Ethan’s Fantasy Drift

Chapter 1002

Chapter 264 Take away only 1 gem with a wave

Gu Yi Mage lived a long time, his own understanding of spells and the understanding of the Eye of Agomoto far surpassed the future supreme mage Stephen Strange, that is, Doctor Strange.

She can apply the effect of time gems to specific items, distorting its causality. Just like what she is going to do now, change the result of the two gems being obtained by Ethan, and return it to the place where it was originally ‘should be’.

If it is the past Ethan, there are not many ways to deal with this method, mainly interference and avoidance.

The current Ethan does not need to do this. At the moment when Gu Yi used the power of the time gem, Ethan’s right hand lit up with green energy, and he stretched out his hand in front of him to stop him, as if he had hit something. The green energy in his hand suddenly shattered, and almost at the same time, the light from the eyes of Agomoto dimmed a lot.

Although the light of the Eye of Agomoto quickly returned to normal, the changes at this moment were still clearly seen by the mages present. As a user, Gu Yi feels even more.



“This is impossible!”

Gu Yi, who claims to have seen people, is also impossible at this time. Even the greatest wizards in history can hardly control time. Even a very small number of great masters can only rely on the power of time gems. , The power that touches a fraction of the time. It is almost impossible to use this power only with his own mage.

Moreover, she is very familiar with the time energy released by this young man, and is very similar in nature to the power of time gems in her hands, which means that this person is likely to master the power of time through time gems.

“Have you been exposed to the Time Gem? Or did you ever become the Supreme Mage?”

“I refused.”

Ethan has no interest in being a supreme mage, and he can’t guard a universe for a long time. In order to avoid the misunderstanding of Gu Yi in front of him, Ethan explained two extra sentences.

“My situation is quite special, and I often travel to different universes, so I can’t hold this position.”

“It turned out to be so.”

If Ethan does not explain, Gu Yi will definitely misunderstand that Ethan is a big villain with a huge conspiracy; Ethan will specifically explain that the root cause is in front of Gu Yi, the person who initially helped him to lay the foundation for his cultivation.

Even if he knew that Gu Yi in front of him was not the one he knew, this kind of influence still existed, and it was not something he could ignore if he wanted to.

If he wants to completely ignore it, unless he completely abandons human feelings, that is what Ethan has been trying to avoid.

He clenched a fist with his left hand, and the two gems floating in his hand disappeared again, but the blue spatial energy did not dissipate, but became stronger and larger.

Ever since he got the space gem, Ethan has been studying the nature of the energy in it. The rules of space are also one of the first rules he came into contact with and understood. Today, his own divine power has the attributes of space. It can be said that he is a personal space gem, which contains The energy of is even more than that of the original, and it is not limited to a specific universe.

As Ethan made a fist, Gu Yi could clearly feel the changes in the surrounding space. Before she had time to react, one of her hands had touched the eyes of the Agomoto she was wearing.

Gu Yi’s reaction was very fast. When the Eye of Agomoto was touched, he immediately activated the power of the Time Gem to reverse the moment in front of him, and then before Ethan reached out his hand again, he placed himself in front of him. Arrange the next space barrier before.

However, all this had no effect. The space barrier did not block Ethan for half a second, and the barrier was directly ignored by Ethan, and he went out as if it did not exist, and once again touched the eye of Agomoto.

Gu Yi realized that space spells were not effective on this person. Compared with the power of time, the opponent had a deeper attainment in space.

“Do you often travel in different universes?”

The golden mana was condensed into a shield. After a few seconds of reversing the gem of time, Gu Yi chose to use pure energy to harden it.

Ethan’s right hand was blocked by the golden energy shield. Although the shield was defeated in an instant, Ethan also succeeded in stopping Ethan.

“It’s amazing.”

Gu Yi suddenly had an illusion that he was not facing a mage at this moment, but a plane master like Domam.

When she was emotional, she suddenly felt as if something was wrong, Gu Yi immediately looked down at her front, and there was nothing in the place where the eyes of Agomoto were supposed to be worn at this time.

Looking up at the opposite young man, the other’s left hand was enveloped with green energy that symbolizes the power of time, and slowly turned towards her right hand, and then her very familiar Eye of Agomoto appeared in Ethan’s hand.

To reverse the cause and effect, only when the control of one’s own mana reaches the peak, and the time power contained in the eyes of Agomoto can do all this.

But even the most top-level Supreme Master can do it with the help of the Eye of Agomoto, like Ethan’s bare-handed…

Ethan has been in contact with the Eye of Agomoto, but his understanding and mastery of the rules of time is far inferior to his own understanding of space. If it is in other places, it is difficult for him to achieve the level in front of him.

There is one exception to the world, and that is the Marvel universe.

To be precise, it is the Marvel Cinematic Universe!

In this universe, his understanding and mastery of the power of time or the rules is absolutely the top existence, even if there is no time gem, he still uses the rules of time to a certain extent.

What’s more, when he’touches’ the gem of time for the first time, he can’use’ the power of this gem.

That is to say, when Ethan touched the time gem, he was “connected” to the time rules of the universe. Even if Gu Yi used the Eye of Agomoto to twist and rewrite and eliminate this matter, he would not be able to change Iraq. Sen’Zeng’ is connected to the time rules of this universe.

Looking at the Eye of Agomoto in his hand, Ethan was not polite, and he squeezed it hard, and the delicate pendant was directly squeezed into powder by Ethan, revealing the time gem inside.

In addition to being a spell-casting item, the Eye of Agomoto is also a defensive equipment to protect the Time Gem from being forcibly taken away. Even if the average person grabs the Eye of Agomoto, there is no way to take the Time Gem out of it.

It is a pity that these methods are of no use to Ethan, let alone his strength to crack the above spell; more importantly: Ethan was a person recognized by Gu Yi at the beginning, and he knew how to remove the above defensive spell.

Gu Yi saw the scene in front of him, so he could only helplessly shook his head.

At this time, even she couldn’t change all of this.

The mages who watched the battle outside were very anxious, but the battle inside was not something they could participate in. They just felt incredible from the outside, and if they went in with them, I might not even know how they died.

When Ethan easily destroyed the Eye of Agomoto and got the Time Gem, Mordu looked like he couldn’t believe it: the great ancient master has failed! And is the Eye of Agomoto so easily destroyed? What about the defensive magic attached to it?

Many mages were desperate, but Gu Yi inside didn’t have so many thoughts, but a headache. After losing the gem of time, where will the future of the earth go? She can’t be sure anymore.

And without the gem of time, she couldn’t get a glimpse of the possibilities in the future.

Ethan looked at the gem in his hand, he could leave directly when the gem of time was in his hands, but the one opposite was Gu Yi, and he couldn’t just leave like that.

Others don’t know, doesn’t he know yet?

Gu Yi will face a dead end next. Without the plug-in of Time Gem, Doctor Strange could not negotiate with Domam, otherwise the universe would be over.

The green gem disappeared with Ethan’s flipping hand movement. The next second he appeared in front of Gu Yi, easily blocking Gu Yi’s instinctive attack, and stretched out his hand to hold Gu Yi’s forehead.

“Don’t worry, I am helping you solve the problems that have plagued you for many years.”

Gu Yi’signed a work contract’ with Domam in Dark Space, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com she was able to use that huge power freely with the support of her extraordinary spiritual will, and she did not fall into the darkness.

This is a hidden danger after all. What Ethan has to do is to terminate the work contract.

In the past, even if he had this idea, he couldn’t do it! Now he can do it, but the Gu Yi he knows has changed his body and has taken another route. He doesn’t need his help to ‘break the contract’.

“Without the time gem, Strange can’t quickly take on the heavy task of the Supreme Mage. This universe needs you to do more.”

Withdrawing his right hand, Ethan took a step back.

At this time, Gu Yi had realized what Ethan had done, and she didn’t expect this person to have this level of strength.

“Although you will not be able to’borrow’ power from Domam in the future, this shouldn’t be a big problem for you.”

Having said this, Ethan turned his head and directly initiated the space transfer and left Kama Taj.

At the same time he left, the mirror space that Ethan arranged was also lifted, and Kama Taj was restored to peace and harmony… It’s strange that the sacred eye of Agomoto was destroyed, the gem of time was robbed, Kamatai How can Ji be calm?

Although the Supreme Master Gu Yi eliminated the biggest hidden danger, his strength inevitably declined, and the issue of successor was also a headache.

In short, Kama Taj must be in a mess, but it has nothing to do with Ethan.

Ethan, who had successfully obtained three infinite gems, set his next goal on the power gem.

“If I remember correctly, the power gem should be piled up on a desolate planet, and it should be easy to get.”

Compared to the easy-to-obtain power gems and reality gems, he still has a headache how to get the soul gems.

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