Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 bad boy

A magic item that can store knowledge and various information?

Ethan’s requirements are not high. In fact, magicians have many similar methods, but Ethan mentioned an additional requirement, which is to continuously’absorb’ or’absorb’ newly acquired books or other materials. Copy’ into this magic item, so that you can check it later.

“Oh, this idea is good, but I need to study how it should be implemented.”

For magicians of Merlin’s level, their powerful mental powers give them incomparably powerful memory. Even knowledge that has never been touched before can be remembered in their minds in a small amount of time, and there is no need to worry about forgetting or remembering it. wrong.

But Ethan is far from reaching this level, this kind of magic props is very necessary.

Because he cannot have a fixed residence like many wizards, and then collect all kinds of books he has collected. Judging from the environment introduced by Ethan before, the storage of books is indeed a problem—but now Ethan needs to collect a large number of books, which has become the most troublesome problem for Ethan at present.

“It would be nice if there were some image references.”

Of course, Ethan knows a more vivid reference, and even knows many kinds. For example, the tablet computer used in the previous life is a very convenient tool. He even considered making a similar thing, using magic stones for energy. Finished, maybe the things created will be better to use.

It’s just because I don’t know anything about magic stone technology, so this is just part of the future plan.

In addition, the most suitable reference for Merlin is the hand strap that records his information.

“Do you think this is okay?”

“Oh?” Merlin took the thin white strip that Ethan handed over. This thing was very inconspicuous. It was usually hidden under the wristband. Even Merlin didn’t notice it.

Now after seeing someone touched it with his own hands, Merlin also noticed the extraordinaryness of this thing: “It’s interesting, with this thing as a reference, I will soon have some clues.”

Ethan suddenly remembered that he had also got a magic stone, and he didn’t know if the attributes were the same, so he gave it to Merlin for research.

Merlin was even more happy when he saw this magic stone. He took the hand strap and the magic stone and went into his laboratory without even saying hello to Ethan.

The legendary magician is still a magician. When he encounters something he is interested in, he will inevitably expose some of the habits that magicians have, but Ethan has had too few magicians before, and he did not react for a while.

Arthur, who was still by his side, explained in due course: “When your Excellency Merlin encounters something of interest, he will focus too much on this matter and ignore other people or things, so I hope you Don’t feel offended by this.”

“Oh, no!” Ethan waved his hand: “I just wondered how long it will take Master Merlin to make what I want.”

Arthur is very confident in Merlin’s strength: “I believe it will not take long.”

The two will definitely become partners. In the future, young people who want to float on the ocean together and venture on various planes also took advantage of this time to chat for a while, so as to increase their understanding of each other.

In terms of age, Arthur was still a teenager, only fourteen years old, much younger than Ethan.

And Arthur, who has just entered puberty, appears limited and thin, and his height is not too tall, coupled with the voice that has begun to change… Ethan always feels that he is suspected of being a nanny.

Arthur is very smart, and he has been carefully observing Ethan, who will take him to various worlds in the future, to learn and experience various worlds and knowledge.

So when Ethan showed some wry smiles, he quickly guessed his thoughts.

So, the young Arthur proposed a competition between the two.

Anyway, the two people have nothing to do now. The chat is familiar to each other, and the competition is the same. As a partner, it is necessary to have an understanding of the combat ability of your comrades. Otherwise, you don’t know if you should trust the strength of your teammates in an emergency Let him face it alone, or he should be worried about his life safety and rescue.

Ethan also understood this, so he didn’t refuse Arthur’s proposal, and directly nodded and agreed.


Ethan was very embarrassed!

Arthur may be very young, but he is the king’s own son after all. Although he was brought back directly to the castle because of his origin, he still entrusted the great magician Merlin to raise him and give him all-round teaching.

There is even less difficulty in eating and wearing. In addition, Merlin has tailored training for him since he was a child, and the continuous training for more than ten years has made Arthur’s strength far more than ordinary people.

Look at Ethan again. He was malnourished since he was a child. He was a mage apprentice who hadn’t even touched the door, learned a few simple melee combat with a priest, and just started to explore and practice basic swordsmanship by himself…

After being hit by Merlin once, Ethan was taught to be a man by the young Arthur. This made him very depressed. Fortunately, although Arthur’s foundation was solid, he was still suffering because of his young age and his strength. Because of the lack of real enemy experience in training, Ethan won a few games in the next few games, which can be regarded as a bit of face saved.

“Your foundation is very good.”

“Your foundation is too bad.”

The two played for most of the day, and they inevitably performed the’mouth escape’ stunt during the competition to interfere with the opponent’s performance. It is precisely for this reason that the relationship between the two people has become intimate after the fight. Less, and a little less scrupulous when talking.

“I have only studied swordsmanship for a few months, and I have been practicing by myself.”

Arthur nodded. If that’s the case, Ethan’s poor sword skills can be understood. In addition, Ethan is a mage, and he will definitely spend a lot of time cultivating magic knowledge, so there is not much time to practice swordsmanship.

“With that said, it is not easy for you to have the strength you are now.”

Ethan smiled bitterly. He was not sure about this. Perhaps it was just because of his poor foundation that he made rapid progress in the early stage, and he might soon encounter a bottleneck. In close combat, he is not strong enough to suffer. The strength is limited by talents and living conditions, and it is not so easy to grow and improve.

It was Arthur, who was not much weaker than himself when he was only fourteen years old. When he was a few years old, he was fully grown up, and he estimated that he could not resist even a single sword.

“Maybe you can consider finding something to improve your physical fitness?”

After all, I’m not sure what world I will go to in the future. Although the calm sea is okay, but I am not prepared to eat and die in that ocean for a lifetime. I must have an impact on the wider world-in this way, the storm The sea has become the gulf that one must cross, and besides having a better ship, a strong body can also increase the possibility of success.

In addition to this factor, there is another point that is life span.

Now that he has the ability to travel through different worlds, it is possible to at least exceed the life span of ordinary people regardless of what immortality is.

What’s more, I run back and forth in different worlds, and time disappears quickly. If I don’t find a way to increase my life, maybe I haven’t reached my goal yet, and I will die because of old age and physical decline.

“That would be too bad.”

So, don’t look at Ethan’s seemingly aimless turmoil during this period, in fact he has always had various plans for his future in his head.

Then according to various unpredictable situations, the order of these plans is constantly adjusted.

At the beginning, improving the strength to ensure that you have the ability to protect yourself is already considered complete.

I found a method that can continue to practice systematically, and now I have a clue after I met Mei Lin.

As for making a magic item that can store a lot of knowledge and information, it belongs to the branch line that needs to be solved in the practice. Now, with the help of Merlin, it can be regarded as a direction.

After completing these two goals, physical fitness and longevity are next at the top of the list.

Since he confirmed that he can travel through the plane, this idea has appeared in his mind, but his own safety issue is more imminent, so he has to hide his thoughts deeply.

Until now, because of the physical fitness factor, I also considered how to increase the life expectancy.

“Many planes can increase the lifespan of a person. The only trouble is that I am not sure I can go to those worlds. UU Reading” The most reliable way at present is to take one step at a time and work hard at the same time. Strive to become a mage early.

According to Ethan’s guess, many wizards have the means to increase their lifespan, which may be learned from some secret books, or they may be realized by themselves when practicing various magics. He believes that as long as his magical strength increases To a certain extent, you can even solve the problem of longevity by your own ability.

Relatively speaking, it is more troublesome to improve your physical fitness—in fact, the improvement of your physical fitness can also change your vitality, and it will also improve your own combat effectiveness, which will make your life safer more secure.

At present, the most effective way for him is to exercise persistently. There is no shortcut.

This time, he also has a professional teacher and the legendary king of Britain in the future: Arthur Pendragon!

The young King Arthur seemed to find the joy of being a teacher in Ethan. He shouted Ethan at dawn almost every day, and then used the same practice he had done back then on Ethan.

“This is the practice you did when you were eight?”

After three days, Ethan, who always felt something was wrong, asked, and the sunshine boy, King Arthur, showed a miraculous expression of embarrassment.

“Actually, I taught you that I have increased the amount of training several times before. After all, I was too young at that time to withstand such a large amount of training.”


Ethan looked up at the sky, never expected that King Arthur with thick eyebrows, big eyes and a righteous face was actually a black-bellied kid. It’s a pity that his expression hasn’t been maintained for a few seconds. Merlin, who has disappeared for a few days, finally appears, and at the same time brings good news to Ethan: what he wants is done.

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