Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Variety

A new day arrived, Ethan lay on the bed with his eyes open, and did not get up.

During this period of time, he has already accomplished all the established goals, so he feels a little confused for a while not knowing why.

Continue to collect resources to enrich one’s family. That is something that will be done for a long time to come. It is a long-term task, but it has no purpose in the short term.

“Oh, it’s easier for people to become slack if there is no motivation.”

Getting off the bed, Ethan forced himself to lift up his spirits, using the toothbrush and other toiletries that he used again after many years, looking at himself in the mirror blankly.

It was a very young face with a very ordinary appearance. It was barely counted as the facial features, but I didn’t know if it was an illusion. As I got older, Ethan always felt that his appearance had a shadow of his past life.

If it was said that this body was still a pure white appearance at the beginning, now it seems to have a bit of mixed blood?

“The increase in mental power will in turn affect the body, including appearance?”

Touched his chin, Ethan was a little confused, and he didn’t know if it was an illusion. He always felt that although his facial features hadn’t changed much, they just gradually became more pleasing to the eye.

“Is it because of the increase in age that the facial features develop?”

Not sure, but if the improvement of mental power will affect the appearance, then to some extent, it seems that it is not impossible to make the appearance pleasing to the eye-it is to change in the good direction, who is not willing to change on their own Is it interesting? After all, everyone has the love of beauty.

At the same time, I have been floating on the sea, occasionally staying on the island and always encountering various things. Ethan is completely idle this time, and he has the mind to pay attention to some trivial things.

The change in appearance made him start to observe his body, wanting to see what other changes?

“Height seems to have increased?”

was originally in the developmental stage. I used to live on a small island as an ordinary fisherman’s son. It’s best to eat rice every day. It’s a luxury to eat, not to mention nutritional intake. So Ethan was thin and weak before, and he was just talking about the past.

As a result, his living conditions have been greatly improved in the past six months. Not only can he get enough nutrition, he has also learned various cultivation methods.

The mental power has been greatly improved, various swordsmanship and fighting exercises, and various exercises under the condition that nutrition is guaranteed, make his body enter a stage of rapid development.

He hadn’t paid any attention to it all this time. At this time, thinking about it, he took out the two remaining sets of clothes and compared them again, only to realize that the clothes had become unfit.

Although the pants are not hard to wear, they have changed from trousers to cropped trousers; the clothes are more like a cool little vest.

If it weren’t that he was still developing, hadn’t developed a bulging muscle, and looked very thin overall, it would be impossible for him to wear these two sets of clothes.

The weight is not easy to measure, but Ethan can feel it. Although he still looks so thin, he already has the contours of the muscles on his body, so it can’t be the same weight as before.

“There is also an increase in height and changes in bone density.”

In general, Ethan has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past half a year. If he returns to the island where he once lived, many people may not recognize him.

“Everything is going in a good direction.”

Ethan, who was still a little boring, had the motivation to struggle again after summing up his own changes.

Not mentioning the remote goal of immortality and conferring gods, nor the happiness and joy of the horizontal and endless planes, simply being able to make himself stronger, better and better and more handsome, he is willing to persevere all the time. The practice goes on.

put the first two sets of clothes back together and placed them in the deepest part of the salute.

These two clothes can make himself aware of how weak he was at the beginning. He decided to keep them as a warning and kept reminding himself not to slack off, otherwise everything he has now may leave him at any time.

I packed my things, and Arthur also knocked on the door, wanting to ask Ethan if they have any plans today?

The previous plan was to eliminate Keno, is it done now? What will the next two people do? All need Ethan, the captain to make a decision.

Although Arthur is an heir to the throne, this time traveling with Ethan is just to broaden his knowledge, not to be a younger brother for Ethan. However, in peacetime, he still consciously regards Ethan as the captain, and he is an ordinary crew member.

“Go to the guild hall first and extract the food and water from the full warehouse.”

Ethan had already made a decision when he packed his luggage. Now that Keno has been wiped out, there is no need for them to stay on the island and waste time.

Originally, he wanted to carry out a new round of transformation of the Aurora, but he had figured out just now: instead of constantly transforming the old ship, it is better to design a new ship and install all the necessary facilities. Only in this way can the functions of those special equipment be fully utilized.

Moreover, for the next period of time, they will all need to stay in the calm sea. There is really no need to install too many things. The current Aurora is already a top-notch ship in the calm sea—especially the Aurora is a ship with speed and Caravel-type sailboat known for its agility.

This kind of ship may not be able to cope with complicated sea conditions, nor is it suitable for windy seas, but in calm seas, he is the best choice.

After installing various living facilities that consume magic stones, the comfort has also been greatly improved, so there is really no need to force an upgrade.

“Don’t go to the shipyard?”

“not going!”

Ethan is also preparing to learn about the structure of the ship during this period of time at sea. He does not require himself to be able to design, but only needs to make a choice. Choose one that is suitable for a few people to operate and is more suitable for a variety of complex sea conditions. Boat.

Actually, he already has some goals.

Thanks to his interest in sailing games in his previous life, he still remembers that the pinnacle of sailing warships is the Galen type. Even the Galen ship was the standard configuration of naval powers at its peak. The so-called battleship is also the large Galen battleship. Line up in a row to form a powerful battle line. So the battleship originally referred to these Galen ships.

So no matter how you look at it, the Galen boat is the best choice.

Of course, the Galen ship is not without its shortcomings-it is huge and difficult to maneuver. There is no way to avoid this. If you want to control a large warship with a displacement of several thousand tons with just two people, unless it is a magic warship with autopilot.

In fact, Ethan prefers to choose a non-sail warship, even a wooden ship propelled by a steam engine. After all, the sail warship is trapped by uncontrollable external factors such as wind direction and speed while sailing. Steam-powered ships are much better.

It’s a pity that Ethan can’t lift such a big thing and bring it to this world by teleporting the magic circle. In a short time, he can’t use the ore of this world to hit one by himself. The ore collected now needs to be exchanged for materials to maintain various needs and expenditures. Besides, he doesn’t have the craftsmanship and technology…

The best choice should be a ship that mixes sail power and some magic stone technology in this world, but he only has a big conceptual head, and for the time being, he lacks specific objects and related knowledge, so he can only put it aside.

“So, the new ship must leave enough room for modification.”

After sharing their thoughts with Arthur, the two of them had already done their work from the guild. They stood on the deck of the brand new Goddess of Dawn that had already returned to the port for docking, and watched the guild’s staff bring them together. The purchased materials were shipped to the ship and filled all the warehouses.

Arthur’s knowledge of ships has been accumulated with the enhancement of tutoring these days, and he also agreed with Ethan’s ideas.

“To build such a big ship, we need to spend a lot of resources, right?”

Let’s not mention the charges of the shipyard. A common rule in this world is that the buyer provides the raw materials for shipbuilding. Of course, you can provide a large amount of one of them and the shipyard will make up for the other deficiencies. .

The most fundamental thing is wood.

Qualified wood is not so easy to find, and a large amount of wood is not easy to transport. Most of the new ships that can be self-financed are only able to be completed through long-term accumulation, including Brent, which was once famous. The same goes for the characters in the sea of ​​calm.

“So next we will look for more high-quality wood.”

The island he discovered last time had a lot of high-quality wood, but unfortunately he didn’t care about these things at all at that time, not to mention that he couldn’t tell the quality of the wood at that time. All of this knowledge was a recent surprise tutoring.

“Wood and ore are the first choices… The food is enough for both of us.”

There are also advantages to fewer people, that is, the food consumption is much smaller, and Ethan can produce clean water, so there is a lot of space on the ship that can store clean water.

Don’t look at him now that he is replenishing the materials according to the standard share, but for other adventurers, he can only use the materials for a few months, which is enough for him to spend a year on the sea without having to shore replenishment.

This is also his biggest advantage. As long as he finds a large amount of materials, he can free up the most space for transportation, which can barely make up for the shortcomings of the Dawn Goddess that the tonnage is not large and cannot be loaded with too much cargo.

Seeing the completion of the replenishment of the materials, I confirmed with the guild’s personnel in charge of the handover, and Ethan set sail with the blessing of the clerks.

When he left the port, he noticed the big ship that was docked at Brent not far away-it was a large sailing ship very similar in appearance to the Galen ship. Brent, who was standing at the top of the poop, was smiling. Waved to himself.

“Young man, I will wait for you on the other side of the sea of ​​storm. I hope you don’t let me wait too long.”

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