Entertaining Children

Chapter 1288

Chapter 1288 Reasons to go to the casino

Chapter 1288 Reasons for going to the casino

After the performance, Xiao Yao’s mission at this awards ceremony was completed. At the end of the performance, after retiring from the stage, Xiao Yao returned to the backstage and didn’t even change back to the formal suit he wore when walking on the red carpet. So he returned to his seat in a T-shirt and jeans. Of course, the footwear is still on.

Xiao Yao’s performance can be described as very exciting, and the atmosphere of the on-site response is also quite enthusiastic, but this is an awards ceremony, and the performers are just for fun. What everyone pays more attention to is the ownership of those awards. So after Xiao Yao’s performance was over and back to the audience, everyone on the scene quickly turned their attention to the awards to be announced later.

Xiao Yao’s name was not on the list of performers originally announced by the organizers of the Billboard Music Awards. Xiao Yao suddenly appeared as a performer this time. It was a bit of a surprise, plus Xiao Yao’s popularity and that show. The effect of the stage performance, after the award ceremony, Xiao Yao’s name not only appeared in many news reports covering the bulletin board music award, but also occupied a lot of content and space.

After these news reports about Xiao Yao appeared, they soon spread to China.

Unlike the US media who did not know beforehand, Xiao Yao’s studio posted a message on Huaxia’s official social media. There are more people in the Huaxia media and the public who know that Xiao Yao will participate in the bulletin board awards ceremony as a guest performer. .

Because the reporter named Wang Wen the day before, regarding Xiao Yao’s frequent visits to the casino, the news report of Xiao Yao’s interview with Xiao Yao through online video has been released. Xiao Yao said in the video that he was going to the United States on vacation, and the studio was releasing it. The message also specifically stated that this is not a planned work schedule, but a temporary job accepted by Xiao Yao in the United States. Because a guest performing at the Billboard Music Awards had an accident, the organizer met Xiao Yao who was on vacation in Las Vegas, and asked him to replace him temporarily.

Although there have been Asian and even Chinese stars appearing at heavyweight awards ceremonies in the United States, the number is still very small, especially the heavyweight awards ceremonies in the music category, compared with the awards and awards ceremonies in the film and television category. It is even rarer. How many big-name singers could not even think of the opportunity, Xiao Yao was on a vacation in Las Vegas, but was asked by the organizer to rescue him, and had the opportunity to be a guest performer on stage?

Such a news is quite topical and attractive. In the eyes of China Media, Xiao Yao and his personal studio have never used fake news to hype Xiao Yao to earn traffic. Since it is the news released by Xiao Yao’s studio’s official social media account, the authenticity should not be questionable, so there are many. The Huaxia media reprinted the news, and the news spread quickly on Huaxia’s network.

To talk about the international popularity of Chinese musicians, Xiao Yao is definitely the top presence in the Chinese pop music circle. But apart from appearing on the Oscar stage as a member of an American band, Xiao Yao himself has not participated in the award ceremony in the United States. This time, attending the awards ceremony in the United States as a guest performer in his personal capacity also made many Chinese netizens and fans look forward to his performance.

So, after the news about the Billboard Music Awards ceremony this year came out from the American media, many reporters from China Media who were guarding relevant news websites immediately reposted those reports to China.

For Xiao Yao’s performance at the awards ceremony, most American media gave relatively positive comments, and some media even used adjectives such as “surprise”, which also made Xiao Yao’s fans and most ordinary netizens agree. I feel very happy.

Looking at the report, when Xiao Yao actually performed an unreleased new song at the Billboard Music Awards ceremony, everyone said, “Xiao Yao actually played the same way at foreign awards ceremony!” Very Xiao Yao!” When I sighed like this, I really wanted to know what Xiao Yao’s new song was like at the award ceremony abroad.

Regrettably, there is no video of Xiao Yao’s stage performance in the US media reports. Although Chinese netizens found the privately filmed video of Xiao Yao walking on the red carpet, they did not find Xiao Yao’s on the US network. Privately filmed video by the audience of the performance. The netizens and fans of Huaxia have not been able to see what Xiao Yao’s performance is like for the time being.

But the good news is that the Billboard Music Awards ceremony will be broadcast on American TV, while the bad news is that the award ceremony is not live broadcast and will not be broadcast on American ABC TV until almost two weeks later. Therefore, if Chinese netizens want to see Xiao Yao’s performance at the Billboard Music Awards ceremony, they have to wait at least two weeks.

Although Xiao Yao’s performance video is not available for the time being, it does not affect the enthusiasm of China’s netizens to discuss this matter.

Some “Yao Chuan” netizens preached how awesome Xiao Yao is on the Internet, and made faces for Chinese celebrities at foreign awards ceremonies. There are also some sour netizens who said that Xiao Yao is just a guest performer attending as a substitute for others. He may not have the chance to “lick” in a low voice, but it is not an award, and he has not even been nominated. The long-faced honour is exaggerated.

In response to such remarks, some fans and netizens showed evidence that although Xiao Yao did not win the prize, he had been nominated for the Billboard Music Award before and received an invitation to attend, only because of the summer vacation. Busy filming did not go. This shows that Xiao Yao doesn’t even bother to post on awards ceremonies abroad. This time he was invited to the rescue field just in time, and it was even more impossible for him to “lick”!

At this time, the wave of public opinion that Xiao Yao frequently enters and exits the casino and indulges in gambling has not completely passed away. As soon as Xiao Yao attended the awards ceremony as a guest performer, it suppressed the public opinion trend of his gambling in and out of the casino. As a result, some people who thought they could see through the truth pointed out that this was a hype by Xiao Yao and his studio. The purpose was to divert the public’s attention and make everyone turn their attention from Xiao Yao’s relatively negative “indulge in gambling” to a more positive one. Performing guests” come up.

Of course, this argument was immediately refuted by some netizens…

As for things on the Huaxia Internet, Xiao Yao, who was far away in the United States, did not care too much after accepting that interview. Anyway, people in the studio are staring at China’s affairs. If he needs to know things, the people in the studio will naturally notify him and let him know. After the Billboard Music Awards ceremony ended, Xiao Yao still returned to the previous track of going to the casino to count cards every day.

Tim Haggis himself is not very interested in gambling. He accompanies Xiao Yao to the casino. In addition to protecting Xiao Yao in name, he also wants to see how Xiao Yao counts cards. Xiao Yao couldn’t understand how to count cards. He couldn’t understand how to read too much. And Tim Haggis came to Las Vegas on leave, and the vacation wasn’t that long.

After talking to Xiao Yao for a few days, thinking that Xiao Yao would not be in any danger, Tim Haggis greeted the local FBI colleagues in Vegas and asked them to help pay attention to Xiao Yao, as early as the announcement. He returned to Los Angeles shortly after the end of the brand music awards ceremony. Therefore, within a few days of the award ceremony, Xiao Yao resumed his action in Las Vegas.

After the Billboard Music Awards ceremony, Xiao Yao’s actions in the United States were also affected to a certain extent.

Previously, the American media reported that Xiao Yao frequently entered and exited the casino, but that report was Matt Dino acting behind the scenes in order to spread the news to China. The scale of the report in the United States is not large, so follow the report. The number and scale of media of the brand music awards are completely incomparable.

Due to his outstanding performance at the Billboard Music Awards ceremony, the media coverage of Xiao Yao is not small. The award ceremony was held in Las Vegas. People here are more concerned about it. Naturally, there are more people who know Xiao Yao.

When he went to the casino later, Xiao Yao finally got the treatment of a star, and was recognized by other gamblers in the casino several times. Fortunately, the casino is a place to play, not a place to chase stars. Even if Xiao Yao is recognized, he is not surrounded by excited crowds. At most, he smiles and greets people. Even the request for a photo is rarely encountered. , It didn’t have much influence on his playing cards.

Xiao Yao has been in Las Vegas for more than half a month. His target casinos are not many. Many casinos have been to more than once. It stands to reason that no matter how little Xiao Yao behaves like a card counter, his “records” in various casinos are there. After so many days, he should have aroused suspicion from the casinos.

However, I don’t know if his “performance” was too good when playing cards, or because the news media reported on the Billboard Music Awards ceremony. The casino people recognized him as a superstar of China and reduced his attention to him. Doubts. Anyway, almost a week and days passed, Xiao Yao could still play at the casino’s blackjack table, and was not denied service by the casino.

It’s just that the one who should come is coming. Almost a month after Xiao Yao came to Las Vegas, he was finally rejected by the casino.

One day when he entered a casino, Xiao Yao just finished changing his chips, he was called aside by the lobby manager of the casino and told him that the casino suspected him of counting cards and had put him on the casino blacklist. Considering his star status, the casino does not prohibit him from entering the casino, but in addition to playing slot machines, roulette, craps, etc., all poker tables in the casino will reject him. Provide services for it.

After the lobby manager finished speaking, Xiao Yao did not argue, nor did he play slot machines or roulette as he said. He immediately exchanged his chips and left the casino, acknowledging that he was indeed a card counter.

After leaving this casino, Xiao Yao did not return to the hotel where he lived, but went to another casino. Although some casinos have blacklisted him, although it is heard that casinos share information with each other, Xiao Yao feels that the confidence sharing between casinos will not be so rapid and thorough, so he wants to continue to try other casinos.

As a result of this trial, Xiao Yao found that there was really some loophole to exploit. Xiao Yao went to three casinos in total that morning. In the first two, Xiao Yao was blacklisted by the casinos and could not go to the blackjack table. However, in the third one, Xiao Yao still sat down to 21. At the table, I played in this casino all morning.

It’s rare to find a casino that can still be played. Xiao Yao didn’t plan to change to another casino in the afternoon as before. He didn’t even leave the casino to have lunch at noon. He directly asked the waiter in the casino to give him some food. Sit at the gambling table like a gambler.

It’s a pity that the good times didn’t last long. At about two o’clock in the afternoon, a staff member with the manager’s nameplate on his chest appeared and told Xiao Yao that the casino suspected him of counting cards, and had already blacklisted him. Please leave the gaming table.

Xiao Yao very cooperatively packed up the chips and left the gaming table, then exchanged the chips and left the casino. After leaving the casino, Xiao Yao still did not return to the hotel, but went on to other casinos. He will continue to test whether all the casinos he has been to blacklist him.

This time, after Xiao Yao ran four casinos, he found a casino that did not refuse him to go to the blackjack table. After playing for more than two hours, Xiao Yao was asked to leave the blackjack table by the casino.

When I came out from the last casino where you can play at 21 o’clock, it was already more than 2 o’clock in the afternoon. I ran into four casinos in the afternoon and played at the fifth casino for more than two hours. When I left, it was already night, so Xiao Yao didn’t. Then I went to other casinos and went straight back to the hotel where I lived.

After returning to the hotel room, Xiao Yao dialed Nicky Thompson’s number.

“Hi, Young!” The call was quickly connected, and Nicky Thompson’s own voice came through the receiver, “Why do you remember calling me?”

“I’ll fulfill my promise!” Xiao Yao said straightforwardly.

“Promise?” Nicky Thompson asked with some confusion.

“I promised you that I will let you know the real reason why I went to the casino earlier than most people.” Xiao Yao reminded, “Now is almost the time.”

“Oh! Huh?” Nicky Thompson crowed first, and then surprised, “Are you still in Vegas? Do you go to the casino every day for so many days?”

“Well,” Xiao Yao said, “but I will leave the United States soon and won’t go to the casino anymore, so I just called you.”

“Are you going to tell me the reason you went to the casino?” Nicky Thompson came and asked hurriedly, “What is it?”

“Do you remember that you promised me a condition at that time?” Xiao Yao said, “I need to let the media reveal the reason why I went to the casino. You will find a media reporter to help me through Mr. Matt Dino. General media The reporter can’t interview people in the casino, so I need that media reporter to go to the casino with me tomorrow. He will hear from the people in the casino why I went to the casino.”

Nicky Thompson was a little unhappy and said: “So you didn’t call to tell me why you went to the casino, but let me inform Matt to find a reporter for you?”

“He knows, and he will tell you, then you will know earlier than most people.” Xiao Yao said, “I promise you that you will know earlier than most people, not the first to know. In fact, before I came to Vegas, someone else knew why I went to the casino. You can’t be the first to know.”

“There is no problem finding you a reporter, but I have a request.” Nicky Thompson said.

“We said yes!” Xiao Yao frowned.

“Listen to me!” Nicky Thompson interrupted without waiting for Xiao Yao to finish, “My request is that I will go to the casino with you tomorrow. I am in Los Angeles now, it is very convenient to come here, and I will be free tomorrow , I don’t want to hear other people tell me, I want to hear it myself.”

“Yes!” Hearing this request, Xiao Yao only agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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