Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Team up against the enemy

Ethan pointed to the ship that was getting closer and closer. Now both parties can clearly see the situation on the other’s ship, but the other’s ship is higher, so the other’s vision is better than that of his own. It’s clear-the two of them had been noticed by the other side just standing on the deck.

“Not that coward from Angus?”

Sean was also surprised. He didn’t expect to see two people who didn’t know him at all. They didn’t seem to be very old. The black-haired one was slightly older, and the blond-haired one was definitely not a kid? When will the calm sea even the little kid can wander at will?

His brows were frowning tighter and tighter, and the development of things broke away from his own predictions, which made him very upset. If he was upset, people would suffer. Therefore, the two young men were sentenced to death in their hearts.

“Wait for them to get close before doing it?”

Arthur looked at the man standing at the bow of the ship. He was tall and strong. Not to mention that he hadn’t fully grown into his body. Even if compared with the adults he had seen before, this man had to look taller and stronger. .

“Is a rival!”

He followed Ethan into this world. In addition to increasing his knowledge, he also had the purpose of playing against more people to further enhance his strength.

Therefore, facing a strong enemy, Arthur will not feel afraid, but will be a little excited. The blood all over his body is boiling, and even his body is slightly shaking.

“Don’t be too excited, it will affect the strength and accuracy of your sword.”

Too much excitement may make people burst out with stronger power, more powerful and faster when swinging weapons, but the stability will be much worse. This is actually a negative BUFF when facing a strong enemy.

“You are right, I should calm down.”

Although Ethan did not receive many years of professional system training, but at least he spent a month in the dark world with dark creatures, and accumulated a lot of experience in battle after battle. These are exactly what Arthur did. Lack of.

It can be said that the strengths and weaknesses of the two people are complementary, and it is a good choice to cooperate with each other until the strength of the two people has not improved to a certain level.

It took a while, and Arthur returned to his normal state. At this time, the opponent’s boat was already attached to Ethan’s boat, and he threw a hook to firmly grasp the boat under his feet.

One after another sailors with weapons jumped from the opposite ship, while the big man continued to stand on his ship and looked down at the two young men.

“Where is that coward from Angus? Isn’t this the coward’s ship?”

Ethan didn’t expect that he didn’t ask himself to hand over everything, but instead asked what Angus? Who is Angus? Is it the guy who was killed by himself?

“Are you talking about a **** who likes to grab people and property?”

“Oh?” When Sean heard this question, he became so interested in the black-haired young man in front of him: “So, you are not the coward’s subordinate?”

Ethan curled his lips in disdain: “How could I be that kind of **** subordinate.”

“You killed Angus? You took this boat from him, right.” Sean pointed to the sailboat at Ethan’s feet, and then pointed to the side of the ship in front of him: “Don’t deny it. , Except for that coward, I don’t think anyone would call his ship Mad Dog.”

That was the name of the ship engraved on the front side of the hull. Ethan didn’t pay much attention at first. When he found out, he thought of returning to State Island and changing the name of the ship, so he just threw it there.

But, what if it is recognized? He is not someone who dared not be.

“What about that guy’s boat?”

Xiao En laughed suddenly: “Not so, anyway, this ship will belong to me immediately!” Then he pointed to the one towing behind: “Of course that one too.”

Then he looked at the two young men with a playful expression: “As for you two…” Looking up and down, Xiao En suddenly noticed that the equipment on the two young men was particularly eye-catching: ” Hand over all the things on my body. If I am happy, I may leave you as servants on my boat.”

Ethan looked up at the man who was still standing on his boat, trying to flick this stuff down before doing it. Capture the thief first, capture the king first, as long as you control this guy or kill him, the rest will be easier to solve.

“Who are you? Why should I give up everything?”

“Who am I? You don’t know who I am?” Sean seemed to hear a big joke. Then I realized that these two people are very young, and it doesn’t seem surprising that they don’t know themselves: “It turns out to be two rookies! Actually, I don’t even know Sean the Hand of Fire.”

“Hand of Flame?”

Ethan’s first reaction was to look at the big man’s hands. Sure enough, the big man’s left hand was wearing a strange-looking glove, which was shaped between the hand armor and the glove, although some parts were hidden by the sleeves and it was not clear. But the light radiating from the magic stone can still be seen faintly.

“Fire magic stone? For combat? Can fire element attacks be used?”

Sean never thought of it, and when he reported a name casually, Ethan guessed his biggest support.

That’s right, his biggest reliance is the magic stone gloves inlaid with fire magic stones, which can gather and manipulate fire elemental energy with the gloves.

The nickname of his hand of flame is mostly from this magic stone equipment. In the calm sea where magic stone equipment is scarce, he also used this glove to slay all directions without restraint.

It is a pity that there is only one glove. Sean, who knows the world better, always hopes to find a high-quality magic stone and build a piece of equipment to make him stronger. After that, he can challenge the sea of ​​storms and head to the next sea area-it is said that there are more abundant supplies in that sea area, but there are also more dangers.

This is also the reason why he was a little excited after suspecting that Angus might have found a high-quality magic stone.

But seeing these two young people now, he suddenly raised another guess: “These two young people can kill Angus, do they have magic stone equipment?”

was suspicious and stopped the conversation. And Ethan, who wanted to attract Sean to his boat, didn’t speak, and the scene was a bit weird for a while.

But soon someone broke the calm and jumped out to grab the show.

“Have you heard? Boy, our captain is Sean, the famous Flame Monarch of the Sea of ​​Peace. Let’s kneel down and pray for forgiveness from Master Captain! Hahaha!” A sailor walked up with an arrogant face, and then raised his hand to Yi Sen’s head was pressed.

In the eyes of these sailors who have been in the calm sea for many years, Ethan and Arthur, who have been heavily surrounded, dare not resist at all. They can only kneel on the ground and pray for themselves and others to spare their lives. As for the things on them… Although many sailors are greedy for the sophisticated equipment, they understand that these belong to Sean, and maybe Sean can’t look down on them. Will be rewarded to them.

But it’s okay, as long as you finish this ticket, the captain will give them more or less some benefits after returning with a full load, which will be enough for them to return to State Island for a while.

Unexpectedly, Ethan, who was thought to be absolutely unwilling to resist, suddenly kicked him and slammed it firmly on the person’s stomach.

The sailor who was kicked into a gourd not only felt ecstatic, but also knocked several companions behind him to the ground.

Almost at the same time, Ethan shouted to Arthur: “Do it!” He was not going to wait for Sean to come down. The guy seemed to have no intention of coming.

In addition, there are already enough sailors ran to his ship, and I think the opponent will not suddenly attack with cannons.

As for the besieged? In fact, the space on the ship is much smaller than imagined. With the help of the mast, the space for everyone to move is limited. The benefit is that as long as Ethan controls his position well, he will be able to move at one time. Face two or three enemies at most, instead of being surrounded by layers of enemies.

For Ethan, who has countless props in his hand, it is not difficult to face two or three enemies at the same time. He holds a sword in his right hand, and uses an iron rod in his left hand. The hapless guy who rushed the fastest fell to the ground-the one who was hit by the stick just fainted, and there may be sequelae such as concussion, as for the one who was knocked over by his sword I can’t stand up anymore.

In order to prevent someone from being circumvented behind him, Arthur needs to be stuck in the other direction. The two have hardly communicated with each other, but at this time they thought of being together. Even compared to Ethan, Arthur moved faster on that side, not only stopped immediately, but also cut down four enemies in one go.

Regardless of his age, but his swordsmanship is strong, none of these sailors can hold a sword in his hand if he is one-on-one.

Even if they were on board together now, they could barely survive in the dazzling sword light, but there were still screams, and then more and more sailors fell on the deck.

Sean was stunned for a while on his boat. He was awakened by the continuous screams. He looked down and found that his subordinates were being cut and chopped like melons and vegetables. His angry eyes were red and blue veins burst on his neck.

“Get out of my way!”

The sailors heard the boss’s command, and naturally obediently stepped back before they had time to rush up, while the few who had rushed in front of Ethan or Arthur didn’t get away easily.

One of the sailors wanted to hit Ethan with a stick and then ran, deliberately letting out his most resistant back, but he didn’t expect that when Ethan’s stick went out, it would stimulate the power of thunder and lightning contained in the iron rod. .

The dazzling electric light leaped out of the stick, and with Ethan’s attack, it slammed on the sailor solidly. Although the current was not particularly strong, it was difficult to electrocute the person directly, but it was enough to make people immobile. He was paralyzed, and then this guy could only watch a sharp point of the sword jump out of his chest.

“Magic stone props!”

At this moment, Sean’s life was no longer in his eyes, and his eyes were only the iron rod with electric light in Ethan’s hand.

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