Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 70

Chapter 70 Underground cave

“Can you get in?”

Standing in front of the entrance of the cave, even Helena, who is not a wizard, can clearly feel the breath of death that is constantly gushing out.

Compared to other places on the island, the energy intensity in this cave is many times higher. If it is said that staying on the island for a long time will be very dangerous, then entering the cave…

“I personally don’t recommend moving forward.”

As a mage, Ethan, who is more sensitive to energy, feels stronger than others. With such a rich energy, it is certain that there is a high-quality magic stone in it, and this magic stone is 90% likely to be a core-level magic stone.

But this magic stone is a rare magic stone with negative energy attributes. This kind of magic stone is rare… Almost no one in the Sea of ​​Peace knows the existence of such a magic stone. If Ethan had not consulted a lot of information, he saw it. Some words may also think that there is no magic stone of this kind.

“Death, darkness, and other negative energies… No matter what kind of attribute it is, it will bring huge side effects to people. Even if it is used as the energy core of a certain facility, it is likely to turn the pollution of the facility into a complete different things.”

Such a strong negative energy, no matter how high the energy intensity is, it is not suitable for use as a core. For example, use it as the power source of a ship. Over time, this ship may become a dead ship. Even if it is used as a weapon from the beginning, there are also huge risks.

“Go in!”

Helena bit her lip, and the firmness revealed in her eyes surprised Ethan. He couldn’t understand why this woman could make up her mind so quickly? Does she really care about this magic stone so much?

“You are not like a person who is desperate for greed, what makes you so attached to this magic stone?”

In comparison, Ethan’s thoughts about this magic stone have been lowered time and time again, and now he doesn’t want to touch this magic stone even if it is placed in front of him.

The powerful energy is a huge temptation, but Ethan has already determined the path he wants to take, he will not and does not want his efforts to be ruined so casually.

“Because I want to become stronger!”

Helena looked at Ethan with a firm gaze, seeming to show her determination and at the same time telling him: “If you want to quit, you can leave now.”

Ethan certainly wouldn’t be stimulated by her simple agitation method. Although the energy in it was dangerous, it didn’t threaten him yet.

“There are many ways to become stronger, and you seem to be walking on a very dangerous road now.”

The two parties are not familiar with each other, and Ethan just said casually, whether the other party is willing to listen, it is the other party’s business, and he doesn’t care.

Since he was going to move on, Ethan took the lead to enter the cave.

The island, which was originally very dim, did not have enough light to illuminate the cave. Even if you only stepped in a few steps, you could see the situation outside the entrance of the cave when you looked back, and there was still pitch-black darkness in front of you.


Mata and Eliza took out the torches and ignition tools prepared in advance from their backpacks, and the dark cave was quickly illuminated. Exploring in caves or some ancient buildings, using torches has an advantage over flashlights, that is, torches can test the air conditions in enclosed spaces, so Ethan Mingming has better lighting equipment but has not come out.

Ethan still walked in front, Helena was a little behind, and at the same time staggered with Ethan, so that the torch in her hand could illuminate Ethan.

Take out the iron rod and hold it in your hand to prevent unexpected situations. The long sword was not used, because the cave was a bit narrow, and two people could barely move forward side by side. The long sword could not be used in this environment. Similarly, the two behind did not use two-handed swords, each took out a dagger to defend themselves.

After moving forward for a while, Ethan felt that although the road in this cave was slowly lowering and turning, it did extend slowly toward the underground.

If it’s not that you are strong enough, and feel far beyond ordinary people, it is difficult to detect that you are walking an arc.

“We are underground now.”

He just routinely told the people next to him about the current situation, but this sudden sentence came out, making Helena a little unresponsive, and she returned after a while.

“Are you sure? We seem to be walking in a straight line all the time.”

“No, if you feel it carefully, you will find that this cave is not straight, but slightly curved. At the same time, the ground under our feet is not flat enough, which makes it difficult for you to notice that the height is slowly decreasing. Let’s go. For so long, in fact, I have been slowly making a circle, and then moving towards the underground of this island.”

What makes Ethan can’t figure out is that this kind of circle with a small curvature needs a large enough area to be able to do it. Does this island have such a large area?

“Is it not just negative energy, but also spatial energy?”

Thinking of this, he rekindled his interest. Now there is nothing more that makes him care more than spatial energy, because it is related to the foundation of his standing in this world.

was thinking, suddenly aware of movement in front of him, Ethan made a gesture to remind the people behind him, and then moved forward slowly.

The front was still pitch-black and my fingers could not be seen. The light of the torch seemed to never reach ten meters away. After a few people continued to walk a few steps, they realized that the space in front had become wider, no longer the cramped narrowness. aisle.


In the range illuminated by the fire, Ethan saw a person standing motionless in the dark, and his clothes should be one of the crew on the previous ship.

“What is he doing here? Is he lost in the dark?”

Helena wants to ask him what’s wrong? Standing motionless in a dark cave? But I was stopped by Ethan’s actions.

“The situation is wrong.”


“This person is dead.”

Ethan did not feel the normal breath of life in this person, but felt a strong death breath. Now this guy can no longer be counted as a living person.

If you use familiar things to describe the existence in front of you, zombie seems to be a very appropriate name.

“Hey, I didn’t expect to encounter this kind of thing in this world.”

However, when the zombies first appeared, they were originally magic products. It is normal to appear in a world with a strange product such as magic stones.

In order to convince Helena to believe her judgment, Ethan picked up a stone casually, and then deliberately threw it on the stone wall next to it.


The crisp voice was particularly clear in the cave, attracting the attention of the guy who had his back to several people.

And when he turned around, revealing his pale face and pupils with weird rays, Ethan realized that something was wrong.

“No, this guy has vision.”

He can feel the strange magic wave from the pupils that lock himself and others and emit a strange light. Those eyes can see things without a doubt, and he is very likely to have some special abilities.

“Damn it, treat it as the kind of zombie in the biochemical world.”

The senses of the zombies in the biochemical world are fully degraded, and the senses of sight, hearing, and smell are basically the same, and they will only be discovered when they are close to a very close distance.

But the one in front of him possesses normal or even stronger visual ability. Ethan suspects that this dark environment may not be able to hinder his vision.

“Ready to fight!”

The guy with the evil and weird ray of sight, after seeing Ethan and others, let out a soul-piercing cry, causing several people except Ethan to almost faint.

“Soul attack? Mental attack?”

The howl just now was an attack on the soul or spirit, the intensity was not high, but ordinary people were caught off guard and would be shocked in a trance, unable to cope with the next attack.

It is completely different from the slow movements of the zombies in the biochemical world. The movement of the zombie in front of him is very fast, as if a person burst out at full speed in an instant, he rushed to Ethan in the blink of an eye and raised his right hand. He smashed at Ethan fiercely.

“This guy!”

He did not expect that this sluggish zombie would actually judge that he was not disturbed by the previous trick, and launch an assault specifically against him The iron rod is lying in front of him, strong. Caught this attack. The sudden impact of Pei Ran’s huge force made Ethan’s hand holding the iron rod numb, and he almost couldn’t hold the iron rod and let it out.

In the critical moment, the response cultivated by many battles made Ethan instinctively responded. He didn’t panic back and wanted to pull the distance away, but took a half step forward, taking advantage of the fact that the other party had just landed and couldn’t stand firmly, he directly smashed the zombie back and flew back.


The sound of heavy objects falling down echoed in the wide caves, but Ethan didn’t have time to relax at this time. After so many battles, he had already cultivated his fighting instincts. He would not relax until the enemy was completely wiped out. .

That’s why the zombie landed, and the Frost Arrow on Ethan’s left wrist was followed.


The sound of the cold eruption and the cold wind that hit the shop floor at the time of the eruption shocked Ethan’s spirit, and at the same time cooled his soaring blood due to the sudden encounter with the battle, and regained his calm thinking.

After    calmed down, all he did was lift up the right hand that had eased, and added another flame arrow.

“Eat my ice and fire!”

He didn’t believe it was frozen and roasted. Is this zombie alive?

Because it is a completely different product from the biochemical world, Ethan is not sure where the key to this thing is. To be on the safe side, he decided to make a few cuts and he must completely kill this thing.

The explosion of the flame arrow echoed in the empty cave, and Helena and others who had been struck by the soul also recovered. At this time, they couldn’t even thank them, so by the light of the fire, they saw a few more of the same in the distance. Existence is frantically rushing towards himself and others.

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