Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 44

Chapter 42: (Second More)

Shen Qiu has always believed in intuition.

I turned around and said, “嘤嘤嘤~” Mother Bear, I’m going out to find Uncle Pan!

Mother Bear was a little puzzled, “Huh?” Cub, what’s wrong.

Shen Qiu’s heart became more and more anxious, he turned around in place, “Hey!”

Mother Bear, Uncle Pan is in danger!

The mother bear stared at the panda cub for a while, and her tone became serious.

“Cub, do you know how dangerous the dark night in the snow is? Mama taught you that if you can’t go out in the dark night, you won’t go out.”

Shen Qiu of course knew that during this time he learned a lot of panda survival methods in the wild.

But if his intuition is right, what if Pan Wen and others really have an accident, that’s four lives!

“Mother Bear~”

Mother Bear stared at him for half a minute, compromising.

“Cub cub, remember, because you are my cub cub, so I promise you. But we pandas should keep a distance from humans.”

Shen Qiu didn’t understand very well, Mama Bear obviously did not resist the contact of Pan Wen and others.

Seems to understand his doubts.

Mother Bear gently touched Shen Qiu’s head.

“Not all humans are like your Uncle Pan, and not all pandas are like Mama.”

Even though Shen Qiu’s personality was affected by the panda body after he became a panda, and some changes, but his soul was an adult, and he immediately understood what the bear mother meant.

“Don’t worry, Mama Bear, I remember.”

Mother bear gently picked up the five-month-old panda cub and wanted to carry him out, but Shen Qiu, who had a strong sense of shame, refused.

Mother bear, I’m already a big cub, please, let me go.

Mother Bear expressed that she didn’t understand what the cub was thinking, and sighed at the cub who didn’t get close to his mother before he was an adult, but put the cub down respectfully.

“Cub, you can rely on Mama, Mama now feels like she has raised a fake cub.”

Shen Qiu didn’t hear it, her four short legs were upside down and ran quickly outside.

Panda’s sense of smell is very sensitive, even if there is snow in the afternoon, it has covered the footprints of Pan Wen and others.

But Shen Qiu still found the familiar taste from the thick white snow.

Mother Bear took him behind her and followed the smell.

There is not a trace of moonlight in the dark night of winter. Pandas are born with poor eyesight, which makes Shen Qiu unable to see anything except the dark woods and the snow all over the ground.

But as they walked down the mountain, the smell of Pan Wen and others lingering on the tip of the nose became more intense.

Mother Bear took Shen Qiu to a trail that broke from the middle, and beside the trail was a steep slope.

The smell of Pan Wen and others was concentrated in this place, Shen Qiu let out a cry of “嘤嘤嘤”, and heard a gasping sound from below.

But it seemed to be afraid, and the other party soon stopped moving.

Shen Qiu breathed a sigh of relief, after all, he found someone.

Mother Bear patted Panda Cub’s head, “Cub, your Uncle Pan’s situation is not very good, we can’t save it.”

Mother Bear moved the tip of her nose, “It smells of blood.”

Shen Qiu’s scalp felt numb when he heard it, and after sniffing it carefully, he really smelled blood in the air.

Looking at the broken trail, Shen Qiu almost guessed what happened to Pan Wen and the others going down the mountain.

This trail is extremely narrow. Perhaps a large animal came over and stepped on the trail, but there has been a heavy snow recently, and thick white snow covers the broken place.

Pan Wen and others didn’t pay attention when they went down the mountain, and fell directly from the break, but fortunately, it was not a cliff, just a steep slope.

They haven’t left yet, they should be injured and unable to move.

Thinking of this, Shen Qiu’s heart loosened.


The panda cub hummed softly.

The familiar panda voice startled the people below.

A moment later a voice trembled, “Is it Ball?”

Is one of Pan Wen’s students, Shen Qiu pings twice.

Students burst into tears with joy, but soon collapsed.

“Qiaoqiu, you can’t save us, what are you doing, go back quickly and don’t accidentally fall off.”

With that, he whimpered and began to cry.

Shen Qiu was a little anxious.

There were four of them, but now Shen Qiu only heard the voice of one person, what about the other three?

He kept babbling on the trail, but the student was immersed in sadness and did not give Shen Qiu any feedback.

On the contrary, Mother Bear is very calm, so calm that Shen Qiu feels a little cold.

But at the same time, Shen Qiu also knew that this is how normal animals should behave.

There are very few animals that show affinity for humans.

“Cub, you’re just a panda, you can’t save them.”

Shen Qiukuang shook his head, thinking of a solution quickly in his mind.

He is a juvenile panda now, and it is impossible to save people directly by himself.

Mother Bear is not good either. It is already very difficult for Mother Bear to accompany him out. If she is still allowed to risk her life to save people…

Perhaps she will give it a try for the cub’s request, but the safety of the mother bear is not guaranteed.

He tentatively stretched out his foot and gestured, the trail was narrower than he imagined.

He can’t be saved, he can only find someone.

How can I find someone…

A light flashed in her mind, Shen Qiu turned her head and ran away, startling Mother Bear.

“Cub! Don’t run so fast! You’ll fall!”

Shen Qiu let out a few soft calls to signal Mother Bear not to worry, rushed to the vicinity of the cave, and found an infrared camera disguised as a branch hanging on a tree.

He doesn’t understand cameras, but he remembers that Pan Wen said that these cameras are all connected to the Internet, and the monitoring station can see them in real time.

Panda can’t save people, but he can use the camera to let the people at the monitoring station know that Pan Wen and the others are in danger. As long as the other party knows, they will definitely send someone up to rescue.

Shen Qiu neatly climbed up the tree, biting off the bracket that fixed the camera with her strong bite teeth.

The monitoring station is monitoring infrared cameras in real time.

So when the panda cub was found standing under the tree looking at the camera, the staff on duty was still thinking: the camera will not survive.

I realized that it was abnormal when I realized that the ball was biting the camera and running.

This is a national treasure, and the staff immediately reported it to the leader.

So by the time Shen Qiu bit the camera to the break in the trail, four or five people were already standing in front of the computer at the monitoring station.

“What’s wrong with Qiuqiu? Are you still out at night?”

Mother Bear was teaching Shen Qiu not to parkour in the dark, and kept making humming sounds with a bit of sternness.

Shen Qiu nodded to show that he knew, while thinking about how to shoot the camera down so that the monitoring station could see the people below.

He tried a lot of methods, but… it was not something that Bear Claw could do. He could only helplessly call the people below with a humming voice, hoping that he would make more noises.

But Shen Qiu didn’t know if the other party had fainted, or he felt that there was no hope of giving up, how the panda cubs howled, and there was no movement from below.

Mother Bear comforted him silently and told him to give up.

Shen Qiu shook his head violently.

If you just give up, then the people below will really not be able to live.

Staying for one night in the case of ice and snow injury, before dawn, people will be stiff.

Thinking, he gritted his teeth, pointed the camera directly below, and slid down the cracked gap.

Take a gamble and expect the camera to get stuck in some corner or smash on someone.

A few seconds later, there was a muffled groan from below.

Someone woke up, it was Pan Wen’s voice.

He called every student once before hearing the unique humming of the panda cub.

“Qiuqiu? Why are you here? It’s too dangerous at night. Go back, you little cub.”

Shen Qiu was in a hurry.

“Beeeeeeeeee!” Look what you just smashed! Call for help!

Fortunately, the staff at the monitoring station were very vigilant, and when they heard Pan Wen’s voice, they knew something was wrong.

I tried to dial Pan Wen’s cell phone, but couldn’t get through, and the walkie-talkie didn’t work at all, so I immediately arranged for someone to go up the mountain.

Fortunately, after Pan Wen figured out his situation, he soon discovered that it was the camera that fell and woke him up, and quickly told the people at the monitoring station where he was.

Shen Qiu finally breathed a sigh of relief, the whole bear fell to the ground.

Mother Bear had been watching him busy all the time, and only then stepped forward and arched his head.

“Cub, are you relieved?”

Shen Qiu rubbed back with her small head.

“Thank you Mama Bear.”

Mother Bear shook her head, serious and gentle.

“You are my cub.”

The conversation between the two bears caught Pan Wen’s attention.

Perhaps Pan Wen started talking to them in a random manner in order to divert his attention so as not to fall asleep again.

Mother Bear will never reply, she just shields her cub from the howling north wind, keeps the cub as warm as possible, and presses the cub against her soft belly superior.

Shen Qiu was Pan Wen who said something, he should say something, try to raise the spirit of the other party as much as possible.

Sleep in the snow, that’s really terrible.

From Pan Wen’s description, Shen Qiu knew their current situation.

When I fell, the backpack I was carrying lost everything, the **** was steep, and several people were injured to varying degrees and could not move.

They could only wait below, until the next day the monitoring station found that they did not go back on time to save people.

Pan Wen’s head was hit hard, so he was in a coma most of the time, and other people’s legs and feet were injured and bleeding to varying degrees.

Although Pan Wen spoke in a very relaxed tone, Shen Qiu knew that lying in the snow for so long was terrible.

There is a saying that freezes the ears, it will really freeze the ears.

Even though the temperature here is not that cold yet, the blood is frozen and cannot circulate, and the legs and feet of several people may be…

Shen Qiu didn’t want to think about it, and continued to respond to Pan Wen’s voice.

They stayed outside for a long time, and the talent from the monitoring station in the early morning finally came.

Smelling the breath of strangers, Mother Bear forced Shen Qiu into her arms and returned to the cave.

He turned his head, laying on Mama Bear’s shoulders, watching the constantly shaking flashlight and the chaotic shouting.

At this moment, an idea came to my mind.

Wolong Reserve, covering an area of about 200,000 hectares.

How many people would encounter Pan Wen and others in such a big jungle?

The panda has a sensitive nose and can find creatures that do not belong to this land in the jungle, such as – humans.

If used for search and rescue…

Shen Qiu thought, he seems to have found his new iron job.

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