Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 36

Chapter 36 Trivial

After several months, Ethan came to State Island again.

Compared with the last time, the changes in his body during this period can be said to be earth-shaking. From a thin fisherman boy to a mage apprentice who has touched the mysterious power, the equipment on his body can ensure that he is free in this sea. Without worrying about the safety of your own life.

“This is State Island?”

Arthur stood at the highest part of the stern tower, looking at the port constantly, while Ethan was negotiating with the management staff stationed in the port.

He drove back two ships this time, of which the smaller one, he was going to sell it back to the Adventurer’s Guild. He was ready to repair the larger ship, and replaced it with his registered name of the Dawning Goddess for his use in the future.

“This time, it will last longer, right?”

Actually, even if he wanted to leave early when he came to State Island this time.

It takes a lot of time to unload the cargo on the ship for inventory and then sell it. The ship also needs to be repaired and taken care of. The Angus didn’t know how long the ship had been floating at sea before, and the last time it was maintained. When is it?

He didn’t want to drive the boat to float on the sea, and suddenly discovered that various problems caused him to encounter a dangerous situation. The safest thing is to not care about the cost, and directly perform a major maintenance on the boat.

“Also, clear out the name on the side of the bow.”

“So what’s the name of the ship? Where is it carved?”

The name of the ship will be individually engraved on a wooden board, and then additionally nailed to a certain place on the ship, it will not cause damage to the hull itself, and it is also convenient to change the name.

There is only one shipyard on State Island, which has contracted all the shipbuilding, ship repair, and maintenance work in the Sea of ​​Peace. However, although an absolute monopoly is formed, the price is fair and the craftsmanship is trustworthy-the ship in the Sea of ​​Peace is basically They were all made by them, so there are so many adventurers in craftsmanship.

With the help of people from the port, the shipyard directly sent a young man in his twenties to receive Ethan. In addition to determining and registering which ship is to be maintained, it also records all additional requirements of the employer to avoid final delivery. Deviations in the shipment lead to conflicts.

From this point of view, this shipyard without a name is still very conscientious.

“Goddess of Dawn.” Ethan touched his chin. He considered for a moment and decided to put his name on the stern: “If possible, add me a head of the ship, and a goddess of prayer.”

The bow of the ship is not a rare thing, but it exists purely as a decoration, and few people will ask for it-these additional things will be charged separately.

This kind of thing that is useless to others is different to Ethan. He learned a lot of things and practiced for so long at sea. This time he was going to change to a larger prop to practice his hand. It’s dangerous to test directly on the hull. It doesn’t matter if the bow is like this, and it won’t hurt the ship itself if it is damaged.

If you succeed, you can improve your ship’s abilities! That’s right, he just wanted to engrave some magic circles on the head of the ship, so that his ship could become a magic warship.

The young man sent by the shipyard was called Margo. Hearing that Ethan was about to install a bow portrait, his usual routine finally changed.

In fact, he was a little surprised when he saw this ship-the mad dog of the vicious dog Angus is still somewhat famous on State Island, not to mention that their shipyard is responsible for almost all the ships in this ocean. I don’t know how many times this ship has been seen for maintenance.

Of course, although the reputation of the evil dog is not small, but the strength is also the same in the eyes of these people who have seen the world. It is not surprising that he accidentally kicked the iron plate or was killed because of bad luck.

I just didn’t expect that this young man would not only want to keep the Mad Dog number for his own use, but also make a lot of renovations-it seems that this young man is not only good in strength, but also in financial resources.

“Apart from the bow and routine maintenance, is there anything else to do?”

Margo turned his head and looked. There were a lot of scars on the boat. It was obvious that he had gone through a battle, but the traces were very shallow, and there was no need for major repairs, just proper repairs. However, after confirming that Ethan seemed to have good financial resources, he was ready to develop this major client.

“What renovation projects do you have?”

“Oh, this is too much. I am afraid I can’t explain it clearly here. If you are interested, I suggest you take a time to visit the shipyard in person. Not only are there detailed catalogs, but also actual samples can make you more straightforward. Understand the specific effects of those transformations.”

Ethan did not expect this shipyard’s service to be so in place, and nodded and agreed: “I will see it myself when the cargo is unloaded.”

Margo wrote a note in his notebook, since Ethan promised to go there personally, then he doesn’t need to waste time here. He came today just to record the services that the other party needs. The ship has to wait until the cargo is unloaded before being sent to the shipyard by another person.

“Then, goodbye, Ethan of the Aurora.”


Watching Margo leave, Ethan returned to the ship. The workers hired by the port administrator have already begun to take out the ore from the cabin and load it on one ox cart after another.

Until this time, he knew that the ore he found was a kind of rough ore with multiple metals. Common metals such as iron and copper could be extracted from it. It was the most common and most in demand ore in the world.

Don’t look at it is very common, in fact, because of the huge demand, even the residents of the island who do not go to sea need a lot of copper and iron, so the ‘price’ of this ore is not low.

“If all these minerals are sold, you will be able to live a life without worry for a long time.”

Even the shipyard is willing to use ore to pay for his maintenance, repair and transformation. Although the specific price depends on what the ship is to be transformed, it will not consume much in the end.

“Should all be shipped to the guild?”

“Yes, then store it directly into the guild.”

The guild sent a special clerk to handle this matter earlier, and such a large amount of ore is enough to attract their attention.

“Do I need to arrange a slightly larger accommodation this time?”

This clerk is very insightful, not to mention that the guild would have arranged the people on the same boat together when arranging accommodation.

“Just get closer… By the way, is there a place where people can exercise in the guild?”

“There is a dedicated practice range, and it’s completely free. It’s just a public space, so there will be a lot of people, and some bad things may happen.”

The words are very vague, but the meaning has been conveyed in place. Ethan nodded and said that he understood: “It doesn’t matter. Arrange the residences of the two of us together, it’s better to be closer to the driving range.”

“sure no problem.”

Others will naturally do the statistics. What the clerk has to do is to record all the statistical “property data” under Ethan’s personal name, and then go to the guild for backup, and then Ethan can consume and store it in The property in the guild enjoys some “charged” services, and at the same time, you can directly “buy” what you need from the guild’s store.

It is a pity that the guild of the Sea of ​​Peace still uses the simplest barter, and there is no currency accepted by everyone to facilitate transactions.

“Forget it, it’s better than carrying a lot of things on your back.”

Now he is very fortunate to have joined the guild directly, instead of rushing around on his own. Not to mention the storage of materials, just collecting all kinds of data will waste a lot of time.

As Ethan’s “account” deposited a large amount of “property”, a lot of information in the guild began to be opened to him, and even the clerks told him some information very frankly: For adventurers who can bring a lot of materials, the guild Not only will it provide various materials, but it will even provide support to a certain extent.

For example, prioritize the provision of information and new ships; for example, when in distress, other leisure adventurers will be called to rescue them; for example, after the trouble of “bankruptcy”, the guild will provide some basic ship materials so that this An adventurer has the opportunity to stand up again These treatments will become better and better as the wealth that adventurers bring to the guild increases.

“Oh, there are so many benefits?”

“Of course, there are still many benefits to joining a guild.” Having said that, the clerk suddenly came over and lowered his voice: “In addition, including the information on the sea of ​​storm and the side of the sea of ​​storm, the guild can also be consulted.”


Ethan is more interested now. He planned to collect some relevant information during this period. He didn’t expect that someone would give pillows when he fell asleep.

Just, telling yourself what these things do to these clerks?

When I thought of joining the guild for the first time, the same was true for the one who helped myself to join the guild. He always secretly revealed various information. It’s just that these messages are good for him, and it doesn’t seem to be intentional to cheat him.

“What are they coveting? Are these clerks all helpful characters?”

I really can’t figure it out. At this time, the goods have been processed, including the ore from the two ships that have been transported to the guild, and the remaining food and water on the ship will be used as a reward for hiring these laborers, and the rest will be handed over to the guild for processing. These items will soon be sent to the market to be sold, replaced with other items that can be stored for a long time, and deposited in Ethan’s account.

After all this is done, Ethan has no time to visit the guild’s database, and can only rest in the assigned room with Arthur.

“Let’s go to the reference room until tomorrow.”

After a simple wash, Ethan is going to take a brief exercise and rest, and then go straight to solve Arthur’s language problem tomorrow.

“Unexpectedly, Merlin left me a test even in this matter.”

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