
Chapter 67: Expanding Territories: Yugakure Part II

“Wakey, wakey bitch.”

The Spy that had broken into Tayuya’s office had been awake for several minutes so she half expected a slap to follow, but remained relaxed in order hopefully by a few more moments to reflect on her situation. She cursed her getting caught as she had been too eager to try and recover the scroll from Tayuya to properly scout out the woman’s office. But, after months of not hearing anything of value as the red-head had focused almost exclusively on the next Princess Gale film, it had been too hard not to act and miss her chance. But due to that rush she was now tied to a chair, and was positive that she was about to be tortured for information on where she came from and who sent her.

To her surprise though instead of being slapped, a warm weight settled on her lap as arms wrapped gingerly around her neck. “I know you’re awake,” Tayuya’s voice said without the same harshness as before, “This really doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience you know.” The spy was taken aback by the softness of her would be interrogator’s voice so opened her eyes.

Tayuya gave her a smirk, which grew wider as the brown-haired woman’s gaze moved down from her face and registered that she was sitting on her lap completely naked. Her captive’s eyes grew wide for a moment before she met the red-head’s eyes with a glare. “Is this the part where you threaten to rape me if I don’t cooperate? Funny, I would think that was a job for the man that was accompanying you.”

“Oh, no, no, no,” Tayuya said sounding mockingly horrified, “That just isn’t our style. Besides, if we were going to rape you, wouldn’t you be naked as well?” She leaned in towards her captive as she whispered throatily in her ear, “Not to mention, it wouldn’t be torture if he were to have his way with you.” Her captive scoffed causing the former Sound-nin to pull away to state, “Oh, don’t get me wrong. I know even if it feels good as long as it’s against your will its rape. But, that’s why we’re going to play this little game.” Tayuya stood from the woman’s lap causing her captive to take in her surroundings for the first time. The bound woman was obviously surprised to find herself in a large spacious bedroom with expensive looking furniture.

Her gaze caught sight of a dresser with a mirror on it which from the angle of it, she was able to see a window behind her. The spy having expected to have been moved to Koyuki’s mansion in Fire Country, where she stayed while filming movies at the studio, was shocked to see an urban environment reflected in it. The woman returned her glare to Tayuya as the red-head noticing her captive’s barely expressed surprise said, “Very good, you’re not in Fire Country anymore. You’re in the Capital of Spring Country.”

“How long have I been out?”

“You really don’t know how this interrogation shit works do you?” Tayuya asked amused. “Generally, it’s the person tied to the chair that gets asked the questions.”

“Typically I imagine it would also be the person tied to the chair that is naked,” the spy retorted causing a woman behind Tayuya to laugh.

“She does have you there,” an equally naked Maki said causing the spy to notice her presence for the first time. The woman’s eyes then traveled to the large bed that the recently revealed kunoichi was standing next to. It was a four-poster bed that had a translucent sheet surrounding it which due to the light on a night stand opposite of the woman’s location was causing a shadow to appear on it. From the shadow, she was able to tell that there was a third occupant of the room, and she guessed from the build it belonged to the man that had appeared with Tayuya when they ambushed her.

Her gaze settled back on the red-head as she stated, “Tell you what. If you confirm my guess about where you are from, then I’ll tell you how long you’ve been unconscious.”

The spy simply met Tayuya’s gaze with a blank stare as the red-head walked around her. “Okay then,” Tayuya replied with a shrug when no answer became forthcoming, “Maki, why don’t you get things started why I explain things to our guest.”

The spy noted how a wide smile appeared on the other woman’s face as she replied, “I thought you’d never ask.”

The woman watched as Maki climbed onto the bed causing her shadow to get cast on the sheet as she crawled to the sitting man who stated, “Um, Maki… I’m not sure how comfortable I am with this plan.”

The man let out a groan though a moment later Maki’s face lowered to his groin and her shadow melded with his. It remained stationary as slurping noises rose from behind the silk curtain, before Maki head began sliding up and down in his lap.

Tayuya smirked as Maki pulled away with a loud pop to reveal the proudly erect kunoichi tamer that had ensnared many a stubborn kunoichi. She noticed how the captive woman’s eyes grew slightly bigger as she took stock of it herself. Maki caused Tayuya to giggle as she said, “At least one part of you seems quiet happen to go along with it. Just lay back and relax, because it’s been so long since I’ve had you to myself I wouldn’t care if the entirety of Suna was outside that curtain watching.”

Tayuya watched as the spy filed away the information away that the other woman might be a resident of Suna. She knew that she was playing a rather dangerous game; as if it got out of hand Naruto would neither take the woman against her will, nor kill her in order to eliminate her. Furthermore, considering the fact that she was all but positive that her captive was from Yugakure, a place notorious for selling the secrets of others, she knew what the spy was learning would potentially expose the Family.

However, Tayuya was convinced that while her captive might have been working for the Daimyo of Hot-Water Country, she might have had an angle of her own in securing the scroll. She believed this due to how it appeared that the woman was working alone as while she had been unconscious for several hours, they had searched her apartment finding no sign that anyone else had been there. Not to mention how the spy had kept everyone at arm’s length while assuming her duties as the studio’s head of security. As such, Tayuya believed that much like Taki had apparently been assigned a long term mission to find and deal with Kanji by herself. Her captive had been assigned a similar mission to find and collect the scroll. She believed though that the woman had her own angle simply because as far as Tayuya could tell, the woman had not tried to contact anyone about her success in locating it. The reason could be that she simply didn’t want to report as much without getting eyes on it, but considering how the spy should have realized that Tayuya was operating as part of a larger organization due to Naruto’s appearance with it, the woman’s lack of caution seemed suspect. After all, she could easily imagine that Daimyo Bora would be quite interested in knowing another group was also interested in what was on the scroll.

She focused on the matter at hand as she found it amusing to watch how the spy was looking away from the curtain as her cheeks began to color. Occasionally she’d look up whenever a loud moan escaped Naruto as Maki continued to suck his cock. But upon noticing Tayuya watching she’d catch herself looking so would quickly turn away.

Walking behind the chair, she felt her own pussy growing wet from the show as Naruto laid down on his back and apparently forgot about the audience so began to get lost in feeling good, causing his desire to make his lovers feel so as well to take over prompting him to say, “Maki, let me taste you.”

The Suna jounin and member of its shinobi council quickly spun around so that she was lying atop of him with her pussy facing him. She let out a loud moan as Naruto immediately raised up to clamp his mouth to it and began licking her outer lips before plunging his tongue inside.

The act caused the spy to look back up and she shifted uncomfortably. Tayuya smirked since she imagined the kunoichi’s body was beginning to react to the sight and sounds filling the room. Wrapping her arms around the woman’s neck she whispered huskily in her ear, “So just to make it clear. I know you’re a kunoichi from Yugakure, and I know you were tasked with recovering the scroll that I helped myself too. But, I’m thinking that you really have no idea as to what is on it, and are rather curious.” The woman shifted her gaze to meet Tayuya’s eyes as best she could so the red-head added, “I can tell you.” She quickly registered the desire to know that appeared in the woman’s eyes before it disappeared. The quick flash though was enough to confirm to her that her captive’s desire for knowledge wasn’t born of personal gain. But, likely a desire to know exactly why Bora wanted it back so badly, and if it was something that she could use against him. From her own time as Naruto’s talent scout, as well as some insights gained from Konan’s visit, she suspected the woman was one of the kunoichi not pleased with Yugakure’s current path. However, the woman looked away refusing to bite on the tempting morsel that she had been given, so Tayuya sighed before stating, “Looks like we do this the hard way then.” Coming around the chair to temporarily block the shadows of the moaning couple on the bed while they continued to orally please each other, she added, “Well, hard for you that is. For Maki and myself it is going to be extremely pleasurable. Now as you can no doubt already ascertain your chakra has been sealed and you have been tied to that chair. Oh, and just in case you get some funny ideas about breaking it while I’m otherwise distracted. Just know that the cloths binding you are specially made in Suna and are…”

An “Oh fuck,” cut Tayuya off causing her to look back and see that Maki had impaled herself on Naruto’s pleasure stick and was now happily bouncing atop of it. She watched for a moment and let her hand drift between her legs to give her cunt a quick rub as her pussy reminded her that it wanted to be stuffed full of Uzumaki meat too. She tore her eyes away and focused on her prisoner who was also watching the Suna kunoichi raise and lower herself on the dick buried inside her.

Tayuya continued to rub her snatch as the spy seemed to have forgotten about her presence for the moment, but when she remembered her eyes went wide in shock at seeing the red-head boldly rubbing her drooling cunt. Picking up from where she had been interrupted at she continued with a sense of urgency, “Anyway, those bindings will get tighter and tighter the more you struggle so I would recommend not struggling too much. Although, I suspect a little squirming is to be expected. You stay here and I’ll be back to check on you to see if you feel like talking. Hmm, let’s say in about an hour shall we.”

With that Tayuya walked away to the edge of the bed and crawled in casting her shadow on the curtain. Moving to Naruto’s face, she lowered her mouth to his and began kissing him hungrily while Maki continued to bounce on his dick as he fondled and teased her breasts. Already forgetting about her captive, she pulled away to take in her lover’s face which showed the pleasure he was feeling from being buried inside Maki and wanting to contribute to it she moved down to his chest to begin running her tongue around his nipples. Hearing him groan caused her to bring her hand between her legs as it was music to her ears. Yet, soon her hand wasn’t enough so she straddled his face and immediately felt him begin kissing her nether lips to drink in her love honey.

Tayuya leaned forward so she could wrap her arms around Maki’s neck and pulled her into a kiss. The two kunoichi moaned into each other’s mouths as their half of Naruto continued pleasuring their pussies. Maki eventually broke away due to her approaching orgasm causing her to arch back and grab Naruto’s knees as she began grinding herself into him. It also served to pull her tits free of his hands which sought out Tayuya’s instead while she leaned forward to clamp her mouth to the Suna-nin’s breast. Flicking her tongue over the woman’s nipple, she used her other hand to pinch and tease the other until Maki suddenly let out a loud shriek as she alerted everyone, “Oh yes… fuck yes… I’m cumming!!!”

Tayuya pulled back and watched as Maki shivered while her orgasm hit her. Naruto suddenly squeezing tighter on her breasts let the red-head know that the Suna-nin was also receiving a womb full of his seed. Maki fell back as she caught her breath; the action caused Naruto’s cock to pull free and snap towards Tayuya causing her to get sprayed with the last few spurts of his cum. She leaned forward to clean it before taking it for a spin herself, but Naruto had other ideas as he pushed her forward and slid from beneath her.

Tayuya didn’t mind as she was quickly filled with him once he got up to his knees behind her. She threw herself back to meet his thrusts and moaned loudly for her captive’s benefit. But, seeing Naruto’s seed leaking from Maki’s just fucked lower lips couldn’t deny herself the taste of the elixir that had been created from the essences of the two so pulled the Suna-nin towards her mouth in order to tongue fuck her cunt. She let herself get lost in the pleasure as she let Maki’s cries substitute for her own while she thistly drank the seed that Naruto had deposited inside her. All the while confident that those cries were wearing down her captive’s will, especially as she was sure soon the woman’s body would be begging to experience the pleasure that she was witnessing Naruto give them for herself.


Mabui sat on her couch as she ate some take out ramen from a relatively new restaurant called Ichiraku of Kumogakure. She had met the owner and knew that it was Ayame’s father, who was currently looking for a cook to take over now that he had established his newest chain. She had asked about where he planned to head next and she had held back a smirk as he had suggested Amegakure as his next stop. Seeing the ramen shop that Naruto had practically grown up on spreading to places where his ambition had filled Mabui with a sense of pride. She figured that much like the smell of the stand had reminded her of her lover; it would be a constant reminder of just how far they had come.

The door to her apartment opened causing her to hold back a smile as she figured the smell was what attracted the two women stepping inside who were Yugito and Samui. Her fellow Kumo-nin approached while Yugito said, “Since it seems Naruto is busy, are you settling for the next best thing?”

Mabui smiled as she teased back, “Are you projecting your own desires onto me? Teuchi mentioned that he thought his ramen might be some sort of jinchuriki attractant as you’ve been spending an awful lot of time there since returning from Turtle Island.”

Yugito’s cheeks colored slight before giggling as she admitted, “Well it is a scent he almost always carries on him. So you can’t blame a girl for wanting to be around it as often as possible. Plus it doesn’t hurt the food is to die for.”

“Speaking of,” Samui said nodding towards the bag, “There seems to be quite a bit.”

Mabui held her hand towards it stating, “Help yourselves. I figured the smell might attract your attention. I thought it would be nice to eat with my new neighbors.”

The other two women smiled at the gesture quickly helping themselves while Mabui’s attention refocused back on the file open before her. Having read it several times already she couldn’t focus exclusively on it so found herself thinking about how nice it was to have neighbors again, especially ones that she shared so much with. It was she supposed another sign of just how far the Family’s ambition had come as Kiyomi had taken advantage of Kumo’s economic downturn before the effects of the opening up trade with the other Shinobi Villages had taken effect to purchase up all the vacant apartments in Mabui’s building. Therefore, as a result the top three floors of the luxurious building built into the side of the mountain belonged solely to Kiyomi’s company.

Mabui had to give the fox credit as she had managed to purchase them without tipping her off as she had set up a shell corporation to do it. The new corporation which in hindsight Mabui should have realized might be tied to Kiyomi’s company as it had been called Fox’s Den incorporated was a real estate company which specialized in buying up properties and turning them around. Mabui had just recently become aware of the truth as she had looked deeper into the company as she had noticed lots of changes being made to her building. Finding the paper trail led to the Great Tree Shipping Company she had approached Karin, who had in turn told her to talk to both Mito and Kiyomi.

Cornering the two women, she had been touched and happy upon learning that Naruto had asked them to create similar home like environments for his lovers outside of Konoha as the Hidden Eddy Inn. The other two women of Kumogakure that were also members of his family had just recently moved in. Still, Mabui admitted that it would probably be a while before the recently renamed Hidden Thunder Inn would be as lively as its Konoha counterpart. Mabui was making plans to help the process along, but figured it would still be a while before they could be put in place as Naruto was likely focusing on the upcoming Chunin Exams. Not to mention moving his ambition forward.

Therefore in the meantime she had put her mental energies to other pursuits, one of which Samui inquired about as she looked at the file the Raikage secretary was only partial reading. “Reading about the missing-nin Balrog is not exactly something that I would want to do with a full stomach. He truly was a detestable man.”

“I agree,” Mabui stated having just started in her position around the time the powerfully built man had become a missing-nin. “However, having just become aware of his connection to the incident that occurred when the Whirling Tides Manor was purchased I figured it couldn’t hurt to have a look.”

“What incident are you referring too?”

Answering Samui’s question Yugito stated, “It was before your induction to the family. But, right after Karin won the auction to purchase the Whirling Tides Manor, she and Tsunami were attacked by Balrog and a masked man. Thanks to her chakra sensing abilities she was able to identify the man as a rival bidder named Vega.” Focusing on Mabui the former host of the two-tails said, “I looked into Balrog after the incident. But considering that ever since defecting he’s bounced from one criminal group to another as an enforcer there wasn’t much to go on. I just figured Vega hired him for some added muscle.”

“A reasonable theory since even Ibiki investigation into S.I.N. would seem to suggest as much. The S.I.N. Corporation also rather quickly distanced themselves from Vega, stating that while he did work for them it was simply in the role of a consultant and buyer for properties the corporation was looking to turn around. They even suggested that he might have taken the role to lend his movements an air of credibility to cover his illegal activities.”

Samui picked up the file on Vega as she said, “I see. Since I’m not tied to the more intelligence aspects of our ambition I’m not an expert, but I thought we are operating under the assumption that S.I.N. might have been interested in the Whirling Tides Manor as a front for something. But, this information would make it seem as if Vega could have been hired simply to assassinate Karin and the auction was just an excuse to appear in Wave with his target.”

Mabui nodded as she replied, “That is one interpretation of the evidence. I would even go and state that it is the most probable conclusion one would make if presented the evidence we have gathered thus far.”

Sounding amused, Yugito stated, “Yet, why do I sense a but coming up?”

“I suppose because I would have to add, but it feels too neat.”

“Ah yes, and we would really hate it if something was nice and neat rather than snowballing into grand conspiracies,” the blonde Jinchuriki stated amused.

Mabui was forced to smile as she replied, “Well it just wouldn’t feel right if it didn’t.” The three Kumo-nin shared amused looks before she continued, “Besides, Karin seems to believe that Vega’s interest truly laid with the hotel and his attacking her was simply because she had outbid him so attacked her group out of vanity. From what we’ve been able to learn about him, I would tend to believe that version of what happened.”

“Yet, where does that leave us?” Samui asked. “It’s likely that due to the mask he wears Vega was a member of the Hunter Division of Kirigakure. But, we have almost no information coming from there as all the villages currently tied with us are on exceedingly poor terms with them. Vega is as much a dead end as Balrog was.”

“Maybe not,” Mabui stated taking the folder from Samui to flip to a newer entry as she noted the others had finished eating. Turning the folder to face the other two women, they saw pictures of what looked like a massacre. More importantly to the women, they noticed that several in of the pictures featured shinobi wearing Kumo uniforms. Samui recognized some of the shinobi having attended their funerals, but Yugito having been on Turtle Island to keep tabs on Bee and Aisha as well as handling their punishment before Ay had arrived to take over was surprised.

“W-when did this happen?”

Answering the former host, Mabui explained, “This happened while you were away with Bee. A team of Chunin, with a Jounin leader, were ordered to raid a warehouse suspected to be a location that the criminal group Shadowloo was using to store drugs they were supplying to the area. You are looking at the aftermath of that raid. Two female chunin named Juni and Juli are currently missing, while all the males were killed but one. He was found in a state of near death and has been in a coma since then. He recently came out of it, and yesterday was well enough to finally shed some light on what happened. It turns out that both Vega and Balrog were there along with a woman with a glowing eye. I believe this glowing eye might have been a techno-organ that I was recently made aware of from our last intelligence gathering. If so, it seems that it might be possible that Shadowloo is behind the chakra armor showing up at the Whirling Tides Manor. It might have also served as a little bit of payback for outbidding them for it, especially if Vega is working for them.”

“Wait, you’re suggesting that Shadowloo wanted to purchase the Whirling Tides Manor?”

Nodding in the affirmative to Yugito’s question, Mabui explained, “A casino would be a great way to funnel large sums of ill-gotten cash, which was what they wanted to build there.”

“I don’t know,” Samui said sounding unconvinced at the idea. “If Shadowloo is involved they went through a lot of effort to cover their tracks. It would also suggest that S.I.N. is a front for them, yet it survived a rather thorough investigation from the Leaf without anything suspicious turning up. I find it hard to believe they would be so upfront about what they wanted the hotel for.”

Mabui couldn’t fault Samui’s logic but tried to refute some of it stating, “Well, Shadowloo hasn’t become as big a problem for the Leaf as it has been for us. Moreover, it could have been them hoping to branch out when they tried to buy Whirling Tides Manor.”

“I don’t know about that,” Yugito said with a frown, “Didn’t Vega turn up with those slavers in Wind Country? It would suggest to me that Shadowloo’s reach goes a lot further than we think. Maybe we should ask someone in Suna to interrogate the surviving slave traders. It might turn out that they are more connected to Shadowloo then we think.”

“I’ll suggest it to Hanare,” Mabui said thinking it couldn’t hurt, especially if it brought them closer to learning if Shadowloo was the culprits behind the Chakra Armor attack on Bee, as well as what other plots the organization had which could interfere with their Family’s goals.


“Oh fuck yes, you motherfucker shoot your cum inside me,” Tayuya shouted as she came after feeling Naruto fire rope after rope of his seed inside her already overfilled womb. She moaned in happy satisfaction with a slight tone of loss as he pulled out and Maki quickly wrapped her lips around his manhood.

He in turned groaned as Maki began licking him clean while Tayuya crawled to the end of the bed and stepped out from behind the sheet to check on her captive. The former Sound-nin was amused as the woman turned away as soon as she noticed that she was being observed having been engrossed in the shadows cast on the sheet surrounding the bed. Tayuya walked a little weak-kneed as she and Maki had been enjoying their lover nearly non-stop for over three hours. Every once in a while Tayuya would check on her captive to see how well she was holding up, in order to get the information she desired.

Tayuya watched the woman struggle not to squirm and rub her thighs together under her gaze. The red-head spotted the traces of Naruto’s cum that she had left behind on the woman’s lap from her previous talks due to it leaking out of her well fucked pussy. Retaking her seat on her lap, she took in the woman’s elevated breathing, and rosy cheeks as the spy did everything in her power to avoid eye contact. Still she barely resisted as Tayuya placed a finger under the woman’s chin to guide her gaze to her eyes. Almost immediately the woman’s brown eyes locked on a glob of Naruto’s cum that was near Tayuya’s lips. The red-head used her tongue to swipe it up and moaned contently from the taste.

“Mmm, delicious,” she said after savoring her lover’s flavor. Wrapping her arms around the woman’s neck as she sat on her lap facing her, she asked, “So, how about it? Do you feel like talking yet?

Tayuya could tell that the woman was on the edge of surrendering to the lust that her inability to move allowed to keep building, but not just due to the sights and sounds of the sexual acts that she had witnessed, but also to Naruto’s pheromones which even now where filling the room driving all those present wild with lust. Pheromones which considering Tayuy’s close proximity were driving the woman made with desire, and a need for release. Hoping to push the woman over the edge she leaned in to whisper, “You don’t need to suffer. Just give in and I promise you’ll never regret it.”

The woman moaned in response as Tayuya leaned back to study her target and could see that she had just barely holding back from licking another grouping of Naruto’s cum from her chest. Tayuya scooped it up with her finger and held two of her semen covered digits in front of the brown-haired kunoichi. She nearly laughed as she moved them before the woman, whose gaze tracked the movements like a canine following a treat. Seeing that, she brought them towards the kunoichi’s mouth, who opened it to receive the creamy goodness, but at the last second Tayuya pulled her hand away.

The woman groaned audibly prompting her to say, “What’s your name?”

“Chun-li,” the woman said as her resistance crumbled due to the unbearable need she had to taste the white man cream hanging from the red-head’s fingers.

“A pleasure,” Tayuya stated placing her fingers against Chun-li’s tongue. She watched the woman’s eyes roll up into the back of her head as she moaned loudly while her pussy flooded her panties due to the small taste awakening a need that she could no longer control.

Chun-li didn’t even offer token resistance as Tayuya pulled her face towards her chest. Instead, she licked along her captor’s chest tasting more of the man the red-head had been fucking for the past several hours.

Tayuya watched as the Chun-li licked her chest like a woman possessed while she searched out for more of her lover’s seed. She bit her lip for a moment as she felt a small hesitation about implementing the next phase of her plan, mainly because she knew her lover might not react well to it. This was because he was ignorant of a key factor, and even though she knew it would prove that he was the type of man that all of Naruto’s lovers believed he was to her captive. It would also test him, and he probably would not be happy about it afterwards. But, having come this far she decided to proceed so whistled a short three note tune.

Behind her on the bed, Maki ceased blowing Naruto in order to ask, “Hey, do you want to try something new?”


She climbed up Naruto’s chest to sit on it and then grabbing his hands she held them against the posts of the bed. “How about you let me tie you to the bed?”

Tayuya could hear the smile in Naruto’s voice as he said, “I believe we’ve done that before. Am I going to need to search you for a kunai?”

“I’m pretty sure with how eagerly you’ve explored my body already you would have found one by now,” Maki replied with an amused tone. “This time I want to do it and us a new jutsu that I’ve developed. It will block out your sense of sight and sound, just leaving you your remaining senses.” Tayuya imagined Naruto was giving the Suna-nin an unsure look which prompted her to say with a pout, “Please, I promise you’ll feel things you’ve never felt before.”

The smile he wore was easy to hear in his voice as he said, “How can I refuse such a tempting offer?”

Tayuya looked over her shoulder to watch as Maki pointed to her cloth roll and due to her chakra which was infused in the material; it began to respond to her wishes. Like a snake, the end of the roll shot forward and wrapped around Naruto’s wrists tying him to the bed. The rest of the cloth bundle fell inert after Naruto was secured so the Suna kunoichi tore off a small piece that she tied around Naruto’s eyes and then applied a seal to.

Almost immediately Naruto said with a voice several octaves louder than normal, “Hey, who turned out the lights. It’s a lot darker than... Wow, I really can’t hear anything either. I guess I’m at your mercy now, huh.”

Tayuya watched Maki reach forward to caress Naruto’s face, and could imagine the look of contentment the Suna-nin wore. She knew it was a sign of trust for Naruto to allow himself to be put in such a similar situation to how the two had first become bound together considering Maki had intended to kill him at the time. It was that fact which had made it rather difficult for Tayuya to convince her to go along with the plan that they were now putting into motion. Still, she had succeeded by reminding the Suna-nin that the best way to bring the captive around was for the emotions to be as real and raw as possible. That way if things went as Tayuya expected, it would be harder for Chun-li to believe she was being duped if Naruto showed he had been as equally in the dark.

She watched Maki’s shadow turn around and she lowered her face to Naruto’s groin causing him to moan loudly as she gave his mansicle a large lick. Tayuya turned away as Maki continued to tease their shared lover in order to prepare him so a new combatant could enter the arena that was his bed. She pulled her chest from Chun-li’s licking face causing the woman to stare at her hungrily as Naruto’s scent and taste had acted as an aphrodisiac for the kunoichi. Cupping the woman’s face, who began to suck on Tayuya’s thumb which had rested near her lips, the red-head asked, “Do you want the burning need between your legs to go away?”

“Yes,” the woman whispered almost pleadingly, “Let… let my hands go so I can get some relief please. I’ve answered your questions.”

“You’ve answered a question,” Tayuya corrected, “I have many, many more. But, you do deserve some compensation for your coming around.” The red-head stood from Chun-li’s lap and almost immediately the woman looked towards the gathered seed that had leaked from her as they had talked. Hugging her from behind, Tayuya ran her fingers down her captive’s front. Dipping her fingers in the puddle of cum, Tayuya raised them before Chun-li and when the brunette leaned forward to try and clean them, the former Sound-nin said, “Why settle for leftovers when you can have it straight from the source.” Chun-li looked away from the tantalizing seed as some of her modesty returned, but Tayuya whispered, “It’s okay; there is no need to be ashamed. You’re right in thinking that burning desire is just your body giving into the stimuli it has been fed these past few hours. It is not a weakness on your part to want to experience the same pleasure you’ve witnessed us enjoy. I’ll let you have a crack as well, and he doesn’t even have to know. Currently he’s been blindfolded and his sense of hearing is being blocked. You can just waltz over experience the thrill of riding his big fat cock and be returned to the chair with him being none the wiser. Would you like that?”

Chun-li’s gaze focused on the shadows being cast on the silk screen. Tayuya, brought her cum coated digit next to the brunette’s lips and began rubbing her index finger around them until they parted so the woman could suck it clean. Tayuya took it as a sign that she had surrendered to the desires burning inside her so undid the knot holding her captive to the chair. She helped the woman stand while noticing the darkened material where her lusts had seeped into it.

Chun-li stood shakily mostly to her having sat in the same position for several hours, as well as her hands were still tied behind her back. Tayuya moved in front and crouched down before her captive pulling down the woman’s pants as she went. She was mindful of the fact that despite her captive’s chakra still being sealed, that didn’t mean she was completely defenseless. But, as the scent of Chun-li’s arousal hit her once she got her pants and panties down past her hips, she felt that the only thing she would need to be worried of was being trampled as the brunette tried to reach Naruto to have her drooling pussy plugged full of Uzumaki meat.

Chun-li stepped out of her pants with Tayuya’s help, who tossed them to the side, before taking a moment to inspect the woman. A neatly trimmed bush of brown hair laid just above her pussy which was dribbling its fluid down the insides of her powerfully built thighs. Confident in her plan, Tayuya turned her back on Chun-li stating, “Follow me.”

For a moment, she felt a spark of warning that the woman might attack her, but Naruto let out a groan due to Maki circling the head of his cock with her tongue. Tayuya felt the thought of resistance fade from her captive who followed behind. Tayuya stopped at the foot of the bed, pulling the sheet to the side as she said, “Feel free to enjoy with my compliments. We’ll talk more after you’ve gotten some relief.”

Tayuya helped the woman stand on the bed, as Maki made room for her. Chun-li squatted down over his dick and moaned as Maki holding it ran it along her slit; she then pulled it back causing the head of it to scrap against some of the hairs of the brunette’s bush. Having felt the new weight on the bed, and seeing as Maki was shaved completely while Tayuya had an arrow above her cunt, Naruto asked, “Has my sexy demoness come back for more?”

Tayuya laughed as it was rather loud due to his sense of hearing being blocked as a result of the seal that had been applied to the cloth covering his eyes. Maki smirked as well as she continued to tease the kunoichi by dragging the blond’s cock against the woman’s nether lips. Finally though she held it steady and Chun-li having enough of the teasing quickly seized the opportunity to impale herself on it.

“Oh fuck,” Naruto groaned, while Chun-li shrieked as she came just from finally feeling the cock nestle up against her deepest spot. Tayuya bit her lip a little bit in concern since she was sure the woman’s cunt was trying to milk Naruto of his seed, but she breathed easier as he seemed to whether the store. “Fuck Tayuya, how can you still be worked up enough to cum just from having me in you?”

Naruto sighed as he realized there was no point in asking a question he wouldn’t be able to hear an answer to. But he was surprised as after cumming so hard, he felt who he believed was Tayuya begin bouncing almost frantically on his cock. He enjoyed the stimuli that his remaining senses where feeding him and admitted Maki’s little game was making the experience rather incredible. He could feel Maki’s lips when she pressed them against his chest and looked forward to guessing where they would appear next. Yet, he couldn’t help feeling something was off as Tayuya almost felt too frantic riding atop of him.

Focusing on the sensations he was getting from her, while trying to ignore Maki’s teasing kisses which were feeling more and more like a ploy to distract him, Naruto felt the picture his mind had been feeding him of Tayuya being the one atop of him begin to fade. He knew people that were aware of his many lovers might doubt him, but Naruto had always maintained that he could tell the subtle differences he experienced with each of them. He tended to believe that was one of the reasons his Harem didn’t experience lots of jealousy or infighting, as he always treated them as individuals so recognized those things that made them as such. Including what differentiated them when in the midst of making love.

So, while the woman riding his cock was moving in a similar manner as he could picture Tayuya doing. It seemed off, particularly since he couldn’t picture her getting off to such a degree without him participating. Tayuya like with how she talked gave as good as she got, and he couldn’t imagine her enjoying riding him when Naruto couldn’t hear her talking dirty to him. Furthermore, after several hours of passionate sex already, he just couldn’t picture her fucking him so wildly as if she was starving for it or had been denied release for hours on end. Naruto’s eyes grew wide behind the blindfold as he quickly realized what his lovers were up to.

Tayuya watched Chun-li as she bounced on Naruto’s cock lost in a daze. Her head was staring up at the canopy of the bed as she rode him while facing the foot of the bed. She had been rubbing her pussy absentmindedly, but focused on Naruto as his head suddenly turned to where Chun-li had been sitting. He suddenly looked back as if he could see her despite the jutsu blinding him as he said, “Tayuya, whatever you’re doing put an end to it now.”

Chun-li hearing those words began bouncing even faster as she likely suspected she was about to be deprived of the orgasm that she had been working towards. Naruto groaned as the woman’s cunt bore down while she moved faster and harder to cum and perhaps feel him do so as well. “Fuck…miss…stop…shit, I’m going to cum…” Chun-li did the opposite as she felt him swell inside her and moaned in frustration as Naruto refused to coat her in the warmth she was craving.

He clamped down on the desire to paint a new womb white as he steadied himself to say, “Tayuya, stop her now! Maki untie me.”

The words reverberated through both women as Naruto used the Voice to make each woman comply with his orders. Tayuya moved forward grabbing Chun-li and pulled her off his cock just as Naruto exploded. His seed hit against the entrance of her cunt causing the brunette that had been on the verge of protesting seconds before to scream in release. Maki meanwhile made a handsign that caused the bonds holding him tied down to loosen. Naruto sat up pulling the blindfold from his eyes causing his sight and hearing to return. He was greeted to the view of Chun-li’s rear facing him with her pussy coated in his seed, as well as the sounds of her satisfied breathing.

Looking at both of his lovers, he could see they were worried that he was angry, but strangely enough could also tell they were both feeling a sense of pride in him. Deciding to hear their explanations before deciding on whether to be angry or not, he said, “Alright, what were you two really up to?”


“I don’t like it,” Tsunade said causing Naruto to chuckle from his couch. Currently in his apartment as it had been a little over a week since the encounter with Chun-li. He had listened to Tayuya’s explanation that she had believed Naruto would recognize it wasn’t her and that upon doing so would demand they stop the woman from binding herself. She had felt it would give them a means of gaining the woman’s trust when she realized the truth of her situation.

It had been a ploy that had worked since while she had recovered from her orgasm, Chun-li had put enough together to realize the control that he would have gained over her had he came inside. She hadn’t been happy about being manipulated into sleeping with him, but she got over it quickly enough as she realized that they had answers that she had been searching for. Also, realizing that they had gained nothing in bringing her to the edge of binding herself only to back off, it had prompted Chun-li into also answering their questions. What had followed was an exchange of information that had left Chun-li speechless as she had learned that the scroll that she had been tasked with finding contained the secrets of the Binding, the jutsu that both the Temptation and Yugakure’s Enticement Touch had derived from.

In return, he and his family had learned from Chun-li that Bora had no idea who had taken the scroll. She had been assigned the long-term mission of finding it, which she suspected was as much to keep her from causing trouble for the Daimyo and Village leader as it was because she was one of the village’s best investigators. She had only suspected Tayuya mainly due to her many trips to the Village hall to use its Hawks to communicate outside the village. Although she hadn’t known that the former Sound-nin was a kunoichi, Chun-li had thought it possible that she was communicating with a thief about Yugakure’s defenses. Having cleared just about everyone else that had been visiting the village at the time, the brunette had admitted it was her last shot in the dark theory.

Naruto had found the woman cute as she had knelt on the edge of the bed, obviously embarrassed about her actions, and still not wearing any pants. Yet, she had been too proud to admit to it as the other three occupants on the bed had been completely at ease with their nudity. He had still been a little crossed with Tayuya and Maki, but it was more to do with just how much faith they seemed to have put in him. He supposed that what he hadn’t liked the most about their plan other than being left in the dark was their faith that he would always choose the right thing. It had worked in the case with Chun-li, but he feared what would happen if he had chosen his desires over his sense of decency.

He didn’t let it bother him long though as Tsunade hearing his chuckle said, “I’m serious.”

“I know,” Naruto said still sounding slightly amused causing a vein to appear on his lover’s brow. He swallowed hard, but continued, “But, this is a good chance to scout Yugakure again, but this time with a person on the inside. At the very least we’ll at least learn something of how they go about gathering information and blackmailing people.”

“Provided you aren’t walking into a trap,” Tsunade said agitated. Her concern was easy to see as was the mirroring looks on the other women present faces which were Konan, Mikoto, Fu, Ayame, Naruko, Kiyomi, Sage, and his mother. “Honestly, why didn’t you just Bind that woman to you? How do you know she didn’t run straight to Bora and tell him that you unlocked the secrets of the scroll?”

“I didn’t Bind her because I didn’t know the first thing about her,” Naruto said quickly. “It is kind of hard to commit to being willing to spend the rest of our days together if you can’t be sure you even like someone. The only reason Tayuya was willing to let me get that close to it happening was she was fairly certain Chun-li was from Yugakure. She never laid eyes on her, but from talking to Konan, she knew there are a few kunoichi from there not exactly happy with the village’s direction.”

The blue-haired member nodded as she said, “Daimyo Bora did name two such women. Names I did supply Tayuya with shortly after my own induction. I believe when Tayuya heard her name that is when she decided to move onto the next phase of her plan.”

“Basically that’s correct,” Naruto said with a reassuring smile which he sent to Tsunade. “Besides, if it was a trap do you really think I would be taking Ayame with me?”

“What’s that supposed to me,” Ayame said in a huff, “I’ve been training hard and put myself through some painful processes to increase my chakra to be able to handle myself.”

Naruto looked over aware that his comment had hurt his official girlfriend’s feelings so said, “I just mean that if it was a trap I wouldn’t be so callous as to endanger anyone else.”

It wasn’t exactly the correct thing to say as the rest of the women, minus Sage all sent him various disproving looks with his mother stating, “Oh really. Afraid we couldn’t take care of ourselves without our big strong Naruto there to defend us.”

Naruto knew he had waded into dangerous territory as his gaze shifted from woman to woman. He settled on Sage, who said dispassionately, “I would recommend remaining silent.”

Naruto sighed before replying, “It’s good advice.” However going against it he added, “But, what I mean is that I wouldn’t be so callous with endangering you all. I know you can all take care of yourselves in a fight, but if I truly thought it was a trap I would insist on more precautions.” Focusing on Ayame, he stated, “With that said, don’t think I believe this is completely without risks. We will be in the heart of enemy territory and among some of the best people there are at ferreting out secrets. We’re going to have to be on our guard at every moment, while giving off the appearance of being a couple in love on vacation.”

Ayame smiled, as she replied, “I think I can pretend to love you. But comments like your previous one are going make it harder.”

“Hey,” Naruto said, “Would it help if I said you are currently the only woman I feel that could pull this off.”

Ayame’s eyes grew wide as she could tell Naruto wasn’t just saying it to make her feel better so said, “Well it couldn’t hurt.”

Seeing her smile, he said, “I know all the hard work you’ve been putting into your training. But they haven’t seen it, which is why I think the only reason they aren’t going to be on full alert with our presence is because they will be underestimating you.”

“It does make sense,” Kiyomi said, “They would know Naruto wouldn’t bring an untrained civilian into a possible military operation, especially one he has been seeing romantically.” Focusing on her lover, she said, “Still this does hinge on Chu-li being the type of woman that you believe her to be. If she has revealed you have multiple lovers, they will suspect you have managed to keep other secrets from them.”

“I know,” Naruto admitted, “But that die has been cast already. Yugakure has accepted my request to stay there. I’ve requested one of their basic vacation packages for Ayame and mine’s anniversary.”

“Don’t splurge on my account,” Ayame said teasingly.

“Well, I suspect we’ll be upgraded to one of their VIP packages,” Naruto said with a smile.

Konan nodded before inquiring, “I take it that you believe that if they do, then they are going to be using the opportunity to try and get information from you.”

“Or possibly try and put me in a position to blackmail me,” Naruto replied with a nod, “Don’t forget they’ll likely know of my childhood wish to become Hokage. Not to brag but I like to think I tend to end up on most people’s lists to do so. More than one person has been blackmailed by a mistake committed years earlier so they might just hold onto anything for a future date.”

“But what are the benefits to even going?” Tsunade asked not exactly at ease with the idea.

“For now I just want to get an inside view of their operation,” Naruto replied. “Furthermore, we might be able to use the information they have gathered at some point to our benefit.” Seeing the women a little uncomfortable at what he was suggesting he quickly said, “I do not mean using it to blackmail anyone. But some of the secrets they have might shed light on mysteries that we are investigating. But, people opposed to us might only be because of some leverage Bora has and removing that leverage works to our advantage. Plus, there’s just something else…”

When her son trailed off, Kushina asked, “What do you mean, Honey?”

Naruto thought for a moment before explaining, “Well, you wonder why I’m so sure Chun-li is an ally and I feel it’s because she hates what her village has become. I guess you could say it kind of feels like Chun-li is worried her village is losing its soul. She said that although she had planned to give the scroll to Bora, she also had planned to make a copy to find out why he wanted it back so bad. I guess Bora wasn’t afraid of her doing such because he had it for so long but had been unable to translate it.”

“He could have been unconcerned for another reason though,” Naruko suggested. “He could have planned to simply eliminate her if she succeeded. It is possible that he did the same to that Anbu kunoichi Taki, which would explain why her trail has gone cold.”

Naruto nodded in agreement, “Yes that is indeed possible. Chun-li was aware of Taki’s mission to hunt down Kanji. She was shocked to learn about what happened to her, not to mention that she hadn’t heard of her return. However, it could be due to the fact that she had only kept sporadic contact with Yugakure since accepting the mission to find the scroll. That contact was nonexistent while she operated as the studio’s head of security so as to not tip anyone off. But learning what happened to her is something I think we can all agree is important. She does after all have information on the Binding, and the scroll. She also saw my face and would know I have a harem of stunningly beautiful and talented women tied to me.”

“Which if she did return to Yugakure, my love, and Bora had her eliminated means she was likely tortured for everything she knows,” Tsunade said worriedly, “Which also means it doesn’t matter if Chun-li doesn’t talk, they might already know.”

“That thought had occurred to me,” Naruto admitted, “But, Bora likely would have already made his move if that were the case. He also wouldn’t have needed to bother with finding the scroll either.”

Tsunade sighed. “I still don’t like it, but I can see your mind is made up.” She moved to sit in an available chair before asking, “So then why don’t you tell us why you actually summoned us here.”

Naruto indicated the blue-haired woman sitting next to him before stating, “Actually, Konan was the one that asked to speak with everyone. I’ll let her explain.”

Konan stood feeling a little nervous at what she was about to suggest so took a steading breath before stating, “Back during the celebration of Whirling Tides opening, I asked Naruto to give his blessing to my restarting Akatsuki. I want to return it to the purpose Yahiko originally envisioned. As always, he was nothing but supportive, as to why I asked to meet with you… I now ask that you will also lend me your support.”

“How so?” Naruko asked confused.

“In various ways,” Konan explained. Focusing on Kiyomi she said, “In the beginning Akatsuki was supported finically by citizens who supported our goals. When Tobi took over, we turned to illegal means of supporting the organization. Naturally, with this return to the right path it would help greatly if we could count on the support of the Great Tree Shipping Company.”

“Well I guess that explains my presence,” Kiyomi said amused. But a frown appeared seconds later as she said, “However, I do not know if that will be wise.”

Konan frowned as did Naruto who quickly said, “Kiyomi…”

The red-head held up her hand to explain her position, “Naruto, as much as I can understand what you are trying to do in redeeming Konan’s friends’ dream. The fact of the matter remains most people remember Akatsuki as a terrorist organization. A group, that did a lot of harm, and can also harm the reputations of those associated with it. This I’m sad to say includes those that offer it financial support. If the Great Tree Shipping Company is shown to be too closely associated with Akatsuki then any future inroads for expansion will likely not be made in countries bearing ill will to it. This can also be the case for Countries where your influence has just reached, as would be the case with the Land of Rice Paddies.”

“What do you mean?” Mikoto asked.

Kiyomi indicated one of her daughters to say proudly, “Please fill everyone in Naruko.”

Naruko smiled before stating, “I’ve recently had a breakthrough in reestablishing Master Jiraiya’s spy network. A major hub of it was actually located in Konoha, which I guess shouldn’t have been a surprise. It turns out that while the information had been drying up as the funds to support it dwindled; enough was still coming in. This information included who was being chosen to replace the slain Rice Daimyo.” Focusing on Konan the blonde woman continued, “The new Daimyo is going to be a woman named Chiyo. She was the daughter of the Daimyo from the Land of This before it was destroyed by Sasori. It turns out her family is the closest one related to the previous bloodline, and with her living in the Land of That as a guest it is felt her taking the thrown shouldn’t upset the balance of power greatly.”

Konan sat down feeling the weight of Akatsuki’s past actions shattering her hopes before she could even begin, but Naruto placed his hand on hers stating, “We’ll find a way Konan.”

Konan smiled weakly but said, “Thank you, but perhaps it was foolish of me to think we could just restart it.” Focusing on the fox Bijuu she added, “But I see what you mean. With the state of Rice’s economy they would likely gladly open their trade routes to you, not to mention let you build a port in the north. That all goes away if the new Daimyo bears a grudge against Akatsuki and myself. Unfortunately, while Ame has benefitted from the alliance that distrust tends to keep people from hiring our shinobi so I do not have the resources to support a reborn Akatsuki.”

“Would you not charge for Akatsuki’s services?” Sage asked. “I’m sure there would be people willing to hire powerful ninja regardless of who they were associated with if the price was right.”

“Unfortunately, those people tend to be working on the wrong side of the law,” Konan said dejectedly. “People like the Daimyo of the Land of That for instances who was also the one that hired us to destroy This.”

“Wait, what?!” Naruto said sitting up, “The Daimyo of That was the client.”

“Yes why?”

Not sure what the implications could be he explained, “Because the bastard’s son was in the village at the time of the attack. Why would he hire Akatsuki and put his boy in danger?”

“Likely to throw off any suspicion people might level towards him, especially as they doubled in size due to annexing This’s territory,” Tsunade explained receiving a nod from Konan.

“Indeed,” the blue-haired woman stated, “Sasori had strict orders not to harm the boy, although he was free to make it look convincing. The fact that Chiyo survived could be said to be an unintended benefit. Particularly since by taking her in, they appeared to simply be good neighbors.”

“Well it may have just paid huge dividends as well,” Naruko added. “The Daimyo’s boy Shu is engaged to her, which means the That Daimyo’s family has just moved from a ruler of a minor city-state to a bona fide country.”

“I can’t believe Shu would be an active part of such a plot though,” Naruto stated.

“He may not have been,” Sage said in her usual gentle, but detached tone. “Yet, he might also not be the person that you remember. At some point he may have learned the truth of how his father acquired his neighbor’s territory.”

Naruto didn’t want to imagine such a possibility, but inclined his head at it being a possibility. Also, there was no telling where he would side if he learned the truth of the matter even now. Making a mental note for Sasame to keep tabs on the people she may be answering to, he changed the subject, “Well, money issues notwithstanding, the other reason Konan wanted to speak with you is to ask for your strength.”

“Huh?” his mother asked eloquently.

Mikoto laughed as she explained, “He means that where she needed Kiyomi’s money, she wants us to fill in spots on Akatsuki’s roster.”

“That is essentially correct,” Konan confirmed, “Although Tsunade’s presence was due more to inform her of what I had planned as at some point I will need to make my pitch to the Kage of the Villages.” Focusing on Ayame she added, “Your presence was unexpected though, but please don’t take it to mean that I consider you weak. But it was Naruto that suggested for me to approach the rest of you.”

Ayame smiled as she said, “Oh, don’t worry. I’m aware enough to know I wouldn’t qualify as an S-ranked fighter. Yet.”

“Hey,” Naruto said sounding slightly annoyed, “Why are you letting her off the hook?”

“Because I was just here to make you dinner when you made your, ‘Do you really think I’d take Ayame into danger comment,’” Ayame said teasingly, “I know I wasn’t invited for the, ‘Would you like to join a group where the lowest ranked member is S-class meeting?’”

Naruto scowled at her until he broke into a smile when she stuck out her tongue. He looked around and saw his mother on the verge of pouting so asked, “What’s wrong mom? This is what I thought you wanted, a way to kick ass and take names while helping with our ambition.”

“Oh, I’m happy my darling son recognizes my strength and would suggest for me to join.” Kushina looked like she was trying to find a polite way of phrasing her next words, but failing blurted, “But Honey, we just became lovers and after years of being haunted by your cock now you’re asking me to move away. It’s not fair.” Mikoto laughed as did the other women causing Kushina to pout more as she stated in a petulant tone, “It’s not funny.”

“Oh, I’ve seen mothers having trouble letting go, K,” Mikoto replied playfully, “but I think you just topped them all.”

Konan felt her good cheer returning as she said, “True, you will be on the road some if you accept. But there is nothing to say you cannot call this place your base of operations. In fact my hope would be that you would. I want Akatsuki to act as a type of do-gooder organization. We will not be accepting money for missions, but traveling the country side to help those unable to hire a shinobi village. It should also allow us to respond to crises faster and allow us to alert The Family that much sooner.”

“It also doesn’t hurt to have members made up of villages that the previous incarnation had attacked in the past,” Tsunade pointed out. “Still it will be a tough sell particularly to the Raikage. Suna would be another.”

“Yes,” Konan admitted positive Suna wasn’t over Deidara’s attack or nearly losing their Kazekage. “But, I believe with Karura’s help I will be able to convince the council to support us.”


Answering, Naruko’s question Kiyomi guessing stated, “I see, we aren’t the first people you’ve approached. I take it Karura would be another woman you want to become a member.”

“And she has already agreed,” Konan said, “It will mean she vacates the seat that was created for her, but considering a few of the people that supported its creation were probably rather shocked to find out about her change in policies. I doubt they will put up much of a fuss. It might even cause them to support the decision. An empty spot will also appear on the council as a result.”

Mikoto frowned as she asked, “Is it really worth the gamble that the person that takes it will not be a hardliner?”

Naruto nodded as he answered, “I believe the ability to be able to move freely is worth any potential headaches in Suna. Our ambition has taken root there so will not be so easily removed not without hurting its economy. But, if we can get Akatsuki off the ground then they can go where shinobi affiliated with a village cannot, and will be able to act as they please.”

“But Honey, if the members are tied to Konoha or other villages won’t people just accuse us of using the name Akatsuki as a front?” Kushina asked.

“Yes, there will undoubtedly be such charges,” Naruto replied, “But that is another reason for you to be the women to join.” Focusing on Fu, he explained, “Fu, as a former victim of an attack by Akatsuki your joining will send a powerful message that it isn’t the same group in spirit.” Moving on, he began to explain his ideas on why each of his lovers, excluding Sage, were best, “Naruko, joining would have allowed you to continue trying to reestablish Pervy Sage’s spy network, which now that you seem to be on your way makes having a reason to move from place to place all the more important. It might hinder you some in places that do not want such a group traveling through their lands, but something tells me Pervy Sage had as much trouble traveling through them as well. Sage, you’ve been by your sister’s side all this time and are a powerhouse in your own right so can continue to move with her without raising suspicions. Plus, your association with Konoha is superficial at best which should prevent people from leveraging the charge that we are using Akatsuki to handle village business under the table.” Sage nodded in agreement so Naruto turned to his mother and Mikoto adding, “Mikoto, you have every reason to hate Konoha and have publicly turned down any offers to rejoin. It would be hard to imagine people would think that you would join a group advancing Konoha’s plots, and mom; you were also a victim of the previous Akatsuki leader’s attempt to capture Kiyomi. People might not know you were a jinchuriki, but they do know Tobi was behind the attack and believe that because of him you nearly died.” Focusing on all of his lovers he stated, “The fact that you are all kickass ladies that have been hurt by the shinobi world just lends credence to the idea that you would want to act as a stabilizing force. I believe that in time, people would begin to turn to you knowing you are acting in the best interests of the helpless as opposed to even a shinobi village which might have an objective of its own.”

“Well should such a change occur then I can say that we would be able to offer this reborn Akatsuki financial support,” Kiyomi stated. “In the meantime though, it might be prudent to lend your support to Toki’s calls to form a minor country alliance. There you can pitch Akatsuki as a countermeasure to outside influences.”

Tsunade frowned before stating, “I’m not sure that would be a good idea. You wouldn’t even need to mention it for people to know she was talking about Iwagakure.”

“True,” Kiyomi countered, “But, that would be something that I believe would be a huge selling point for the minor countries to sign off on. Particularly for those along Earth Country’s western border. Plus, the idea of having a group with ten S-class warriors patrolling those lands would give even Iwa something to consider before enacting any plots. Not to mention, I imagine one of the first places the charges that Akatsuki is acting as the Alliances way to meddle in Iwa’s plots without angering the Daimyo would originate from would be Earth Country. The best way to quiet those accusations would be to be operating in countries being affected by those plots with the permission of the rulers themselves.”

Konan could see the benefits of Kiyomi’s suggestion so said, “I will ask Toki to allow me to attend for such a purpose.”

“Alright them,” Ayame said attracting everyone’s attention, “with that settled, let’s eat.” Naruto nodded and smiled as he watched his lovers move to dig into the large meal the ramen cook and waitress had made. Following after them, he felt confident that in time the Legacy of Akatsuki would be something that both his teacher and his deceased disciples would be proud of. Accepting a plate that Ayame had prepared, he also felt that it was to recapture the Legacy of those that came before that motivated Chun-li so was sure she would become a great ally for his ambition.


Chun-li felt like a piece of meat as she and the other attendants both male and female stood lined up near the entrance of a villa that an important guest would be staying at. She had returned home after learning about the scroll and the role her village played in its history. She had reported to Bora that her last hunch had failed to bore any fruit so had to listen to him berate her for wasting so much time on it. He had then informed her that rather than having her waste more, she was being assigned to the attendant program. Naturally, she had protested vigorously, but ultimately the current leader of both her country and village had put his foot down. He had also assigned her training to be overseen by Mai Shiranui.

Chun-li had expected to have a happy reunion with her childhood friend, and the granddaughter of the previous village leader. But, it wasn’t to be as it appeared that while she was away Mai had become converted to the new principles of Yugakure, namely use any means necessary to feed Bora’s information network. A fact that had caused the two friends to argue bitterly over the two weeks since her return, with Chun-li arguing that Mai was turning her back on everything her grandfather had taught her. While, Mai had countered that under Bora’s leadership the formerly poor village was richer than it had been in its entire history, and due to the information it gathered protected from almost every major power. Chun-li hadn’t been convinced arguing that if the price was the village’s soul then it had been too high.

Mai had tried to assure her that she was overreacting, but if anything over the course of the two weeks Chun-li had become convinced things were worse than she feared. Particularly as she had watched Mai appear almost charmed by Bora, due to the way the man constantly favored his best attendants with expensive gifts. All in all, Chun-li feared that it had been a mistake to return as it was possible her village’s soul had already been corrupted to the point of no return. The reason she had returned to the village had been in order to substantiate some of Naruto’s claims. Moreover, she had hoped to find out the truth about Taki, whom he had claimed had been enslaved by Kanji. She had asked Bora about her and noted how cagey he had become. She had explained her curiosity as the hope that Kanji had been behind the theft and as such the Anbu might be of some assistance. The Daimyo had assured her that he wasn’t claiming that he had asked Taki as soon as the scroll had been stolen. He had claimed Taki doubted Kanji was behind the theft while avoiding her questions about how she could be sure, but not know where the missing-nin was. All in all, it had left Chun-li with the fear that Taki was dead having been eliminated for knowing too much about the scroll and its origins.

A fact that left the Yugakure kunoichi feeling alone and scared. She wished she had accepted Naruto’s offer to help, but due to her embarrassment, and despite being aware that the knowledge she possessed about him had gained her more than him, she had told him it was a matter for Yugakure to settle on its own. Now however, without a single ally she wondered if it had not been foolish to turn him down. She wondered if the fate that awaited her was slowly losing herself by prostituting her soul bit by bit for scraps of information and trinkets from Bora, or if eventually they would tire of her resistance and just eliminate her outright. She wondered if it came to the later would it be Mai that they sent after her and if her friend would accept the task.

She stared at the back of Mai’s head as she like many of the other male and female attendants was posing so that when the VIP entered they would be chosen to service them. Chun-li had no idea who the guests were as she still wasn’t trusted enough to see the actual intelligence gathering operation. Instead, she had been taught the basics of the Enticement Touch, which she was sure had also served as a means of interrogating her. Chun-li had felt almost grateful for the ordeal that Tayuya had put her through as if not for having suffered through the heights of her lusts as she had, she was quite positive she would be sharing the same shallow grave that she was confident Taki now occupied.

The door to the villa opened with Bora saying charmingly, “And now let me present to you some of the finest attendants that our village has to offer.”

Despite what she would have expected her reaction would be due to the disgust that she held in her new assignment, and at the idea of serving some over-privileged noble while wearing the skimpy black and gold dress with pink shoes which she was sure would entice him to think that he could touch her as he wished. Chun-li was shocked as her pussy quickly moistened when Naruto stepped into the villa with a beautiful brunette on his arm.

Naruto’s eyes grew wide at the various attendants standing before them. Reaching behind his head in embarrassment he said, “Um, Daimyo Bora… it was really nice of you to upgrade my vacation package. But I’m just a genin, I’m sure this is way out of my price range.”

“Nonsense,” the man replied sweeping his hand back over his blue hair. Scratching at the tattoo over his right eye which looked like two opposite facing C’s, he said, “I mean you’ve taken out several members of the Akatsuki not to mention several high-ranking missing-nin. I’m sure you are flush with money, but that is beside the point, this is my treat. We do not get many shinobi visitors and I want you to leave with a good impression. I know how your village cautions against active shinobi from visiting.”

“Yeah, they made me sit through a long video cautioning me to remember to think with my big head,” Naruto said.

He flushed red with embarrassment as Ayame said sultrily, “Well in your case they mean the big head on your shoulders.” Chun-li noticed that a few of her fellow kunoichi looked at the blond man in a new light with several of them almost looking eager to be chosen and use their feminine wiles to seduce him. She wished she could see Mai’s face so as to see just how far gone her friend was, since although the kunoichi dressed in red had always been flirty, she still found it hard to believe Mai would use sex to trap people and ruin their lives.

Bora cleared his throat stating, “Well with that said, please choose the attendants you wish to spe help you both relax. For the package that you’ve been upgraded to, you will be assigned a pair which each taking care of all your requests. We’ve arranged each pair was the senior attendant in front with their junior in back.”

“Really sir this is too much. Right Ayame?” Naruto said almost pleadingly.

“I don’t know,” his girlfriend replied, “I think it will be kind of nice to live like the rich and famous do.”

Naruto sighed before saying, “You’re going to get me into trouble. I’m pretty sure accepting gifts and such is what that video was warning me about. But I can’t say no to you so I’ll let you choose.”

Ayame gave him a bright smile before kissing him on the cheek. She made a grand show of moving before each group before stopping in front of Mai stating, “I guess we can go with these two.”

“An excellent selection,” Bora stated making it sound like she had selected a fine Wine. “Now please excuse us and Mai and Chun-li will be back shortly to move into the attendant rooms in the attic. In the meantime, relax and make yourselves at home.”


Tsunade made her way through the Torture and Interrogation department on her way to Ibiki’s office. Stepping inside she wasn’t too surprised to find Hanare there considering her role as the leader of the J.A.I.N. But, the presence of a chunin that she recognized as being the one that had possessed information on the plot to kidnapped Naruto, but had chosen to ignore it did catch her off guard a little. She could tell her presence was making the young man rather nervous which considering how she had berated the entire department for their screw up she couldn’t blame him. But putting the past behind her, she said to Ibiki, “You said you might have some insights into what the goal of the bandits that were terrorizing Rice are.”

“Yes, milady,” Ibiki said, “Actually it is Tanzo here who was the one that formulated the theory.”

Tsunade sent an appraising look to the black haired youth, who she knew had failed the Chunin Exams twice before finally passing. According to what she had learned, the first time was due to his teammates opening up the scroll they had been given during the second exam resulting in their disqualification. The second time was due to their not making the cut in the joint Suna and Konoha chunin exams that had followed. Still upon having succeeded in the third Ibiki had tapped him to join his department. Needless to say Tsunade was still waiting to be impressed.

“Go ahead son and tell her your theory,” Ibiki said as the man seemed rather overawed by her presence.

“Um… right,” Tanzo said, “First, Lady Tsunade please let me formally accept responsibility for my screw-up in regards to…”

Tsunade held up her hand stating, “There’s no need to go into that now. You made a mistake and the important thing is to have learned from it. The fact that Ibiki would call myself and Hanare here would seem to imply that he believes this theory of yours holds weight. If so, then you most likely have seen something analysts from all the allied villages have missed up till now. That alone tells me Ibiki was right in his opinion of you, and is perhaps showing off a little.”

The young man’s cheeks colored from the praise. He got ahold of himself when his boss cleared his throat so said, “Well… thanks. I hope I prove him correct.” Getting serious he explained, “What I believe is going on with the bandits is part of a larger theme that I have noticed.”

“Which is?” Tsunade asked folding her arms under her bust.

“Namely, just how peaceful it has been lately.”

Tsunade had a hard time not scoffing and sending an incredulous look towards Ibiki. But, from the small almost undetectable smirk on the man’s face, she suspected that if she acted on the impulse by the end of the meeting she would be wearing egg on her face. Still, a portion of her disbelief must have been visible as the young man quickly explained, “I know you are faced with hundreds of threats on any given day. So my claim must seem rather silly. After all, with the additional intel gained from both Suna and Kumo, it would seem the number of threats has grown, not the opposite. But what I am talking about is a little harder to detect, which is the isolated incidents caused by missing-nin just taking low paying jobs to survive or working as enforcers for crime bosses. Those type of incidents are treated with a low priority, at least outside of when clients arrive for us to deal with them. But monitoring them has shown a marked decrease in such cases over the course of the last year or so. It could almost be traced to the period of time just after Pain’s Invasion of Konoha.”

“Really,” Tsunade said in interest, “But why would you say this decrease is tied to the activities of the bandits that had been harassing Rice?”

“Um…well…” Tanzo said sounding less confident as he knew what he was going to propose was purely speculation.

The Chunin trailed off not wanting to be the cause of the Hokage’s disappointment again if she thought his theory was wrong. However, Ibiki said confidently in his place, “The reason is because there was a period in the past when missing-nin activity experienced a similarly remarkable drop.”

When Ibiki also trailed off expecting his subordinate to pick up again, she sensed the Chunin’s uncertainty. Focusing on him, she said, “Well are you going to make me guess?”

Hearing the sternness in her voice caused Tanzo to pull himself together. “Sorry, well the last time that it seemed Missing-nin were dropping off the map was during the period just before the Sound Village came into being.”

“What!” the Hokage said not liking the implications.

Hanare joined in stating, “It’s true. After Tanzo brought his theory to Ibiki, and he passed it on to me, I did some investigating. Tanzo based his theory on data gathered by Konoha in the years before Orochimaru’s village was officially established. The current trend shows a similar drop in missing-nin reported crimes.”

“Still, that doesn’t mean someone is out there trying to establish another village,” Tsunade said quickly. She noticed that Tanzo seemed crestfallen at her dismissal, but she carried on, “It could just be due to less Shinobi going rogue due to the stability of the alliance. Not to mention with the three villages working together it would be harder for them to operate in our lands since just crossing borders wouldn’t eliminate pursuit.”

Tanzo recovered his confidence as he realized that the Konoha’s leader was making the same mistake he had in dismissing a possible threat due to her own prejudices. He couldn’t exactly fault her as establishing a hidden village was much harder than most people gave it credit. Hoping to convince her, he said, “Lady Tsunade, with all due respect you berated us in the Intelligence Department for being too quick to ignore a potential threat. Are you not doing the same now?”

He gulped audibly as a scowl appeared on her face at his admonishment. But a moment later an amused smile appeared. “Alright, convince me.”

Tanzo cleared his throat after nodding in order to explain how he reached the conclusion that he had. “Um… First off, the counter arguments that you pointed out occurred to me as well. That was when I first approached the Head Interrogator. Still, I was fairly confident in my theory, mainly as most missing-nin do not operate in the Five Major Elemental Countries. At least not for long stretches, but it is admittedly harder to verify that for Lands of Earth and Water. With that said, even though the data I had access to was collected by Konoha, it is actually detailing missing-nin activity in lands outside of Fire Country. Minor Elemental Countries are where most crimes committed by rogue ninja occur, mainly because the victims tend to have to hire shinobi to deal with them. In a major Country that has a Shinobi Village or the few minor countries with them, the shinobi are tasked with protecting their borders.”

Tsunade frowned, but it was due to her earlier quick dismissal, when she should have assumed Ibiki calling her down would mean he had confidence in the Chunin’s theory as she had just moments before claimed. Focusing on Hanare, she asked, “I’m guessing then that your involvement was to use J.A.I.N.’s resources to see if the other villages are noticing how Missing-nin related crimes are dropping.”

Hanare nodded before replying, “Yes. Both now and then there was similar drop off. Although there was a spike in what I would call preplanned and well executed crimes or raids.”

Tsunade arched an eyebrow not sure what the woman meant so Ibiki explained. “Basically, she is referencing crimes or plots similar to the one that used the bandits to disrupt Rice’s trade. Thanks to Naruto, we now know they were stealing supplies for a third party. That group is likely planning to establish a village similar to how Orochimaru did.”

Tsunade looked back to Hanare asking, “I take it then that you would say the recent bandit troubles represented the same spike there was in the past.”

“Correct,” the woman that headed up the Alliance’s information gathering wing replied, “It caused a much larger spike to appear in one area then might have otherwise been there, but there are others. The reason it was so pronounced is because the bandits were operating with the Rice Daimyo’s approval. However, there have been other crimes that while on the surface might appear to be just a bandit raid could be construed to have some greater purpose. A hospital was raided in the Land of Rivers. The people that hit it stole medicine and medical equipment. They killed any witnesses to the theft and managed to clear out an entire wing of equipment without raising an alarm until morning. In Rice, the bandits focused mainly on shipments carrying weapons and medical supplies. Plus, then there was the raid on the Vault.”

“The what?” Tsunade asked unsure what the woman was referring to.

Ibiki though did giving an impressed whistle. He heard of it, but mainly in rumors that drifted his way so normally wouldn’t have been impressed. Yet, what did gain his praise was that Hanare was speaking of it as if the rumors were true, which meant that Kumogakure had willing shared the information. The former Jomae village kunoichi explained, “The Vault is where Kumo is rumored to keep the special weapons and other items that it has come across.”

“You mean pilfered in most cases,” Tsunade said a little bitterly remembering some of the old animosities due to a few of her Clan’s relics having been rumored to have been stolen by Kumo. But she took a calming breath remembering that those feelings were beneath what her Family was hoping to achieve.

Hanare carried on as the Hokage steadied her emotions, “I’m sure most people would share that sentiment. But, if you need any proof that Kumo is coming to believe in the benefits of the Alliance their verifying the existence of the Vault is proof enough in my eyes. But, as to sharing what was taken, that I’m afraid is another matter. However, rumors persist that among some of the items that were stored there were relics of the Sage of the Six Paths.”

“Great,” Tsunade stated feeling a headache coming on, “As if there aren’t enough things to worry about.”

Hanare gave a sympathetic smile before replying, “I wouldn’t fear that suddenly lost legendary weapons are going to turn up. I think there would have been more of a sense of urgency from the Raikage if that was the case. Still, his head Anbu Captain Tosen was not pleased with his even telling me of the raid. I kind of got the sense that the Vault was more of a storage area for items that Kumo wanted to study in order to create better weapons or shinobi. More of an R and D installation, rather than an armory.”

“I’m not sure how comforting it is to think someone would risk angering Kumo for unfinished research or abandoned experiments,” Tsunade stated. “Especially, if you believe it is the same group that might be wanting to establish a new shinobi village. Making enemies of Kumo, and thus the alliance isn’t very smart.”

“We would have to prove that it was them behind the raid first though,” Ibiki pointed out. “Plus, they may have used a third party as seemed to be the case with the Bandits. That was what Hanare means though in pointing out the spikes in high caliber crimes. On the surface they might appear to be just random acts, but put them together and you get the sense that someone is gathering supplies that a fledgling village would need. Since a new village would also need personnel a natural resource for that would be missing-nin explaining why so few have appeared to cause trouble recently.”

“It also explains why the Daimyo of Rice Country allowed himself to be roped into the scheme and why he was murdered,” Tanzo said excitedly seeing the Hokage coming around. “That is the second to last component necessary to form a shinobi village after all, a Daimyo willing to shelter it. In recent memory only two shinobi villages have been established since the sudden appearance of others after Konoha’s founding. The first was the Village Hidden by Flowers in the Land of Vegetables. It was an act that resulted in the war that saw it disbanded and the treaty which resulted in the children of the Vegetable Daimyo being held as hostages. While the incident that saw Flower destroyed recently wasn’t a neighboring countries’ plot. Quite a few were likely pleased with its destruction and are not thrilled that Daimyo Haruna is trying again using the Wandering Ninja survivors. The Village Hidden in the Sound while now defunct had been the newest, but it didn’t necessarily go unnoticed when it was founded. The fact that they so quickly applied and were accepted into The Third Hokage’s alliance with Suna and the other minor villages was likely what saved them from experiencing a similar rocky history as Flower. That fact might also be why the Third accepted them before they could be properly vetted. By becoming Konoha’s ally, at least on paper, if prevented enemies that might have tried to eliminate them from attacking, which might have forced Orochimaru to reveal himself.”

Tsunade sighed before saying, “A fact I’m sure Orochimaru was counting on. He knew of Sarutobi-sensei’s desire for peace so took advantage of it in order to slither in close.”

“Yes,” Tanzo agreed, “But Orochimaru was the final component needed for the founding of a successful village. You see, a Daimyo no matter how ambitious has to weight whether allowing a shinobi village to form in his country is worth the risk of upsetting his neighbors. There are a plethora of missing-nin out there, yet only a handful of those would be capable of attracting shinobi to their name, even less with the skills necessary to make a ruler wager that a new village with sufficient strength to ward off attack could be built. That might also be why this new village isn’t afraid to pick a fight with Kumo and by extension us. The person this village is being built around may already see us as enemies.”

Ibiki let the Hokage ponder the possibilities for a moment before adding, “I don’t think I need to point out that Ino’s report of what she encountered when she tried to read Ahiko’s mind would seem to imply an Uchiha is behind this. There are currently only two viable suspects, not including Mikoto.”

Tsunade nodded gravely but pointed out, “Sasuke was hit by Naruto’s Rasenshuriken and considering the damage that must have been done to his cellular structure the chances of anyone rallying to his name are rather small.”

“I wouldn’t underestimate what his name is capable of,” Ibiki pointed out. “There is a reason certain parties have draped themselves in the names of others.”

Tsunade nodded aware that Tanzo wasn’t sure what they were referring to as it wasn’t common knowledge that Tobi had claimed to be Madara Uchiha. While Konan had shared that information with the Family after her joining, they had purposeful not let it out to prevent the idea from even taking root. Still, if Tsunade had to wager on which of the two Uchiha was trying to build a shinobi village, she would put her money on it being Tobi, and was likely claiming to be Madara to do so. She considered releasing the knowledge that they believed Tobi was in fact Obito Uchiha to the Alliance and the public in general. She imagined quite a few of the missing-nin that may be rallying to him would turn on him if they found out that they were being misled, especially by a shinobi that had achieved the rank of genin as one of the few achievements attached to his name.

Yet, two things stopped her from doing so. The first being that as her lover proved, being a genin didn’t necessarily mean a person hadn’t acquired a great deal of strength. But the second was that she was loathed to tarnish the name of a hero of the Leaf Village without being a hundred percent certain the person deserved it. While there seemed to be very few people among the Family and its allies that doubted Tobi and Obito were the same person. This included his teammates; people that Tsunade imagined would want to deny it the most. Yet despite the consensus of thought on the matter, they still didn’t have definitive proof, and she was sure that without that if her lover was standing there then he would tell her not to destroy Obito’s name.

A part of her considered doing it anyway, since if Obito was trying to build a Shinobi village it was for the express purpose of aiming it right at Naruto to pick up where his version of Akatsuki had left off. But, then Tsunade knew she would be acting to protect herself, and not what her lover stood for. Sighing mentally before she pushed her concerns away, she focused on Tanzo stating, “I’m very impressed with what you have possibly uncovered.” The Chunin beamed proudly which made her smile before focusing on Ibiki with a serious visage, “I want you to set up a task force to uncover any further evidence to support this theory. Don’t divert resources from investigations already in the works, but I want this to be given a priority for whatever resources become available.”

“Understood,” Ibiki said snapping to attention along with Tanzo.

The Hokage’s gaze drifted to Hanare but before the blonde spoke the J.A.I.N commander stated, “Right now I do not have any manpower to add to such an investigation, we’re still in the assembling and organizing personnel stage. The few men and women I have available are already tasked with just processing the vast amounts of information being gathered from the Villages of the Alliance’s established Intelligence departments. I’ll pass along your concerns to the sister organizations in Suna, Ame, and Kumo, but I can’t promise they’ll take the threat as seriously as we do.”

“I’ll share what was discussed here with the Kazekage and Raikage,” Tsunade said preparing to leave to write the message. “I’ll also send word to Daimyo Konan. I’m sure we’ll get some cooperation from them.” Tsunade walked past Tanzo and placed her hand on his shoulder as she said proudly, “Keep up the good work. I’m sure you have a bright future.”


Ayame felt amazing as she lay on a massage table getting a rubdown by one of the attendants that had been assigned to take care of Naruto and her during their stay. The attendant taking care of her was a Yugakure woman named Mai Shiranui. Ayame groaned as a knot in her thigh gave way from the woman’s skilled hands. Ayame knew that despite the woman’s claims that Yugakure had abandoned their Shinobi heritage that she was as deadly as any of the other kunoichi she had encountered. The Ramen waitress and kunoichi in training briefly wondered how she would fair in a fight with the woman, but abandoned it as Naruto had made it quite clear that if they were put in such a position then it meant they had failed in their objective. That objective being to learn more about the village, as well as some of the key players in it.

Both Naruto and she had identified several prominent people and gathered what intel they could. One of the people Ayame had observed was a woman that offered self-defense classes to the visitors. She was a high spirited young woman, which impressed Ayame as she knew the woman had been a member of Kanji’s harem. The woman, Yuri Sakazaki, had faced off against Kin during The Family’s raid on Kanji’s compound. As Naruto’s lovers hadn’t been able to stick around many of the women had scattered with Yuri eventually finding her way home. Like many of Kanji’s victims she had been unaware of The Binding that had made her obey him, but The Family had doubted her turning up in Yugakure was a coincidence.

Ayame had signed up for Yuri’s classes and was rather proud of how well she fought against the woman. She had found that she had to hold back to prevent from appearing too skilled. While Yuri was talented in her own right, her family’s style which incorporated some basic understanding of chakra was somewhat lacking against the kunoichi training that she had received. Still, Ayame wondered what Yuri was looking for, but she suspected the martial arts instructor was looking for knowledge on how Kanji had controlled her so figured his home village was a good place to start. Having probably experienced the Temptation’s Touch, Ayame figured Yuri correctly believed that the techniques used by the attendants of Yugakure might be related. Still, there was a reason the brown haired fighter’s agenda hadn’t been uncovered as despite Ayame suspecting that she was investigating the village had yet to uncover proof.

She moaned again as Mai attacked another knot of tension from her training with Yuri earlier. This time she also felt an added sensation as her masseuse channeled chakra into her leg where she was rubbing. Ayame felt a tingle pass through her that reverberated throughout her pleasantly like the aftermath of downing a good wine. It also caused a sense of arousal in her and created a desire to please. Having experienced it quite a bit during the trip, she knew that soon Mai would ask her a question.

Therefore, she wasn’t surprised when Mai said in a voice that held a slight echo of command, “So, being lovers with one of the Leaf’s strongest warriors must mean you hear all kind of interesting things. I’d love to hear about what life is like in one of the big five Shinobi villages. Is there anything of interest that you could share?”

Ayame felt the compulsion to spill all sort of interesting things to the woman, but almost as soon as it appeared a warm feeling spread through her. From Tayuya’s experience with Kanji, she believed the chakra which bound her to Naruto was attacking the invading chakra like white blood cells did an infection. Koyuki hadn’t experienced a similar sensation, but she believed that was due in part to Mai having to operate under Fubuki’s gaze when the Spring Daimyo had visited, and had been unable to use the Enticement Touch to its full effectiveness.

When the compulsion faded, Ayame answered, “Mmm, nothing comes to mind. Despite how strong Naruto is, he is still a genin so is left out a lot of the important meetings.”

Ayame held back a smile as a hint of annoyance appeared in the otherwise kind woman’s voice as her frustrations with being unable to compel real answers from the waitress continued. “Still, with how often he appears to find himself in so many important events, he must hear something of importance. He’s going to take part in the upcoming Chunin Exams, isn’t he?”

“Yes,” Ayame replied seeing no harm in answering.

Mai seemed pleased as she believed she could learn something of value from the current line of questioning. “I imagine he must be excited, as are a lot of other genin going to be involved. It’s been over a year so there must be a rather impressive class of skilled genin looking to compete. Has he heard anything?”

“You’ll have to ask him,” Ayame replied finding it hard not to sound amused.

It grew harder as Mai said annoyed under her breath, “That’s kind of hard since Chun-li’s hogging him.”

As if to punctuate her complaint Chun-li landed outside the glass wall of the villa’s massage studio. The scene outside of the room had used to be that of a rather beautiful and spacious garden. But currently it looked like a devastated battlefield. The cause of that devastation appeared a moment later with Rasengan in hand which he slammed into the ground where Chun-li had landed, but had quickly vacated. The jutsu kicked up a huge dust cloud that slammed into the window causing the two women to lose sight of the fighters.

Ayame giggled as she recalled the morning of their first day when Naruto had chosen Chun-li as his attendant. Mai hadn’t mind, but as she demonstrated her skills as a masseuse she had panicked as Naruto and Chun-li had begun fighting in the garden. It had left Ayame with the feeling that the bun-haired girl’s conversion into an attendant was not going smoothly. When Bora had arrived obviously inflamed, it all but confirmed that Chun-li wasn’t going along with the new way of things. What had surprised both of them though was Mai’s quickly backing Bora up as Koyuki and Konan had made it sound like the attendant was someone not exactly thrilled with her village’s tactics either.

Yet, Ayame knew that people could change so guessed that somewhere along the way Mai had been converted. The expensive jewelry she wore, and fine clothes still seemed new enough to Ayame that she suspected it had been a slow process.

But both Bora and Mai had been stunned when Naruto revealed he had asked for Chun-li to spar with him. Naturally both of them had tried to convince the blond that the point of a vacation was to relax, but Naruto had responded, “Well my master Jiraiya always spoke highly of the shinobi from Yugakure. He always felt it was sad for you to give up on your heritage.”

Ayame had noticed that Mai showed a small hint of guilt at her lover’s statement. But it had quickly disappeared when Bora had countered, “We haven’t turned our back on it. We have instead embraced a new way of living, one that doesn’t involve constant warfare and death. Besides, when compared to the other villages Yugakure has always had very little power in which to compete with.”

Naruto hadn’t appeared convinced as he caused a few of the other female spectators that had gathered from the other villas as a result of the commotion to flush with desire while he rubbed the back of his head while wearing only tight shorts. “I don’t know about that. If Chun-li is an example to go by of Yugakure’s strength then I’d say you vastly underestimated your village.”

Ayame noted a few of the Yugakure shinobi and kunoichi seemed to wear a mixture of pride and shame on their faces from Naruto’s words. Most seemed unaffected though, with Mai teetering between. Bora just seemed annoyed, but covered it well with the act of the accommodating host as he said, “To each their own. But sir, why don’t you try a more pleasurable means of relaxing?”

“Oh, I intend to, but engaging in some training with a talented opponent is an opportunity much too tempting to pass up,” Naruto said sincerely causing Chun-li to show a measure of pride. “Besides according to her these villas used to be where you kept your training grounds. You’ve remade them quite nicely, but I can really feel the drive, pride, and passion of all the Yugakure shinobi that practiced here in the past. It fuels me with a need to push myself in order to get stronger so that I can protect what is important.”

“Well we live to serve,” Bora said, “Just please don’t tear the place up too badly.”

Naruto chuckled, but stated, “I can’t make any promises.”

Ayame giggled from the memory as well as the large crater now residing where his jutsu had hit became visible once the dust settled. She suspected that both Naruto and Chun-li had delighted in tearing up the area as she was sure their doing so was driving Bora insane.

Naruto stood straight and Ayame’s pussy moistened due to her lover’s wearing only a tight pair of shorts. Chun-li charged him wearing the same black outfit she had when they had first arrived. Guessing it to be her attendant uniform due to all the skin it showed, it displayed the woman’s powerful legs as she kicked at Naruto. Despite it being difficult to follow due to how fast the woman’s leg moved, she was amazed as her lover blocked or avoided all of them. Chun-li then followed the attack up by flipping forward into a handstand as she spun around it a circle with her legs spread out in the splits above her. Naruto backpedaled away from the spinning kick before dropping into a crouch to swipe the woman off of her feet. Chun-li raised her hands and remained airborne as the speed of her rotation kept her from falling. Ayame gasped as she expected Naruto to get hit, but he teleported away as the Yugakure kunoichi landed.

Naruto was smiling widely from the spar, but then suddenly turned away. Chun-li looked like she was about to take advantage obviously enjoying the fight as well. But she stopped as Ayame suspected Naruto informed her why he was no longer facing her. She looked down and covered her exposed breasts which had slipped free of the cloth covering them due to all the spinning she had done. She quickly tucked them in place, but before the fight resumed it appeared Naruto called an end to it.

Ayame had little trouble spotting the erection her lover sported as the outline of the blood filled muscle became visible. She suspected that as both he and Chun-li entered the villa that they would both quickly take a cold shower. She knew that Chun-li had experienced the pleasure of having Naruto’s cock inside her, so could only imagine how tempting it must be for the woman to want to enjoy it again. Ayame moaned as Mai continued to rub her down and looked forward to showing both women just how good it was.


Chun-li shivered under the cold spray of the shower as she tried to forget the image of Naruto’s cock, both from the experience with it and moments ago as it had reacted to her exposing herself accidentally. It proved difficult since she had felt a sense of pride that her body could affect him so. Not to mention, she had been exposed to how virile a lover he was almost every night since his coming to Yugakure as Ayame had little issue with sleeping with him at any moment. She had truly taken Mai’s suggestion of, “Just forget we are around,” to heart. In fact, Chun-li doubted there was a room in the villa that Ayame and Naruto had yet to make love in.

She resisted the urge to begin rubbing her pussy from her own experiences with the blond man as the cold water did little to tamp down on her desire to feel him inside her again. Chun-li found it strange how she could feel so tempted to do so, especially considering all she had learned. But the fact that he had revealed so much to her without the assurance that she would remain quiet did suggest he was a person that could be trusted. She guessed that was why she truly did believe him when he claimed the reason he had come to Yugakure was not just to spy, but to help her in her wish to return Yugakure to the village it had been.

She sighed as she turned off the water figuring remaining under the cold spray would just make her sick. Drying off, she picked out a clean outfit all the while hating it, especially as it had just proved so inadequate for a woman with her skill sets. She had always marveled at how in the past despite wearing similar attire Mai had managed to keep from popping out of her top. Yet, even then Mai had worn it as a means of distraction; after all if a man was too busy watching her chest bounce, then he was going to be easier to deal with. It never ceased to amaze Chun-li how even veteran shinobi could lose themselves at a critical moment in the hopes of seeing a woman’s breast pop out. Although Mai’s current outfit was cut in a similar manner as her old one, albeit made of finer materials, Chun-li wondered if it would stand up to the rigors of a fight. She felt depressed as she guessed it probably didn’t matter as Mai seemed to become more and more like the other women and men that had sold their warrior souls to Bora’s vision.

She dressed in the outfit which to her its only saving grace was that Naruto had complimented her in it. But, that compliment paled in compassion to the value of the many that he had paid to her as a fellow warrior. She suspected that was the other reason she was tempted to give herself to him. Since, like she would want of any man that she was with, she would want him to recognize her strength as well as her beauty. During the past week, she had felt alive in a way that she hadn’t in years primarily because he did view her strength and will as a benefit. Whereas even her Yugakure comrades wanted her to let them to fade in order to become an empty shell that guests could lust over. That Mai had seemed to join those ranks was a devastating blow as she had viewed the woman as a sister after the previous Village Head and Mai’s grandfather had taken her in after the death of her father. Having learned from Naruto that Mai was being seduced by the vision of the man that had taken him from them; Chun-li swore she would make Bora pay. She just feared that she would have to go through Mai to do it.

Naruto had promised her that he would do all that he could to prevent such an occurrence, but after several days of observing Mai, neither felt confident they could trust her with the knowledge. They both feared that she would believe it to be a lie, and thus put them in a position where they would have to find a way to silence her. But Chun-li also feared that she was too far gone to care. Yet, to her surprise it was Naruto, who seemed positive that was not the case and continued to encourage her to believe in her friend.

She stepped from her room into the attic section of the villa where both Mai and her rooms were. She frowned as she slid open Mai’s door to see the television in the corner. Walking to it, she turned it on to see the live feed of the massage room. The angle of the disguised camera afforded her a view of the massage table where Ayame covered only by a towel was lying down. Chun-li knew that with the push of a hidden button underneath the table, Mai could begin recording either the conversation or whatever blackmail material an attendant was attempting to gather. Naturally, most of the blackmail material was of a sexual nature often brought about by using the Enticement Touch during the massages. There were similar set-ups in all the villas, as well as a crawl space between the Attic and level below so a Yugakure shinobi could access various eavesdropping or peeking locations. The entrances to them were located in the attendant’s rooms, which were rarely visited by guests.

Her attention was pulled to the screen as Naruto entered the room having showered as well. She heard the amused tone in his lover’s voice as she asked, “Did you enjoy yourself out there? You’ve really trashed the view.”

Although still off screen, she could picture his wide smile as he countered, “I don’t know. I think I caught quite the view out there.”

Chun-li blushed as she imagined he was referring to her flashing him. Ayame smiled back as she replied, “It did appear that you caught quite the eyeful. Luckily for you, I’m such an understanding girlfriend. I could have picked some of those hot male attendants.”

“True, but then I don’t think I would find it nearly as sexy to watch as they rubbed their hands all over you,” Naruto replied.

Chun-li smirked as it was Mai’s turn to blush as the atmosphere of the room became more sexually charged. Ayame sat up pulling the towel around her as she asked, “Does it make you excited watching a beautiful woman rubbing me all over.”

“Why don’t you come over here and find out.”

Ayame slid off the table walking to where Chun-li imagined Naruto was sitting. Just before she disappeared off camera, she dropped the towel. Having witnessed a similar scene before she pictured Ayame reaching into the robe Naruto wore after he showered as she stated, “Yes, it appears you are quite excited. But is it really from me, or from your playing around with Chun-li?”

Naruto chuckled as he said, “Maybe a little of both, but it is definitely all for you right now.”

Chun-li watched Mai’s face turn an even darker shade of red as she could imagine Ayame sitting on Naruto’s cock. The loud moan being all that the woman needed to know it was buried inside the Ramen Waitress. Watching Mai, Chun-li felt some hope for her friend as she knew that despite her flirty attitude she hadn’t been all the experienced with sex. Her apparent nervousness now as she tried to act as if everything was normal and not stare seemed to suggest that she hadn’t begun using it as a tool overly much, if at all.

Not that Chun-li was much better off despite not seeing what was happening. Hearing Ayame moaning and the sounds of her bouncing on Naruto’s rod caused the Yugakure kunoichi to recall her own experiences with it. Unable to resist she began to rub her pussy through the thin strip of cloth hiding her pussy from the world. She sat on the floor before the television and began to get lost in the memories of pleasure that she had. She was on the verge of sliding the cloth to the side to begin fingering her pussy, but stopped as Mai said embarrassedly, “I…I have to go… Bora has asked all the attendants to gather for a meeting… I... should see what’s keeping Chun-li.”

Neither acknowledged her as Ayame moaned, “Yes, Naruto give it to me. Fuck me… harder.”

Mai quickly scurried from the room, so Chun-li hurriedly made herself presentable to leave for the meeting, sure that they would be asked to stay after so Bora could berate them for how little they had learned. She tried to ignore the wetness between her legs, but took some solace in Mai being in a similar state. She just hoped the meeting didn’t last long as she wanted to pick up where she had left off, and found that she was consider asking Naruto to attend to her needs for a change.


Mai’s world was quickly spiraling out of control. The meeting had gone exactly as she had expected with Bora being extremely disappointed in her efforts to gain valuable information from Naruto. Chun-li had hardly seemed phased by it, and strangely enough had seemed rather calm. Almost like she had made a life altering decision. Mai feared what it was as she knew her friend hated what Yugakure had become, and despite her insistence that she would come to understand how the information they gathered protected the village. In her heart Mai knew that Chun-li would never come around.

Mai wondered what would happen should Bora tire of her fellow kunoichi’s insolence, but tried not to think on it. She knew it was cowardly, especially as she suspected that Bora would jail her or worse. She just couldn’t understand why Chun-li wanted things to go back to how they had been. Primarily due to how the village had gone from one of the poorest around, to one of the richest, even competing with the incomes of the Five Major Shinobi Villages. Sure they might not be using their skills on the battlefield anymore, but as Bora explained the information they have gathered had positively benefitted the village more than any battle had. The improved living standard of the villagers was proof enough of that.

Still Mai knew that some aspects of what they did were untasteful and had destroyed a fair number of lives as well. Good people that had made the mistake of taking her or the other attendants at their word and succumbed to the desires that they had created in their victims. Mai for the most part had resisted following in some of her fellow kunoichi’s tactics of sleeping with her targets. This had often resulted in her being teased by them, as they proved time and time again how easy it was. But for Mai, she still believed that the act of making love was something that should be shared with a person she cared for. In fact, seeing how Naruto and Ayame were with each other made her wish for something similar, which had tended to cause a deep seated feeling of guilt to take residence inside her. Particularly as she knew it had been her job to become a wedge in their relationship to gain leverage over the blond man. Or, vice versa.

Yet, seeing as Ayame had proven immune to her charms. Mai had decided to try her hand at getting Naruto succumb. Truthfully though, it had been Bora that had demanded as much. He hadn’t come out and said it, but she believed that her Daimyo was working the angle that Naruto knew more about the Chunin Exams than he was letting on. From various sources, she knew that Iwagakure was nervous about them mainly because with so many Genin from Kumo, Konoha, Ami, and Suna participating, a large number of Chunin would likely be flooding those villages’ ranks. Furthermore, seeing as Chunin made up the brunt of most Shinobi Villages forces Iwa feared the Exams were a precursor to them possibly attacking their shared rival.

Nothing Yugakure had turned up substantiated those rumors, which was why Naruto’s appearance had been a godsend as far as Bora was concerned. The Daimyo was confident that due to the jinchuriki’s already well known battle capabilities, if there were plans in motion to start a war with Iwa then Konoha wouldn’t let a little thing like his rank stand in the way. However, Mai had shared with Bora that she didn’t believe there was going to be an invasion as she was sure Ayame would have picked up on it, and exhibited some nervousness. It wasn’t conclusive proof, but Bora had learned to trust her instincts.

That was when he had dismissed Chun-li and had decided to change her objective from simply gathering information, to finding a way to blackmail the whiskered blond. Mai had balked at first, particularly as she had come to genuinely like him. But more so because of the guilt she had about being the person that led him to ruin. Mai had come around to Bora’s ideology seeing as it had benefited the village. As she did in most things she had fully applied herself to the task of gathering information that could be sold to the highest bidder or gain leverage on a rival village. Yet, the one task she had tried to stay clear from was purposeful luring a guest astray so his or her indiscretion could be used against them. She had done so only once, by seducing a man and giving him a handjob with the entire encounter being recorded. She had only given in because the man had worked as the president in a powerful company. The Company bought food from various places in order to sell it in other markets. The Land of Hot Water was known for many things, but not its plentiful farm land. Therefore as was the case when demand was high, but supply was low, Hot-Water bought from the company at a premium. Mai decision to seduce the target was due to their needing to import so much to support the bustling tourist industry, not to mention the Country’s own citizens.

It had been a task that had proven exceedingly difficult as much like Naruto, the young executive had visited with his beautiful wife whom he loved a great deal. It had taken all of Mai’s charm and a fair deal of exposure to the Enticement Touch before he had given in. The act alone had made Mai feel dirty, but it was nothing compared to when she been present as Bora showed the man the tape. The look that had appeared on his face as he witnessed his betrayal of the woman he loved, and the knowledge that in order to keep it from her he was now in Bora’s pocket had deeply affected her. But she had convinced herself it was all for the greater good as it had led to the people of Hot-Water getting access to exotic foods most wealthy people could barely afford. That wasn’t to say it wasn’t without its downsides as Country’s in similar straights as hers suddenly found themselves paying triple the amount to make up for the lost revenue.

Bora had appealed to the same sense of loyalty to her home as he commanded her to do the same to Naruto. He had explained that gaining leverage on Naruto would only prove beneficial in the long run as he rose in rank. It would be then that they would reveal what they hoped to get on him in order to force him to betray his home. Mai had resisted at first, but eventually had succumbed to the pressure and convinced herself that if Naruto did succumb to her then it was something he had brought upon himself.

She had left Bora’s office deep in thought as she knew that she would have to find a way to get Chun-li out of the villa, since she knew her friend would not go along. She had arrived with no idea of how to achieve that objective as Naruto seemed to vastly prefer her friend’s company to hers. But as if the gods had favored her, she arrived just as Chun-li and Ayame had been leaving. They had explained that Ayame was meeting a friend that was stopping by and Chun-li had agreed to escort her. Not questioning her good fortune, she had quickly entered the house hoping to begin seducing Naruto.

It had taken some convincing, but she had gotten him undressed and on her massage table. She had begun to apply the Enticement Touch, but to her surprise didn’t feel as if it was working. She had experienced a similar feeling with Ayame, but she simply turned up the charm and began to rub him using a lotion with a powerful aphrodisiac that was absorbed through the skin. It did cause Naruto to relax and get more into the massage, but naturally the downside of using the lotion was it put her in the mood as well. She used that side-effect to help her get over her own inhibitions as she asked him to turn over so she could do his front.

She had gasped as he complied and his cock tented the towel that was wrapped around his waist. Mai had rubbed his chest getting lost in the contact as well as the unfilled desire from earlier which was visible from wetness spreading down her thighs. Still, she kept her wits about her as she pressed the button under the table that would start the disguised camera recording what was happening. She had expected Naruto to resist somewhat or protest when she had reached under his towel to grab his manhood. Yet, to her surprise and slight disappointment in his character he simply groaned.

“Do you like that?” she asked throatily as she stroked his length.

“Yeah,” Naruto admitted, “It’s always a thrill to feel a new hand wrapped around my cock.”

Mai’s eyes grew wide in surprise at the admission so asked, “You’ve cheated on Ayame before.”

“Cheat is such an ugly word,” Naruto replied, “Let’s just say… it’s not the first time I found myself in such a situation. How about you? Give many of your guests such excellent service? Were you servicing Ayame like this while I was playing with Chun-li?”

Mai felt a frown threaten to appear as despite the fact that he was getting a handjob from a woman other than his girlfriend, the way that he was speaking to her made her feel like the one betraying someone important. Still, she buried it down as she began stroking him faster. He groaned as she said, “I only do this for the special ones.”

“I certainly feel special,” Naruto had said moaning as he began pumping his hips. A moment later he groaned, “Fuck yeah, I’m cumming.”

Mai watched as the towel darkened from the spray of cum, which she would likely keep as proof of the encounter along with the video. She extracted her hand from beneath it which was also coated with his seed, and resisted the urge to lick it. But that was when her world was shaken to the core when Ayame’s voice cut in, “What the fuck is going on here?”

Mai had looked up in abject horror as she saw the woman that she had befriended staring at them. Despite the words the woman had used as she had asked her question, Mai found it strange that she didn’t get a sense of genuine anger. The scene became more surreal to her as Naruto didn’t seem all that concerned about being caught. But, Mai’s mind didn’t linger on those details as she instead tried to take control of the situation causing her to state, “I think it’s apparent what just happened. Furthermore, it was all caught on tape, so unless you two want it leaked to the public or your villages enemies you’ll do what we say, when we say it.”

“You’re black mailing us,” Ayame asked sounding almost amused. “I mean really in this situation what would motivate me to keep my mouth shut?”

“A kunai might help,” Mai said darkly, “I’m sure Naruto could be persuaded to have you meet your end if you decide to try and derail his career. I doubt the Leaf would want an adulterer as Hokage.”

Naruto sighed in a manner which sounded disappointed as he asked, “Do you really think they would accept a murderer though?”

“Nobody would have to know,” Mai said wondering what was going on.

Ayame smiled as she stepped towards them asking, “Really, well what if we turned the tables. After all, all I have to do is look towards the camera and say I let my boyfriend have some fun while we were away on vacation. After all, isn’t your village’s motto, what happens in Yugakure stays in Yugakure?”

Mai was trying to ponder how the situation was turning against her so quickly which was why she was caught by surprise as Ayame grabbed the hand she had used to jerk Naruto off. Then to the Yugakure kunoichi’s shock she began to suck the cum from them. Moaning in lust the waitress said, “Mmm, delicious. But just so you know your little tape is gone. I took the liberty of removing it from the VCR before you hit record.” She reached into the pocket of the jeans that she wore as she said, “But this recorded your little attempt to blackmail us. So I think it is fair to say that it is you that is going to be doing what we say.”

Mai backed away suddenly knowing the powerless feeling of another person holding the means to ruin her in their hand. She became aware that with hard proof of her actions, it wouldn’t take much for Konoha or the Alliance to make a case against her village. They already suspected to be sure, but with evidence, it might make those already under Bora’s thumb nervousness enough to act rashly. Just like she did as the room became almost suffocating which caused her to dash out of it and the villa. She had then spent hours wandering the village wondering what to do. She considered alerting Bora, but now with her neck on the line she was confident that he would cut her loose and claim what she did was on her own initiative. She wondered why that aspect of her leader’s character felt so clear now, when she had spent so much time convincing herself that he truly cared for Yugakure and its people. But she suspected that it was due to how with very little leverage, she couldn’t afford to lie to herself any longer.

Still, she didn’t plan to give in without a fight so had managed to sneak back into the villa. She hoped that she could find and steal the recorder. Making her way to the attic, she entered the crawl space hoping to spy on them in order to locate it, and await her chance to steal it. She had heard soft moaning as she had entered the villa so figured Ayame and Naruto were celebrating their victory over her. She crawled through the cramped space to a disguised hole located in the ceiling of their room. Upon looking through, Mai again wondered what was going on as instead of Ayame, the woman with Naruto was Chun-li.

The two were kissing heatedly as they stood at the foot of the bed. Chun-li let out a soft moan as a nude Naruto fondled her tit through the black cloth of her clothes while their tongues danced around each other. He suddenly stepped back before spinning her around and nestled his cock between her thighs. He pushed the kunoichi’s muscular thighs closed around his manhood and let out a groan as he began to pump himself between them. Chun-li moaned as well as the top of his cock ran along her drenched pussy. “Oh… gods…” she moaned when Naruto pulled away the cloth covering her breasts in order to pinch and tease her nipples.

Naruto nibbled on her ear as he continued to use her thighs to pleasure himself and groped her breasts. He sucked her earlobe before whispering, “You don’t need to give yourself to me in order to secure my help. In fact doing so might make your desire to reclaim Yugakure harder.”

“What…what do you mean?” Chun-li moaned as she looked back to meet his blue eyes.

“I mean that if you want to reclaim this village using my help then you can’t just take it by force.”

“B…but with your power we could easily depose of Bora,” she said plaintively. A moment later though she let out an almost pained moan as Naruto pinched and pulled her nipples.

“Yet what would doing so prove?” he asked with a note of strain due to Chun-li tightening her thighs around his cock as it slid between them. “That the strong can force others to do what they want, if you want to make Yugakure the place you remember than you have to change it back by making your fellow shinobi remember who they were. Bora might be a bastard, but he didn’t force anyone to follow him. He convinced everyone that his method was the best for the village. It might be flourishing, but you believe its soul has been corrupted. You’re going to have to persuade everyone that you are right.”

“I doubt Bora is just going to tolerate that,” Chun-li said while panting with pleasure. “I mean if you’re right then he likely eliminated Taki for knowing too much. He also killed my master, what’s to stop him from killing me.”

“Well you might have to start small with people you can trust, but I’m willing to bet he did the same thing. Show your comrades your pride and they’ll come around.” His voice took on a possessive tone as he added, “As to what will stop Bora from harming you. Well that would be me. I can’t force your people to reclaim their pride as shinobi, but I have no problem dealing with someone aiming to harm a woman close to me.” Naruto stepped away from Chun-li before asking, “I guess the only question that remains is, how close do you want to get?”

Chun-li turned to face Naruto and considered the question for a moment. She then slipped out of her outfit pushing it down until gravity did the rest. She appeared nervous for a moment before stating, “Close enough that I feel you in me.”

Naruto closed the distance between them in a heartbeat. He snatched Chun-li up, who wrapped her legs around his waist and arms around his neck. She let out a pleasure filled scream as she came from being impaled on his cock in the same motion. She shook in pleasure while Naruto let her ride out her release, before stating, “They’ll be no going back after this. You have the unique distinction of having cum twice from my dick without becoming bound to me. The next time you do it will be as I make you mine forever. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Chun-li cupped his face before replying, “I always desired to be loved by a man that can appreciate me as a warrior and a woman. This past week you’ve given me your admiration as a kunoichi, now I give you my heart as a woman.”

Mai watched as they sealed their pact with a kiss before Naruto began sliding her on his cock. The kunoichi watched her friend’s face contort in pleasure as she moaned contently. She let out a shriek as he stabbed her womb roughly when he planted her on the bed while still stabbing his cock in her as he remained standing. He stood straight squeezing her thighs together so that her ankles rested on either side of his head. The extra pressure caused both their cries to increase in volume, which suited Mai as she found her hand wandering to her soaked cunnie. She began to rub her pussy while she watched Chun-li’s face which displayed quite vividly the pleasure she was receiving.

Mai’s fingers rubbed frantically as Naruto pressed down on Chun-li’s thighs pushing her knees into her shoulders. She quickly wrapped her arms around her knees holding herself open for Naruto, who took advantage by gripping her breasts. After several moments of playing with them, he then leaned forward cutting of her cries as he kissed her hungrily. Chun-li let go of her knees and wrapped her ankles around the small of Naruto’s back. She then announced, “Yes…yes…I’m…I’m going to cum…cum with me…cum inside.”

Naruto groaned as he began to fiercely slam into her in order to fulfil her request. He let out a loud roar as he arched his back burying his rod as deep as he could before pumping his newest lover full of his seed. Mai watched Chun-li’s eyes grow wide as she called out, “Cumming!!!! It’s so warm inside me.”

Naruto sagged on her, as Mai struggled to reach her own finish while keeping quiet, but all thoughts of release fled her as Chun-li’s gaze focused on the peek hole. Despite it being tinted glass which matched the color of the ceiling, Mai was positive that the woman knew she was there. She panicked wondering if she was falling into another trap so quickly backed out to the crawl space’s entrance in her room. Upon emerging, she found out that she wasn’t alone. Sitting on her bed was a woman with blue-hair, and who Mai instantly recognized as Konan the current Daimyo of Rain and the woman that had caused a commotion in her village a while back.

The woman watched Mai tense as if to attack, but remained calm as she stated, “I think you and I need to talk.” Mai knew attacking the S-class woman would likely be futile, but considering she had killed several of her fellow shinobi still thought about it. She figured at the very least death would solve her problem in regards to Naruto being able to blackmail her. But she relented as the woman held up the recorder that Ayame had used to record her attempt to blackmail them. “I can understand your desire to attack me, but I ask that you refrain at least until you hear what I have to say. If you do so then this is yours.”

“W…what…why? How do you even have that recorder?”

“I’ll explain all that and more,” Konan said, “All you need to do is be willing to listen.”

Not seeing an alternative, Mai nodded so Konan began to fill her in on the truth of Bora’s rise to power, including his role in removing his predecessor and her grandfather.


If Tanzo had to describe how his week had gone he would simply state, “Best week ever.” Due in part to his insights about the possibility that some enemy was building a new shinobi village; he had been assigned by Ibiki to head up the group tasked with uncovering hard evidence of it. To go along with his new duties he had been given a promotion to Special Jounin. It was the level just below jounin and wasn’t based on combat skills, but Tanzo had never thought he would reach the rank while still in his twenties.

To celebrate his new rank his colleagues and friends had taken him out drinking to a bar called Seventh Heaven. While there he had considered asking out a kunoichi he had taken the Chunin Exams with several times named Inaho. What had stopped him though was he had found himself being hit on by a woman that he could only describe as everyman’s fantasy given flesh. The reason he felt she fit that particular description was because of her uncanny resemblance to Tsunade Senju. In fact, if he didn’t know that Tsunade was actually much older than she appeared, he would have believed the woman that had approached him had been a twin.

There were several differences though, such as the woman not possessing the seal on her forehead. Furthermore, while her hair was blond it also had a green tint to it which she wore with half her bangs covering her right eye. Her skin was also a pale cream color with a light green tint to it as well. Yet, her curves screamed of the busty Hokage. Tanzo had always had the biggest crush on Tsunade so finding himself being chatted up by a woman cut from almost the same mold was quite the turn on. Not to mention the perfect way to end his week.

He thought it couldn’t get better, but had been wrong as he now found himself under the woman as she rode his cock for all he was worth. Her inner muscles seemed almost hungry for his cum as they milked him like she was in a perpetual orgasm. She was also quite vocal in her desires as she stopped sucking one of her heavy jugs to say, “Hurry, cum. Give me your essence… give me all of it.”

Tanzo tried to hold back as long as possible since he wanted to make the experience last forever, particularly since he got the feeling the woman was only looking for a one night stand. Still, eventually he couldn’t hold back and came. Almost as soon as he did, it was like he was firing into a vacuum as his orgasm caused him to arch his back in pleasure. He couldn’t believe how strong and powerful it felt. Yet, soon it almost became too much and felt as if his very life was being drained from him. Trying to end the insistent sucking, he tried to push the woman off, but gasped as his hands appeared withered. She moaned even louder as he clawed at her breasts to get her off in a more literal sense. She eventually grabbed them and pushed his arms onto the bed as she lowered her face to his. The woman smiled in a mockery of the one he had received from Tsunade just a few days before as she said, “Don’t fight it. Enjoy the bliss that you are feeling.” She then sealed her lips to his and when she pulled back all that remained of Tanzo was a desiccated husk.

The woman climbed off the bed and began to collect her discarded clothes. Leaving the man’s apartment, she rubbed her stomach contently as the enzymes inside her began modifying the seed and other fluids that she had received to suit her purposes. She paused for a moment in the darkness of the night to stare at the carved face of Tsunade on the Hokage monument. She glared at it before wandering towards the training fields and a target that she had been observing while vowing that soon Tsunade Senju would know suffering like she had never known before. Knowing that the best way to crush Tsunade’s spirit was to take from her the one thing that had given the Hokage the hope to dream of a better future again, She looked forward to making Naruto her plaything, since with him at her side it would not only serve to crush Tsunade’s spirit again, but make her a true force to be reckoned with. Fantasizing of the moment her nemesis and rival would once more be a shell of her former self, the woman went to collect another pawn to make her desires come true.

Next Chapter: Night Terrors

Author’s note: Well first off let me thank those that take the time to read and review as always. For those that have seen my poll on Deviantart I will be working on Eroninja next. But with that said I will also try to pump out a new chapter of the Pride as well. So in two weeks I’ll try to have a double release, but if push comes to shove I’ll prioritize Eroninja.

With that said, I’m also going to shoot for the Limelight chapter featuring Tsunade within the same period. I’ve been working on it off and on so I think it should be possible. After that, next up for Limelight is Hinata. I still also have the three chapters after that decided, so for the next poll I will probably ask which characters would like to see star in a Limelight chapter.

Well, that’s all for now. Again thanks to those that read and review. So until next time take care. Sincerely, The Lemon Sage.

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