Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1007

Chapter 269 Real key

Diana in this world has not been affected by Ethan, and has not spent a long time exploring her potential.

Moreover, after entering the human society and seeing the various dark sides of the human world, her perception of humans has also changed. She no longer regards herself as the guardian of humans and began to doubt whether such humans are worthy of her own dedication to guarding, but hiding in Live quietly in the human world.

Although this kind of reclusive life is not a complete abandonment of fighting, but the diligence of cultivation is completely incomparable with the one that Ethan is familiar with, and the strength is naturally much worse.

What’s more, now Ethan’s realm has been continuously improved, and I don’t know how much strength is better than this Diana. He can easily defeat the Wonder Woman in front of him.

Just gently turning her finger, Diana, who had lost her weapon, found a blue energy around her, trapping her in it, and her whole body seemed to be floating in the air with no effort on all her limbs, no matter she No matter how struggling, there is no way to move.

Reaching out to hammer at that piece of blue energy, like hitting cotton, you can’t touch anything at all.


Diana was defeated in one move, and she couldn’t even understand what trick the other party used. Superman Clark no longer struggled about whether she could talk about this issue, and rushed over.

In any case, rescue Diana first. Although they are not familiar with them, they are now comrades-in-arms.

Sea King Arthur and Flash Barry also think so. They believe that at their own speed, the other party may even react


Before Superman realized what was going on, he was punched heavily on the cheek. It was obvious that Ethan was still far away one second before, and he came to him in the next instant and punched himself.

The speed is extremely fast, and the power on the fist is amazing. Even if it is Superman, it is not easy to suffer. The whole person is beaten and flew out, rolling on the ground several times before stopping.

The Flash originally wanted to take advantage of the speed to do something, but after Ethan punched Superman, he immediately turned and prepared to punch him.

The Flash, who was taken aback, immediately dodges to the side, and then the Flash, who forcibly changed direction while running at high speed, tripped himself up and turned into a ground gourd just like Superman. It took more than a dozen laps before stopping. Come down.

Ethan retracted half of his fist and looked at the Flash silently.

He felt that the Barry Allen that he saw in the Green Arrow TV universe was good enough. This time he saw something more delicious. For now, the Flash is a soy saucer. When he really faces a strong enemy, he is basically Can’t count on him.

But this is a good thing for him, because he is the worst enemy of these superheroes.

Turning around, Arthur, who is far slower than Superman and the Flash, also rushed up. Together with him are steel and Mera. Mera’s ability to control water on land is limited, so she is the same as Arthur. Choose melee.

The trident stabbed heavily on Ethan’s body. Seeing his attack hit the opponent firmly, Arthur was about to say something proudly, and suddenly found that the tip of the trident was shining with a faint light.

“What’s that?”

Without saying everything, the light suddenly became many times stronger, and at the same time a strong light burst into force, it directly lifted Arthur out.

Mera was planning to attack Ethan’s blind spot by the side, but before she could make a move, she was blown away by the aftermath of the energy explosion.

Ethan’s control of the energy was very precise. These energy bursts did not affect the steel bones that came up again, and before the steel bones figured out what happened, Ethan grabbed his neck and picked it up.

While being caught by the other party, Steel Bone feels that his body is no longer under his own control. The mechanical body composed of a large number of technological products in the mother box seems to be a pile of scrap iron. In addition to normal thinking, it is actually nothing. can not do this.


A ball hit the body, and immediately exploded and released a thick smoke, which was mixed with a smell that normal people would never bear.

Although Ethan can bear it, it doesn’t mean that he is willing to smell these smells all the time.

The empty left hand made a virtual support posture, a huge suction force was generated in the palm, and all the smoke was sucked into the palm and condensed into a small ball, and then disappeared completely with the flame of the palm.

Turning his head and looking at Bruce Wayne, who raised the bat dart next to him, Ethan was about to do something, and the Flash and Superman who had been beaten into the air rushed up again.

He took Superman’s fist with his left hand, and then glanced at the Flash who was pushing his waist with his hand out.

“what are you doing”

“I want to push you out of balance”

The Flash Barry looked at Ethan in front of him blankly. He had already exerted all his strength, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t push the opponent.

He changed several positions in a row, and even used a stunt: holding his thighs to bring down the opponent.

However, Ethan always stood firmly on the spot, clutching the steel bone firmly in his hands.

It was not easy to feel that the enemy was moving. Before the Flash was happy, Barry realized that it was not his own credit, but that the opponent flew up. If he did not let go, he might have to be taken into the air by the opponent.


When entangled whether to let go, Ethan had already made a choice for him in advance: he avoided the rays released by Superman’s eyes and suddenly reached out and grabbed the red cloak, and then smashed Superman as a weapon at the Flash under his feet. The fastest one rolled many laps on the ground.

Then he took and released another portal, reflecting the power grid that Batman had played back, making Batman himself trapped by his own equipment.

Sea King Arthur and Mera rushed up again, and then hit the red energy wall head-on.

Reaching out his hand and hammering it fiercely, except for a ripple, the energy wall in front of it was not damaged at all, and it was steadily horizontal in front of him. Haiwang and Meila could not think of any way in a short time.

At this moment, Ethan flashed green with one hand, and then made a virtual grip to face the steel bone in front of him.

“what you up to”

This is the only thing Steel Bone can do right now, his body has completely lost control, and he can speak thanks to the fact that this part is not a mechanical structure.

He didn’t expect Ethan to answer, but Ethan told him.

“Take the mother box out of your body.”

With the turning of Ethan’s palm, several heroes saw a magical scene: as if time was turned back, they could clearly see how the steel frame was born, but now the process is played in reverse.

“Stop, you will kill him if you do this”

Everyone knows that the steel frame was seriously injured because of an accident, and it depends on the magical function of the mother box to survive. If Ethan separates the mother box from the steel body, then only death awaits Victor.

Ethan would not listen to them. With his actions, the steel frame in front of him is no longer a magical structure of half human and half machinery, but gradually separated into various objects: a large pile of electronic products and parts. And a young man who was seriously injured and dying.

In addition, it is the cube floating in front of you.

Ethan had already let go, including Victor and many messy electronic products, all floating in front of him.

Holding the mother box in his hand, Ethan glanced at Victor, and after a final sigh, the hand wrapped in green energy continued to slowly turn towards him.

Just when the heroes were extremely anxious about the energy barrier and worried about Victor’s life, they were surprised to find that Victor in front of him was turning back into an ordinary person a little bit, and his injuries were making people difficult. The way of confidence disappears.

It didn’t take much time at all, a healthy ordinary man Victor just appeared in front of everyone.

Not to mention that they couldn’t believe all of this in front of them. Even Victor, who had personally experienced this magical change, couldn’t believe it. He kept looking at his hands and reached out. I kept groping around where I was injured, wanting to know if it was real or an illusion.

After doing all this, the energy in Ethan’s hand disappeared, and the energy barrier and the strange energy that trapped Diana disappeared, but the righteous heroes did not continue to attack Ethan.


This situation made them wonder what they should do. They seemed to prevent the mother box from falling into this person’s hands. There was another reason before Victor could not be sacrificed.

Now this is what the other party has directly cured Victor. It’s not like a bad guy would do it.

“What is your purpose?”

Superman has always wanted to have a good talk with Ethan, fighting is his last choice.

“I said, go home.”

Ethan held the last mother box with both hands, not worrying that these people would suddenly attack him, so he absorbed the sudden increase of energy and rules in the mother box under their gaze.

The power of the two mother boxes has been absorbed, and the power of the third mother box is absorbed much faster. Ethan quickly finished all this, and the mother box slowly disappeared, as if this world was not there. This thing exists.

The surrounding superheroes looked at everything in front of them in a daze. They felt that something unknown had happened to the person in front of them, but they couldn’t see any changes at all with their naked eyes.

They don’t know, but Ethan can feel how much he has changed. The power in the last mother box is like the last piece of the puzzle. His realm and power have reached a high level, and he finally Know where the real key is placed

Turning his head, Ethan stopped her gaze on Wonder Woman Diana. Almost at the same time, Diana exploded with great power and launched an attack on Ethan.

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