Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 59

Chapter 59 The ultimate weapon

Before night fell, Ethan and Arthur reluctantly built a prototype of a shed, and covered it with leaves.

With a place to shelter from the wind and rain, you don’t have to worry so much about the next thing. The bear child version of Diana, who has been asking questions around, finally got more responses-Ethan is in the mood to answer her Kind of strange question.

“Aren’t you from this world?”


Ethan has exposed the information that he can break the barrier of the plane. In addition, the DC universe worldview has the concept of multiverse. Diana, a descendant of the Olympus Protoss, will be able to touch these things sooner or later, but Ethan will not Tell these people on Paradise Island that the universe he lives in and the DC universe are still not the same system.

If the multiverse concept of the DC Universe is the countless branches of a tree, then Ethan is an absolute outsider who came to this tree from another tree.

The space-time energy in his body is consumed all the time, essentially resisting the repulsive force of the world. Ethan had long been aware of this, and both Gu Yi and Mei Lin had revealed some relevant information to a greater or lesser extent. Just how to solve this problem, he still has no idea.

Diana saw that Ethan suddenly stopped speaking, and she didn’t think she had been ignored. After staying together for a long time, she gradually understood that this magician would suddenly fall into thinking sometimes, and Arthur explained next to her, she guessed that might be the case for magicians.

“After all, you have to use all kinds of magic, so you must always think about something…”

When Ethan was not speaking, she chatted with Arthur and asked him what the place he used to live was like, and what would he do? After learning that Arthur knew swordsmanship, Diana, who had always wanted to become stronger, jumped up and tried to compete with Arthur.

Attracted by the sound of the two people, Ethan looked up for a while and was sure that Diana could easily put her down, let alone Arthurby.

This future Wonder Woman has not yet awakened the hidden power in the body, and the swordsmanship is also very rough, but a little bit of posture can be seen vaguely, it should be not long before the beginning of practice.

“So… it should be when the Wonder Woman movie just started, Antiop secretly taught Diana to practice.”

Therefore, the competition between Arthur and Diana is more of a unilateral teaching than a competition.

Arthur, who has always followed the spirit of chivalry firmly, of course will not make a move to sling a bear child. He is very measured when he makes his shots, and he will deliberately slow down his actions to show Diana the correct timing and actions. .

Slowly, this became a real teaching. Arthur explained the essentials while demonstrating it. It was not until Ethan finished dinner that the sudden on-site guidance came to an abrupt end.

“Ah, it’s so late!”

Diana realized that she had run out for a long time at this time, and seeing the sky, it was almost time for her to go to bed. She waved her hands at the two people, indicating that she would come to play with them next time, and she would run away without a trace.

Until Diana couldn’t even hear the sound of running, Ethan beckoned to the woods not far away: “After watching for so long, you must be a little tired. Take a break and eat something before going back.”

Antiop walked slowly out of the gloomy woods. From the beginning, she did not hide her breath and deeds. It can even be said that she deliberately made a little noise to remind Ethan of her own existence.

Diana, who was still a kid, didn’t notice it, and neither Ethan nor Arthur had noticed her a long time ago.

After Diana left, Ethan greeted Antiop. Seeing her appear so happy, he realized that this woman must have something to say to herself.

“Sit down!”

Just like entertaining guests in his own home, Ethan sat by a fire and pointed to the food roasted on the fire-just some simple dry food and vegetable soup, and the pheasant caught nearby. .

has no taste and can only be simply used to fill up the stomach, but for the people on the paradise island, such simple food is actually their daily diet.

So Antiop didn’t dislike it at all. She stood there like a sculpture for a long time, she was already hungry.

Amazon’s female warriors are not pretty girls. Everyone has undergone rigorous training, and the huge amount of training has allowed them to eat far more than ordinary people, so the whole roasted pheasant did not last long. Into Antiop’s belly.

“The young magician…”

“Just call me Ethan.” A mouth is a long list of titles. Ethan is not used to this set, so I emphasized it. “It must be troublesome for you to always call it that way.”

Antiop nodded: “Well, Ethan! Can you tell me about other worlds? You must have come here from another world.”

Antiop of the parallel universe only knows a general concept, the specific content is not clear, and she doesn’t know the difference between the parallel universe and the world she lives in. She is very curious about it.

“Actually, there are many parallel universes, and they also have their own differences. Most of them…should not be much different from this world.”

For Antiop, he doesn’t say everything like Arthur and Merlin did. Merlin himself has extremely high strength. Even if I don’t say it, Ethan can still get the information he wants to know from Ethan’s brain. It’s just that Merlin’s own moral quality is high enough that she will not do that kind of thing easily.

Antiop…Let’s not say that Ethan knows very little about him, and at the same time she doesn’t have the strength to absolutely crush her, he doesn’t need to explain everything in detail.

So he just gave a few examples to prove that the parallel world is just a normal world on the whole, nothing particularly unusual. At most, the race and culture living there are a bit different from here.

What kind of world do you come from? Ethan didn’t mention it at all, let alone tell Antiop about the world he said, most of which he had never been to, many of which were movies, cartoons and novels that he had seen in his previous life.

After hearing Ethan’s description, Antiop did not continue to ask about parallel worlds, but instead asked Ethan whether he often traveled through various worlds?

“Yes, in fact, I have been traveling all over the world. This is a way to increase my experience.”

Ethan’s words are not a lie, Arthur is by his side, isn’t that the fundamental purpose? It’s just that he spends most of the time sailing in the calm sea, and then he finds space-time energy before going to other worlds.

This kind of detail, don’t care about it.

Piecemeal, Antiop asked a few more things, and didn’t leave until late at night.

When Antiop was also far away, most of the time it was Arthur, who could only listen without speaking, and was very sure about discussing the matter with Ethan.

“She seems to be testing us?”

“Yes, after all, we are strangers who broke into the Paradise Island suddenly. It is normal for her to come to test.” Ethan didn’t think this was strange, but what made him feel that something was wrong was the direction of Antiop’s test.

“What she is testing is not our purpose, but our details… and the conditions of the world in which we live.”


“Don’t you think this situation is a bit familiar?”

Arthur’s words reminded Ethan that he did always feel a sense of familiarity. He looked up at Arthur next to him and remembered that Merlin had done similar things back then.

“I understand.”

Reminiscent of the story of Wonder Woman, Ethan finally understood what Antiop or Hippolyte was thinking.

The whole story of Wonder Woman is actually very simple.

Diana was born and raised on Paradise Island, and her mother, Queen Hippolyte, did not want her to be a warrior, thinking that that would make her eventually embark on the path of hostility to Ares, and would most likely die because of it. .

Antiop has completely different ideas from the Queen. She believes that the decisive battle with Ares is inevitable, so she should try her best to cultivate Diana so that she has enough strength to deal with the **** of war. Threat.

Of course, in the end Diana took the road arranged by Antiop, but Hippolyte still had doubts-Ethan did not understand the queen’s thinking very well, did she think her daughter was a weak chicken? Will Ares spare Diana and the Amazons on Paradise Island?

Maybe she herself realized that evasion is not realistic, and only after discovering that Antiop had secretly trained Diana, she continued to acquiesce to this behavior except for a little temper.

Now because of her appearance, she gave the queen a new choice: send Diana away!

As the Queen of the Amazon who has experienced the age of the **** king Zeus, Hippolyte knows that it is not surprising that parallel universes, and she should also know that Ares has no ability to cross the plane barrier and go to another world to chase Diana.

So, if Diana really leaves this world, then her safety will be guaranteed.

“I really pity the parents of the world!”

talked about his own speculation, and also talked about the general situation of the world by the way, and Arthur and Ethan also expressed similar emotions.

“It’s just that, in this case, the **** of war Ares, will the Amazons on the paradise island be spared?”

Ethan sneered: “How is that possible?”

Isn’t that **** of war a kind, stubborn, good-natured person? Considering that Diana has an identity that cannot be ignored for Ares-Diana in this world is the “final weapon” left by Zeus to deal with God of War, so Ares will not let Diana go anyway. .

If Diana is really sent to another world, then she will lose her asylum, and the only thing waiting for the Amazons is destruction.

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