Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1043

Chapter 31 Walk 1 look 1 look

Transfer rooms, canteens, recreation rooms, training rooms and living areas, first make a rough circle, the most important thing is to take two people to the equipment area, let them first receive a set of personal equipment: including multi-function tools (communication , Positioning, personal space), basic combat uniforms, etc.

With multi-function tools, they can call anyone at any time, and at the same time let Luna create data and files for the two, so that even if they get lost on the spaceship, they can walk back to the familiar area with Luna’s guidance.

“Unexpectedly, the spaceship you live in is so advanced.”

Dragon Ball World is also very advanced, but many things have not been created because of the concept.

On the Venus, various facilities have fully demonstrated what is called’convenience’. Ye Yi hasn’t felt anything yet. It should be easy to live here. I was worried that there is not much space-the space inside the spacecraft of Dragon Ball World. It is not too big, but it turns out that the interior of this spacecraft is spacious enough, and there are very few people living on it.

“Aren’t there many partners on your boat? Why haven’t you seen any of them?”

After receiving the basic equipment, the two women also put on combat uniforms to experience it, but soon changed back to ordinary casual clothes.

“They are usually busy with their own affairs, or stay in the world they like.”

“Is there no one on the spacecraft?”

“Originally, President Nebula and Betty were expecting to be on the ship, but some time ago Betty found a long-lost relative, so she is not here now.”


Seeing that they were interested, Ethan recounted Betty’s story again. Hearing that Betty fell asleep during the exam, she fell asleep for so many years. After being rescued by Ethan passing by, they didn’t know what to do. Is this kid unlucky or lucky?

“It should be lucky!”

At least she met Ethan. Not only did she find her relatives, but she also became strong with a special guy like Ethan. I am afraid that many people would be envious of the benefits she gained.

“Now that only the person named Nebula is left?”

“And Shirley, she doesn’t seem to be running around recently, staying on the boat.”

Ethan is also not sure, maybe Shirley will go to another world to play after she goes to the Kingdom of God? Directly questioned Luna and found that not only Shirley was on the boat, Logan also returned with Atlanta and Laura.

“Today was quite lively on the boat.”

Make sure these people are all in the entertainment room at this time — I didn’t meet them when I visited just now, they should have been staggered — Ethan took the two of them to the entertainment room again.

When Ethan appeared, everyone was a little surprised.

“Didn’t you go to the Kingdom of God foolishly?”

Ethan also sent a message to everyone specially. He didn’t expect that he would come out so soon. Could it be done?

“The kingdom of God is still being perfected. I took advantage of this free time to take these two over.”

Without additional explanation from him, everyone knows that Ethan has experienced several worlds in the universe of the Lord God, and ‘deceived’ two girls again, and finally saw him this time.

“This is Sifengyuan Yeyi, and this is Bulma.”

Everyone on the boat knows these two. This time I mainly introduce my friends to Ye Yi and Bulma. There are not many people on the boat now. This is more appropriate. You can get to know a few first, and then know others when you are familiar with it, otherwise. Seeing a large group of people, it is not easy to blend in.

Just like Shiro Weimiya, after he joined, he first became acquainted with the two young people, Laura and Shirley, and then slowly communicated more with other people.

After introducing each other, Ye Yi and Bulma immediately understood the relationship between them.

In a sense, Laura is Logan’s child, and Atlanta is Logan’s current girlfriend.

This Atlanna is the queen of the underwater kingdom called Atlantis!

And Shirley was originally just an ordinary child. She joined Ethan’s team when she was young. At that time, her mother offered to join her. She belonged to the ‘oil bottle’ who joined by the way.

Shirley has lived on the ship for many years. She has learned a lot of knowledge and received reinforcement and training. She is good at strength and can skillfully operate many hot and cold weapons and various high-tech equipment.

Because of her mother, Shirley herself also knows a lot of scientific knowledge, and can be regarded as an all-rounder… But this all-rounder is holding snacks and eating, Bulma is worried that Shirley is suffering from bulimia?

“Don’t worry, after you use the strengthening potions, you will find that your figure will become very good, and it will not get worse.”

“No, it can still get worse!”

Before Bulma could be happy, Ethan reminded them.

“Strengthening potions only improve your physical fitness and potential, but the basic potions have not caused earth-shaking changes in your body.”

Unless you reach a higher level, at that time the body’s energy intake and utilization, and the way it stores energy have undergone a fundamental change, then it is really fearless!

“For example, you now?”

“Yes, like me!”

He snatched Shirley’s snacks, and Ethan ate directly.

“Shirley, if you want to eat snacks as you like, you have to work harder to improve your strength and realm.”


After eating the last bite of snacks, Ethan clapped his hands and used a clean trick for himself, leaving Bulma and Yeyi to Shirley.

“Yeyi doesn’t need to perform basic strengthening, Bulma needs to use basic strengthening potions, this matter is left to you.”

Letting Shirley handle this is to let Yeyi and Bulma better integrate into the life on the boat. If possible, he hopes Shirley will take the two of them around in other worlds.

“Leave it to me, what are you going to do?”

“Of course I continue to upgrade and perfect the kingdom of God, what else can I do?”

He wanted to stay and have an in-depth exchange with the two of them. Unfortunately, both Ye Yi and Bulma had clearly hinted: It is impossible to eat them so easily!

Obviously this will be a long-term task, anyway, Ethan has time to wait slowly, so it’s important to do business first.

Before leaving, Ethan gave Logan a secret wink. Logan, who understood the situation, rolled his eyes, but returned a relieved look.

Say hello to Logan, because Logan is currently stationed in the DC world for a long time. Although Diana and Yeyi should not fight between them, it is better to let Logan pay attention just in case.

Anyway, it doesn’t matter as long as you don’t fight directly!

Returning to the Kingdom of Gods world, Ethan glanced at the core of the world, because time hasn’t passed long, and the energy universes connected before Ethan left have not been drained.

The core of the world is still slowly extracting energy to add to this world. To achieve Ethan’s basic goal, in addition to extracting the energy of these worlds, there is still more energy to find.

First, let the worlds ‘brought back’ this time establish a connection with the Kingdom of Gods world. If anyone has paid attention to the starry sky of the Kingdom of Gods world, they will find three more stars.

After the arrangements were made, Ethan began to stay here for a long time, dispersing his spiritual consciousness into the endless void, looking for a suitable world that contains energy but does not have intelligent life.

The more worlds he finds, the speed at which the kingdom of God can extract energy will naturally increase. When a sea of ​​energy is formed around the entire core, his initial goal will be completed.

“It seems that this job is much more troublesome than expected.”

In fact, the same is true. It is difficult to find a world that meets Ethan’s requirements. He can only stay here for a long time, and then constantly “walk in the void”, looking for every world that can draw energy.

At first, he would pick and choose. Later, he found that he was not qualified to choose. On the contrary, he also connected the ‘weak and small’ universe that was a bit disgusting.

Now he didn’t want to waste a little bit, even the remaining residue after the few small worlds were drained of energy, he did not abandon it, and conveniently put it away and prepared to use it again.

Although these world residues have become ‘dead’s, it does not mean that these things are useless at all. Ethan found that this thing is very strong very suitable as a building material.

It just so happens that he is still struggling with what materials to use when building the residence? Ordinary materials are estimated to be unable to withstand the tossing of more and more people, and suddenly found that these world residues are just right.

I didn’t know how long he stayed at the core of the kingdom of God. After Ethan realized that it was difficult to find more energy worlds for a while, he teleported directly outside, ready to relax and adjust his mood.

By the way, look for a suitable place to live.

Previously, I decided to live on the floating mountain, but if I find a more suitable place, changing my mind will not affect anything.

This time he didn’t look down in the air like he did last time, but walked on the ground to admire every place like Meilin did.

“Sure enough, it is my kingdom of God. I always feel that every part of the world is in line with my preferences.”

After all, the kingdom of God was created by Ethan, and it was inevitably affected by Ethan’s preferences.

“This mountain is good, do you want to live on it?”

Thinking about it carefully, this seems to be no different from living on a floating mountain. Isn’t it as convenient as floating mountain? The floating mountain can also be moved, and the scenery of this place can be changed to another area.

Denying this place, Ethan was about to go to the snowy field, but he did not expect to receive a message from Ilia.

He thought for a while, instead of going out, he opened the portal at will, and Illiya immediately walked out of the portal.

“on vacation?”

“Yeah!” Illiya looked left and right, seemingly curious about everything: “I heard that you have completed the kingdom of God, so I want to come over and have a look… It looks a bit desolate.”

“This is the case in this area. If you want, I can take you to the forest, grassland or seaside.”

Ethan pointed at the sky again.

“Or go to those floating mountains.”

“Oh, this is interesting!”

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