Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1037

Chapter 25 0 miles away

“Isn’t my body strengthened?”

Shirley was holding popcorn. She didn’t feel that Ethan’s words could scare her at all. Anyway, the people on the boat had nothing to avoid when eating and drinking, and she didn’t see anyone out of shape. On the contrary, everyone’s figure was getting better and better.

“If you keep eating, you may still become fat.”

Ethan thought of Thor, the natural Asa Protoss, and when he became slack, it didn’t take long for him to become a fat house.

Shirley has only received a certain degree of reinforcement, and there is still a long way to go before she is promoted to become a god-let alone a god, she hasn’t reached the level of a demigod yet!

“I haven’t eaten all the time, let alone exercise all the time.”

Shirley grabbed two popcorns and threw them to Ethan. Life on this ship is very easy and happy. She can do whatever she wants, and no one is forcing her to do what she has to do. She has indeed become slack lately.

Looking down at his thigh, he stretched out his hand and pinched it lightly. It seems that the meat on it has increased?

“Oh, it doesn’t matter, what’s the fear of being a bit meaty?”

Turning her head and drank another sip of Coke, Shirley quickly turned her attention to other things.

“Isn’t it all notified? Is there anything else to say?”

When Ethan has nothing to do, he won’t go to the driver’s cab to stay here. Everyone who looks at the universe and the starry sky has long been bored-no matter how beautiful and magnificent the universe is, you will be bored when you see it every day.

“I’m here to see Betty.”

“Find me?”

Betty has always been very low-key on the boat and has not asked anything. Every day, she does her best to complete her work. If anyone on the boat comes to her for help, she will do her best to help, so Betty Low-key and unremarkable, but the popularity on the ship has always been very good.

Shirley didn’t run around, in fact she just stayed here to accompany Betty, otherwise it would be boring to be “on duty” by herself.

“What’s matter?”

“It’s about your family.”

Ethan briefly explained the situation. It is his current ability to easily lock the specific location of Betty’s family, and then he can directly turn on the teleportation and teleport the Venus to the vicinity—or directly. Let Betty go by alone.

He came to Betty, just to ask Betty what he decided to do?

In other words, Ethan just wanted to ask Betty if she wanted to leave? If she survived to return to her family and leave the Venus, then Ethan only needs to take her there alone.

If she wants to stay on the ship and just go back to see her family, Ethan will have to teleport the entire ship to the vicinity of the target location.

Of course, there is another situation, that is, Betty originally wanted to leave, but when she saw her family, she found that she was no longer a “familiar” relative. After all, so many years have passed. Even if the average life expectancy of the imperial people is relatively long, it is guaranteed. There will be some accidents.

“This one……”

“Actually, you don’t need to be too entangled, just tell what you really think.”

Betty hesitated. After living on the ship for these years, she has gradually adapted to the life style here, but she does miss her family very much.

In addition, she has some fears about the uncertainty of the future. She doesn’t know what the empire has become now, and what has become of her parents and relatives? Is the environment they live in now the same as in the past? Can she adapt to the new living environment herself?

Compared to the completely unknown future, the future on the Venus is very clear.

The crew will gradually improve and strengthen themselves, and then they will move to a new world to live in. Although she has not seen what the new kingdom of God is like, she has been to that island, what is the environment? It won’t change that island, right?

Everyone didn’t interrupt Betty’s thinking, Shirley even turned off the movie she was watching, Ethan did not urge, but stood quietly and grabbed popcorn from the bucket that Shirley was holding.

There was silence in the cab for a long time, and it took a full half an hour before Betty broke the silence.

“I want to go back and see, I want to know how my parents are.”

This sentence can be regarded as giving the answer that Ethan wants to know. Betty wants to go back and have a look instead of saying that she wants to go home. It seems that she just wants to know the situation of her parents and whether they are living well? It is not necessary to go back and live with relatives, or that she prefers to stay on the boat.

“Well, I will first let the Venus sail to the star field near your relatives, and then I will take you to have a look alone.”


Betty nodded, this is the most in line with her idea, if her parents are no longer there, then she doesn’t even need to show up.

Although there may also be relatives who are related by blood, in actual life, the distance between relatives cannot be determined solely by blood.

“Luna, I will open the portal in front in a while. Before entering the portal, remember to turn on invisibility.”

“Yes, sir!”

I don’t know what the situation is near the planet where Betty’s relatives live. In order to avoid trouble, it is better to hide your spaceship first.

After giving instructions to Luna, Ethan stretched out his hand and gently fished Betty’s body. After making a grasping motion, he gently rubbed the fingers of his right hand a few times. With his movements, Ethan’s hand appeared a little bit of light, slowly condensing into an arrow mark, pointing to the diagonally upward position.

“Luna, adjust the course.”

“Yes, sir.”

The Venus began to adjust its forward direction. As the arrow turned to point straight ahead, Ethan gently stretched out his hand to click on the arrow. The arrow immediately turned into a streamer and passed through the front window of the cockpit, flying forward. A few hundred meters later, it suddenly exploded and turned into a huge light gate.

“Turn on invisible mode!”

Without Ethan’s instructions, Luna directly turned on the invisible system on the Venus. In addition to being invisible to the naked eye, the invisible system on the Venus can also avoid detection by various detection equipment. Test to ensure that this spacecraft will never be discovered when it does not want to be discovered.

The invisible Venus slowly passed through the portal. In order to avoid causing commotion or the attention of some people, the other end of the portal was also very secret, and there was no abnormal phenomenon at all, unless something happened. Hit into the portal and be teleported to the other side to discover the problem.

Ethan and the others were not so unlucky. When Ethan opened the door, they made sure that there was no ‘waste’ near the exit.

When the spacecraft came to a new star field, there was no need for Captain Ethan to order, Shirley, who was still holding the popcorn bucket, and Betty, who was just a little excited, immediately switched to working mode and sat in the corresponding A series of operations are carried out in front of the console to observe and detect the surrounding environment.

Nebula, who learned of the situation from Luna, also rushed over at this time. Her participation made the work more efficient, while Ethan was holding the popcorn thrown by Shirley to watch the excitement quietly.


“This is a stellar galaxy with three habitable planets. There are life reactions on these three planets.” Nebula looked at the screen in front of him and gave preliminary observations. “There are various kinds of orbits on these planets. Facilities, obviously there are civilizations on these three planets.”

Calculated according to the distance to the star, between the nearest first planet and the second planet, and closer to the position of the second planet, they can now see the cosmic port on that planet’s orbit through the front window.

Will appear in this position, proving that Betty’s relatives are on the planet in front.

“Do you want to land on the planet?”

“You will be attacked as an intruder, right?”

Although there is no movement on the other side now, even if a spacecraft of this size has a stealth system, it will still cause some abnormal phenomena if it is close to the past, and it will be easy to be noticed by the other party. By then, any stealth system will be useless.

“Luna, can you invade the other party’s system?”

Ethan waited only a few seconds Luna gave the answer.

“Sorry, sir, I cannot invade the system used by the other party, unless I can analyze the system sample first, and then try to invade.”

It’s a bit difficult to expect Luna to crack and invade a completely unfamiliar system immediately. Ethan didn’t care too much, he was just waiting for Betty to make psychological preparations.

“It seems we are going to log in directly, are you ready?”

After taking a deep breath, Betty nodded without hesitation. Ethan told Nebula and Shirley, “Wait for me here.” After that, he teleported directly to the planet with Betty.

The Venus is not absolutely still in the void, otherwise it will be farther and farther away from the orbiting planets), Shirley and Nebula are looking for something to continue to kill the boring time, when Shirley takes When the popcorn bucket on the side was brought back again, it was found that the popcorn had been eaten up.

“Ah! Damn it!”

Immortal and Ansuna greeted the two briefly and chatted for a few words, and then ran to Mordred’s world to develop their own temple business.

The ship returned to a calm state, and Ethan and Betty were in a huge office at this time, staring at the middle-aged man behind the opposite desk.

“There are intruders!”

A shout sounded behind Ethan, and he also knew that there were two people behind him taking out their weapons to aim at himself and Betty, while Betty and the middle-aged man on the opposite side had unbelievable expressions.


“Betty?” The middle-aged man suddenly woke up and immediately wanted to stop his subordinates “Don’t shoot!”

But his movements were still slow. The two people behind him had already pulled the trigger, but two deadly energy beams stopped directly behind Ethan. This strange scene caused several people in the house to fall into a sluggishness.

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