Xi is Bai Ning’s younger brother?!”

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