Epoch: A Berserker's Rise

Chapter 80: Come at me!

They were level 50 and plus, all three of them being Silver Rank, meaning they were way too strong for someone of his level. But Adam simply didn't care, he wasn't an average Joe.

Before they could see him, Adam jumped from Neith's back toward the three, and landed between two of them.

As he reached them he grabbed the back of their head, one head in each hand, and slammed their face into the ground as he landed on his feet.

-5000 HP! Stunned!

-5000 HP! Stunned!

Before the third one could understand what was happening, Adam used [Charge] on him, stunning him too, and punched him hard enough to make him fall to the ground.

Now with the three of them on the ground, Adam randomly picked one and used [Mighty Strike] and stomped on his head.

Critical Hit! -15000 HP!

The gangster's head was smashed as his brains spluttered around, especially onto his two fellows gang members. They barely woke up from their daze when they saw their friend get killed, and although they wanted to scream and run, they knew they didn't have a chance, and their experience allowed them to remain relatively calm and not say anything.

As for Adam, he squatted between the two and said "You have no idea how long I searched for you. Are you having a good day? Well, I guess no, unless you didn't like this guy… Anyway, has your gang stolen an egg from snakes recently? Lord Snakes. The egg should be above Grade 5."

Adam saw some shock on their face, which was quickly hidden as they shook their head. Adam smiled and stomped on the head of a second one, killing him as gruesomely as the one before.

He then looked at the last one in the eyes, and used [Barbarous Roar] before grinning and placing his foot against his throat and saying "Don't lie to me bastard. Where is the egg?"

The gangster grabbed Adam's foot, trying to lift it as he couldn't breath, but Adam kept on pressing, until his face turned blue. When he was on the verge of falling unconscious, Adam stopped, and the gangster rolled to the ground, coughing hard.

Adam pushed him back on his back and slapped him, making him lose a few teeth and a couple thousand HP, and asked again "Where is the egg?"

The gangster spat out another teeth and said "At… the base."

Adam slapped him once again, this time puncturing his eye and making him scream in agony, but he didn't care and asked "Where is your base?"

The gangster began crying and said "It's just ahead! You didn't have to torture me for it!"

Adam shrugged and said "I didn't have to, but I didn't know that. And I don't feel pity or mercy for your kind. Say hi to Hell for me."

Before the gangster could speak Adam crushed his head like a watermelon and turned to Neith "Are you hungry?"

Neith approached with a giggle and began eating the bodies while Adam jumped on top of her. With her size, it took less than a minute for her to gobble them up, and so they started walking forward.

As the gangster had said, the gang's base couldn't be referred to as hidden. It was actually a little town at the end of the canyon, in which only gangsters gathered, and maybe their family if they had some.

From the size of the town, Adam would say there are 5000 of them in there, meaning a head on assault was out of the question. Even with Neith's help, it was impossible for him to take on 5000 Level 50+ Silvers.

But that wasn't really in Adam's plans to do that from the beginning. This was a Level 50 SS Quest, meaning a Level 50 SS Class should be able to accomplish it, and destroying an entire gang of level 50+ was beyond even SSS.

No, Adam obviously had to find another solution. So he first analyzed what he could see.

The town took the entire width of the canyon, meaning there was a wall going from one cliff to the other. One way to get in would be to jump from the cliffs, but that would need him to retrace his steps and then come back here on top of the cliffs of the canyon, which wasn't a solution.

Moreover, they wouldn't let such an obvious weakness for all to exploit, so this would be a waste of time. So there wasn't any apparent weakness in the external structure, it was just a big wall after all. He could jump above it with Neith's help, but he would be turned into a porcupine by the time he reaches the other side, and he would have to fight against 5000 of them.

Sneaking in didn't seem possible either, it was just flat ground between him and the town. The only reason he hadn't been spotted was because he was standing far enough to see them but not being seen.

Since the external structure didn't have any weakness for him to exploit, then he would have to go for the inner structure. This world was rather advanced for a medieval fantasy one, and people in this world definitely had toilets that delivered to sewers, and this town had to have sewers, so that was one way to sneak in.

But Adam didn't feel like doing this either, it was disgusting, and he had a better solution. He couldn't fight them all at the same time, but if he managed to split them up then it wouldn't be that hard, it would just take longer.

But he would rather spend hours on doing this than go in the sewers. Moreover, he would have to waste time searching for the entrance, and for all he knew the entrance could be on the other side of the town, so his other solution was better.

Adam got off Neith and talked to her by telepathy before advancing on his own.

A few thousands of meters farther, on top of the wall, two of the gangsters were chilling, sitting on chairs and looking in the distance. Their job was pretty relaxed, except from the attack from the guards once a month, no one dared to attack them. They weren't necessarily here to stop threat, but more to welcome guests.

One of the two squinted his eyes and after a moment he hit his friend on the shoulder to wake him up, and said "There's a figure coming toward us. He looks like he is alone."

The other guard got to his feet and squinted his eyes too, and said "I don't recognize him. Wait, what is he doing… Fuc..."

He didn't even get the time to finish his sentence as a rock flew through the air and hit him in the face. The rock broke his hand and damaged his nose, forcing tears into his eyes as he and his friend protected themselves with the wall.

The one injured said "That's an enemy! We got to warn the rest!" The other nodded, but before they could do anything they heard a roar that sent down shivers in their spine "COME AT ME FUCKERS!!"

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