Even If You Become An Animal, You Have To Serve An Iron Rice Bowl

Chapter 34

Chapter 32: (Second More)

“It’s been a month.”

“Stalking? Does anyone know? Is your life threatened?”

Yang Zheng looked embarrassed and didn’t know what to say. Shen Qiu looked anxious and couldn’t help urging meow.

“Hello Mr. Yang, the client wishes to talk to you face to face.”

Yang Yue’s question hadn’t been answered yet, and a police uncle came over.

Seeing Yang Yue shout, “Xiao Yue, you know this person.”

Yang Yue pointed at the ball, “His future father, Uncle Li, what’s going on.”

Shen Qiu opened his eyes to refute, and heard Uncle Li directly say, “This matter is a bit difficult to handle, shall we go in and talk?”

Yang Yue glanced at Yang Zheng and nodded, and Uncle Li called Yang Zheng again.

Yang Zheng sighed and walked into the mediation room together.

There is another policeman and a woman in a white dress sitting inside.

The woman looked twenty-five, with loose hair, and her eyes kept looking out the door.

Seeing Yang Yue’s disappointment first, she immediately became excited when she saw Yang Zheng.

She smiled brightly, waved at Yang Zheng, and patted the seat beside her, “Husband, sit here with me.”

Husband? !

Shen Qiu looked back at Yang Zheng with wide eyes and questioned silently.

Yang Zheng understood in seconds and waved his hand quickly.

“I’m not, I’m not, she’s talking nonsense.”

Denied triple.

“Meow meow meow!” Shen Qiu patted the ground loudly.

Calling your husband is nonsense! You think I’m deaf.

Yang Zheng’s face was bitter, “The sky is above, I really don’t have it.”

Seeing Shen Qiu pressing Yang Zheng silently, Uncle Li made a timely rescue, “Mr. Yang is right, after our investigation, the two did not know each other before.”

Shen Qiu squinted his eyes and gave Yang Zheng a: Let go of your eyes for now.

Then sat next to Yang Yue.

Yang Zheng sat opposite the woman, covering his face with his hands all the time, dodging his eyes helplessly.

In contrast, the woman stared at Yang Zheng with fiery eyes and love.

Shen Qiu glanced back and forth, his eyes gradually becoming serious.

Leave the relationship between Yang Zheng and Xing Lu aside, from the perspective of the police looking at ordinary policemen.

This woman’s eyes are too hot, and the look in Yang Zheng’s eyes can even be said to be a little crazy.

What happened?

At this time, Uncle Li said, “Ms. Qian, we have already figured out what happened. You and Mr. Yang don’t know each other. Why do you go to harass Mr. Yang again and again?”

After Uncle Li’s brief description, Shen Qiu finally knew what happened.

Yang Zheng met this lady Qian a month ago.

But according to Yang Zheng, it was only a meeting in a cafe, and it was reluctance to say they knew each other.

Only since that day, this lady named Qian Shanshan has been eyeing Yang Zheng.

I don’t know what she is thinking, it’s okay to go downstairs to Yang Zheng’s company every day to block him, and even spread rumors with others that the two have been married in their hometown, and they have two child.

Now almost all of Yang Zheng’s work colleagues know such a person.

It would be fine if she just made trouble in Yang Zheng’s company, but she didn’t know where she knew about Xing Lu’s existence, so she went to Xing Lu’s company, pointed to Xing Lu and said it was a junior, and told Xing Lu to leave Yang Zheng is farther away.

Yang Zheng was shocked and angry. He was afraid that this incident would affect his pursuit of his wife, so he quickly persuaded Xing Lu to go on business and work, but he chose to have a good chat with Qian Shanshan.

The first time I called the police was at that time, Yang Zheng and Qian Shanshan could not talk, no matter what Yang Zheng said, Qian Shanshan always asked him if he wanted to leave their mother and son. Go to the third.

Yang Zheng was speechless, and immediately called the police for mediation.

After the police mediation, Qian Shanshan disappeared for two days, but she still appeared in front of Yang Zheng on the third day. Not only that, she even let a taxi track him to the community where Yang Zheng lived.

The second time I called the police, in the middle of the night, after hearing someone pick the lock, Yang Zheng immediately took a video to get evidence and called the police in the middle of the night.

But this time Qian Shanshan admitted her mistake very quickly and wrote a letter of guarantee. Yang Zheng also thought that there should be no next time…

Yang Zheng wiped his face, his tone was very lifeless.

“As a result, I worked overtime yesterday and woke up thirsty in the middle. When I came out to drink water, I saw her cooking for me in my kitchen, which is called a loving breakfast.”

You can imagine how terrified Yang Zheng, who was wearing shorts at the time, came out to drink water with sleepy eyes, and suddenly saw a woman in the kitchen.

“She didn’t say how she came in. The surveillance video of the corridor was damaged. There was no sign of her entering the community in all the places that could be captured by the surveillance camera, and the property couldn’t do anything about her.”

After Yang Zheng said melancholy, the mediation room was quiet.

Looking at Qian Shanshan again, she still stared at Yang Zheng with a face full of nympho.

Reminiscent of some kind of perverted idiot.

Shen Qiu shivered and cast a sympathetic look at Yang Zheng.

But soon he turned his thoughts to Qian Shanshan. From the descriptions of Uncle Li and Yang Zheng, this Qian Shanshan’s mental state or mental state should not be very good.

People with mental illness can’t make inferences with ordinary people’s thoughts, so this matter is a bit difficult to do now.

It is reasonable to say that you want to enter a private house, but the other party has a mental illness…

Uncle Li also has a headache.

“Besides, you also broke into the house privately this time. Do you know that this is illegal?”

Qian Shanshan wrinkled her nose, lining her delicate appearance, she looked like a schoolgirl who was simply indifferent to the world.

“But he’s my husband, why is it called trespassing when I go to my husband’s house?”

One sentence choked everyone.

Yang Zheng was about to cry.

“Sister, it’s not…beautiful, I beg you, I really don’t know you, can you stop calling me husband?”

He took a deep breath, feeling like he would die young.

Qian Shanshan wrinkled her face, tears welling up in her eyes quickly.

“But you are my husband, we have children.”


“So, Ms. Qian, you said that you and Mr. Yang are husband and wife, then take out your marriage certificate and take a look?”

“Since you still have children, why don’t you bring the children to us and go to the hospital for a DNA test.”

When she came to this question, Qian Shanshan lowered her head and pretended not to understand.

In addition to being speechless, everyone present was helpless.

Uncle Li’s tone was a bit stern.

“Ms. Qian! If you have no evidence to prove Mr. Yang’s relationship with you, and to prove the truth of what you said, we will detain you in accordance with the law.”

Qian Shanshan looked at Yang Zheng, “Husband…”

“I beg you! Don’t call me husband!”

Yang Zheng is going crazy.

Qian Shanshan didn’t say anything anymore, but Yang Zheng’s eyes were full of grievances. People who didn’t know the truth would really think that Yang Zheng had abandoned his wife and children…

Shen Qiu jumped to the table, blocked in front of Yang Zheng, and met Qian Shanshan’s frown.

Uncle Li said that Qian Shanshan will be detained, but it is only a temporary solution, not to mention that Qian Shanshan is mentally ill, there is no legal control at all.

Even if she is detained, it will take up to 15 days. After she goes out, she still looks for Yang Zheng and what can she do with her?

Shen Qiu was a little embarrassed.

He was an anti-drug policeman in his last life, and he never encountered such a situation.

Yang Yue and Uncle Li discussed ways, and finally they had to contact Qian Shanshan’s family first.

Another policeman went to check Qian Shanshan’s account, and the others continued to wait in the mediation room.

With Shen Qiu blocking her, Yang Zheng felt more relaxed, just sighing one after another, exhausted.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the policeman who checked the hukou came back, looking a little bad.

“Uncle Li, this may be a little troublesome.”

Shen Qiu looked at the policeman, and he motioned to go outside.

Seeing this, Shen Qiu hurriedly followed him out, Yang Zheng called him, but didn’t stop, he could only stay in place uneasy.

Shen Qiu didn’t know why the policeman said it was a little difficult when he got outside.

Qian Shanshan has a criminal record, and the matter is not small.

It can be known from the police contacting Qian’s family and related files.

Eight years ago, when Qian Shanshan was seventeen years old, she was raped by a strong girl and became mentally disturbed by stimulation.

A year later, she gave birth to the child of the strong girl who committed the rape, and the strong girl who was underage and Qian Shanshan’s family received money to forgive in private, and soon came out of it.

After she came out, she asked Qian Shanshan to seek revenge, but she did not expect to be directly stabbed to death by Qian Shanshan who was stimulated to go crazy.

Because it was a psychotic episode at the time and had no self-control at all, the court ruled that she was not responsible.

After listening to the police, Yang Yue and Uncle Li both fell into deep thought.

For a moment, Yang Yue asked, “What did the Qian family say?”

“The Qian family doesn’t care, they don’t care whether we detain or drive us away.”

The young policeman is very angry.

Uncle Li took a deep breath.

“Give me the number of Qian’s family and I will contact you.”

Uncle Li came back a few minutes after leaving, looking a little indignant.

“These people really don’t deserve to be parents.”

“Uncle Li, what did the Qian family say?”

“They said they would take Qian Shanshan back to her hometown. Xiaoyue, please let Mr. Yang leave first. When the Qian family arrives, I will ask the guardian to sign a guarantee.”

That’s all.

Shen Qiu sighed and flicked his tail.

Back in the mediation room, Qian Shanshan stood up for no apparent reason, and directly forced Yang Zheng to the corner.

Now Yang Zheng is huddled up against the wall, with resistance written all over his body.

Weak and helpless.

Seeing Shen Qiu, his eyes lit up like a big light bulb.

“Ball Ball Ball Help!”

Shen Qiu decided to help the other party for the sake of raising kittens and being too pitiful.

The big cat walked over majestically and domineeringly, Qian Shanshan shrank and took a few steps back, looking a little afraid of the big cat.

Yang Zheng took this opportunity to run behind Shen Qiu, a 1.8-meter man who made it pitiful.

Fortunately, Yang Yue came over quickly and took Yang Zheng away.

Qian Shanshan’s privacy is inconvenient to say more, Yang Yue can only say that the Qian family will take Qian Shanshan back to take care of her, so that Yang Zheng doesn’t have to worry.

Yang Zheng thanked him, licked Shen Qiu’s fluffy tail and left, his back looked particularly bleak.

The third and the others came over at some point, and they heard from Yang Yue what happened, and they were full of sympathy for Yang Zheng.

Big Zhuang stretched.

“I thought it was a big case just now. I’ve been idle for more than three months, and my hands are still itchy. When will there be a big case.”

“Bah, pah, pah, you don’t want a crow’s mouth!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Yan hurried over with a serious face.

“Pack up and take the **** to the crime scene!”


The author has something to say:

Yang Zheng wiped his face and asked seriously: I shouldn’t have anything more unfortunate than this, right?

A writer: (* ̄︶ ̄) Guess?

Yang Zheng slammed the table: Guess I guess! !

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