Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 40

Chapter 38: (First Update)

Shen Qiu and the others returned to the police station, and Da Zhuang, who went to Qian’s house to search, also returned.

He brought back a bunch of bottles and jars and weird looking instruments.

“I checked, these are instruments for making chemical agents, generally only in certain chemical factories or laboratories.”

After Da Zhuang finished speaking, Shen Qiu sniffed around him, and there was a faint smell of chemicals on his body, similar to what Yang Yue had when he came back from the Qian family.

He lay down on Qin Yan, shook his tail, and let out a meow.

Qin Yan knew this, and immediately ordered Da Zhuang and others to bring the guy and set off.

“The chemical factory on the outskirts of the city! In addition, let the police station in the nearby jurisdiction immediately check the monitoring around the chemical factory, and be sure to find the location of Yang Zheng and Fang Haoxuan as soon as possible!”

People from the criminal investigation team took action one after another, and the police car Ulla Ula drove outside and merged into the traffic flow.

Shen Qiu followed Qin Yan into a car and headed towards the suburbs.

At this time, in the staff dormitory of the chemical plant.

Fang Haoxuan stuffed a rag in Yang Zheng’s mouth, and the rope in his hand tightened again.

Fang Haoxuan glanced outside and motioned Qian Shanshan to go out first.

“Take the kids and wait for me in the car.”

Qian Shanshan took her admiring eyes away from Yang Zheng and left reluctantly.

Yang Zheng hummed to Fang Haoxuan twice.

“Shut up! If you attract people, I will never make you feel better!”

Yang Zheng stared at him and didn’t dare to say a word.

Seeing that he was going to take him away, Yang Zheng couldn’t help panicking.

In the sea market, he can still put hope on Qin Yan and others, waiting for someone to rescue him.

But if Fang Haoxuan took him out of the sea market…

He looked around, but he didn’t see the monitor outside the house, and he was even more worried.

Without monitoring, who knows where he was taken.

No, I can’t just leave, I have to leave something here, and when the police find out this kid’s relationship network, they will definitely find him!

He rolled his eyes and pulled all the cufflinks off his shirt with his hands behind him.

Follow Fang Haoxuan honestly, lose one if you walk, and lose one if you walk.

I finally got to the car and lost all the cufflinks.

He breathed a sigh of relief in secret, without letting Fang Haoxuan urge him, he climbed into the car by himself.

Simple vans are covered with black membranes, making it impossible to see inside from the outside.

When he got into the car, he realized that there was a large and a small sitting in the back row.

The big one is naturally Qian Shanshan, as for the small one…

He stared blankly at the seat in front of him, Yang Zheng’s movement didn’t startle him at all, his eyes were dull, it looked like…

Like being sick.

Yang Zheng’s eyes flashed, and he chose a seat behind the co-pilot.

He understood why Fang Haoxuan said there were four people before, this child should be the child Qian Shanshan said before.

Brows and eyes are very similar.

Fang Haoxuan locked the door as soon as he got in the car, turned around and threatened Yang Zheng with a grim smile, “You better not play tricks, otherwise…”

He took a fruit knife and made a circle in the air, making a silent threat.

Yang Zheng blinked, trying to let him discover his sincerity.

Fang Haoxuan left the car and drove away from the suburbs to the national highway.

The scenery along the road is constantly changing, from high-rise buildings to red brick and black tile houses in the village, and a farmland can be seen at a glance.

The car is slowly leaving the sea.

Yang Zheng could sit still at first, but when he saw the farmland, he panicked.

Have Qin Yan found a chemical factory? Did you spot the cuff he dropped on the ground?

The police surrounded the chemical factory as soon as possible, but when they found the dormitory, they found that the building was empty.

There is no surveillance around the dormitory, and the surveillance at the gate was vandalized. Qin Yan immediately arranged for someone to adjust the road surveillance, and at the same time began to search the surrounding area.

Shen Qiu was released from the leash.

He first sniffed around the room and found the smell of Qian Shanshan, Yang Zheng and Fang Haoxuan.

There was nothing to find in the house, so he followed the smell and went outside.

There is a weed outside the dormitory, and some household garbage is discarded in the grass, and the smell is not good.

He opened the grass, followed the faint smell, and found a button in the grass after a while.

Eyes lit up.

This is the cuff on Yang Zheng’s shirt!

“Meow Meow~” Qin Yan is coming!

Shen Qiu found the remaining five cuffs one after another from the direction of the back door.

“Captain, this road leads to the national road. It seems that Fang Haoxuan is trying to take people away from the sea market.”

Da Zhuang frowned, his face not looking good.

Qin Yan glanced at the time, “Let people call for road monitoring as soon as possible, and arrange special police to go to the national highway.”

After Qin Yan ordered himself to get into a police car, Shen Qiu hurriedly jumped into the co-pilot.

The farther the car went, the colder Yang Zheng’s heart became.

Seeing that there was no movement around, Yang Zheng began to wonder if no one had found him missing yet?

As soon as this idea came up, Yang Zheng couldn’t stop thinking about it, and finally watched Fang Haoxuan’s back driving and gritted his teeth.

Wait for another ten minutes, if there is no movement in ten minutes, I will save myself!

Time passes minute by minute.

Fang Haoxuan opened the driver’s window, it was a little cooler today, and the cold wind was blowing in from the window, blowing Yang Zheng’s face as cold as his heart.

I count down dozens of numbers silently in my heart, the time is up.

Yang Zheng glanced at the rearview mirror sadly, the road was calm, and cars passed by one by one.

Yang Zheng: …Forget it, save yourself.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Fang Haoxuan with ferocity. At this time, Shen Qiu stared at the van in front of him on an SUV three parking spaces away.

“Meow.” If there is no accident, Yang Zheng is in this car.

Qin Yan pressed the intercom.

“Big Zhuang, the third child, drive up and surround the van.”

“Yang Yue brought people ready, when the third one moved, your car would stop the van in front of you.”


Several black and white cars gradually surrounded the van.

Fang Haoxuan didn’t feel right until he noticed that the car in front was starting to slow down.

Yang Zheng rushed over at this time, and slammed his head into Fang Haoxuan’s head.

The head hummed suddenly, and he gasped in pain.

The car was directly turned to the farmland next to it by the collision. Fang Haoxuan scolded the mother and slammed the steering wheel, but the car still fell into the road ditch.

He looked into the rear-view mirror, and the people in the car just came down one after another. Although they were dressed in ordinary clothes, they looked like policemen.

He spat, and looked at Yang Zheng sullenly.

Yang Zheng was shaken by him, and the next second, Fang Haoxuan took out a fruit knife and stabbed it straight at Yang Zheng’s chest.

The pupil shrank, Yang Zheng leaned back, avoided the knife, and kicked Fang Haoxuan.

Fang Haoxuan fell on the steering wheel, the car creaked a few times, and then rolled into the farmland.

Yang Zheng was like being stirred in a washing machine, his head hit the car door, and there was a “bang” sound.

Finally sit tight, and see Fang Haoxuan rushing towards him again with a grim face.

“I give you a chance to live, but you don’t want it! Then go to death! Go underground to accompany my sister!”

Yang Zheng wanted to move, but his arm was stuck in the middle of the seat, and his heart ached when he moved. He could only widen his pupils and watch Fang Haoxuan pounce.

The whole process took less than two minutes, and he stared blankly at Qian Shanshan’s relieved face, unable to return to his senses.

Qin Yan and others had already rushed over, directly breaking the window and holding down the sluggish Fang Haoxuan.

“Yang Zheng! Yang Zheng, are you alright!”

Da Zhuang shouted outside.

Yang Zheng regained his senses, and saw that Qian Shanshan was so pale that he was almost out of breath, and his heart suddenly tensed.


Qian Shanshan? you don’t sleep! hold onto!

He was gagged and unable to speak, he could only gesture with his eyes.

Qian Shanshan shook her head at Yang Zheng with a miserable smile.

“I’m sorry…Mr. Yang, I did a lot of bad things to you when I was confused…”

Yang Zheng’s eyes turned red all of a sudden, when he saw the police start breaking the door, he silently urged to hurry up.

He shook his head at Qian Shanshan again, telling her not to mention these.

Qian Shanshan spit out a mouthful of blood, and the fruit knife was inserted directly into her back from behind, already hurting her internal organs.

“I can’t live anymore, and I don’t want to… live, Mr. Yang… I’m sorry.”

She finished speaking intermittently, her breath getting weaker and weaker, and when the police broke the window and came in, her breath was completely gone.

The sound of the ambulance, fire truck, police car outside was shrill and harsh, but Yang Zheng was completely stunned. He tried to touch Qian Shanshan’s body with his intact hand, and seemed to feel the heat slowly passing. .

Soon a medical staff stepped forward to take Qian Shanshan away. Seeing Yang Zheng’s stunned appearance, Shen Qiu kicked Fang Haoxuan hard.

Fang Haoxuan seemed to be woken up by this kick.

Suddenly, she wanted to rush towards Qian Shanshan like crazy.

“Sister! Sister, don’t die! Sister, don’t leave me behind!”

The picture is pathetic and depressing.

Shen Qiu can’t wait to step up and grab him and ask, since he cares so much, why do these things!

The fire department first took out the rag on Yang Zheng’s mouth, then disassembled the seat, rescued his arm, and was immediately wrapped by the medical staff.

Watching the car carrying Qian Shanshan drive away, Yang Zheng suddenly looked behind him as if he had remembered something.

Qin Yan and others also saw the little girl huddled under the car in the back seat. The other party stared at their feet in a daze, completely immersed in their own world.

The nurse next to her sighed, “Autism.”

Then greet the person next to you and take the child out to comfort him.

Although children with autism are completely immersed in their own world, they will still have mood swings when they encounter external stimuli.

As soon as the nurse took the child away, the little girl let out a piercing scream, beating the nurse’s head frantically.

The scene froze for a moment. After the child was sent to the car, Shen Qiu circled around Yang Zheng’s feet.

“Meow?” How are you?

Yang Zheng turned pale, closed his eyes while holding onto his hand tied to the board, “Captain Qin, I want to go to the hospital to see Qian Shanshan.”

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