Entertaining Children

Chapter 1309

Chapter 1309 Wedding vows?

Chapter 1309 Wedding vows?

“Okay, let’s not laugh.” After waiting for the audience to boo for a while, Xiao Yao waved his hand and said with a smile, “Everyone already knows the name of this song, then let’s move on to the next one…”

“I don’t know! Say it again!” shouted an audience in the front row.

Xiao Yao looked at the direction of the sound, smiled and shook his head and said: “Want to tell me that I will marry you someday? I’m not fooled!”

“Ha ”

” ”

Laughter and boos rang together.

“We are a live music show, how many times have we booed?” Xiao Yao deliberately frowned, “How do I feel that the audience who came to listen to my singing are developing towards the audience listening to cross talk?”

“Ha ” The audience laughed happily.

“Why don’t I stop singing and tell you a cross talk?” Xiao Yao continued.

“Okay ” The audience cheered.

“Okay?” Xiao Yao smiled helplessly, “Can’t you hear the irony of what I said? Don’t you see where this is? This is the recording site of “Sound of Events”, not my personal business performance. What do you want to do? What are you doing?”

“Our program team agreed to Xiao Yao’s talk about cross talk on this stage. This is a recorded show, and it can be edited later!” A voice suddenly came out from the speaker.

“Oh oh ” The audience cheered.

“Director, are you playing with me?” Xiao Yao turned to look in a certain direction behind him.

“Come on!” The audience shouted below.

“Stop!” Xiao Yao raised his hand and made a stop gesture, and said seriously, “I’m a crosstalk who sings, and it’s called cross-border if I say it nicely, and it’s not doing justice if I say it badly. Although I often do not do justice, I cross many circles, but Tonight is a recording of a music program, a live performance of a music program, it is really not suitable to cross the field casually.”

The audience listened to Xiao Yao’s words and couldn’t help but nodded secretly, and those shouts gradually disappeared.

Xiao Yao’s expression suddenly changed, and then he continued: “Besides, is it so easy to listen to me about cross talk? You guys are all here for free tonight, and you want to listen to songs and cross talk. How can it be so good? thing?”

“There is also a program group,” Xiao Yao looked in the direction of the director to the side and said before the scene booed, “Of course you don’t mind me talking about cross talk here, but you invited me to sing and didn’t pay for it. I’m talking about the money for cross talk. You won’t cut the clip of me talking about cross talk into the feature film, but you can cut a video of me talking about cross talk and put it out separately, then I am losing a lot? I will still look forward to doing cross talk in the future Show, sell tickets to make money!”

“Yu ” A huge boo sounded at the scene.

This time, many staff members of the program group also participated in it and booed Xiao Yao.

Xiao Yao shook his head helplessly, walked to the band area behind and took off the guitar on his back.

Following Xiao Yao’s actions, the boos at the scene also became quieter.

Although the light in the band area behind is not very bright, the live audience can still see Xiao Yao’s actions from the figure. However, Xiao Yao went to the back and played the guitar more than once tonight. The audience was not worried about Xiao Yao’s picking. It was just that Xiao Yao was not in front of the stage in front of everyone’s sight, and everyone thought it was meaningless.

When Xiao Yao returned to the microphone stand in front of the stage, the boos on the scene had completely disappeared.

“Okay, let’s continue!” Xiao Yao said while holding the microphone stand, “The next song is…”

“An old song!” There was a loud voice from the audience.

“Because I sang a new song?” Xiao Yao smiled helplessly, “You are so amazing ”

“Ha ” There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

“But!” Xiao Yao said again, “Is it so easy for you to guess? The previous song is a new song, and the next one is still a new song!”

“Oh oh ” The audience cheered and applauded.

“I sang a lot of Chinese songs just now, as an international superstar…” Xiao Yao said here, paused deliberately, and smiled triumphantly.

” ” The audience laughed and hissed.

“Next, I will bring you an English song.” Xiao Yao continued, “The title of the song is “ISwear”, which is a gentle song. This word, this song can be regarded as a vow at the wedding. Let’s return the atmosphere of the scene to the theme of tonight!”

“Oh oh ” the audience cheered and applauded.

Xiao Yao adjusted his expression, brewed his emotions, and when the scene calmed down, he sang directly:

“ISwear, ByTheMoonAndTheStarsInTheSky, AndISwear, LikeTheShadowThat’sByYourSide ”

“Wow Cappella?” Some audience sighed quietly.

There is no prelude to this song, and the accompaniment of the first two sentences is so small that it is almost inaudible. If you don’t pay attention, you can’t notice the accompaniment. The audience at the scene listened to Xiao Yao’s two sentences, and it felt like listening to Xiao Yao’s a cappella.

Cappella is a way of singing that can express singing skills. At the same time, its expressiveness and appeal are different from singing under the accompaniment of soundtrack. As soon as Xiao Yao’s two sentences similar to a cappella came out, he felt like he caught the ears of the audience.

The song “ISwear” sung by Xiao Yao is a song by a man singing group All-4-One in the United States in the previous life. The biggest feature of this singing group composed of four black American men is the beautiful harmony of the four people. In the beginning and chorus of this song, the beautiful harmony of the four people can be described as vivid and vivid.

Xiao Yao will perform this song alone tonight. The chorus part arranged for a harmony singer to sing harmony with him on the spot. However, Xiao Yao changed it into a one-person performance for the final round of singing and the chorus at the beginning. Judging from the reaction of the audience, at least Xiao Yao’s solo, which is similar to a cappella, is definitely not bad at the beginning.

After the first two sentences of   , the sound of the accompaniment became louder, and Xiao Yao also began to sing the main song.

The rhythm of the song is gentle and slow, and Xiao Yao’s expression is gentle and affectionate. The audience listened to Xiao Yao’s singing and felt gentle and warm in their hearts.

Because this is an English song, and Xiao Yao said before singing that this song can be regarded as a wedding vow, some audiences also paid attention to the lyrics. Then, some viewers discovered that the lyrics of this song really resemble wedding vows.

“I see the question in your eyes. I know what you are thinking about. You can be sure that I know my heart because I will be with you for many years. You will only cry because of happiness. Even if I make a mistake, I will never Won’t make you sad.

I swear, in front of the moon and stars in the sky, I will be by your side. I swear, I will be by your side and around you like a shadow. For better or worse, until death separates us. I will love you with every beat of my heart. I swear, I will give you everything I can, and use these hands to build dreams for you. We will hang our beautiful memories on the wall. When the two of us are alone, you don’t need to ask me if I still care, because as time goes by, my love never grows old.

I swear…”

This can be directly used as the lyrics of the wedding vow, so that those audiences who can understand it on the spot are all intoxicated. Even those viewers who did not translate them all at once and fully understood the lyrics, somewhat heard the connection between the lyrics and the wedding vows from the common wedding vow sentences such as “ForBetterOrWorse, TillDeathDoUsPart”.

“When we get married, I want you to sing this song to me!” In the audience, a girl from several couples whispered to the boy.

At the end of the song, the audience may still be immersed in the atmosphere of Xiao Yao’s song. There was only a round of applause, but no cheers.

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao bowed his head to thank him, raised his head and continued, “The next song is still a new song!”

“Wow ” There were some exclamations below.

The audience knows that Xiao Yao is talented in music creation, and he often puts out new songs in public performances, but the number of new songs Xiao Yao has put out so far tonight has surprised them. Although Xiao Yao didn’t say how many songs will be performed tonight, according to Xiao Yao’s trend, there are more new songs tonight than old ones. Could it be that Xiao Yao has released a love song album and wants to turn tonight’s show into his new album conference?

“Yes, it’s a new song.” Xiao Yao smiled, “If you listen to the song just now as a wedding vow, I want to say that the English song is a Western wedding vow, the next one The song is a Chinese song, and everyone can barely regard it as a Chinese wedding vow.”

“Chinese wedding vows? In our traditional Chinese wedding ceremony, do the bride and groom make vows? Isn’t it just the worship hall? Don’t you talk during the worship hall?” Some audience thought suspiciously.

“Our traditional wedding in China does not have a vow by the new couple,” Xiao Yao seemed to know the audience’s doubts, and explained with a smile, “When we hold the wedding now, the couple say the vows, and they come in accordance with the Western wedding ceremony. So this song, In fact, it means translating English!”

“Huh? The same song?” Some viewers asked in surprise.

“Call ” Although the audience knew that Xiao Yao’s so-called new song was definitely not a Chinese version of the previous English song, many audiences booed Xiao Yao.

“Okay, no kidding.” Xiao Yao smiled, “The next song is called “Let’s Live”. The original soundtrack is a folk song that makes people feel a little sad. In fact, it’s not suitable for tonight’s. The theme and atmosphere. But the lyrics are very good. In order to sing for everyone on this occasion tonight, I specially made some changes to the soundtrack. So…”

Having said that, Xiao Yao paused, then waved his hand and said, “Hey, what am I telling you about this? Anyway, you have never heard what the original version is like. You guys are the original version that I’m about to sing tonight. All right!”

“Ha, so casual!” The audience laughed below.

The laughter on the scene disappeared, Xiao Yao turned his head and gestured to the band. When he turned his head, the prelude sound immediately rang.

The song Xiao Yao sang is “The rest of the future” by Ma Liang in his previous life. Xiao Yao likes the lyrics of the song very much, but feels that the overall atmosphere of the song is rather sad, not suitable for the theme of tonight, so he made some changes in the arrangement and soundtrack. The original soundtrack of Ma Liang’s song in the previous life was mainly composed of several instruments such as acoustic guitar, harmonica and tambourine. Xiao Yao’s adapted version added the configuration of electric guitar, synthesizer and some electronic drums, making the whole song sound gentle. While feeling affectionate, there is less sadness and a little lighter.

This change in arrangement and scoring started from the prelude of the song. The sound of electronic drums and synthesizer was added to the song’s prelude, making the song not too sad at the beginning.

“Looking for the sun in a place where there is no wind, doing a warm sun in a cold place, you are always too naive, and I only want you for the rest of my life!”

The prelude ended, Xiao Yao began to sing the first verse. With the changes in the soundtrack, Xiao Yao’s singing is also different from Ma Liang in his previous life. There is no sadness in his singing, but a kind of tenderness.

“For the rest of my life, you will be the wind and snow, you will be the plain, and you will be the poor Ronghua is you, the tenderness in the heart is you, and you are the result of your eyes!”

The main and chorus paragraphs of this song are not long. After a short verse, the song enters the chorus part. As soon as this chorus came out, the audience also knew what the lyrics of the song Xiao Yao said they liked were. Because of the chorus of the lyrics, they also liked it very much.

After the chorus is over, there is an interlude in the song. Many times, the interlude part of Xiao Yao’s singing is when Xiao Yao is performing a certain musical instrument, but when he sings this song, including the previous song, Xiao Yao does not have any instruments on his body, so this time In the part of the performance, Xiao Yao is also very rare, without any movement, just slightly closed his eyes and listened to the interlude of the song.

“I want to take you to see the clear sky and tell you aloud that I am fascinated by you. The past is rushing, and you will always be moved. For the rest of my life, I only want you.”

After   Interlude, the song comes to the second verse. The second verse is still not long, only two sentences, but Xiao Yao’s voice is thicker and more affectionate than when he sings the first verse.

“For the rest of my life, you will be the winter snow, you will be Chunhua, and you will be the rain You are the autumn yellow, you are the cold and warm seasons, and you are the result of your eyes!”

After the second verse, there is the second chorus. Still for the rest of my life, everything is you. From plain wind and snow, poverty and prosperity to spring, summer, autumn and winter, and four seasons, every sentence of “It’s you” still made the audience love and moved.

After another interlude, the song came to the end.

“For the rest of my life, you will be the wind and snow, you will be the plain, and you will be the poor Ronghua is you, the tenderness in the heart is you, and you are the result of your eyes!”

The last paragraph of the song is a repetition of the first chorus, but in this paragraph, there is an extra woman’s voice. This female voice is slightly lighter than Xiao Yao’s singing. Some are like a harmony singer to accompany the performing singer, but this voice does not come from the harmony singer Xiao Yao invited tonight, but from Sun Tingting.

There is also a chorus version of Ma Liang and Sun Qianru’s song in the previous life. Xiao Yao originally wanted Sun Tingting to sing this song with her, but Sun Tingting used her guest to sing the two opening choruses. The two solo songs in the middle did not want to Rejected on the grounds of showing up too much. Xiao Yao did not reluctantly, so he stepped back and asked Sun Tingting to sing harmony for him in the last paragraph of the song. Perhaps she wanted to say those “vows” with Xiao Yao, but Sun Tingting did not refuse Xiao Yao’s request.

The chorus of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting is like the wedding vows of the two newcomers. The program crew will definitely not let go of such footage. When Sun Tingting was singing in the chorus, a camera took a close-up shot of Sun Tingting.

Because of Sun Tingting’s request, the on-site director did not cut the scene of Sun Tingting speaking with Xiao Yao on the big screen. Because Sun Tingting was still standing in the darker area behind the live band, and it was a chorus, combined with Xiao Yao’s voice, so most of the live audience did not realize that this voice came from Sun Tingting.

Since the show crew has been filmed, it is natural that Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting cannot prevent the show crew from being released. At most, they can only request that they not be released live, so this scene will appear in the edited feature film, which is regarded as the show crew for the future. A little surprise for the audience watching the show.

(End of this chapter)

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