Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1034

Chapter 22 Queen Shirley

Ever since he stepped into a new realm and created a complete kingdom of God, Ethan has understood why Merlin had to help himself.

Gu Yi was willing to help him for the same reason, because Ethan’s existence brought them a ‘new future’.

Without the appearance of Ethan, Merlin would basically be’trapped’ in this world throughout his life. His strength has reached the bottleneck. He is sure that before the end of his life, there is no way to break through that barrier and move to a higher level. realm.

Originally this was nothing. Even if his strength never improved, Merlin was strong enough at this time. His lifespan was very long, and he had enough time to do what he wanted to do without leaving any regrets in his life.

It is possible that he has not lived to the end of his life, he is tired of living!

But when he saw a better opportunity to reach a higher level, he still ‘stretched out his hand’ decisively.

No matter how many times he is given a chance to come back, he will make the same choice. If such an opportunity is missed, maybe the rest of my life can only be spent in endless regret.

“But if you want to truly become the only one in the endless universe, there are many problems to be solved next.”

“It doesn’t matter, I wouldn’t be able to get this opportunity without you.”

Ethan spread his hands, he didn’t mind Merlin asking for help, because Merlin helped him a lot, and they were helping each other.

“In this case, you are going to settle in my kingdom of God.”

“This is a good thing!”

Ethan builds his kingdom of God’on’ countless universes, and is inextricably connected with countless universes. As long as he masters the right way, he can go to which world he wants to go to. Living in the kingdom of God is even more important. Convenient to travel to those worlds.

What’s more, going to the kingdom of God to live in itself is a great advantage, because there is a stronger energy there.

“I’m going to pack up and salute next, right?”

“This is very simple, I can set off right away.”

“Too anxious? I haven’t seen you act so urgently before.”

Ethan had never seen Merlin with such a rich expression, nor had he seen such an eager look. If Merlin had acted so eagerly at the beginning, he would have noticed Merlin’s thoughts a long time ago, and it would be impossible to find out only now.

“It’s kind of, I thought I would have to wait a long time to get to this point, so I could hold it back at that time.”

“Why don’t I see you there first?”

“Of course it’s good.”

Merlin lightly waved the magic wand in his hand, and countless daily necessities flew out of the wooden house. Then he sorted and got into various boxes, boxes, and cabinets during the flight, and these boxes, cabinets, and boxes got into a piece of luggage. In the box, it finally landed at Merlin’s feet.

As for the wooden house, along with Merlin’s movements, it gradually distorted and turned into a few ordinary trees, as if it was an ordinary forest, how can you still see the slightest trace of the previous?

“Although the world is just taking shape, there is everything that should be there. You don’t have to worry about food or anything.”

“I don’t worry about this kind of thing, even if I don’t eat, I can survive.”

“As for where to live, you shouldn’t be too anxious to decide.”

“After I go over there, I am going to walk around and see, maybe when you are done with everything, I will still travel around in your kingdom of God!”

Listening to Merlin’s tone, it seems that he wants to walk the entire kingdom of God with his feet? But thinking about this kind of existence that has a long life and usually has nothing to do when idle, it is not surprising to do this kind of thing.

Maybe he can experience it if he has time? Stepping on every inch of the ground with two feet is definitely different from quickly passing through the sky, and you can see a lot of scenery that you have overlooked.

Thinking of this in my heart, a special portal opened in his hand: Unlike the blue light portal he usually opens, this portal is two very special gorgeous golden magic arrays, one on the ground and the other on the ground. The teleportation array is suspended in the air three meters above.

The two magic circles were filled with golden energy and brilliance. When Merlin stepped into them, these brilliance became thicker and more solemn, until the figure standing in the magic circle was not clearly visible, the entire portal suddenly condensed into one. The light spots disappeared.

After sending Merlin to his kingdom of God, Ethan and Serena left this secret valley.

In fact, even if Ethan did not come, Merlin would not be able to live here.

With the two generations of emperors King Arthur and Mordred, leaping development of various technologies, the valley where he lives is no longer remote and hidden.

Unless he is willing to move into the palace as a court magician, it will be more and more difficult for Merlin to find such a place to live in seclusion in the future.

Now Merlin doesn’t have to worry about finding the address of his new home. He has new places to explore slowly.

“Let’s go, go to Mordred next.”

Finding Mordred naturally found Ada and Skaha, and Ethan, who was somewhat curious about the country under Mordred’s governance, did not choose to teleport to Mordred using teleport spells.

He chose the ‘Merlin’ style of movement, and after arriving in a nearby town with Serena, he was going to Camelot like an ordinary person.

As soon as he entered the town, Ethan had a weird feeling.

The architectural styles of most houses in this world are closer to what the Earth looked like during the European Renaissance-but these types of buildings are also mixed with many ‘advanced’ facilities.

Adding to the ‘future’ vehicles coming and going on the streets and the ‘retro’ costumes of pedestrians, Ethan is a little bit confused about what era this is.

This is only the case in the world that has been ‘crossed’ by the emperors of Arthur and Mordred.

“It looks a little messy.”

Also confused was Serena, but she got used to it after walking around for a while. As a result, as soon as they got used to this contrast, they saw a concert advertisement on an electronic billboard in the town center.

“The first large-scale concert of the Queen of Britain will be held in Camelot!”

Puff !

Ethan, who was tasting the drink of the world, sprayed his mouth clean, and then looked at Serena next to him with an uncertain face.

“That’s Shiryllu, right?”


Serena and Shirley didn’t know each other at all, she just knew this person, she had never noticed this young star from another world, and she hadn’t even read the details of the other party.


Just as she was speaking, Shiryllu’s name had been typed on the screen, and it was certain that she was indeed Shiryllu.

But this is not the point, the point is the title: Queen!

“Did Mordred pounce on the street?”

The Mordred that Ethan knows is indeed a girl. If you get married, you should find a man, right? At the beginning, he thought that Galahad was very likely to become the “Queen” of Britain.

“I don’t know, maybe we should go to Camelot.”

“Let’s go!”

The situation was not right, and Ethan didn’t even bother to go shopping slowly, and directly used the space teleportation to come to Camelot’s palace.

Now he can lock and observe any place he wants, but he wants to see with his own eyes whether the person sitting on the throne is Mordred? If not, maybe he will kill that guy easily…No, you should first torture, figure out the situation, and then kill him.

The appearance of Ethan and Serena was particularly sudden, and the appearance of the two of them directly scared a group of people around.


The first reaction of the ministers was to call for the guards. Almost everywhere in the palace were heavily armed guards. Even during discussions with the ministers, the king was guarded by knights – not to mention that the king himself was also a strong man.

However, His Majesty the King waved his hand and ordered the guards who rushed in to retreat again.

“Quit all!”

Sitting on the throne, Mordred had a boring look, listening to various reports, smiled and stood up, walked off the throne and came to Ethan.

“Why did it come so suddenly without prior notice?”

Although the ministers were at a loss, the king couldn’t ask if they didn’t explain. After all, the current king is not as easy to talk as the previous king. Those who like to talk to the king are not so good now.

So when His Majesty the King asked them to go out too, and waited for her to come back to report again when she had time, these people didn’t say a word of objection, and left the hall honestly.

Seeing these people so obedient and honest, Ethan knew that Mordred’s side should be going well and there should be no major trouble.

“I wanted to travel around in your country and only informed you when I arrived at Camelot. I just saw a message and thought something was wrong with you.”

“Think I was in a problem?” Mordred was confused: “What news did you see?”

“What the **** is Queen Shirley?”

Ethan didn’t bother to go around in circles, so he asked directly.

After hearing this question, Mordred still didn’t understand: “As a king, is it not normal to have a queen? What’s wrong with this?”

There seems to be nothing wrong? But two girls?

“Your ministers did not object to it?”

This is related to the continuation of the royal blood, the ministers will not ignore it, right?

“Of course there are objections, but why should I listen to those guys?” Mordred snorted: “This is my personal business, I can do whatever I want!”

Ethan glanced at Galahad next to him. He was the only one who did not quit. Gallahad was helpless. Ethan could guess that things were not as easy as Mordred said. , Maybe she did it to find a reason to clean up those disobedient guys?

“Well…I’m relieved if nothing goes wrong.”

Mordred sat on the throne intact, and found a queen for himself. It seemed that Ethan didn’t need to worry about Mordred, so he directly asked Ada and Skarha what did they do?

“Oh, some guys are not very honest, I ask them to help me get rid of the rubbish.”

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