Entertaining Children

Chapter 1305

Chapter 1305 There are new songs?

Chapter 1305 is there a new song?

Amidst the applause and cheers of the audience, Xiao Yao walked to the side of the stage, took back the microphone stand he had previously moved, and placed it in the middle of the front of the stage. After installing the microphone in his hand on the microphone stand, Xiao Yao walked to the back of the band again, picked up an acoustic guitar placed on the guitar stand, and put it on his back. When he returned, he stood another vacant microphone next to him. The frame was moved over and placed in front of Sun Tingting.

This “Lucky” has a guitar in the accompaniment score, but no violin, so Xiao Yao chose to play and sing. Xiao Yao plays and sings, so he naturally needs to stand up with a microphone. Sun Tingting doesn’t need to play the violin. In fact, he can stand without a microphone. However, in order to maintain a certain visual consistency in the performance, Sun Tingting chose to stand with a microphone like Xiao Yao.

There is no host for the performance of this show. The guests and musicians stay on the stage during the performance, and they will not leave to rest in the middle. Xiao Yao didn’t want the staff to go up and down to affect the audience’s perception. All these things of picking and putting the instrument and moving the microphone stand were all on their own.

After Xiao Yao moved the microphone stand, Sun Tingting installed the microphone in her hand on the stand. Xiao Yao saw that the height of the microphone was a bit deviated, and helped Sun Tingting adjust the height of the microphone stand.

“Oh ” Seeing Xiao Yao help Sun Tingting take the microphone stand and help adjust the height of the microphone stand pole, there was another roaring cry in the audience area below.

Xiao Yao helped Sun Tingting finish the microphone stand, and when he walked back behind his microphone with the guitar on his back, the various voices of the audience also disappeared. Xiao Yao turned his head and nodded to the band behind him, then turned his head and waved to pluck the strings of his guitar.

Although Xiao Yao turned his head to signal to the band behind, the prelude part of this song, even the beginning part, is nothing to the band behind, because the beginning part of the song only has a single acoustic guitar as accompaniment. Xiao Yao played the prelude of two bars on the acoustic guitar in his hand, and then began to sing:

“DoYouHearMe, I’mTalkingToYou.AcrossTheWater, AcrossTheDeepBlueOcean UnderTheOpenSky, OhMy, BabyI’mTrying ”

This song is a new English song that has not been released to the public before. When Xiao Yao sang, the back of the stage and the display hanging in the sky above the stage also simultaneously displayed the lyrics of this song. However, not many people in the audience focused on watching the lyrics. Most people still focused on Xiao Yao who was performing on stage.

When Xiao Yao sang this song, his state was very different from when he sang the previous song. In the previous song, Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting basically sang face-to-face looking at each other throughout the whole process, but at the beginning of this song, Xiao Yao still generally faces the audience, only slightly to the side of Sun Tingting. Turning sideways, tilting his head and looking at Sun Tingting from the side. Although the eyes are still very gentle, but the expression when singing is smiling, and this smile is not all gentle, but also with a little bit of scorn and hippie taste.

Judging from the opening tune and Xiao Yao’s performance during singing, the audience felt that the song’s style and emotions were very different from the previous one.

“BoyIHearYou, InMyDreams.IHearYourWhisper, AcrossTheSea.IKeepYouWithMeInMyHeart, YouMakeItEasierWhenLifeGetsHard!”

After Xiao Yao’s first part was sung, Sun Tingting started to sing the second part. This section is still only accompanied by Xiao Yao’s acoustic guitar, and Sun Tingting just turned to the side and looked at Xiao Yao from the side with a smile. Except for not playing the acoustic guitar on her back, Sun Tingting was almost exactly the same as Xiao Yao when she sang.

“I’m going, it’s too sweet!” Watching the performance of the two on the stage, many audience members sighed.

Although Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting sang an English song, the lyrics were relatively easy, and most of the audience understood it. If Xiao Yao sang the first part of what he wanted to talk to each other under the sky and across the sea, and it was a bit “sorrowful”, then in the second part of Sun Tingting’s dream, he heard the other person’s whisper across the sea, and called the other person. In my heart, these lyrics that the other party made difficult life easy and easy, let the audience clearly feel the sweet taste.

The two people’s clothes changed colors, the scene arrangement of a microphone stand in front of each person on the stage, and the expressions and movements during singing all have a high consistency. Coupled with such sweet lyrics, many live audiences It was severely stimulated by the two.

At the end of the second passage sung by Sun Tingting, the sound of the band’s drums, electric guitar and other instruments were added to the accompaniment, and the song immediately entered the chorus. The chorus is a chorus by Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting:

“LuckyI’mInLoveWithMyBestFriend, LuckyToHaveBeenWhatIHaveBeen, LuckyToBeComingHomeAgain ”

The first sentence of the chorus made the audience a little surprised, and many people also felt astonished.

“LuckyI’mInLoveWithMyBestFriend, this is the special lyrics that Xiao Yao said?” Many live audiences thought to themselves.

“Ooohhh ”

The end of the chorus is a humming by the two. After this humming, the song has a transitional passage.




This transitional passage, the two have a special arrangement for singing. Although the two sang the same lyrics, the first sentence Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting sang were not consistent. It was Sun Tingting who sang first. Xiao Yao followed suit later, a little behind Sun Tingting, and the second sentence changed again. It becomes a synchronized chorus, and then the third line Xiao Yao sings later than Sun Tingting, and the fourth and fifth lines become a synchronized chorus of the two.

Although it was the first performance of a new song, the two people in this place changed continuously in staggering and synchronizing, but the two of them handled the place quite well, and it didn’t seem chaotic at all, and they never let the audience from another place. Feel the tacit understanding between the two.

After the transitional passage, there is another chorus sung by two people.

“LuckyI’mInLoveWithMyBestFriend, LuckyToHaveBeenWhatIHaveBeen, LuckyToBeComingHomeAgain ”

“LuckyWe’reInLoveInEveryWay, LuckyToHaveStayedWhatWeHaveStay, LuckyToBeComingHomeSomeday ”

The length of this chorus is twice as long as that of the previous paragraph. In addition to repeating the three sentences of the previous chorus, the three additional sentences at the back are the same as those in the previous three sentences, but the content of the subject is changed. “I” has become “us”, making the song’s emotion and sweetness one step further.

After the chorus is over, there is another verse. This verse is similar in structure and arrangement to the first verse at the beginning. Both Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting sang solo one after another. However, in terms of content, it is also a step further. People look forward to the scene where the two people are together.

In the lyrics, “You will listen to the music floating in the air, and I will insert a flower on your head” and “At this moment you hold me, the whole world is spinning” scenes, also let The audience at the scene felt too sweet.

After repeating the six complete chorus again, the whole song ended in another humming by Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting.

“Oh ”

After the voices of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting stopped along with the accompaniment of the instrument, the audience on the scene gave out a burst of huge applause and cheers.

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting on the stage bowed their heads to the audience below.

“Does it sound good?” Xiao Yao asked the audience after raising his head.

“It sounds good!” the audience shouted loudly.

“Thank you!” Xiao Yao smiled.

“It’s too sweet!” another audience shouted.

“Not good?” Xiao Yao looked at the bottom of the stage and said, “Anyway, most of you are in pairs!”

“As for the few who came alone,” Xiao Yao shrugged and continued, “I reminded you! You asked for it!”

A burst of laughter broke out below “Ha “.

” ” There were some boos at the same time.

Listening to the movement, it seemed that it was not just the few people who had raised their hands to indicate that they were single.

“Hey ” Xiao Yao stared, “I can tell you that tonight is a special love song, all are love songs, and there are no bitter love songs for breaking up and falling in love, all of them are sweeter!”

” ”

“Ha ”

Boos and laughter are louder.

“Okay,” Xiao Yao said with a smile on his face, “Let’s continue!”

“Next are a few solo songs,” Xiao Yao looked at Sun Tingting and said, “First, please invite our special guests to take a rest next to you!”

The audience gave a round of applause. Sun Tingting waved to the audience. In the applause, she lifted the microphone stand and walked towards the relatively dark area behind the band.

Sun Tingting picked up the microphone stand and left by herself, Xiao Yao never went to help her. After turning his head to watch Sun Tingting return to the band behind, Xiao Yao turned his head and said to the audience: “I just sang a new version of an old song and a new song, and then I will sing a few old songs for everyone.”

“The next song,” Xiao Yao continued to introduce, “I was not the original singer, nor the songwriter, but it can be said that it is the first song I participated in the creation.”

“The first song you participated in the creation?” Many audiences at the scene couldn’t remember the first song Xiao Yao said that they participated in the creation. They lowered their heads and thought in their hearts.

“”The Most Beautiful”, for everyone!” Xiao Yao did not deliberately let the audience guess, and directly announced the name of the song.

“His father Xiao Siqi’s song? By the way, the song’s songwriter has XY’s name, and XY is Xiao Yao!” The audience was stunned.

After the introduction, Xiao Yao waved his hand to pluck the strings of the guitar on his back, and the sound of drums followed, followed by the sound of electric guitars and other instruments.

“Baby For this date, I couldn’t sleep peacefully last night ”

After the prelude was over, Xiao Yao’s voice followed.

In this world, this “Most Beautiful” is already an old song from twenty years ago. In the past twenty years, in addition to Xiao Siqi, many singers have also sang this song. However, as one of the songwriters, Xiao Yao has never sang this song in public. This is the first time he has sang this song in public. Sing this song on occasion.

Compared with Xiao Siqi’s original version, the version sung by Xiao Yao is not much changed in terms of arrangement, which is basically a normal difference between the live version and the studio version. But for the audience, the feeling of watching Xiao Yao sing this song is very different from listening to Xiao Siqi sing this song.

Watching a twenty-four-year-old singer sing a song that he participated in when he was four years old is a very strange thing. In addition, this song is also a love song that makes love very beautiful and beautiful. It was in line with Xiao Yao’s theme of tonight’s performance, so the audience listened to this relatively relaxed and cheerful song, but they were inexplicably more touched and moved.

After the performance of this song, the audience also gave a warm applause and cheers, but the difference is that this time no audience sang another love song to Xiao Yao. Booed.

“Thank you!” After Xiao Yao thanked the audience for the applause and cheers, he continued, “Sing a song originally sung by others, and then sing an old song originally sung by himself. This song is a song that I sang in a certain year. The song I sang on Valentine’s Day may also be the most well-known song in the world and the one I saw the most during its premiere.”

“Oh ” The audience cheered again.

After listening to Xiao Yao’s introduction, you have already guessed which song it is. The Valentine’s Day premiere, the most well-known song in the world and the most popular song seen during the premiere, was the only song “Perfect” that Xiao Yao sang when he was performing in the midfield of the NBA All-Star Celebrity Game.

“”Perfect”!” Some viewers couldn’t wait to shout out.

“Yes,” Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, and said loudly, “Perfect for everyone!”

This is a song with almost no prelude, and the accompaniment at the beginning of the song is an electric guitar and an acoustic guitar, so Xiao Yao turned around and gestured to the band. When the audience saw Xiao Yao’s movements, they immediately calmed down.

“IFoundLove, ForMe ” Xiao Yao’s singing sounded simultaneously with the acoustic guitar in his hand and the electric guitar in the band, and the scene immediately fell into a gentle and sweet atmosphere.

The live performance of this song, Xiao Yao did not make any changes, almost the same as the live version of the NBA All-Star Celebrity game that year. The only difference is that now Sun Tingting is standing behind Xiao Yao, Xiao Yao is still facing the audience in front of the stage, without turning around to watch Sun Tingting sing.

However, even if he couldn’t watch Sun Tingting sing, Xiao Yao’s performance and eyes when he sang were still gentle and affectionate, and his singing was still soft and moving, which also moved the audience to see and hear.

After the end of the song, after bowing his heads to the audience’s applause and cheers, Xiao Yao continued to introduce the next song: “I sang an old English song, and then a new song in Chinese!”

“There are new songs?” Some viewers wondered slightly.

Fans and even ordinary audiences who are familiar with Xiao Yao know that Xiao Yao often sings new songs during public performances, but in their opinion, the song “Lucky” that Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting sang just now is a new song, which has already been sung. New song.

Although Xiao Yao is a recognized musical talent in everyone’s eyes, it’s not uncommon to have more than one new song in a performance before, but Xiao Yao has set the theme for this performance just now, which illustrates this. All the songs in this performance are sweeter love songs, which is equivalent to limiting a framework and scope for myself. No matter how talented, once the restrictions are added, this creation will definitely be affected. Even if it can be written, the quantity will always be affected.

Xiao Yao seldom sings other people’s songs, even songs composed by himself. He just took out all the old songs Xiao Siqi sang. Many audiences thought that Xiao Yao’s own songs were not enough. In order to maintain the unity of the theme tonight, he took out Dad’s songs and thought Xiao Yao There are no new songs in Yao, but he didn’t expect Xiao Yao to have new songs.

But anyway, listening to new songs is a good thing for the live audience, so after a slight surprise, the live audience gave out more enthusiastic applause and cheers.

(End of this chapter)

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