Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 48

Chapter 46:

Shen Qiu stayed in place for a few seconds before realizing that he was talking about the father of this panda body.

If I remember correctly, he heard the story of this warrior in Pan Wen.

It is said that in order to obtain the mating rights of the bear mother, she single-handedly turned over three other male pandas.

In an instant, a tall and mighty wild panda image appeared in his mind.

While wondering if the other party would beat him, he moved into the woods.

“Crash.” The leaves were pushed, and Shen Qiu immediately stopped to hold his breath.

A panda head with a blood-stained top of its head stuck out, his black pea eyes staring at Shen Qiu.

After a while, the nose twitched, as if smelling the smell of Shen Qiu.

Shen Qiu’s heart beat a little faster, he felt a little impulsive.

Giant pandas are solitary animals, female pandas will leave male pandas when they are pregnant.

So male pandas do not have the concept of father, for this panda.

He and Li Cheng are the strange creatures who have rashly invaded his territory.

In addition to the fact that Daddy Bear is now injured, it is unknown to attack them in shock.

The staff behind me called twice.

The giant panda moved out of the woods little by little.

Shen Qiu finally saw his whole picture.

To be honest, he was a little surprised at first sight. He thought it should be a very tall and sturdy panda.

The bear claws rubbed on his belly, and some wanted to rub the bear’s belly.

What is Daddy Bear’s name? fat? Really fat.

The staff behind him couldn’t hold back and said, “Plump is indeed Qiuqiu’s father. Look, this is an enlarged version of Qiuqiu.”

Shen Qiu:…

He looked down at his chubby belly, refusing to admit that he was made chubby by Mother Bear.

Pangpang was still approaching them, and the staff had already dragged Li Cheng and the others back several meters.

“Come on Ball! If your dad doesn’t know you and beats you up later, I can’t go back and deal with Mama Bear.”

Shen Qiu didn’t make fun of his life and stepped back.

Only moved, saw the giant panda whose flesh trembled three times when he took a step opened his mouth: “Anger?”

Do you smell like a mother-in-law? (How come you have a round smell on this doll.)

His voice was much thicker than Mother Bear’s, and the tone changed a bit.

Shen Qiu translated it in human language, which is a pure Sichuan dialect.

He blinked his eyes, almost not coming back to his senses.

I only heard that pandas can understand Sichuan dialect, but no one told him that pandas can speak Sichuan dialect.

Dad Bear sighed and looked a little worried when he saw him motionless.

“You kid, you look stupid, maybe you’re a fool.”

Shen Qiu:…

It’s numb.

He made a blank face, if the other party was not an injured panda, he would definitely turn around and leave.

“嘤嘤嘤!” You are the fool, your whole family is foolish, I am your cub!

He finished speaking.

Not true.

“Boom!” You are the only one in your family! Yuanyuan is my mother bear!

Daddy bear suddenly realized, bear paw patted his belly, soft and soft Q (Q) bounce.

“In other words, you smell like a mother-in-law.” (No wonder, you have a round smell on your body)

“What do you say, buy it when the mother-in-law is dead? Come here.” (What? Is Yuanyuan dead? Why did you come here?)


Are male pandas so annoying?

“…Mother Bear was injured and was rescued by humans. Are you injured and go with humans?”

Shen Qiu decided that if the other party did not agree to turn his head and leave, this bear father is simply not as good as bear mother!

A few more words and he’ll be **** off.

Unexpectedly, Daddy Bear touched his head without any hesitation.

“Keza, you can’t do it, you can eat and live with your sister, gram!” (Go! Why don’t you go! You have a sister, go!)

He ran in front of Shen Qiu, got close, and looked at Shen Qiu with his eyes.


“Guwazi, you’re a little fat.”

Shen Qiu: Is this really my bear father? Why are completely two extremes with Mother Bear!

He turned around and left with a blank face. He really didn’t want to pay attention to this father who cursed his wife to death the first time he saw him and said his children were fat.

But Daddy Bear is always there for him, wherever he goes.

The staff who saw it couldn’t help but be amazed.

“This is the first time I’ve seen Daddy Bear so close to the unmasked child.”

“Captain Li, please talk to the people below and let them take Chubby down. I think the wound seems to be a little serious.”

Li Cheng nodded, took the walkie-talkie and said a few words below.

Shen Qiu took Daddy Bear and sat on the stone next to him. Although Daddy Bear was unreliable, he was a national treasure. Judging from his status as a national treasure, Shen Qiu did not care about him as much .

Sigh of relief.

Then rua on Daddy Bear’s stomach.

! It feels so good!

Shen Qiu rubbed the bear’s claws and wanted to have another one.

The idea has not been implemented yet, as if Daddy Bear knew what he was going to do, he directly grabbed the bear claw of the panda cub and pressed it on his belly.

“Your eyes are the same as when you follow Lao Tzu and human beings every time.”

Shen Qiu, who did not expect to have such benefits, cheered for a while in her heart, and immediately began to step on the milk-style bear.

Panda Panda Panda, how can you be so good!

Shen Qiu licked a book of contentment, if it wasn’t for the injury on Daddy Bear’s head, he would definitely lick the whole bear again.

When Li Cheng and the others came back to their senses, no matter whether it was being slapped or slapped with a bear, they would not be satisfied.

Shen Qiu decided to take back his prejudice against Daddy Bear. In fact, some parts of him are quite good.

The staff below came very quickly, Daddy Xiong was relatively awake, and he definitely couldn’t take it away directly, he needed anesthesia.

Seeing that the uncle veterinarian gave Daddy Bear a shot, Shen Qiu wanted to comfort Daddy Bear and let him not be afraid.

Before the words came out, Daddy Xiong swayed at him, “Angang, um um um!”

Guavas! You don’t get fat! Grab the heat of Lao Tzu!

Shen Qiu: ?

The subway grandpa looks at the phone.jpg.

Is this really his bear father?

Why? Why is there such a naive bear father!

If he remembers correctly, Daddy Bear is eighteen today! According to human algorithms, you are more than enough to be a grandfather at your age, yet you are so naive as to compete with panda cubs for the popularity of humans! ?

Panda Cub was choked, and he was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Smell the smell in the air carefully, turn around and go to another road.

He smelled the human breath, and after walking with Li Cheng and others for a few minutes, he heard a crash in several fallen trees.

“Anyone?” Li Cheng shouted.

Someone responded right away.

“Someone! Friends, are you here to save me?”

Li Cheng glanced at the graduate student, and the other party opened the employee handover book and accurately stated the other party’s name.

The man cried with joy.

“It was me, I came up with a few other colleagues, and the earthquake happened after I climbed the tree to change the equipment. Fortunately! Fortunately, there are these big trees to support me, otherwise…”

The other party has lingering fears, and it sounds like he is still afraid.

Li Li Lima and the staff began to get busy, first removing the big tree blocking the workers, and then pulling the people out of it.

The other party’s surname is Liu, Liu Gong, and he was not injured in time because he evaded.

First of all, I thanked the firefighters for a while, and I was startled when I saw the panda cubs waiting next to me.

“This…what’s going on.”

The graduate student comforted him, “Don’t be nervous, this time we can find you thanks to Qiuqiu leading the way, don’t be afraid, we’ve all gone with him, he doesn’t eat people. ”

Liu Gong was dubious.

Shen Qiu puffed out his chest, feeling that he was closer to the road to rescue the bear.

After that, Shen Qiu led Li Cheng and others to rescue the remaining five workers with his sensitive nose.

He is not only a sensitive nose but also very smart, so Li Chengcheng, who is used to seeing smart military dogs, keeps praising him.

“If you were an ordinary dog, I would definitely take you back, but unfortunately you are a panda.”

Li Cheng shook his head, but his regret was beyond words.

Shen Qiu’s happy mouth was still grinning, and she froze when she heard this.

“嘤嘤嘤~” is not, why not! Pandas also have bear rights! Why can’t a panda do what a dog can do?

Seeing the panda cubs dancing like angry, Li Cheng wonderfully understood what he meant.

Can’t help but explain, “Because you are a national treasure, if there is no way today, military dogs can’t come in, I won’t let you take the risk of search and rescue.”

Shen Qiu: Is there any way for me to recreate it? I’m going to make a wish to be reborn as a military dog.

Although the six workers were not seriously injured, there were bumps and bumps on their bodies. Everyone organized the team and prepared to go down the same way.

Shen Qiu walked behind because of her depression.

The terrain on the mountain is steep, and because the earthquake shook off a lot of the mountain, the mountain road was even more difficult.

Several people lined up down, just at this moment.

There was another violent vibration under the feet, and the rocks rolled down.

Something flashed in front of her eyes, Shen Qiu subconsciously stretched out the bear claws and grabbed the thing, but he almost rolled down, but fortunately he used the bear’s mouth to bite the nearest one root.

The whole process took less than ten seconds, and the aftershock this time was only about thirteen seconds.

After the ground stopped shaking, Shen Qiu realized that he was holding Wang Zhang.

The other party fell into the mid-air of the mountain road with a pale face.

Several others stood firm and came to help, pulling Wang Zhang up and quickly backing away.

The road ahead is completely cut off, and they can’t go back the same way.

“Crash la la la.”

Torrential rain fell in the sky, as if there was a haze on everyone’s heart.

After the torrential rain hits the mountain that was split due to the earthquake, what awaits them will be mudslides and landslides.

Shen Qiu’s heart sank, but Wang Zhang suddenly remembered something and ran wildly in the other direction.

“Captain Li, Comrade Wang, this is…”

Li Cheng wiped the rain on his face, and the string-like raindrops formed a curtain, Shen Qiu couldn’t see his expression, only could hear his helpless voice.

“The village of Wang Zhang’s family is in the reserve, close to the valley.”

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