Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Change of attitude

Hippolyte reached out and touched the hilt of the sword at her waist. She was not unguarded when she came out this time. The armor she was wearing was not only good-looking, and the weapon hanging from her waist was not even an ornament.


As a famous super villain in the DC Universe, Darkside’s fierce name resounds throughout the universe. Everywhere the dark monarch goes, he brings only death and destruction.

Amazon fought with Darkside’s men at the beginning, and that battle was very tragic, and in the end it just barely repelled the men sent by Darkside.

This means that the earth has long been within the target range of Darkside, but there is no way to determine when it will actually attack the earth.

If you start with the earth, then the mother box kept by the Amazons is the key to whether the earth can be guarded again. At the same time, the other party will try to seize the mother box. It is not worthwhile to send someone to check the whereabouts of the mother box in advance. strange things.

Ethan also thought of this. He really didn’t remember the mother box. He just casually said that he needed a lot of energy, which was a tactful rejection of Hippolyte’s suggestion.

I didn’t expect to have caused this kind of misunderstanding. Is this thinking of himself as a subordinate of Darkside?

“No, I have nothing to do with that guy.”

Ethan waved his hand fiercely. He didn’t want to go to war with Paradise Island inexplicably. How could the training time he finally won be ruined like this.

“What I said just now didn’t mean anything special. I just want to say that my cultivation requires a huge amount of energy, and I don’t want to find this kind of energy from you.”

Hippolyte squinted his eyes, his hand was already clenched on the hilt, but he didn’t pull it out.

“You really know.”

“I said I don’t know you have to believe it.”

Ethan smiled helplessly. This misunderstanding was too depressing. If he were to choose a treasure now, he would definitely choose the Eye of Agomoto, and then immediately look back in time.

Hippolyte’s vigilance is not relaxed at all, and her feet have been slightly opened, so that she can attack or retreat at any time: “Where did you hear about that?”

“I am a magician who can travel through the multiverse. I have a certain understanding of many worlds. I only need to determine whether I am in the ‘this’ world, and I can naturally correspond to the information I have received before.”

can be regarded as reluctantly explaining his situation, Ethan specifically emphasized that he has a fairly high understanding of many planes, otherwise he would not have the confidence to travel and practice in various worlds.

“For example, the grudge between you and Ares, in fact, I also know a little…even Diana’s true identity, I also know very well.”

Hippolyte was really panicked this time, and every time Diana was involved, she would be confused.

“How do you know? No, what else do you know?”

“The real trump card against Ares is Diana…but you don’t want her to take this risk.” Ethan motioned to Hippolyte not to get agitated, so as not to do anything bad with his emotions: ” I don’t have any thoughts about that thing at the moment. With my current strength, I won’t be able to move the mind of that thing at all. It’s making me trouble myself.”

The mother box, it is impossible to say that he is not interested. The energy contained in it is very huge. Even if he can’t use it now, it doesn’t mean it’s useless to him in the future. Being a mage is particularly interested in high-energy things, because it can actually improve a person. The strength of the mage.

Hippolyte relaxed a little, and Ethan let out a sigh of relief. As long as things can ease, he doesn’t want to play peekaboo with a group of Amazon fighters in the following days.

“Are you really not sent by Darkside?”

“Excuse me!” Ethan spread his hands: “Does Darkside need to play these tricks? What do you think Darkside will do after determining the location of the mother box?”

Hippolyte was silent, and she knew a little bit about that person’s style. If it was really Darkside, he would not play any conspiracy at all, but would directly send his men to grab things. If he fails, he will personally take action to solve all problems.

Intrigue? Darkside, who was so powerful that he could ignore everything, didn’t bother to bother about it.

As for Payson to determine the location of the mother box? The location of the mother box is actually not that difficult to find. It even has a positioning function. One of its functions is to open a transmission channel that can ignore the spatial distance: the sonic boom channel.

Of course, Hippolyte may not understand these situations. She only needs to know that Daxede has not thought of doing anything about the earth yet, as long as she remembers it, then he will do it directly.

Hippolyte also wanted to understand this, and his trust in Ethan rose slightly.

“So, you didn’t come to Paradise Island to take that thing…”

“of course not.”

Hippolyte was silent for a while, and finally looked at Ethan, and finally turned his head and left directly. He didn’t continue talking with Ethan. He seemed to be struggling with something, and he went very hurriedly.

Ethan waited until Hippolyte was far away, then turned his head and wandered in the woods for a while, looking for something to go back to the business-mainly to fool Diana.

Back to the place of residence, Diana is practicing various basic movements under the guidance of Arthur.

Diana’s talent is really very good, how long has it been used? The action of swinging the dagger is standard and powerful, and I don’t know how much better than Ethan before.

Seeing him come back, Arthur just asked about the situation with his eyes, but in the end he returned to Ethan’s helpless face.

Knowing that the situation is not right, Arthur deliberately pointed to the food not far away: “Diana and I have finished eating, those are your breakfast.” At the same time, he asked with his eyes whether the problem was serious?

Ethan replied “Don’t worry” with his eyes, then went straight to destroy his breakfast, and then continued to strengthen the small wooden house without hurriedly leaving the Paradise Island with Arthur.

Be sure to stay steady at this time. If he ran away in a hurry, nothing would become something. Hippolyte must have regarded him as a subordinate of Darkside. So he just stayed here for the next few days, time will clear his suspicions.

In the following days, Ethan and Arthur’s lives did not have any disturbances, and they spent most of the month in such a very calm manner.

During this time, Diana still came to Arthur on time every day to learn swordsmanship and more melee fighting skills.

From the beginning of the rookie, there have been some tricks against Arthur, and the speed of improvement has shocked Arthur, a talented teenager.

“Is this the advantage of having Protoss blood?”

Sure enough, people are different. Ethan spent several months to learn the basics, and now he has reached the threshold, and then he will spend a considerable amount of time to continue to exercise and polish.

According to him, Arthur had practiced for a few years at the beginning, and then made rapid progress. Now he has entered the stage of accumulating actual combat experience.

As for Diana… the basic exercises and actual combat exercises are not delayed. From novices to beginners, she is able to use the weapons in her hands to cause trouble for Arthur. When she is older, the hidden power in her body will burst out completely. After coming out, her strength will definitely rise to a rather terrifying height.

“A monster that can smash a mountain with one punch can also make a tie with her.”

Anyway, Ethan had known Diana’s strength a long time ago, so he was okay, but Arthur felt the gap.

“First of all kinds of technological weapons, now I see the potential of demigods…”

Arthur is still too young. Seeing these things beyond his previous cognition one after another made him a little confused.

I need Ethan to comfort him at this time, and he doesn’t feel like the kind of back pain standing and talking. After all, he himself is an excellent example.

“Look at me, my talent is not as good as you! I must have confidence in my future! What happened to the demigods? No one stipulates that ordinary people cannot become stronger than demigods.”

He patted Arthur on the shoulder: “How many magical worlds we will go to in the future, who can be sure that you will not encounter any adventures? Maybe the next world you will become stronger than the future Diana In that case, Arthur could walk sideways in most of the world and return to his own world to be a king… Even if the entire Knights of the Round Table rebelled, I am afraid it would not pose any threat to him.

“thank you.”

Arthur is Arthur after all, and his mental quality is not that bad. It is just a moment of confusion. After enlightenment, he returned to normal.

“As for adventure or something, I don’t force it. Even if I can’t become a powerful demigod like Diana in the future, it doesn’t matter, as long as I can become a good king.”

A king is not too obsessed with personal bravery. The young Arthur has gradually realized this. This is something that Merlin always wanted Arthur to think of, but King Arthur in the ‘Original Plane’ never understood.

In fact, this is normal. The original Arthur was quite confident in his personal strength. Even if there were people in the Knights of the Round Table who were stronger than him, they weren’t much stronger. They were roughly at the same level.

The Arthur in front of him, at a young age, has not really developed absolute pride and confidence in his own force, and he has seen so many things that have shattered his past views. Naturally, he will no longer insist on the idea of ​​the supremacy of personal force as before.

Does this count as a surprise in the DC world? Anyway, Merlin would be very happy with the change in Arthur’s concept.

Just when Ethan started to fantasize about what Arthur would become in the future, Hippolyte suddenly appeared in front of him again and made a suggestion that surprised him.

“I hope you can go and see that thing with me. I want to know if that thing can help your teleportation magic.”

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