Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Return to the Marvel Universe

As Ethan’s mastery of space-time energy is getting higher and higher, Ethan has a completely different feeling every time he uses the magic circle to traverse.

This time, he finally no longer felt dizzy and uncomfortable, but was able to feel more comfortably how the space-time energy was activated and sent him to another plane.

This feeling…it’s a bit like riding a fast-speed tram, except for a little shake at the beginning, the whole process seems very stable.

Yes, it is stability. The’tramcar’ formed by space-time energy not only travels stably by itself, but also protects the passengers wrapped in it. Ethan can feel that it is beyond the energy to protect himself and others. All kinds of violent and chaotic energies, in their current state, as long as they are touched by those energies, they will immediately be twisted into powder, and even the soul cannot escape.

“It’s no wonder that even a powerful mage like Merlin would ask me to take Arthur to travel around the world instead of doing it myself… it’s too dangerous to travel through planes.”

It’s no wonder that every time there is a lot of energy left, the space-time magic circle will force itself to be sent back, and most of the energy is used to protect yourself.

It didn’t take long to travel in the turbulence of time and space, and he passed through this area that made Ethan’s heart beat almost instantly. As the teleported magic circle burst out with brilliant brilliance again, Ethan knew that he had reached his destination. .

The brilliance dissipated, and one skyscraper after another was greeted. Ethan and Arthur looked at each other, knowing that they had once again come to a world with a modern background. Of course for Arthur, it is a world with a future background.

“What kind of world will it be this time? Is it another endangered world?”

Arthur had already noticed that Ethan has a considerable understanding of most of the world. He speculated that Ethan may have been collecting information while traveling through the planes, just as he was searching for his own deeds from the biochemical world. Sen must have seen many, many similar things.

“I just got here, I’m afraid I need to observe.”

Ethan was talking while taking out the relatively inconspicuous clothes from the backpacks behind them.

As the number of crossings increases, both Ethan and Arthur have a wealth of experience. The two will prepare several styles of clothes to deal with different situations, so as not to wear a set of very contradictory clothing when crossing the past. People look like strange flowers.

Both people in modern costumes are prepared. Fortunately, as Ethan’s control over time and space energy increases, although the teleportation is still very random, it will be affected by Ethan’s spirit to some extent. For example, every time he arrives at his destination, There was a special emphasis on choosing a location that would not be noticed, so the two of them appeared in a very gloomy alley. As long as no one walked in, they would never be spotted.

After changing his clothes, Arthur’s sword was also put on the things prepared in advance and disguised as sports goods. The two walked out of the alley like young people going out for sports.

As soon as he walked to the street, Ethan found that there were a lot of people here, and the pedestrians coming and going included all races, but the English billboards all over the street made him realize that this place should be an English-speaking country.

“It seems that we have a high probability of reaching the earth.”

“I can also see that this is the earth, this is not the city called New York, right?” Arthur has also read a lot of books these days, although it is nothing compared to Ethan, but it is precisely because Not seeing much, his memory is more profound, and some details are quickly corresponding.


English-speaking countries are full of skyscrapers, densely populated and ethnically diverse. New York is undoubtedly the most likely city.

Ethan thought for a while, and walked to a middle-aged man not far away, who was talking on his mobile phone. Of course, Ethan’s goal was not the other party’s cell phone, but after greeted him, he pointed to the newspaper he was holding.

“Sorry, can you lend me a look?”

The other party was stunned, and after noticing that Ethan was only a young man, dressed very clean and polite, he happily handed over the newspaper in his hand, and at the same time made an apologetic that he couldn’t answer when he was on the phone. expression.

Ethan returned with a friendly smile and expressed his gratitude, then stood still and looked at it.

After just a few glances, Ethan knew where it was.

handed the newspaper back to the middle-aged man, and expressed his gratitude again, Ethan returned to Arthur.

“Well, I know where it is, and it is indeed New York.”

“A newspaper can know so many things?”

Ethan spread out his hands: “I just happened to see familiar information, so I know what the world is here.”

He also thought it was a coincidence. He can only say that his luck is always good. If he has data to show his attributes, then his luck value is definitely the highest level.

In addition to letting him know the current time in the newspaper just now, the most important information is about Iron Man Tony Stark. The newspaper is full of whether Iron Man should contribute his newly developed Iron Armor to the Federation. Discussion, so Ethan immediately knew where he was.

“I didn’t expect to be back so soon.”

“Is it the world you are familiar with?”

Ethan’s words quickly made Arthur have such a guess, and Ethan’s subsequent answer also confirmed that his speculation was correct.

“I have been here before, and there is a strong man in this world who has given me a lot of help.”

The things that Gu Yi taught himself at the beginning helped him through the most difficult period and laid the foundation for himself to truly embark on the path of a mage.

If there is no Gu Yi, maybe I can still live very well, and it is very possible to embark on another path. No one knows what will happen in the future. Although the road is difficult now, the future is extremely bright.

“So, we can visit this strong man.”

Arthur did not reject this, he also wanted to see this strong man. Through Ethan’s description, he knew that this was a powerful mage and also the guardian of this world, protecting the entire world from the invasion and destruction of the dark forces of other dimension planes, both in terms of strength and acting for people. They all received Arthur’s high respect, and it would be very regrettable not to see him in person.

Asking about the road all the way, Ethan and Arthur did not carry banknotes on their bodies, nor did they specially prepare banknotes in the biochemical world, so the two people can say that they are penniless and naturally have no connection with taxis and public transportation facilities. .

Fortunately, Ethan and Arthur have good appearances, and they are dressed normally. They walked all the way to ask passers-by, and almost no one refused to give them directions.

So although it took a lot of time, but after all, I arrived at my destination before the evening.

117A Brick Street.

Ethan only remembered this place through the memory of his previous life. If it hadn’t been for the deepening of his spiritual power, the memory of his previous life would become clear again, even if he knew this place, it would be difficult to find it so quickly. Because he didn’t remember all the address numbers so clearly before.

“right here?”

“right here!”

Ethan can feel the special energy fluctuations. If he does not use mental power to spy on the truth, this place does not exist in the eyes of ordinary people, and ordinary people will subconsciously ignore it, and only special people can see the door.

“Let’s go in.”

Knocked the door softly, and Ethan was just acting. In fact, after he got close to this place for a certain distance, he felt peeped. It should be that the mages inside the temple noticed someone invading, so they secretly observed and judged whether the person was an enemy or a friend.

Ethan’s polite knock on the door should make them less hostile. When a black mage opened the door, Ethan happily expressed his intention.

“Hello, I’m here to find Master Gu Yi from Kama Taj.”

“Hello, UU reading young man.” The black mage is called Daniel. Although Ethan knows his name, he can’t call it out directly because he didn’t have any contact with the Daniel mage last time. . “Did you find the wrong place?”

“No, I am very sure that I did not find the wrong place, unless this is not the New York Temple.” The other party is still testing himself, and Ethan directly indicated his identity: “You can say to Master Gu Yi that Ethan, who has been taken care of, came here. Visit her.”

He especially emphasized the word’she’ in his words, proving that he really knew Gu Yi. When Daniel heard this, he looked at Ethan up and down. He looked like an ordinary young man. But he didn’t let go of his guard because of this, he just told Ethan to wait here, and he wanted to ask about it.

“no problem.”

This is as it should be. The New York Temple is one of the key points of the special protective shield used by the mages to protect the earth from alien invasion. To put it bluntly, it is an important part of the protective shield. If it is destroyed by the enemy , The earth will face a huge disaster, so the mages cannot be cautious.

Although Ethan stated that he knew Gu Yi mage, who knows whether the so-called care is taken care of or refers to any enmity? What if the other party is here to seek revenge?

Before everything is clear, Mage Daniel will not put Ethan into the temple. Once the war starts, the impact will be too great.

Fortunately, there is a teleportation device inside the temple. Even if there is no ring that can be used to open the portal, I want to ask Gu Yi about something that is not too troublesome. Soon the door is opened again.

This time, what appeared in front of Ethan is not only the Daniel Mage who sits in the New York Temple, but also Ethan’s acquaintance, Gu Yi, the supreme mage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe at this time.

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